
Windows 7


How to dual boot Linux and , Windows might be your bread and butter, but you can dual-boot it with Linux if you want to tinker, or play around with a wider range of open source software. Whether you’re using or , you can install a range of different Linux distributions as a secondary operating system to give you the best of both worls.

Here’s Windows and Linux.

person sitting and using an hp computer with windows 11Microsoft

Start by installing Windows

The first step is to install Windows, assuming you’re starting from scratch. We have a full guide on how to install Windows 11, so make sure to keep that handy if you need extra detail. For dual booting, the process is largely the same minus one key difference.

Instead of allowing Windows to take up all of the space on your hard drive, you’ll allocate it a partition. If you have multiple hard drives for dual booting, you can allow Windows to take up the full space on your hard drive. This process works for Windows 10 and Windows 11, but we’ll be using Windows 10 for our example.

If you don’t have an extra Windows PC to create installation media, you can install Windows first before installing Linux (though you may need to fully defrag your hard drive to create a partition for Linux).

Step 1: With your spare PC, download the Windows Media Creation Tool and follow the steps to create installation media on one of your blank USB drives. Note: you may be asked to format the drive, which will remove all of the data.

How to dual boot Linux and Windows

windows 10 media creation toolMark Coppock/Digital Trends

Step 2:Leaving your installation USB drive plugged in, turn off your PC. Turn it back on and select the F12 on your keyboard rapidly while the computer boots. This will take you to a boot menu. Select your Windows USB drive and continue.

Step 3:Follow the steps for the Windows installer until you reach the What type of installation do you want page. Choose Custom: Install Windows only.

windows 10 installation screenImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 4:You need to create a partition on your hard drive. You’ll likely see multiple partitions here unless you’re using a brand-new hard drive. Assuming you want to start from scratch, delete the partitions (note: this will remove all the data on your hard drive, so make sure your hard drive is backed up).

Step 5:Select your hard drive and select New to create a new partition. Set how large you want the partition to be and confirm. This will be the total amount of space Windows has access to, and you’ll need extra space to install Linux. We recommend splitting the empty space in half, allocating half to Windows and half to Linux.

Follow the remaining installation steps to finish.

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How to Install Linux

Installing Windows first is a good idea because it makes installing Linux much easier. If you already have Windows installed, you can still dual boot Linux, but you’ll need to create a new partition on your hard drive.

We’ll be using Ubuntu for our example, but the process is similar for most Linux distros.

Step 1: Download the latest version of Ubuntu and store it somewhere you can easily access. Grab your second blank USB drive and insert it into your computer.

Step 2: Download balenaEtcher and open it up. Select your blank USB drive and your Ubuntu image and run the software to create your bootable Linux media.

etcher software running on windows 680w430hImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 3: Keeping your Linux USB drive plugged in, restart your computer and rapidly press the F12 key to enter the boot menu. Select your Linux USB drive to boot into the installation screen.

ubuntu installation screen 680w507hImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 4: You will be able to try or install Ubuntu, so if you’re unsure about Linux, try out the OS first. It can run off of your USB drive, though with decreased performance. Once you’re settled, select Install Ubuntu to continue.

Select your keyboard layout and language and opt for a Normal installation. Make sure to check both boxes under the Other options section on this screen.

ubuntu installation options 680w507hImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 5: Ubuntu will automatically detect if you have Windows installed. Select Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 on this screen. The other option, Erase disk and install Ubuntu will remove Windows from your PC.

Step 6: If you started with a blank hard drive, you’re done. Finish the installation and use the boot menu referenced above to choose which OS to boot into (select the hard drive partition you want).

If Windows is taking up the entire drive, you’ll see a screen that allows you to allocate disc space to Ubuntu. Choose how much space you want to allocate and continue. We highly recommend creating a partition through Windows first, however, to avoid accidentally deleting data.

Most Linux distros will launch into a boot menu that allows you to select between Linux and Windows, but you may need to use the boot menu to choose which OS you want to load into.

How to dual boot Windows and Linux FAQ

Does dual boot slow down a PC?

No. Dual booting does restrict that quantity of storage space you have access to within each operating system, since you’ll need to dedicate drive space to not only the operating systems themselves, but their respective services, drivers, and applications. However, when you’re using either of the operating systems, you are not using the other one, so they don’t slow down your PC at all.

How do I share files between Windows and Linux on a dual boot?

The same way you would share files between two different computers running Windows and Linux. You can use a flash drive or external hard drive to manually transfer files between the two installations — the only difference is you don’t have to unplug the drive. You could use a cloud storage provider for the same purpose, or set up a shared folder on a partition both operating systems can access.

Depending on the files you’re transferring, there can be compatible issues, however, so consider the best way to transfer the data for your needs.

Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft. The operating system is what allows you to use a computer. Windows comes preloaded on most new personal computers (PCs), which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world.

Windows makes it possible to complete all types of everyday tasks on your computer. For example, you can use Windows to browse the Internet, check your email, edit digital photos, listen to music, play games, and do much more.

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Windows is also used in many offices because it gives you access to  tools such as calendars, word processors, and spreadsheets.

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Microsoft released the first version of Windows in the mid-1980s. There have been many versions of Windows since then, but the most recent ones include Windows 10 (released in 2015),  (2012), Windows 7 (2009), Windows Vista (2007), and Windows XP (2001).

About this tutorial

This tutorial is designed to show you the absolute basics of using a Windows computer, including how to use the desktop, how to open different files and applications, and how to move and resize windows. The information in this tutorial will apply to more recent versions of Windows, including the ones mentioned above. However, once you’ve learned the basics, you may also want to review one of our version-specific Windows tutorials. Just select the version of Windows that’s installed on your computer:

Windows 8 vs. other versions

While most versions of Windows are relatively similar, Windows 8 works very differently from other versions. However, if you have Windows 8 on your computer, you should now be able to upgrade to Windows 10, which is more similar to earlier versions, including Windows 7. We recommend upgrading your computer to Windows 10 if you can. Review our Windows 10 tutorial to learn how.

However, we’ll still point out any major differences between Windows 8 and other versions, which means you’ll see some Windows 8-specific information from time to time. If your computer uses Windows 8, you’ll want to review both this tutorial and our Windows 8 tutorial to learn more about the differences.


Navigating Windows

Whether you’re new to computers or just Windows, it’s important to learn the basics of using your computer. If it all seems a little overwhelming right now, don’t worry! We’ll take you through it step by step and show you some of the most fundamental things you’ll need to know, including how to work with the desktopopen and close windows, and turn off your computer.

Watch the below to learn the basics of navigating Windows.

The desktop

Once your computer has finished starting up, the first thing you’ll see is the desktop. You can think of the desktop as the main workspace for your computer. From here, you can view and manage your files, open applications, access the Internet, and much more.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to become more familiar with the desktop.

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In Windows 8, you will usually see the Start screen before the desktop. To learn more, review our lesson on Getting Started with Windows 8.

Working with applications

An —also known as a program—is a type of software that allows you to complete tasks on your computer. Windows comes with many built-in applications you can use. For example, if you want to browse the Internet, you can use Microsoft Edge (or Internet Explorer if you’re using Windows 8 or earlier).

To open an application:

1.Using your mouse, click the Start button, then select the desired application. If you don’t see the one you want, click All Programs to see a complete list of applications. In our example, we’ll open Microsoft Edge.

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2.The application will appear in a new window.

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There is no Start menu in Windows 8, so you’ll usually open applications from the Start screen. Click the Start button to go to the Start screen, then click an app to open it.

screenshot of windows 8

Working with windows

Whenever you open a file, folder, or application, it will appear in a new window. You can have multiple items open at the same time in different windows. You’ll use windows all the time, so it’s important to know how to switch between open windows, how to move and resize windows, and how to close windows when you’re done using them.

In Windows 8, some programs will open on the Start screen, not the desktop. If you’re using Windows 8, note that the information below applies only to windows you have opened on the desktop.

Parts of a window

You’ll see the same three buttons in the upper-right corner of almost every window. These buttons allow you to perform several functions, including these below.

 Click the Minimize button to hide the window. The window will be minimized to the taskbar. You can then click the icon for that window on the taskbar to make it reappear.

minimize button

 Click the Maximize button to make the window fill the entire screen.

maximize button

 If the screen is maximized, the Maximize button will be temporarily replaced by the Restore button. Just click it to return the window to its original size.

restore button

 Click the Close button to close the window.

close button

To move a window:

1.Click and drag the top of the window to move it to the desired location on the screen. When you’re done, release the mouse. 

moving a window

2.The window will appear in the new location.

To resize a window:

1.Hover the mouse over any corner of the window, then click and drag the mouse to make the window larger or smaller. When you’re done, release the mouse.

resizing the window

2.The window will be resized.

window resized smaller

Switching between windows

If you have more than one window open at the same time, you can quickly switch between them by clicking the icon for that window on the taskbar.

Shutting down your computer

When you’re done using your computer, it’s important to shut it down properly. The procedure will vary slightly depending on which version of Windows you’re using.

To shut down your computer:

 If you’re using Windows 10, click the Start button, then the Power icon, then click Shut down.

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 If you’re using Windows 8, click the Start button to access the Start screen, click the Power icon near the upper-right corner, and select Shut down. If you don’t see this option, it means you’ll need to upgrade to Windows 8.1. Review this page from our Windows 8 tutorial to learn how.

shut down in windows 8

 If you’re using Windows 7 or earlier, Click the Start button, then select Shut down.

shut down in windows 7 or earlier

Restarting and Sleep mode

You can also click the power button button for more options. For example, if your computer has become unresponsive, you can choose Restart to quickly turn it off and on again.

You can also choose to put your computer into Sleep mode. This turns off most of your computer’s , but it remembers which applications and files are open. It allows the computer to start up more quickly because you won’t have to wait for the operating system and applications to load. Note that your computer may go into Sleep mode automatically if you haven’t used it for more than a few minutes.

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If you have a laptop, you can simply close the lid to put it into Sleep mode.

Waking your computer from Sleep mode

If your computer is in Sleep mode, you’ll need to wake it to use it. To wake the computer from Sleep mode, click the mouse or press any key on the keyboard.

What is Linux?

Linux (pronounced “linnucks”) is a monolithic, open-source kernel, and a family of operating systems based on that kernel. The Linux kernel was developed by Linus Torvalds, who announced it on the comp.os.minix newsgroup on August 25, 1991. Since then, it’s been ported to computer architectures including x86-64, x86, ARM, RISC, and DEC Alpha. It is licensed under version 2 of the GPL.

Developers can access all Linux source code, and are permitted under the license conditions to modify and distribute it.

Where is Linux used?

Presently, Linux is used by several million users worldwide. The composition of users varies from private users, training centers, universities, research centers, and companies. Below are examples of where Linux is used today.

• Android phones and tablets – Android phones and tablets use a form of Linux.
• Servers – A vast majority of the web servers that run many web pages (including this one) are using Linux.
• Supercomputers – All of the top supercomputers use a Linux-based operating system.
• TV, Cameras, DVD players, etc. – Most of the appliances that use some form of a computer use Linux.
•  – Many of the computers that help run Amazon use Linux.
• Google – Computers that help run Google and Google search results use Linux.
• Planes – Airplanes computers and screens you watch on the plane use Linux.
• U.S. Postal service – The computers and servers that help run systems to sort and manage mail in the U.S.
• NYSE – The New York Stock Exchange uses Linux to help run its exchange.
• LHC – The Large Hadron Collider uses Linux.
• OLPC – The One Laptop Per Child program used Linux on all its computers.

Who makes Linux now?

Thousands of organizations, corporations, and individuals help develop Linux and each of its various distributions. For more information, visit LinuxFoundation.org. You can read what’s happening right now in Linux development at LKML.org, the Linux kernel mailing list.

Linux distributions, flavors, and variants

Linux may be obtained in different ways. All the necessary components can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet, which means an operating system can be assembled for almost nothing. An alternative is to use a so-called distribution, a Linux variation offered by many companies. They include a broad range of applications and full programs that significantly simplify the installation of Linux.

There are hundreds of different distributions of Linux were released. Below are a few that we currently have listed on our site. A great site that lists almost every distribution, and rankings is DistroWatch.

System requirements

There are many variants of Linux, each with hardware requirements. Some can run on minimal systems with small amounts of RAM and disk space.

To run Linux, and your computer meets the following specifications, it should be able to run any variant of Linux.

 64-bit Intel or AMD processor
 10 GB of hard drive space
 CD/DVD drive or a USB (universal serial bus) port for installation


Views: 443

Best File Copy Utility Softwares for Windows 2024, Cut, copy, paste. Sounds familiar? Millions of us, transfer and copy files almost on a daily basis. Let us find out thus, some of the best file transfer software and file copy software for Windows.

If you notice, there might be typical days when we have spent not just one but a few hours in transferring files and copying files. But, let’s say a typical file is quite large, then what happens? Of course, it takes a longer time for transfer. Several developers have come up with different data copy software applications that help you avoid the errors coming up during the transfer or copy of large files/folders from one system to another in Windows.

What Are the Best File Copy for Windows?

Let’s look at the detailed features of each of these best file transfer tools below:

1. File Fisher

file fisher best file transfer software

This is one of the most portable file copy software that can be used for copying and transferring the files from one system to another. This is also one of the fastest file copying apps available in the market.

The best part of using this app is that you don’t have to download the app at all; instead you have to just drag it to your desktop and then simply run it in your system. In addition to it, you can also keep the app in your pen drive or your flash drive for smooth installation into your PC anytime. The interface is highly easy-to-use and quite interactive.

Since it supports a huge number of file formats, you can copy any file into your PC comfortably with the help of this app. Newcomers and experienced PC users can all use it easily and effectively.

Features of File Fisher

 File Fisher offers a simple yet unique user interface
 This file copy tool does not require any installation as it is a portable tool
 You can easily transfer files from one format to another easily
 The software is compatible with all the Windows OS even with the latest ones too

What Are the Best File Copy Utility Software for Windows?

Let’s look at the detailed features of each of these best file transfer tools below:

1. File Fisher

file fisher best file transfer software 1

This is one of the most portable file copy software that can be used for copying and transferring the files from one system to another. This is also one of the fastest file copying apps available in the market.

The best part of using this app is that you don’t have to download the app at all; instead you have to just drag it to your desktop and then simply run it in your system. In addition to it, you can also keep the app in your pen drive or your flash drive for smooth installation into your PC anytime. The interface is highly easy-to-use and quite interactive.

Since it supports a huge number of file formats, you can copy any file into your PC comfortably with the help of this app. Newcomers and experienced PC users can all use it easily and effectively.

Features of File Fisher

 File Fisher offers a simple yet unique user interface
 This file copy tool does not require any installation as it is a portable tool
 You can easily transfer files from one format to another easily
 The software is compatible with all the Windows OS even with the latest ones too

2. TeraCopy

teracopy file copy software 536w427h

Use TeraCopy as data copy software to copy files comfortably within folders or into Windows desktop. TeraCopy provides a robust and interactive interface. This app is extremely flexible and is one of the most fast running apps. TeraCopy is available freely as well as in a paid version. The free version of TeraCopy also has a lot of features that help successful copying of files from one system to another.

With TeraCopy you can comfortably evade those files that seem to be troublesome and still continue copying rather than stop for some corrupted files. If you’re wondering how would be the transfer over a network then let me tell you with the use of TeraCopy it is a lot easier and faster. You can drag and drop files that can prevent moving folders accidentally.

Features of TeraCopy

 It is one of the simplest file copy utilities
 The software automatically skips corrupted or problematic files
 It even repairs the corrupt file and recovers data
 You can easily drag and drop files from one drive to another

Reasons to use TeraCopy

 Skips corrupted files: With TeraCopy at your disposal, corrupted files cannot block the file transfer as the application skips them instead of halting the entire process.
 Fast and easy to use: The options like drag and drop, high customization, etc. make this app fast and friendly enough for both beginners and advanced users.
 Useful shell integration: TeraCopy boasts individual plugins, i.e., shell integration support to save your time and effort.


3. Fast Copy

The interface of Fast Copy is not one of the most efficient ones but the app is definitely one of the most efficient fast copy software for Windows. Fast Copy is freely available as a program and helps you move the files rapidly from one network to another.

To ensure enjoying the best speed, it employs multiple threads to read, write, verify and also uses the overlapped and direct I/O systems.

Due to the interface not everyone can use the app comfortably especially if you’re a novice, however, for an experienced PC user; it is indeed a wonderful copy software for Windows.

Features of Fast Copy

 It is one of the fastest file copying tools
 The software supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH file pathnames
 It supports UNIX wildcard
 It uses multi-threads to bring out the best speed of devices

Reasons to use Fast Copy

 NSA File Wiping Support: One of the best things about Fast Copy is that it supports data sanitization methods approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) to keep your confidential information safe.
 Resource-friendly: This application does not bug your computer with unnecessary pressure on the resources as it is lightweight.
 Command-line: For the techies out there, it has command line and UI wrapper support.


4. ExtremeCopy

ExtremeCopy can help copy files from one system to another quickly. It can enhance the speed of the machine based on the physical structure of the machine. There are a lot of user-friendly features in the app. However, it would not support copying files from the network.

The program is capable of integrating with the Windows Explorer making it easier to use. Extreme Copy is not a software that supports file syncing but is one of the best file transfer software available.

Features of ExtremeCopy

 The software offers the freedom to pause and skip any file easily
 You can easily resume the interrupted process
 It comes with a built-in error management feature
 It is one of the best file transfer software for PC

Reasons to use ExtremeCopy

 Fast copying: It lets you copy files much faster (20% to 120% speedier) than the native Windows copy tool.
 Optimizations: ExtremeCopy can be a perfect choice for you, as it optimizes the copying speed and its resource consumption automatically.
 Efficient free version: We agree that the free version of this software has no high-end features. But, it does not reduce its functionality, and you get the same fast copying speed for free.


5. Unstoppable Copier

This app has been in use for a very long time. This file copy software functions at an enormous speed. Unstoppable Copier is a recovery solution that copies and transfers all your files from the directory.

The best part of it is that they also try to repair the faulty and damaged files. It works on any of the Windows operating systems except Windows . This is one of the best interactive Windows copy software that one can obtain.

Features of Unstoppable Copier

 The software lets you copy, recover and repair files easily
 It offers great speed transfer
 Being one of the oldest software it offers the best tools and speed
 It is compatible with most of the Windows OS

Reasons to use Unstoppable Copier

 Command-line support: If you are a techie who is not a fan of those graphical interfaces, you’ll be glad to know that this application supports command-line UI.
 Backup tools: There are backup options available such as creating and saving transfer lists for future use.
 Blazing fast: Unstoppable Copier is among the most high-speed copying tools available currently to copy files.

6. GS RichCopy 360

gs richcopy 360 data copy software 638w493h

With GS RichCopy 360 copying many files from one system/folder to another is swift and quite easy.

In fact, there is a backup software with GS RichCopy 360 for MS Windows operating systems. This backup software can allow you to synchronize through the servers, Windows OS and also through various networks. You can always know and see all the copied tasks through a special Wizard interface available only with this tool.

Features of GS RichCopy 360

 It can be considered as the fastest file transfer software for ,8 and 10
 To help you check all the tasks it offers WIzard Interface
 It can easily transfer data between network
 You can share files, directories, or even drives effortlessly

Reasons to use GS RichCopy 360

 Byte-level replication: One thing that you might find highly useful in this application (that many other similar programs lack) is its ability to replicate files at the byte level.
 Supports long path names: Some files have really long path names (over 260 characters long). But, you don’t have to worry, as this software supports them all.
 Simultaneous file copying: It does not take a long time to copy files using this software as it copies files (up to 255 threads) simultaneously.


7. Perigee Copy 1.7

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You can use this tool to copy the files from one system to another in the shortest amount of time.

If there are many files to copy from one server to another, then you know very well how long it takes to copy, if you use the default Windows copy function. Therefore, the Perigee Copy tool can offer a quicker solution.

It is an easy-to-use software with an interactive interface that is effective in so many ways. However, the drawback with Perigee is its incompatibility with Windows OS versions 8 and 10.

Features of Perigee Copy 1.7

 It offers a very easy to adapt interface which can be used by any user
 Apart from just copying files, you can delete them too
 You get many features like archive bit, overwrite, and others.
 It works perfectly for the Windows 7 and older versions

Reasons to use Perigee Copy 1.7

 Shell integration: With this software’s integration with the Windows menu, you can perform copy-paste tasks much more easily.
 Security: You get a confirmation message whenever you perform any action to inform you about the files that are going to be affected to take care of their security.
 Feature-rich: If you are looking for software that is a complete package with all essential features, like overwrite, etc., this program can be your best choice.


8. Copy Handler

copy handler best file transfer software for pc 613w434h

For those users who are always transferring multiple files from one system to the other, Copy Handler can help immensely in transferring bulk files in less time.

It is a free to use app. Copy Handler operates at a faster rate, and aids in pausing, resuming, restarting and cancelling the different functionalities. It supports many languages at a time. You can transfer files between drives and computers in quite a less amount of time.

Drag and drop functions are also supported by the copy handler. To note, Copy Handler would resume the paused and unfinished copying of all files with a system restart. It is an extremely easy-to-use app and its effectiveness and flexibility is worth applauding.

Features of Copy Handler

 You can easily copy files in bulk using this best file copy software
 Easy drag and drop functionality for copying and moving files
 Even when the PC shutdown it pauses the process and can be easily resumed
 The software offers detailed statistics to help you understand better

Reasons to use Copy Handler

 Open source: One of the best things that make Copy Handler a perfect pick is that you can examine its code if the techie in you wants to do it.
 Complete control: You get full control over the entire copy/paste process and its speed.
 Queue support: Copy Handler has a unique feature that allows you to carry out multiple tasks at once in a specific order.


9. Robocopy

robo copy file copy software

Robo Copy is not an app in actuality but rather a command-line utility to copy and transfer files from one server to another many times. Robo Copy replaces XCopy and has more offerings as a data copy software. If you have to run this utility, your command would be called Robo Copy.

It can work on Windows Vista and also on Windows 8. Robo Copy does not work on all PC’s as it does not have an interactive GUI.

Features of Robocopy

 Robocopy requires no additional tool for copying or transferring files
 Even when the network is interrupted the software performs great. It resumes when the connection is better
 Using the software you can skip files that are already copied
 You can easily transfer files and data from one server to another

Reasons to use Robocopy

 Error-free copying: Robocopy is a Windows command that does not make any error even when copying paths with over 259 to 32,000 characters.
 /MT feature: With this command, you can perform file copying in multithreaded mode.
 Wide availability: Being portable and compatible with almost all Windows versions, this tool is widely available.

10. EaseUS Disk Copy

Are you planning to copy an entire drive?

You can call it more like a drive cleaner since it copies a drive to another drive. EaseUS disk is quite fast as a data copy software and the best versions for file copy are available for Windows 7, 8 and 10.

It is an extremely precise app and can clone the entire disk with perfect precision and accuracy.

Features of

 The software is compatible with all major Windows OS
 It is a fast software for copying or cloning the whole disk to a new location
 You can easily create a bootable disk with this software
 The software is accurate and performs copying with 100% accuracy

Reasons to use EaseUS Disk Copy

 Ease of use: To copy/paste files with this software, all you need to do is follow a simple three-step process.
 One-click migration: Using this software, you can migrate your data, apps, and complete OS to a new hard drive safely with just a click.
 Easy replacement: You can get EaseUS Disk Copy to use SSD instead of an HDD effortlessly.


11. UltraCopier

ultracopier best file transfer software

UltraCopier is an open source file copy software used to copy files. UltraCopier is very simple to use and has a multitude of premium features at your disposal for free. No matter how less versed you’re with a computer, you can always use this particular software without any difficulty.

There are some features like start, stop, resume that you can navigate through comfortably. You can perform a multitude of copy tasks from one server to another. It is also compatible with Linux and .

Features of UltraCopier

 The software offers advanced features like speed limitations, pause, resume and stop
 You can easily perform multi-copy tasks
 It is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux
 UltraCopier has a built-in error management feature

Reasons to use UltraCopier

 Useful features: It offers some of the high-end features, such as speed controls and functionality to search in the copy lists.
 Customizations: If you are looking for a straightforward and customizable (with the plugin support) file copy utility, UltraCopier can be the best choice.
 Multilingual: UltraCopier boasts support for multiple languages and a portable form of the software.


12. MiniCopier


MiniCopier, a super-fast utility to copy files very quickly. It is a completely automatic utility for copying files. All you need to get started is – just drag and drop the files that you want to copy, in the red basket presented in the software’s window. And, then it will begin the rest procedure automatically. It has the standard buttons as well such as Pause and Start. 

Though the user interface of this application is very simple, at the same time, it is very effective and productive too. Apart from this, it also keeps records of those transfers as well which gets dismissed. Overall, it is the best way to copy or paste files and folders in no time.

Features of MiniCopier

 You can queue all the transfers easily on this software
 The transfer speed can be set easily with MiniCopier
 You can pause and resume the process anytime
 Using the software you can easily change the name of the file

Reasons to use MiniCopier

 Queue support: The software supports queuing, where you can add a transfer to the queue when current transfers are ongoing.
 Greater control: With options like limiting the copy and transfer speed of files, MiniCopier lets you be in charge of the process.
 Behavior setting: MiniCopier allows you to specify a default target file behavior.

13. FF Copy

ff copy

The next best file copy utility software for Windows in our list is FF Copy. It is a file transfer utility for Windows users. With this, you just only need to copy or paste the file to a transfer queue and then it will be copied in the sequence. Comparatively, it is way faster than other such kinds of utilities. FF Copy lets you transfer multiple files or folders simultaneously. 

Just in case, if the source becomes unavailable then FF Copy automatically re-generates the source and starts transferring the files after a while. It allocates the disk space and eliminates disk fragmentation. FF Copy is highly capable of boosting the speed of the entire process. Undoubtedly, if you are searching for the best way to copy files pretty instantly then you should rely on this amazing utility.

Features of FF Copy

 The software offers a feature to add files in queue for ease
 You can easily pause and resume the process as per requirements
 During file transfer issue you can easily skip to the next file transfer
 It offers a detailed description of the process

Reasons to use FF Copy

 Portability: FF Copy is a portable software, hence no installation is required to run it.
 System friendly: This software does not burden your system unnecessarily, as its memory and remains low.
 Fast speed: With features such as queue support, this software lets you copy/transfer multiple files really quickly.


14. KillCopy


is an excellent and fastest file-transferring software available for Windows PC. This utility tool makes the overall process of file copying much easier with a drag-and-drop feature. In order to ensure an error-free file-transferring process, KillCopy utilizes a high-speed verification mode.

Features of KillCopy

 It comes with a KillDelete option to erase the source file, once the copying process completes.
 Has a feature called Auto Resume functionality that automatically starts the file transfer process when the process abruptly stops.
 It’s Turbo Mode enhances the copying speed of large files.

Reasons to Use:

 Parallel: This mode boosts copy speed when copying files between different physical devices.
 Speed Limit: This feature lets you limit the maximum copy transfer speed in Kbps units.
 Turbo Mode: This mode can improve the overall speed of the file copying process, especially when copying large files between local disks.


15. NiceCopier


The next on our list of the best utilities to copy files and folders with NiceCopier. It is a quick and easy-to-use software that allows you to copy and paste data hassle-freely.

Moreover, it boasts many outstanding features, such as pausing and resuming the copy/paste process, an option to change the settings like running at startup, and much more.

Furthermore, below are its other features, pros, cons, and reasons to use it.

Features of NiceCopier

 A single window displays all the running tasks
 Calculates the best file copying speed
 Task queue creation to improve software performance
 Allows you to perform check-sum-based verification of files after copying them

Reasons to use

 Portable: One of the top reasons you should use NiceCopier is its portability. You can carry it in a flash drive and use it without downloading anything on the computer.
 Lightweight: NiceCopier does not pressurize your system resources and consumes very little space on the device.


16. Total Commander

total commander

Allow us to conclude this entire list of the best file copy utility software with Total Commander. Total Commander is not merely a copy utility but a smart file manager. With the help of the tool, you can run two windows side by side and use them to copy and move the data within the system and its storage. Let’s know more about this tool from the information below.

Features of Total Commander

 Custom columns
 Quick View panel
 Tabbed interface
 Built-in FTP client
 Thumbnails view

Reasons to use

 Thumbnail: One of the main reasons why you should download the Total Commander tool is that the tool offers a preview of the files in the form of thumbnails for ease of decision-making.
 Supports Multiple Archives: Total Commander supports various extensions of Archive files like CAB, ACE, TAR, GZ, RAR, UC2, ZIP, 7ZIP, etc.


17. Copywhiz


is another best file copy utility software that you can try. Just like any other software on this list, Copywhiz is a very advanced and a great utility to enjoy copying data smartly.

Features of Copywhiz

 Easy copying
 Handles multiple files
 Integration is possible
 Smart UI

Reasons to use

 Recent Files: The software allows you to copy and manage recently modified or added files with ease.
 Personalized: Copywhiz allows you to look for files and copy them according to the name or extension of the file.


18. SuperCopier


The next name on this list of the best file copy utility software for Windows 10/11 is . This is a simple tool that makes it feasible for you to copy data from one location to the other.

Features of Copywhiz

 Simplest file copying
 Smart UI
 Personalizable interface

Reasons to use

 Effective Performance: The software allows you to move or copy multiple files at once. Moreover, you also get lightning-fast copying speed with the tool.
 Smart UI: The user interface of SuperCopier is quite simple yet smart. Even a beginner can get the most out of the tool with ease.


19. OrganizerMaX

Here’s another addition to this list of the best file copy utility software for Windows. is multiple levels better than the traditional copy utility of Windows. Using this tool, you can add tags, copy and paste, search for files, and do a lot more with ease.

Features of OrganizerMaX

 Simple interface

Reasons to use

 Reliability: The software offers some of the most advanced features for a copy utility.
 Fast: OrganizerMaX is quite fast as compared to any other tool offered in this list.


Final Words

These are some of the best file copy utility software available for Windows in 2024. Most apps are quite efficient in handling the speed with which the files are transferred from one server to the other or from one network to the other.

Bulk file transfers and copying is possible with some of these apps as well. Some can also help you transfer an entire folder from one server to another. With some apps you can avail many premium features whereas with other open source platforms you can enjoy splendid features free of cost.


Views: 94

If you are looking for the best free alternative then this list will help you find the best WinRAR alternative. Keep reading to know more about the software and its offerings.

Folders in your system can have big and heavy data files which require hundreds of MBs or even GB of space. Such large files are hard to share as some of the will not accept sharing them and some would take a long time for the process. But to help users sharing files easily, WinRAR software was created.

The software helps in compressing and decompressing the files and documents. You can use this software and compress the heaviest files into small ones. These small files can be shared easily from one to another easily. Moreover, you can use compressed files to transfer through any third-party software.

Overall WinRAR is a great software to have on your computer but on the other hand, it has some downsides too. The software requires the user to pay a subscription amount to use it. This is what makes most of the users to look for a WinRAR alternative for Windows 10 and older versions.

To help you with the search we have filtered free software like WinRAR that you can use. So without any further delay, let’s take a look at the software and its offerings.

11 Best Free WinRAR Alternative to choose in 2024

Here is the list of best software like WinRAR to choose from in 2024. Take a look at the offerings and choose the for yourself.

1.  7-Zip

7- Zip

7- Zip is a great program that you can choose as an alternative to WinRAR. This is a cross-platform software that makes the process of compressing and decompressing files very easy.  The best part about this software is that it is available for free and everyone can use this software to compress files as per requirement.

The program claims 10% better compression than other software, which can be a great deal for every user. The program compresses the folder to 7z format and the user can obtain up to 7% compression. The efficiency and subscription-free offering make it one of the best free WinRAR alternatives.

Download Now


2. PeaZip


Another great WinRAR alternative is PeaZip. This program is also available for free and it offers various other features to help you handle files and folders. You can manage files effectively and as per your needs. Whether you are a user or a Windows user you can use this software and compress files easily.

The software offers simple but very effective features to compress the files. One of the best features of the software is to manage passwords. The software offers a compression option that can be used to open more than 160 types of files and compress them to your file. It supports formats including 7z, ARC, and BZip2.

It is a very lightweight software that doesn’t require much space from the disk. You can use this software with your old PC or laptop and it won’t affect the processing speed of the device.

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3. B1 Free Archiver

B1 Free Archiver

Next up is another free WinRAR alternative that offers a professional interface to the users. The software supports various formats including 7z, b1, zip, rar, arj, jar, xpi, and many others. According to your need you can either download the software or use the programs from your browser, it offers both options to the users.

Other than this you can even compress or decompress files without the internet.  Though this is WinRAR open-source alternative and is free to use but it may ask for permissions. You can decline them and accept them according to your requirements. You can use this software on your Windows, Mac, and Linux PC. if you want you can also use it on your Android mobile devices.

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4. ExtractNow


ExtractNow is another WinRAR similar software that offers a similar offering at no cost. This is not only offered free use but it also has a very simple and easy interface which every user can use and compress or decompress files with. One of the best features of this software is that using it you can extract multiple files easily. To compress files using this program like WinRAR you can simply drag and drop the files and the rest will be taken care of by the software.

Other similar WinRAR software also offers a feature using which you can extract multiple files at the same time but this software makes it very easy which is why it is considered the best alternative to WinRAR. It supports all the major file formats to extract and is compatible with Windows 10 and older versions.

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5. jZip


jZip is another program like WinRAR that you can use to compress and decompress files. This is a very similar software to 7-Zip, it supports various formats including RAR, 7-zip, TAR, and GZip.  It has a very simple interface with very limited offerings that can be a perfect option for all beginners.

It has very limited options which include pack and unpacks files with ease. This is a free WinRAR alternative that does ask the users to add a toolbar as adware when you install the software. You need to be careful while proceeding with the installing and check only the option which you need. The software is compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and XP.

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6. Hamster Zip Archiver 4

Hamster Zip Archiver 4

Hamster Zip Archiver 4 is software like WinRAR which is free and powerful. This software has a unique compression method that offers an amazing ratio of compression. Above all, it is a fast tool that is observed to perform 2 times faster compression. The level of compression is customizable and you can select it on the basis of your requirements. Other than this you can also password protect the files.

This WinRAR-like software supports file formats including 7z, RAR, ZIP, TAR, and XZ. The software also offers a cloud service to save and share files through the internet. While installing the software you need to check the option carefully and select them as per needs only. If you don’t check then you might get adware while using the software which no one wants. The software is compatible with Windows 10 and older versions.

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7. Bandizip


Next on the list of best free WinRAR alternatives is Bandizip. It is a great tool that is free and has no adware or malware included. Most of the software which are free offers some kinds of adware but not with this WinRAR alternative. You can even scan files with the software before opening them for compression.

Irrespective of your PC performance the software works fast in compressing files. To protect your files you can add encryptions like AES 256 and ZipCrypto. The software is compatible with most of the Windows operating systems.

Donwload Now



Zip Extractor

This is a very unique program in the list of the best free WinRAR alternatives. This is a free extension on the browser which does not require any space on your hard disk of the computer. All you need to do is set the extension on the browser and compress files easily. For all those who want to have a program like WinRAR which does not take up space in the hard disk, then they can choose to opt for this WinRAR open-source alternative.

This program offers a very simple and easy interface with the support of multiple file compression easily. Though it has a downside that it only compresses the files which are in your Google Drive and does not compress files from your computer storage.

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9. Ashampoo ZIP Free

Ashampoo ZIP Free

Ashampoo  Zip Free is a must software to include in the list of best free WinRAR alternatives. This software offers powerful compression of files of various formats. The file formats supported in the software include ZIPX, RAR, ARC, NSIC, WIM, ISO, and others. For packing files the software supports ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, and TAR.

This is one of the best alternatives to WinRAR as it offers features using which you can encrypt all archives. The best part is that it is free software, if you wish to use the full version then you can activate it through your email. All the Windows Operating systems after Windows 7 are compatible with Ashampoo Zip Free.

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10. Zipware


Last, in the list of best free WinRAR alternatives list, we have Zipware. This is a simple yet effective tool. It offers all the features which can help in compressing or decompressing files. While the other WinRAR alternative focuses on offering a simple interface it has offered a simple yet attractive interface. The software has many buttons in different colors.

The software works the best as expected, it scans for the files and folder so that no virus gets into your system or other hardware to which you connect. It is a free-to-use tool, yet you can donate some amount for a good cause if you want. The software is compatible with Windows XP and newer versions.

Download Now




If you are still looking for an alternative to WinRAR, then you can’t go wrong with WinZIP. WinZip is one of the most popular and reliable tools among all other WinRAR alternatives. With the help of the tool, you can easily compress or extract data from different zipped files. The tool also allows you to encrypt your data or extract encrypted data with ease. The tool is available for both Windows and .

Download Now

Found the Best Free WinRAR Alternative to Use

By looking at the list of best WinRAR alternatives, you can easily find programs like WinRAR that perform exactly the same and charge no money. You can choose any of the software and download them using the below-mentioned link. The link will take you to the official website of the software. We hope that we have helped you to find the best alternative to WinRAR. Tell us in the comments below which software did you choose and why.

WinRAR at a glance

WinRAR Features

 WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives.
 WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disk space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well.
 WinRAR supports all popular compression formats (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip).
 WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.
 WinRAR allows you to split archives into separate volumes easily, making it possible to save them on several disks.
 WinRAR is also ideal if you are sending data through the web. Its AES 256-bit encryption and its authenticated signature technology will give you the peace of mind you have been looking for.
 WinRAR is a trial product, meaning you have the chance to thoroughly test it. The program can be used absolutely free of charge for 40 days!
 WinRAR licenses are valid for all available language and platform versions. If you have purchased several licenses, you can even mix versions to meet your own personal needs.

Views: 21

In this blog, we will discuss some of the best players for Windows 10, 11 which can bring any television channel of the world to your doorsteps. 

Till now, the primary source of watching television shows was broadcast channels supported by antennas, satellite dishes, and fiber optic cables. 

However, with the rapid growth of the Internet and the smart devices market, watching TV channels directly from a desktop PC has become a new trend. 

All thanks to the Internet Protocol television services, a.k.a IPTV. You can use an IPTV player to watch entertaining TV shows, video on demand, live TV channels, and lots more. Through the IPTV Players, you can boost up the ways of your entertainment. No matter where you are and from where you belong to, with the help of IPTV Player you can stream any sort of TV shows and movies quite effortlessly. What you need to do is just sign-up and login at once. Thereafter, watch your preferred movie or TV shows without any sort of hindrance. 

Before we move on to the list, let’s first understand what an IPTV player is, how it works, and why it’s important to get the best one for your desktop. Later on, you’ll get to know about the best Windows IPTV Player!

What is IPTV Player?

Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is a service that provides support for multimedia streaming through Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Users can buy an IPTV subscription and watch all TV channels, live media and video on demand (VOD) services anytime over their desktop PCs, laptops as well as Android and devices using an IPTV player.


How Does IPTV Work?

IPTV provides access to television channels and other digital content via IP based networks. It relies on a packet-switched network that covers both unicast (video on demand) and multicast (live TV) streams.


Why Do You Need An IPTV Player For Windows?

In today’s world of digital binge-watching, the traditional television formats, including broadcast/cable networks are on the verge of extinction. 

Nowadays, watching movies online and streaming live TV and sports directly from PCs, laptops and tablets has become a new normal. In light of this, a dedicated IPTV player comes extremely handy in playing various streaming protocols on Windows devices. 


22 Best IPTV Players For Windows 10, 8, 7 In 2024

Turn your Windows PC into a live TV with best IPTV players. Choose the best-suited one from the complete list discussed below!

1. VLC Media Player


This widely acclaimed IPTV player does not need an introduction. It is an open-source multimedia player that can effortlessly manage all your local media and stream IPTV content, without compromising your security and privacy. It uses m3u files to stream IPTV and other multimedia content.

How to Use VLC Media Player?

All you need is the latest version of VLC and follow a few simple steps to stream IPTV into your VLC player.

 Launch VLC Player.
 Open Network Streams from the Media section.
 Enter the URL of the IPTV network and press Enter. 
 All your IPTV channels should now be visible in the left panel of VLC.

Key Features of VLC Media Player:

 It offers support for a number of streaming protocols, multimedia files and DVDs and CDs.
 Built-in codecs – MKV, MP3, MPEG-2, WebM, etc.
 Completely free from viruses, spyware and harmful ads
 Highly compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile platforms.

VLC Media Player comes with a simple interface and is undoubtedly one of the most user-friendly IPTV players.

Read Also : Best Free Phone Spying Apps 2024


2. My lPTV Player


My IPTV is another powerful media player that comes with an electronic program guide (EPG) to help you watch the best IPTV channels on your Windows PC or laptop.

If you have an active IPTV subscription, you can use My IPTV app for listening to online radio channels and watching digital TV and video on demand (VOD).

How to Use My lPTV Player?

Follow the simple steps below to setup My IPTV app on your Windows:

 Lunch My IPTV on your Windows computer or laptop.
 Navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu.
 Load your m3u playlist, select your preferred IPTV channel, and then click ‘OK’.

Key Features of MY IPTV:

 The software supports multiple channels easily
 By default, all channels are grouped based on their genre
 You can easily protect your data with a PIN
 The player has a simple process to follow for adding new channels

It comes with an easy to use interface and can seamlessly stream your m3u playlist from either local storage or any other remote location. If you want to give it a try, you can download the My IPTV app from Microsoft Store for free.


3. Kodi


Kodi is another stunning application that not only lets you watch your local media content but also serves as a great alternative to IPTV player for Windows PC. You can use its media player to play your favorite digital channels directly from your desktop PC.

You can also install various third-party add-ons to stream live TV and watch videos on demand (VOD).

How to Use Kodi?

If you wish to use Kodi as an IPTV player for Windows 10, 11 follow the simple steps below:

 Launch the Kodi application and select the ‘Settings’ option.
 Install the PVR IPTV Simple Client add-on on your Kodi application.
 Add the M3U playlist to the add-on for streaming IPTV.
 Wait for the PVR IPTV Simple Client add-on to finish the process of importing channels.
 Once done, select the channel you wish to watch and click the ‘Play’ or ‘OK’ button.

Key Features of Kodi:

 The player has a simple and user-friendly interface
 To watch any programs you can simply paste the URL in the software and it will show you all the results
 It offers the best cross-compatibility features
 The player is fully customized, you can change any part of the player easily

For a free software, Kodi media player definitely offers more than it should, taking into account its simple interface and excellent streaming capabilities.


4. Free TV Player


offers easy access to all of your favorite TV shows, movies, channels, and Internet Radio, making it one of the best IPTV players for Windows. 

To enjoy live TV shows on your desktop or laptop, simply upload your M3U playlist and you are good to go.

How to Use Free TV Player?

Below are a few simple steps to set up Free TV Player and stream IPTV on desktop PC:

 Launch the Free TV player app on your device
 Enter the URL of M3U playlist provided by the IPTV service provider
 Select your favorite channel and click on the play button

Key Features of Free TV Player:

 It offers both free as well as paid plan
 You get more than 40 channels on the free plan
 Other than the default channels you can easily paste links and stream in no time
 The player has a built-in list of shows to stream

This lightweight free IPTV player definitely deserves a try, if you want to watch a lot of exiting digital content and live TV programs in a hassle-free manner.


5. Simple TV


Simple TV is one of the best and most used IPTV players for PC. It offers a convenient and free mechanism for viewing TV shows and other multimedia content right from your laptop or computer.

You can use this portable application to watch IPTV and listen to radio channels. It comes with an organized interface that supports easy browsing of IPTV channels. 

How to Use Simple TV?

You can use Simple TV as a free IPTV player for PC by following some easy instructions provided below.

 Launch SimpleTV player on your Windows device.
 Right-click ‘Playlist’ on the navigation bar and select the ‘load playlist’ option.
 Next, choose the ‘load from m3u file’ option.
 Once the M3U playlist is ready, you can play the IPTV channels of your choice by simply clicking on them.

Key Features of Simple TV:

 Snapshot capabilities and crop features
 Contrast, brightness, and volume adjustment functionality
 It can download playlists created by other users
 It can support LUA script and many more


6. ProgTV/ ProgDVB


is another well-known IPTV app for Windows used for streaming live TV channels and listening to radio on PCs.

It works on two independent interfaces and is known for its easy access to digital content and comfortable user experience. 

It can remotely control your Home Theatre PC and can also function well with a mouse. ProgTV supports IPTV channels, Internet TV and radio, Rodina TV, Sovok TV, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T2, and many other data sources.

How to Use ProgTV/ProgDVB?

Follow the steps given below to set up ProgDVB and ProgTV app as a IPTV player for Windows:

 Choose the ‘TV Sources’ option from the main menu of the ProgTV application.
 Select the ‘IPTV Client’ option and then input your M3U URL in the playlist box.
 Next, choose the channel you wish to watch from the ‘Channel list’ in the main menu.

Key Features of ProgTV/ProgDVB:

 Radio and TV channel recording
 Network Broadcasting and Teletext
 HD TV support
 10 Bands equalizer and a fast preview of Mosaic channels




This is currently ranks among the best IPTV players for Windows PCs and laptops as it allows you to watch your favorite TV shows and digital channels via numerous live media sources for free.

However, the IPTV app doesn’t broadcast any of these media sources for streaming digital multimedia, it just offers you a platform where you can watch IPTV content.

How to Use IPTV?

Follow the simple steps below to stream IPTV on PC:

 Launch the IPTV app on your Windows computer or laptop
 Go to the Settings option 
 Enter the URL (Provided by the IPTV service provider) to load your M3U playlist
 Click on OK to stream your preferred channel

Key Features of IPTV:

 It offers an easy user interface which is ideal for every user
 To stream, you can easily add a playlist or EPG source
 It has a feature to simply paste URL for searching
 Huge list of channels to satisfy any user

Moreover, it comes with an elegant interface that aims to provide modern TV experience. Users can download this IPTV player for free from Microsoft Store.




This is one of the most popular IPTV solutions to watch digital channels and TV shows on your device. is primarily designed for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android devices, but if you wish to use it on your Windows 7/8/8.1/10 PC, you can do it by using an emulator.

For this IPTV application to work on your Windows device, you should install BlueStacks first. BlueStacks is a popular emulator that helps Android OS based applications to run on Windows and devices.


Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use Smart IPTV player on Windows PC:

 Launch BlueStacks and then sign in with your Google credentials.
 Download GSE SMART IPTV app from either Google Play Store or using the below link.
 Install the application and open it.
 Enter the URL and upload your M3U playlist.
 Click on ‘OK’ and then watch any live IPTV channel as per your liking. 

Key Features of GSE SMART IPTV:

 GSE SMART IPTV player for Windows comes in multiple beautiful themes.
 It provides effective parental control options for managing kids’ activity and screen time.
 It lets you add external subtitles for streaming IPTV content.


9. OttPlayer


Don’t have enough money to pay the monthly subscription of your television channels? We got you secured, here we present OttPlayer which is one of the best IPTV players for Windows 10, 11 PC. IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. By using OttPlayer you can watch your favorite TV channels and shows for free by using your pc and internet. OttPlayer allows its users to watch IPTV from your internet service provider or any other source on your phones, tablets, and set-top box or TV, and all this facility in a centralized control via the website. Enjoy IPTV Enjoy life.

How to Use OttPlayer?

Follow the steps below to setup OttPlayer and stream your favorite IPTV channels:

1.First of all, you have to arrange a list of channels, which you can take from any of your convenient sources.
2.You need to get an account from https://ottplayer.es
3.Put registration info i.e. login and password
4.Download the playlist to the website i.e. you downloaded previously, https://ottplayer.es
5.Put the playlist on any compatible device
6.Enjoy IPTV watching.

Key Features of OttPlayer:

 OttPlayer supports various protocols like HLS, RTSP, TS by UDP RTMP
 It also provides playlist support M3U8.
 Provides easy management of channels through icons of respective channels.
 Service to the users is absolutely free and with no ads.

Among all the best IPTV apps, this application is quite interesting and worthwhile. OttPlayer’s easy-to-use interface makes it is an ideal choice for millions of users across the world. 


10. Plex


Plex is the most stunning IPTV Players that you should definitely try to enjoy smart video streaming. Plex is highly capable of transcoding almost any sort of media file. Moreover, the user interface is quite easy and simple to use. Plex lets you stream your personal content as well including videos, music, movies, and so on.

How to Use Plex?

Here is how to access Plex as an IPTV player for PC.

 Firstly, signup for a Plex account and then, install the Plex media server by running the setup file.
 After this, launch Cigaras IPTV channel and then select Channels under the online content head category.
 Thereafter, navigate to the IPTV addon and click on it, then click on Settings.
 Now, paste the URL of your IPTV .m3u file, then click on the Save button.
 Next, search for the channels available and add them to your Playlist and enjoy. 

Key Feature of Plex:

 The player is compatible with multiple platforms
 It offers great quality video output for every screen
 You get more than 200 free movies and shows
 Free version also has 100+ channels




Looking for the best IPTV players for Windows? Then, MyIPTV is the one that fits perfectly. You can use all of its supreme-quality features for absolutely free. With this, you can play live TV programs, and videos through m3u playlists quite effortlessly. Its user interface is extremely easy to understand.

How to Use MYIPTV?

Here are the steps that you need to follow to access it!

 Head to the Settings.
 Now, you need to add an all-new playlist and EPG source.
 Now, add any URL or local list of channels.
 Switch back to Settings.
 After this, choose the channel playlist and click on the refresh option.

Key Features of MYIPTV:

 The player lets you easily stream live TV programs and videos
 It offers a very easy to operate interface which can be adopted by anyone
 You can easily add a new playlist and EPG source from the settings tab
 The player lets you easily record program for later access


12. Perfect Player Windows

Perfect Player Windows

Perfect Player Windows is a free IPTV player that you can try. This player offers amazing digital content right to your PC without charging any money, which is why it is one of the best IPTV players for Windows 10, 11 and previous versions. This is an advanced program that comes with a semi-transparent OSD and a full-screen display option.

How to Use Perfect Player Windows?

Here are the instructions you need to perform to use Perfect Player as IPTV/Media player.

 Launch the Perfect Player application on your Windows system.
 Click on the ‘Add Playlist’ button, paste M3U URL, and then choose ‘OK’.
 As soon as your playlist gets loaded, you can click on the channel name followed by ‘Play’ to begin streaming IPTV content.

Key Features of Perfect Player Windows:

 You can easily set up the player and use it as per needs, it is a flexible player.
 You can even enjoy a full-screen display for your favorite content without paying any charges.
 The player supports multiple languages, which means every human from all around the globe can use this amazing player and stream their favorite content. The supported languages include English, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Portuguese, and many others.
 The formats which are supported in the player are m3u, and XSPF for playlist and EPG along with the other two.


13. IPTV Smarters for PC

IPTV Smarters for PC

Earlier this player was not available for Windows users but now even Windows users can enjoy their favorite content with IPTV Smarter for PC players. This is one of the best IPTV apps for Windows 10, 11 and older versions.  You can easily stream and enjoy live TV, movies, series, and videos on demand.

How to Use ?

Below are detailed instructions on how to set up IPTV Smarters for PC.

 Launch the IPTV Smarters Player application.
 Select the ‘Load Your Playlist or File/URL’ option, fill out the details (e.g., playlist name, playlist type, and file/URL), and then click on the ‘Add User’ button.
 Once the M3U content loading is complete, you can click on the ‘Live TV’ button to see the IPTV channel categories.

Key Features of IPTV Smarters for PC:

 This program works on Xtream codes but still, it can be used in Windows versions including 32 and 64 bit.
 Other than that you can easily use this program on mobile devices, and Smart TVs.
 You can record the live programs and enjoy them whenever you want.
 The best part about this IPTV player is that it supports all major video formats, so you won’t miss any of your favorite content.


14. TiviMate IPTV Player

TiviMate IPTV Player

Next up in the list of Windows IPTV players is TiviMate. The software is basically designed for Android devices. If you wish to use this software then you have to get an Android Emulator. You can use this software on Windows 7, 8, and 10 easily. This was just a short brief about the software.

How to Use TiviMate IPTV Player?

Check below to know more about the process to use the software.

 Open the Playstore and download the software.
 Click on the icon when the installation completes.
 Now click on the icon and search for the name which you wish to watch

Key Features of TiviMate

 The software offers a clean and simple interface that can be easily adapted
 The user can add multiple playlists in the software to view
 It can also schedule a TV guide
 The user can add favorite channels to the home screen and access them


15. IP-TV Player

IP-TV Player

IP-TV Player is another great pick as it offers high-quality video output at very little data consumption. It is very rare to witness this among the other IPTV players in Windows. It truly is a versatile player which can easily support all types of media files.

How to Use IP-TV Player?

IP-TV Player is a very smooth and easy-to-use software, to demonstrate that we have listed the steps below.

 Install the software from the official website
 Open the software and tune to the list of M3U format list
 You can view the channels list in the side panel
 Tap on the channel to view

Key Features of IP-TV Player

 The software has a simple and easy interface
 All major file formats are compatible with this software
 The user can easily record and take screenshots while viewing
 The software even offers a feature using which user can control from a smartphone


16. PowerDVD


Next, 2024’s best IPTV players for Windows with PowerDVD. It is a great IPTV if you wish to access a huge content library. You can use PowerDVD to access local media files, play music, and perform many other tasks. Moreover, its compatibility with Dolby professional audio and rapid play technology sets it apart from similar software.

How to Use PowerDVD?

You can follow the three-step process shared below to use this software.

 Firstly, install the PowerDVD Windows application.
 After installing the app, select Media Library from the top left corner.
 Now you can select the IPTV channels, movies, and shows to watch.

Key Features of PowerDVD

 4K and 8K resolution support
 Supports HDR 10
 Lets you watch 360-degree videos
 Supports conversion of video files to MP4
 In-built support for video casting on media streaming devices
 Digitalization of media files
 In-built video editing tools
 Availability of 100GB of cloud storage


17. Flix IPTV


Next, 2024’s best IPTV players for Windows with . You can use Flix IPTV on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Android TV, and FireStick. Parental controls, M3U link support, a user-friendly interface, and the ability to change themes make this IPTV player a perfect choice for streaming IPTV content. It offers a 1-week free trial, thereafter you can buy the pro version at a one-time fee of about $7.99.

How to Use Flix IPTV?

Listed below are the following methods to download and use Flix IPTV on Windows PC:

 Download the Flix IPTV APK on your PC.
 Install the software and open it.
 Enter the URL and upload your playlist.
 Now, you can stream IPTV content.

Key Features of Flix IPTV:

 Easy to use and versatile IPTV player.
 Supports all screen resolutions of smartphones, sticks, PCs, and tablets.
 Allows you to add channels and series/movies to Favorites.
 Get to access features like a sleep timer, subtitles, video details, backward/forward video, and a lot more.


18. MaxPlayer


Next on this list of best IPTV players for Windows PC is MaxPlayer. It gives each member of the household the ability to customize their own preferences for their favorite programs, channels, movies, language settings, and viewing time for video on demand (VOD), with support for up to 5 sub-users and 5 devices.

In addition, if your TV service provider records show for you, you will have the ability to instantly rewind those shows. If your Internet service provider provides video-on-demand (VOD) material, MaxPlayer can customize it to work with your device. They provide versions that are compatible with LG and Samsung TV, in addition to MacOS and Windows. You get a whole week to test out MaxPlayer without spending a dime.

How to Use MaxPlayer?

 Visit the official website of MaxPlayer.
 Create your account on MaxPlayer.
 Once registered, you get a 7-day free trial.
 After that, you can continue using the service with one of the provided plans.

Key Features of MaxPlayers:

 All your information and data are secured and protected.
 Supports multiple languages.
 One account can be accessed on multiple devices and platforms.
 Several customization options are available.


19. PotPlayer


Lacking the funds necessary to pay the monthly fee for your membership to the various television channels? We’ve got you covered, and now we’re going to show you PotPlayer, which is one of the top IPTV players for Windows 10, 11, and other PC operating systems.

PotPlayer gives its customers the ability to watch Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) on their mobile devices, tablets, set-top boxes, and televisions, with all of this functionality being controlled centrally via the website. IPTV may come through your internet service provider or any other source. Enjoy some IPTV. Have fun with life.

The abbreviation “IPTV” refers to “Internet Protocol Television.” If you have PotPlayer installed on your computer, you can use it to watch all of your favorite TV stations and programs for free by simply connecting it to the internet.

How to Use PotPlayer?

 Visit the official website of PotPlayer.
 Download the PotPlayer.
 Use the tool as you want with ease.

Key Features of PotPlayers:

 The playback of the video is fluid and unbroken
 When you have two sound cards available, choose which one to use.
 You are able to mark your favorite scene or chapter for later viewing.
 Take a look at the scene in advance with these photographs.


20. MyIPTV Player

MyIPTV Player

The next name on this list of the best IPTV players for Windows 11/10 devices is MyIPTV Player. MyIPTV Player is a free to use tool that has been downloaded and used by over thousands of users. The tool offers a variety of genres and content to watch. From movies, TV shows to so much beyond, you will find everything at MyIPTV Player.

How to Use MyIPTV Player?

 Visit the product page of MyIPTV Player on Microsoft Store.
 Download the MyIPTV Player.
 Use the tool as you want with ease.

Key Features of PotPlayers:

 There are a variety of channels to select from.
 You can PIN protect the tool for additional security.
 The tool comes with an integrated support for EPG.
 You can even download and save content for later.


21. IPTV Extreme

IPTV Extreme

You are welcome to test out , one of the best free IPTV player tools for Windows. This player’s earlier versions since it delivers incredible digital material directly to your own computer without costing you any money. This is a sophisticated software that comes with an option to show the whole screen as well as opaque operating system display.

How to Use IPTV Extreme?

When you want to utilize IPTV Extreme as an IPTV/Media player, the procedures that you need to follow are as follows.

 Make sure that the IPTV Extreme program is running on your Windows computer.
 First, choose the “Add Playlist” button, then paste the M3U URL, and last, select the “OK” button.
 After your playlist has finished loading, you can start streaming IPTV material by clicking on the channel name and then pressing the ‘Play’ button after that.

Key Features of IPTV Extreme Windows:

 Russian, Greek, English, Spanish, Portuguese, & a great number of languages are among those that come with support.
 The player is able to support the m3u & XSPF formats for playlists & EPGs respectively.
 Additionally, you are not required to pay any fees in order to take use of a full-screen display for your preferred material.
 Due to the fact that the player supports different languages, it is possible for every single human being from every single part of the world to utilize this incredible player and stream their preferred material.
 You may simply configure the player and utilize it in accordance with your requirements; it is a versatile player.


22. MegaCubo IPTV Player

MegaCubo IPTV Player

Here’s another one of the best IPTV players for Windows 10 and other operating systems. This is a free alternative that you can try and watch on IPTV. Using this tool, you can easily use your smartphone on the TV.

How to Use MegaCubo?

 You should first download the tool from the official website.
 Install it and launch it on the system.
 Connect the app to your device and use it as required.

Key Features of MegaCubo:

 Supports a plethora of operating systems
 You can PIN protect the tool for additional security.
 Allows you to save any title and record.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IPTV Players

Q1. Are IPTV Players Legal?

Yes, ITPV Players are 100% legal. They don’t offer any streaming services or host content of their own. ITPV Players just provides a platform to play multimedia files and streaming protocols.

Q2. Type of IPTV Services

 Video on demand (VoD)
 Live TV 
 Start Over TV
 Catch-Up TV 
 Live Media Streaming

Q3. How to Access IPTV from PC?

To access IPTV from a PC, you need to download and install one of the above-listed IPTV Players on your PC.  You can download the above-listed IPTV Players from their official support website. Once you installed your most liked IPTV Players, thereafter, allow all the permissions they asked, to proceed further. Then, follow the wizard instructions and don’t change anything except the installation destination. Now run the installer, then start up the program and add the list of channels in your playlist. That’s how you can easily access  IPTV from your PC and stream your most liked TV shows and movies.

Q4. What are the Main Services Offered by IPTV?

IPTV or Internet Protocol Television is the platform using which users can enjoy television broadcasting on various devices including mobile and computers. It delivers using the traditional terrestrial, satellite, and cable television format.

Q5. Is There Any Alternative to IPTV?

Yes, there are many IPTV alternatives present in the market, some of them are:

 1332 Kodi
 Super Internet TV

Q6. Is an IPTV player available for free?

Yes, there are multiple Internet Protocol Television services that are available for free. We have mentioned some of the best ones in the article. Undoubtedly the best option for an IPTV player is VLC Media Player.

Q7. How to use IPTV Player?

Although the working of each IPTV player varies the general steps to be applied are as follows

 Download and install any one of the above-mentioned IPTV player alternatives.
 Launch it on your device and select the network streams option available under media.
 Paste the URL of the network of your IPTV and press the enter key to run.
 Now all the channels of IPTV will be visible on the screen of your IPTV player.

Q8. Is IPTV better with VPN?

IPTV can work without a VPN. But if you want to protect your data online from snoopers or ISP, or get access to restricted content in your geographical location, VPN will help you. Moreover, if you use a VPN with your IPTV it offers a reliable experience. As VPN improves the speed of your internet connection, it is followed by a better experience of IPTV.


Which is the Best IPTV Player for Windows PC & Laptops?

So, this concludes our rundown of some of the best IPTV players for Windows 10, 8, 7 in 2024. There are several other options available as well, but the ones mentioned above are the best in terms of features and usability. 

And if you are looking for our opinion, then we would like to recommend OttPlayer. It is one of the best IPTV players that you can access to stream your preferred TV shows and movies. You can use OttPlayer for live shows and on-demand shows as well. That’s what we think about the best IPTV player, however, the final decision is completely yours. 

So, what are you waiting for? Download any of these free IPTV players now and turn your PC into an amazing entertainment gadget. Lastly, if there is something you think that we might have missed out to mention, then don’t feel hesitate in sharing your suggestions with us. We’ll feel amazed by hearing your suggestions and improve our list of best IPTV Players for Windows PC & Laptops. 

That’s all for the present moment, we’ll back again with yet another crispy tech story, till then, stay connected with us! Primarily, don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to rule the tech world.  


Views: 7

How to get for free, Microsoft is still keen for everyone to upgrade to Windows 11 if they can. And it’s not just Microsoft. Updating to Windows 11 is well worth it. If you have a Windows PC or laptop already, then you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free very easily, but you can also get it for free by buying a new PC, or even building a new computer yourself.

Whatever your situation, here’s how to upgrade to Windows 11 for free.

Check that your PC is compatible

Before you try to upgrade your PC to Windows 11 for free, make sure that it is compatible. You’ll need a PC that supports Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 and has the Secure Boot option in your BIOS. It must also meet some basic hardware requirements.

To find out whether your PC is capable of running Windows 11, search for PC Health Check in Windows search, and run the corresponding , or check Microsoft’s Windows 11 specs page and cross-reference it with your system. If you’re not sure what hardware you have, follow these steps to check your PC specs.

Free Windows 11 upgrade

If you have a Windows 10 PC or laptop that’s ready for Windows 11, you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just by running the update tool.

Step 1: Search for Windows Update in the Windows search bar and select the relevant result.

Searching Windows 10 for Windows Update.Image used with permission by copyright holder

Step 2: If your PC is fully up to date, there’s a good chance it will already be pushing the Windows 11 update on you. All you have to do is select the blue Download and Install button to get started. Then just follow the on-screen instructions to complete your Windows 11 installation.

Windows 10 update tool.Image used with permission by copyright holder

Updating to Windows 11 using the Update Assistant.

How to get Windows 11 for free

Read Also : Best Free PC Optimizer Software For Windows In 2024

How to manually upgrade to Windows 11 for free

If Windows Update isn’t giving you a quick option to upgrade to Windows 11, you can use the Windows 11 Installation Assistant.

Step 1: Visit the Windows 11 download website and look for the Windows 11 Installation Assistant. Select the blue  button.

Step 2: When it’s finished downloading, run the Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe and give administrator approval, if requested.

Step 3: Select Accept and install to accept the terms and conditions, then begin the Windows 11 update process.

Step 4: The installation will then proceed without much input from you. It will download the Windows 11 installation media, then run the update. This could take up to 30 minutes, so you may need to wait, but when it’s complete, you should have a free update to Windows 11 installed.

Installing Windows 11 setup on a USB drive.

How to download Windows 11 for free

If you are starting a new PC build, or want to 11 on a new drive for your existing Windows 10 PC, the Windows Update tool and Installation Assistant won’t work so well. What you can use instead is the Media Creation Tool, which will help you download Windows 11.

Step 1: Head to Microsoft’s Windows 11 upgrade page and under the heading Create Windows 11 Installation Media, select the blue Download Now button. This will download mediacreationtool.exe file to your PC.

Step 2: Launch the Media Creation Tool like you would any other program, and give administrator approval, if requested.

Step 3: Accept the Microsoft terms and conditions, then choose your language and the version of Windows 11 you want to install, if necessary. Otherwise, leave the default recommended options. Select Next when you’re ready to proceed.

Step 4: Find a USB drive with at least 8GB of free space and plug it into your PC or laptop. Then select the USB Flash Drive option in the Media Creation Tool setup process. Select Next.

Alternatively, if you want to virtually mount the Windows 11 installation media, you can select ISO file and follow the on-screen instructions to create it for later mounting.

Step 5: Select the USB drive you want to use for the installation. Then, when ready to setup the drive, select Next. Wait for the setup process to complete.

Step 6: Once the installation media is created, you can reboot your PC and boot to the USB drive to begin upgrading to Windows 11. Follow our guide on how to install Windows 11 for tips on the installation process and, if prompted, input your Windows 10 key to activate.

Get Windows 11 for ‘free’ when you buy a new PC

If you’re buying a new PC, you’re almost certainly going to get it with Windows 11 included, so if you don’t want to buy a Windows license and don’t have an upgradeable PC, this might be the best way. Alternatively, you can look for Windows 10 PCs and use their valid key to update to Windows 11 for free using the above methods.

Unfortunately, you can’t update from Windows 8 or straight to Windows 11, but if you have an older system with a valid key, you can always upgrade to Windows 10 first. Follow these steps on downloading Windows 10 for free, then see if you can update to Windows 11 for free afterwards.

How to download Windows 10 for free

When Windows 10 first arrived, nabbing a free upgrade was as simple as clicking the Get Windows 10 notification prompt. Things are a bit different now, however, especially with the new free upgrade to Windows 11 being around.

In addition to that, Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7, which means there’s no more technical support, updates, or bug-squashing. In other words, Windows 7 is now unsafe to use, making this an excellent time to switch to Windows 10 or, switch to Windows 10.

Unfortunately, the original free upgrade period to Windows 10 ended years ago, and the workaround to get Windows 10 for free with Assistive Technologies ended not long after that. No need to worry, though — there are still ways to get Microsoft’s latest operating system without paying for a new license or breaking any rules.


With product keys and digital licenses

It would be best to have a valid product key or a digital license to get a free upgrade. What’s the difference? When you purchase an operating system from Microsoft or any retailer, it comes with a product key to unlock it. It’s printed and included in the packaging, emailed to you, or stored in the cloud, which is usually the case for system builders.

What is a digital license?

A digital license connects your installed Windows platform to a key embedded in prebuilt systems from Acer, Dell, HP, and so on. For a long time, these manufacturers printed product keys on labels stuck on PCs or printed and inserted them into product packaging. Microsoft’s product keys typically only work once, but hackers sometimes find workarounds to use the same key on multiple PCs.

That led Microsoft and manufacturers to introduce digital licenses in Windows 8 as an antipiracy measure, so end users aren’t installing the platform on additional machines. However, Microsoft also moved Windows 7 over to this method. This license becomes locked to your Microsoft account.

If you legitimately purchased and no longer use these older versions, Microsoft’s Windows 10 activation servers will accept Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 keys on your PC.

What if I can’t find my key?

However, if you’re upgrading from Windows 7 and can’t find the key, you can try signing in to your Microsoft account and checking past downloads to see if your product key is there. Sites like Amazon also keep a record of purchased downloads, but these rarely include the product key itself, though it may help narrow down where it could be.

Finally, you can download Windows 10 and perform a clean install. It will then pull the valid Windows 8/8.1 license key from your prebuilt system’s motherboard and move on. In all other cases, you must supply an authentic, genuine product key during the setup process, or you can do it later by visiting Settings > Update & security > Activation.

If you don’t have a valid Windows 7 license key, you must follow our other guide about how to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

millions of people still using windows 7 10 upgrade 768x768

Using the Windows 10 Media Creation tool

Despite officially ending the free update promotion in mid-2016, Microsoft quietly keeps this option available so all Windows PC owners can run the latest version. Again, unless you have a valid digital license or product key to get a free upgrade, you will be required to pay for a new Windows 10 Home product key.

Step 1: Your first step in acquiring a free Windows 10 upgrade is to visit Microsoft’s download Windows 10 webpage.

Step 2: Select the Download tool now button.

You’ll see MediaCreationTool21H1.exe download onto your PC, which shouldn’t take longer than a minute to occur. Disconnect any unnecessary accessories to help reduce the chance of errors.

Step 3: Launch the Media Creation Tool.

how to get windows 10 for free upgrade this pc

Step 4: Once it is downloaded, open it, and accept Microsoft’s terms.

As shown above, you have two options: Upgrade the current PC, or create installation media that will either upgrade another PC or perform a clean install on the current PC. However, in both cases, the tool will temporarily download a disk image of Windows 10, so be sure you have enough space for the file — around 4GB, at least.

Step 5: Select the Upgrade this PC now option and follow the prompts. The tool will scan your computer to see if it’s compatible and may present a list of problematic programs or hardware that could stall the upgrade. If needed, uninstall programs to address the installer’s concerns.

Step 6: With all issues resolved, the installer will try to port over all the data it can. Keep in mind, however, the vast gap between Windows 7 and Windows 10 in terms of the software you use. If you’re ditching Windows 7 after using it for many years, you probably have a lot of data stored in files and apps. We can’t guarantee that all files and apps will be compatible with Windows 10, and some may stop working.

Step 7: It’s essential to be aware of this and prepare before upgrading. Back up or convert any crucial data before you continue.

Step 8: Finish installation.

Step 9: As the installer progresses, your PC will restart a few times. As part of the process, it will pull your existing digital license from your hardware during the setup — you won’t need to activate it. If prompted for a valid product key, enter it now or do so later by visiting Settings > Update & security > Activation.

Keep in mind that this won’t work for Windows XP or Windows Vista, as these versions of Windows never qualified for the free Windows 10 upgrade.

Step 10: You’ll also receive the same flavor of Windows that first shipped with your PC — Home, Pro, Enterprise, or Education. If you’d rather use Windows 10 Pro instead of the Windows 10 Home update, you must purchase a new product key.


Other methods for getting Windows 10

The above method is the best way to get Windows 10 for free — at least for now. There are other ways you can get Windows 10 if you need it, including free and low-cost options that may be worth exploring.

Upgrade from Windows 7

Buy a copy of Windows 10 from Microsoft. Please read our guide on how to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Note that if you’re a student, or work at a large organization, you might be eligible for free or discounted Windows. Microsoft has more on that in a support page.

Download Windows 10 without activating

Technically, you can download Windows 10 from Microsoft and not activate it, which means you don’t pay for it. It turns out this is safer than it sounds because Microsoft is pretty lax about enforcing activation. Your copy of Windows shouldn’t shut down, but some limitations kick in after your 30-day evaluation:

 An Activate Windows watermark appears in the bottom-right corner.
 Windows Isn’t Activated, Activate Windows Now notification appears in settings.
 Personalization features such as changing the wallpaper and accent colors are disabled.
 Updates may discontinue in the future.
 Various apps and features stop working.
 You’ll receive daily to activate.
 No technical support.

We want to stress that using an unactivated version of Windows 10 is not permitted by Microsoft. Although it may appear like a fantastic steal (sounds about right), in reality, you’re breaking the rules and defying Microsoft’s licensing agreement. Microsoft would be completely within its rights to pursue legal damages against anyone using the Windows 10 OS unactivated, though they haven’t done so yet as far as we know. Better safe than sorry. In the end, if Microsoft wanted to stop people from using these versions, they could do it.

Buy a third-party Windows 10 key

You can find third-party vendors who sell Windows 10 manufacturer keys at a bargain. Going through these companies enables you to purchase the keys at half (or even lower) of the full Microsoft price. While it may sound like a scam, you can find reliable vendors who just happen to have a good price, but you need to stay on your toes. What customers need to do is hunt for trustworthy key vendors who offer incredible bargains. Easier said than done, though.

As you can guess, it is very much possible to still upgrade and get Windows 10 for free in 2022. You just need to follow our methods covered above — from using your existing Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 product key or even getting a license through work or school at no cost. Our tips and tricks are in with Microsoft’s terms, too.

This means you don’t have to worry about if it is legal to get Windows 10 for free. And, if you’re worried about if you can upgrade to Windows 11 if you already got WIndows 10 for free, well, it’s just as easy and painless. Your upgrade to Windows 10 will give you a digital entitlement to Windows, which means if your hardware fits Microsoft’s requirements to run Windows 11, you can download Windows 11 at any time for no extra cost.

Views: 3

Best Themes, Backgrounds And Skins 2024, Windows 11 Themes, Backgrounds, Skins, and Icons can offer a unique look to your coupled with unlimited customization possibilities.Using different skins and Themes For Windows 11 you can change your desktop icons, icon packs, background wallpaper, mouse cursor, color scheme, widgets, screensavers, wallpapers, and even system sound effects.

Thanks to Windows 11 Skin Packs it’s even possible to transform your Windows desktop background to look like a macOS or Linux computer.

As the title suggests, in this article, we have shared some of the best Windows 11 Themes And Icon Packs out there.



First on the list is the new macOS Monterey SkinPack. The name says it all, this Windows 11 SkinPack will help you to replicate the latest macOS Monterey.

After applying the theme your background wallpaper, icons, the taskbar, buttons, and even windows will look and feel like macOS.

The lite version of this Windows 11 Theme is free but you have to pay a small amount to get the icons. Do note that the developer suggests that you delete every existing SkinPack or Theme before applying the macOS SkinPack.

DOWNLOAD macOS Monterey SkinPack


2. 3D Theme

3D Theme

Next on the list is the 3D Theme for Windows 11. The feature-packed theme consists of 17 background HD wallpapers that will completely change the look and feel of your PC.

3D Graphics of this free Windows 11 Theme enhance your desktop and you can even couple 3D Theme with any of your existing themes.

Lastly, the installation is quite simple as well.

After downloading the 3d.deskthemepack file all you have to do is open and it will automatically apply to your PC.



Best Windows 11 Themes, Backgrounds And Skins 2024

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3. Ubuntu SkinPack


Once again the name says it all, Ubuntu SkinPack for Windows 11 will help you to transform your Windows PC into a Ubuntu PC.

The Unix-based OS SkinPack is very light and can run flawlessly on low-powered laptops and aging desktops. Sadly, it doesn’t support every Windows program but apart from that, the theme does offer a left-aligned taskbar with Ubuntu icons.

Similar to other packs on the list Windows 11 Ubuntu Theme is free to use but you can unlock some cool features by paying three dollars.

DOWNLOAD Ubuntu SkinPack



Series X Theme

Xbox Series X theme is another great theme for Windows 10 that will be compatible with Windows 11 as well. As the name suggests this theme offers Xbox Series X console wallpapers.

If you’re a fan of Xbox consoles then do check out this theme. You can download the Xbox Series X theme from the Microsoft Store for free and it consists of 16 premium wallpapers. 

DOWNLOAD Xbox Series X Theme


5. Mountain Light Premium

Mountain Light Premium

Next on the list is Mountain Light Premium. This Windows 11 Theme can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft Store and it’s completely free.

The theme consists of around 18 high-quality 4K premium mountain images from around the world. After applying them the Windows 11 accent color will change based on the color of the wallpaper.

DOWNLOAD Mountain Light Premium


6. Windows Nostalgia Bliss


If you consider yourself a long-time Windows user then do check out the Windows XP-inspired, Windows Nostalgia Bliss theme for Windows 11. With this theme, you will get access to the beautiful Bliss wallpaper.

The wallpaper is updated to make it compatible with Windows 11. The resolution of this wallpaper is 1920*1080.

DOWNLOAD Windows Nostalgia Bliss


7. Hacker Theme 


Hacker Theme is ideal for anyone who wants to make his PC look and feel like a hacker’s rig.

In addition to Windows 11, this  is compatible with Windows 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7.

The slideshow of wallpapers offered by the Hacker Theme consists of many classic hacker symbols including the anonymous logo.

Another noteworthy feature of the Win 11 Theme is the green that changes after every 30 minutes. This theme also gives a look of dark theme for windows 11.

DOWNLOAD Hacker Theme




Anyone who is a fan of the Squid Game TV show should definitely check out the Squid Game Theme for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

After downloading and installing this Windows 11 theme you will get access to a total of 15 high-quality wallpapers from The Squid Game series.

Similar to other wallpaper themes on the list Squid Game theme doesn’t change icons and cursor.

DOWNLOAD Squid Game Theme


9. Northern Lights

Northern Lights

If you are looking for a minimalistic theme that will enhance the overall look and feel of Windows 11 then do check out Northern Lights.

Northern Lights can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft App Store. The free theme for Windows offers a set of 15 high-quality wallpapers.

DOWNLOAD Northern Lights


10. Fortnite


Last on the list we have Fortnite. Yes, you read it right, there’s a Fortnite Windows 11 Theme. In addition to Windows 11, the theme is compatible with Windows 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7.

This free Themepack for Windows 11 consists of 15 wallpapers and you will even get app icons with this Fortnite theme.

DOWNLOAD Fortnite Theme


11. World National Parks

World National Parks

World National Parks was one of the best themes for Windows 10 and now the theme is available on Windows 11 as well.

The theme consists of 18 high-quality images of spectacular national parks from all around the world. The theme is completely free and can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft store.

DOWNLOAD World National Parks


12. Polar Animals Theme

Polar Animals Theme

The name says it all, the theme Polar Animals has visually impressive images of snow leopards, polar bears, snowshoe hares, and other snow animals.

If you would like to experience winter vibes right on your desktop then do check out this well-crafted theme.

DOWNLOAD Polar Animals Theme


13. Beach Time PREMIUM

Beach Time PREMIUM

Beach Time PREMIUM is one of the best beach themes for Windows 11. This premium Windows 11 theme consists of 15 idyllic 4k images.

Beach Time PREMIUM is ideal for anyone who wants his desktop to look refreshing and clean. Using this theme you can even set a slideshow. If you do so images will automatically change after regular time intervals.



14. Vanilla


The theme Vanilla has been in existence since Windows 7 and now it’s available for Windows 11 as well.

Vanilla features a clean interface that makes your PC looks minimal and since it’s a borderless theme you won’t see any boundaries around open Windows.



15. Cosmic

Cosmic Beauty

Next on the list of the best Windows 11 themes and skins we have Cosmic Beauty. This free-to-use theme for Win 11 consists of 20 spectacular photos from outer space.

These photos feature strange planets, nebula, black holes, quasars, stars, and much more. You can download Cosmic Beauty directly from the Microsoft store.

DOWNLOAD Cosmic Beauty

16. Botanical Garden

Botanical Windows 11 theme

This theme is offered by Microsoft Corporation and showcases seven aesthetically pleasing wallpapers. For those who prefer simplicity over vibrancy, this could be a perfect fit.

Though the theme solely provides backgrounds, it is an excellent pick for individuals who appreciate simplicity without animated visuals.

The captivating photography ensures a good greenish vibe on your desktop.

DOWNLOAD Botancial Garden


17. Classic Manga Action

Manga theme for Windows 11

Are you an Anime fan? Then you will like this Manga theme for Windows 11.

You get 8 different wallpapers that capture the different shades of the Manga characters.

This fresh Win 11 theme, available for free on the latest Windows, infuses the wallpapers with a burst of color and brings out the character’s energy.

DOWNLOAD Classic Manga Action

How To Apply Windows 11 Themes

If you have selected a good Windows 11 now it’s the time to apply it on your PC. So here’s how to apply themes in Windows 11.


1. Right-click anywhere on your desktop and click on Personalize.

2. Next select Themes. You can now apply any of the installed themes on your PC or click on browse themes to find some more themes on the Microsoft Store.


How to Install Custom Themes On Windows 11

To install a non-microsoft theme on a Windows 11 PC follow these simple steps.

NOTE: Before following this method either create a restore point or an image backup. So if something goes wrong you can always revert back. 

Windows 11 Custom Theme

1. Firstly, download and install UltraUXThemePatcher on your PC.

2. Next, copy all of your downloaded theme files to “C:/Windows/Resources/Themes

3. You can now apply your custom theme from the Control Panel’s Personalization menu.


So these were some of the best Windows 11 Skins and Themes out there. We will continue to update the post as more and more themes become available for Windows 11.

Windows 11 Themes FAQs

Where can I download themes for Windows 11?

You can download themes for Windows 11 from the official Microsoft store or sites like DeviantArt, Skinpacks and Themepack

How do I customize my desktop in Windows 11?

You can customize your desktop on Windows 11 by using or customizing themes, wallpapers, widgets, apps, start menu, system tray, etc.

Which theme is best for Windows 11?

macOS Monterey SkinPack and Northern Lights are considered to be the best themes for Windows 11. 

What are the best themes for Windows 10?

If you are looking for windows 10 themes you can find some of the best ones here in this list.

What are the best Windows 11 themes for Windows 10?

Find out the best Windows 11 themes for Windows 10 in this article.

Views: 13

How to download Windows for free, Windows 10 is the most widely used PC operating system in the world right now. Obviously, it’s a good idea to keep a USB memory stick, a DVD, or an ISO file with the Windows 10 setup handy. You may need it for various reasons, whether it’s reinstalling Windows 10 on your laptop or assisting friends in trouble, when their computers malfunction.

Or, why not, even for upgrading a very old or .1 computer. If you want to know how and where to download Windows 10, don’t worry. Here are three ways to get Windows 10 for free and legally, regardless of whether you need to download a 64-bit or 32-bit full version.

1. How to download Windows 10 from Microsoft using the Media Creation Tool

The best option to obtain Windows 10 is to use a small program that Microsoft provides to everyone for free: the Media Creation Tool. This small allows you to download Windows 10 as an ISO file or to create a DVD or a USB drive with Windows 10 on it. You can download the Media Creation Tool from the Windows 10 website.

Get a Windows 10 download for free, with Media Creation Tool

The app provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface. It allows you to choose between 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and includes different editions like Windows 10 Pro and Home. For more guidance, you can check out our tutorial: Windows 10 Media Creation Tool: Create a setup USB stick or ISO.

How to download Windows 10 32-bit or 64-bit

Download: Media Creation Tool.

How to download Windows 10 for free

Read Also : Best free mouse cursors for Windows 2024

2. How to get (full version) with Rufus

Using Rufus is another great way to download Windows 10. Rufus is a handy application that allows you to create bootable drives from image files. What many don’t know, however, is that you can also use it to download operating systems, including Windows 10. To get the most recent version of the software, visit the Rufus website.

Get Rufus to download Windows 10

Once you get Rufus on your computer, run it and make sure you allow it to check for updates. Otherwise, you won’t be able to download Windows 10.

Let Rufus check for updates

Then, click or tap the small arrow next to the Select button.

Click the small arrow next to Select

This opens a small menu with two options: Select and Download. Choose Download instead of the default Select option.

Choose Download in the options list

That will initiate a small wizard where you can tell Rufus that you want to get Windows 10. Choose it from the Version list and click or tap on Continue.

Select Windows 10 and Continue

The next steps of the Download ISO image wizard in Rufus are as clear as they can be. All you have to do is select the options you prefer and click/tap Continue to move on to the next ones.

You can choose the Release (there’s only one option here at the time of writing: version 22H2 v1), then select what edition (HomePro, and Education are all inside the same ISO), what language, and what architecture you want to download (Windows 10 64-bit or 32-bit). In the end, you get to download the full version of Windows 10 by pressing the Download button.

Customize the Windows 10 download

TIP: If you’re interested, here’s what the latest version of Windows 10 is, and how the Windows 10 editions are different from each other.

Once you press Download, you’re asked where you want to save the Windows 10 ISO file. Select a location on your computer, choose a name for the ISO or leave the default one, and click or tap on Save to begin downloading it.

Choose the location where to save the Windows 10 ISO

Rufus then starts downloading Windows 10 on your PC. While the process is running, you can monitor its status at the bottom of the window.

Downloading Windows 10

When the download is over, you’ll find the Windows 10 ISO file saved in the location you specified earlier. Then, you can use it to create a bootable DVD or USB memory stick with the Windows 10 setup. If you need help with that, check out this guide: How to make a bootable USB drive with Windows, Ubuntu, or FreeDOS.

Download: Rufus.

3. How to get a Windows 10 download from a safe site, like Softpedia

The third method I can think of is to get a Windows 10 ISO from websites that offer software downloads. However, this option has the highest risk because many of these websites are not trustworthy, and some may even hide malware in the downloads they provide.


Sadly, most of the big download sites that are reliable, such as FileHippo, , and MajorGeeks, don’t have direct links for downloading Windows 10 ISO files. The only website with a good reputation that I found offering direct downloads for Windows 10 ISO files is Softpedia. Go to it, look for Windows 10, and you should see the download options in the first results.

The Windows 10 download page from Softpedia

Download: Windows 10 on Softpedia.

What is your favorite way to download Windows 10?

If you want to get Windows 10 for free, legally, and without any risks, these are the options you have. Do you have any other suggestions on how to download Windows 10? Which method do you like the most? Do you use the official Media Creation Tool from Microsoft, or do you prefer Rufus when creating a Windows 10 USB memory stick? Let me know in the comments section below.


How to restart a Windows 10 computer

Sometimes, you need to restart your Windows 10 laptop or desktop PC simply to give it a fresh new start. Some other times, you may have to reboot because you just installed a new app or driver, or maybe because Windows 10 updated itself. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of ways to restart Windows 10, and they’re all quite simple. I have a list of eight different methods for you to choose from and I’m curious whether you know them all, or just a few of them. Here they are.

1. How to restart Windows 10 using the Start Menu

If you want to restart your Windows 10 computer, the easiest way is to use the Start Menu. First, open the Start Menu by clicking or tapping the Windows button in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Then, click or tap the Power button. From the options that appear, choose Restart to reboot your device.

How to restart Windows 10 from the Start Menu

If you have the Start Menu in full screen or you’re using Windows 10 on a tablet, things look a bit different. However, you can follow the same steps to restart your device: tap the Start button, go to Power, and tap Restart.

How to restart Windows 10 from the Start screen

2. How to restart Windows 10 using the

Another way to restart your PC is to use the power user menu, or the WinX menu for short. You can open it by pressing Windows + X on your keyboard or by right-clicking (or pressing and holding) the Windows button in the bottom-left corner of your screen. Then, choose “Shut down or sign out” and click or tap Restart.

How to restart Windows 10 from the WinX Menu

TIP: The WinX menu is one of the most powerful things in Windows 10, out of the box. But did you know that you can make it even more useful by editing its options? Here’s how to edit WinX.


3. How to restart Windows 10 using Alt + F4

You may already know that pressing the Alt + F4 keys closes the current application or window you’re using. But did you know that you can also use this keyboard shortcut to restart Windows 10? All you have to do for that is to go to the desktop by pressing the Win + D keys, and then press Alt + F4 to open the Shut Down Windows dialog box. In it, select the Restart option from the dropdown menu and press Enter or click/tap OK to reboot your Windows 11 device.

How to restart Windows 10 from the Shut Down Windows dialog window

TIP: The Shut Down Windows dialog also lets you sign out of your user account or switch to another one if that’s what you want.

4. How to restart Windows 10 from the command

For those who love working with commands, there are ways to restart Windows 10 from the Command Prompt or PowerShell too. Moreover, some commands can also be executed directly from a Run window if that’s what you prefer. Here’s how it all works:

4.1. How to restart Windows 10 using the “shutdown” command

Open a Command PromptPowerShell or Run window, and type the command:

shutdown /r

Then press Enter on your keyboard to restart your Windows 10 laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.

How to restart Windows 10 using shutdown command

Once triggered, the command makes Windows 10 display a warning window (“You’re about to be signed out”), and after a short while, your computer restarts.

Shut down warning for shutdown command

Please note that closing the warning doesn’t stop the restart process.

4.2. How to restart Windows 10 using the PowerShell Restart-Computer command

If you prefer using PowerShellyou can also use this command to restart your Windows 10 device:


Once executed, the command instantly reboots your Windows 10 computer. There are no other warnings displayed.

How to restart Windows 10 using Restart-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell

Note that this command only works in PowerShell or in a PowerShell tab inside Windows Terminal. You can’t use it in Command Prompt or in the Run window.

5. How to restart Windows 10 from the lock screen

You can also restart your device from the lock screen: you can see this screen before logging into Windows 10 or if you sign out or lock your device. On it, press the I/O icon from the bottom-right corner and then click or tap the Restart option.

How to restart Windows 10 from the lock screen

6. How to restart Windows 10 with Control + Alt + Delete

If you have a Windows 10 PC with a keyboard, a quick way to get to the power options is to simultaneously press the Control, Alt, and Delete keys on your keyboard. Once you do, look for the I/O button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click or tap on it, and you’ll see the usual power menu with SleepShut down, and Restart. Choose Restart, and your Windows 10 computer will reboot.

Restart Windows 10 from the Control + Alt + Delete screen

TIP: There’s more to the Ctrl + Alt + Del screen than just power options. Here’s what Control Alt Delete is and what you can do with it.

7. How to restart Windows 10 using our Shut Down Windows shortcut

If you want to restart (or power off) your PC, you can also use our handy shortcut for the “Shut Down Windows” dialog box I’ve talked about in the third (Alt + F4) method of this guide. This shortcut is a little file we made for you, that works on any Windows machine, whether it’s Windows 10 or Windows 11. Here’s how to get it and use it: Download the shortcut for “Shut Down Windows”.

Our Shut Down Windows shortcut

After you download it, run it, and it will instantly open the Shut Down Windows dialog box. In it, select Restart and either press Enter on your keyboard or click/tap the OK button.

How to restart Windows 10 using our Shut Down Windows shortcut

8. How to restart Windows 10 using Simple Shutdown Scheduler

Last but not least, there’s also an app that I believe you’ll like: Simple Shutdown Scheduler. It can help you with scheduling or triggering immediate actions for shutting down or restarting Windows 10. Before installing it though, you will have to install the additional Windows 10 feature .NET Framework 3.5.

Then, open the app, go to the General tab, and pick the Restart action from the Immediate action dropdown menu. Once you do, hit the Go button next to it.

Immediate action in Simple Shutdown Scheduler

If you want to learn more about this app, check out this guide we published some time ago: Set your Windows PC to turn off or restart at certain time, with Simple Shutdown Scheduler.

How do you usually restart your Windows 10 computer?

You know now that there are many ways to reboot your Windows 10 device. Depending on what you prefer or need, you may use one or the other. Which one’s your favorite? Also, if you’re having any issues restarting your Windows 10 computer, feel free to leave a comment in the section below, and I’ll try to help.


How to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking

If your Windows is acting up or not booting at all, you may want to try Safe Mode to fix it. Safe Mode is a special way of starting Windows that only loads the essential stuff, so you can troubleshoot and repair the issues.

But sometimes, you need more than just the basics, like internet access. That’s where Safe Mode with Networking comes in handy. It’s a variation of Safe Mode that also lets you connect to the web and other networks. In this guide, I’ll show you how to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking using various methods, including from the command line and the graphical user interface of this operating system.


NOTE: This guide covers the ways in which you can boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode with Networking. If you’d like to know more about Safe Mode, what it is, and why it’s useful, you should read this article first: What is Safe Mode? Also, if you’re interested in starting your computer into standard Safe Mode without networking or internet access, read this tutorial instead: How to boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode.


What is Safe Mode with Networking in Windows 10? What’s the difference between Safe Mode and Safe Mode with Networking?

The default Safe Mode starts Windows using only a few core services and drivers to avoid as many issues as possible. Unfortunately, the downside is that the minimal Safe Mode doesn’t let you connect to the network or the internet, so you’re kind of isolated.


That’s where the Safe Mode with Networking environment comes in handy. If you need to use the internet while in Safe Mode to make it easier to troubleshoot your Windows 10 computer, you should try Safe Mode with Networking. This option lets you start Windows with only the essential services and drivers, but it also includes the networking components. However, keep in mind that this only works with wired Ethernet connections. Safe Mode with Networking doesn’t with Wi-Fi. That’s because wireless cards need more complex drivers that are not loaded by Windows 10 when running in Safe Mode.

Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode with Networking can be tremendously helpful when you need to download repair tools from the internet or when your computer is infected with malware and you must download and run antivirus tools that are up to date. Now let’s see how to boot into Safe Mode with Networking in Windows 10. I’ll first cover the ways to start Safe Mode with Networking when you can’t log in to Windows 10 and then the ones to use when you can sign in with your user account.

How to boot in Safe Mode with Networking when you can’t log in to Windows 10

Having trouble starting or logging in to Windows 10? You can still boot your computer into Safe Mode with Networking in order to fix the problem(s). Here’s how:

1. How to restart Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking using the Shift + Restart keyboard shortcut

One of the easiest methods to boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode with Networking is to restart it while keeping the Shift key pressed. Furthermore, you can do that from the sign-in or lock screen without having to actually sign in with a user account on your Windows 10 computer:

Boot your Windows 10 PC as you would normally do. When you get to the sign-in screen, press and hold the Shift key while clicking the Power button, and then Restart.

How to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking from the Sign In screen

After a short while, you should see a blue screen with four options: “Continue (Exit and continue to Windows 10), “Use a device (Use a USB drive, network connection, or Windows recovery DVD),” “Troubleshoot (Reset your PC or see advanced options),” and “Turn off your PC.” Click or tap the third one: Troubleshoot.

Click Troubleshoot (Reset your PC or see advanced options)

On the Troubleshoot screen, choose Advanced options.

Select Advanced options

On the Advanced options screen, click or tap on “Startup Settings (Change Windows startup behavior).”

Enter Startup settings in Windows 10's recovery environment

Next, on the Startup Settings screen, click or tap on the Restart button.

Choose to restart Windows 10

After a short while, Windows 10 restarts and gives you some options for how it will boot up. To make it go into Safe Mode with Networking, choose option number five: “5) Enable Safe Mode with Networking”. To select it, either press the number 5 key or the F5 function key on your keyboard.

Press 5 or F5 to restart Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking

Your Windows 10 computer will now restart and boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

2. How to open boot into Safe Mode with Networking when Windows 10 shows a black screen

If Windows 10 fails to boot normally three times consecutively, it automatically enters Automatic Repair mode the next time you try to start it. You can access the Safe Mode with Networking from there. Trigger the Automatic Repair mode manually by interrupting the normal boot process three times over: use the reset or the power button on your Windows 10 computer to stop it during boot.

If you use the power button, you might have to keep it pressed for at least 4 seconds to force the power off. When your Windows 10 computer enters the Automatic Repair mode, the first thing you see is a screen letting you know that the operating system is “Preparing Automatic Repair.”

How to boot into Safe Mode from a black screen

After a short while, the Automatic Repair tries to diagnose the problems that keep your Windows 10 PC from booting successfully.

Windows 10 is diagnosing your PC

When the Automatic Repair screen is loaded, click or tap on the Advanced options button.

Advanced options on the Automatic repair screen

Then, the “Choose an option” screen loads. Click or tap on Troubleshoot and take the same steps shown in this guide’s first method. In short, follow this path: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking (press the 5 or the F5 key).

Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking

3. How to restart in Safe Mode with Networking from the command line, with a Windows 10 installation disc or USB stick

If your PC doesn’t boot Windows 10, but you have access to another computer, you can use the working computer to create a Windows 10 installation DVD or USB memory stick. Download Windows 10 and create your own installation media. Then, insert the DVD or the USB memory stick into your non-working Windows 10 computer and boot from it. Wait for the Windows 10 setup wizard to load, and choose the language and keyboard layout you prefer. Then, click or tap Next.

The Windows 10 Setup first screen

On the next screen, don’t click/tap on Install now. Instead, look at the bottom left part of the wizard and click/tap on “Repair your computer.”

Click on Repair your computer

The screen called “Choose an option” loads. On it, click or tap Troubleshoot.

Select Troubleshoot

The Troubleshoot screen loads. On it, click or tap Advanced options.

Select Advanced options

A screen called Advanced options is loaded: click or tap “Command Prompt (Use the Command Prompt for advanced troubleshooting).”

Open Command Prompt

To restart Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking from Command Prompt, run this command:

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network

After you press Enter on your keyboard, the Command Prompt should state: “The operation completed successfully.”

How to restart Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking from command line

Close the Command Prompt and then click or tap on “Continue (Exit and continue to Windows 10)”.

Choose Continue to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking

After your PC restarts, Windows 10 will boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

IMPORTANT: To get back to normal boot after you’ve finished repairs, follow the same steps, but run this command instead:

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot

4. How to start Windows 10’s Safe Mode with Networking from a recovery drive

If you already have a recovery disk or you create one on another Windows 10 computer, you can use it to boot your broken Windows 10 PC into Safe Mode with Networking.

Creating a recovery drive in Windows 10

Plug the recovery drive into your Windows 10 PC and use it to boot. The first screen you see asks you what keyboard layout you prefer to use. Click or tap on the one you want.

Choose your keyboard layout

Then, on the “Choose an option” screen, click or tap on “Troubleshoot (Reset your PC or see advanced options.” The next steps are the ones shown in the first method from this guide. Essentially, you should follow this path: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking (press the 5 or the F5 key).

Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking

How to boot in Safe Mode with Networking when you can log in to Windows 10

If you want to boot your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode with Networking, and you can still log in normally, here’s are your options:

5. How to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking using Shift + Restart

If you’re signed in to Windows 10, open the Start Menu. Press and keep the Shift key down, click the Power button, and select Restart.

Press Shift and select Restart to get to Windows 10's Safe Mode with Networking

After a short while, you should see a blue screen with four options: “Continue (Exit and continue to Windows 10),” “Use a device (Use a USB drive, network connection, or Windows recovery DVD),”, “Troubleshoot (Reset your PC or see advanced options),” and “Turn off your PC.” Click or tap on the third one – Troubleshoot – and then take the same steps shown in the first method of this guide. In short, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking (press the 5 or the F5 key).

Follow the path: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking

6. How to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking using Windows 10’s Settings

You can also boot into Safe Mode with Networking if you use the Advanced startup settings from Windows 10. Start by opening the Settings app and then click or tap on the Update & Security section.

Update & Security in Windows 10's Settings

In the left sidebar, click/tap to select Recovery. On the right, click or tap the Restart now button from the Advanced startup section.

Restart now in Advanced startup

Then, Windows 10 loads the same “Choose an option” screen that I’ve shown in this guide’s previous methods. From here on, you should follow the same steps described earlier: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking (press the 5 or the F5 key).

Head to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking

7. How to boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode with Networking using msconfig (System Configuration)

Another easy way to boot a Windows 10 computer into Safe Mode with Networking is to use the System Configuration tool, otherwise known as msconfig.exeLaunch System Configuration: a fast way to do this is to type system configuration or msconfig in the search box on your taskbar and then click or tap System Configuration.

Opening msconfig (System Configuration) in Windows 10

In the System Configuration window, click or tap the Boot tab. Check Safe boot in the Boot options section, and then choose Network.

Enable Safe Boot and select Network in msconfig

After you click or tap on OK, Windows 10 pops up a notification saying that you must restart your computer to make the changes. If you want to go into Safe Mode with Networking right now, click/tap on Restart. Otherwise, choose to “Exit without restart,” and when you’re ready, restart your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode with Networking manually.

Restart Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking

When you restart, Windows 10 automatically enters Safe Mode with Networking. The first thing I found when that happened on my test computers was that Microsoft  launches automatically in this Safe Mode, loading the Windows help & learning website.

Edge offers help in Windows 10 Safe Mode with Networking

You can now use Microsoft Edge to navigate the internet and read help guides or download any repair tools you might need. Then, when you’re finished troubleshooting your PC, turn off Safe Mode with Networking by following the same steps in this chapter to disable the Safe boot setting from msconfig (System Configuration).

8. How to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking from Command Prompt with the shutdown command

The last method I know for starting Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking relies on Command PromptOpen CMD and execute the following command:

shutdown.exe /r /o

How to boot a Windows 10 computer in Safe Mode using the shutdown command

This command triggers a reboot of Windows 10 into its recovery environment. Immediately after you execute it, Windows 10 notifies you that it will sign you out.

You're about to be signed out

You will then see the Choose an option screen, just like in the previous chpaters of this guide. From here on, follow the same path as in the first chapter: go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> Restart. Then, press 5 or F5 on your keyboard to boot into Safe Mode Safe Mode with Networking.

Head to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart > Enable Safe Mode with Networking

That’s it!

Do you know other ways to boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking?

In this article, I covered all the methods I know for starting Windows 10 in Safe Mode with Networking. And as you’ve seen, there are multiple ways to do this, some more complicated than others. While I tried to be as comprehensive as possible, there may be others that I missed, so if you have any other ideas, please let me know in the comments section. Also, if you have any questions or issues regarding this subject, don’t hesitate to ask.

Views: 1

Best Data Recovery in 2024, You don’t want to be caught off guard when you lose an important file. Instead, you want to have reliable data already installed on your system, and this article is here to help you pick the best solution for you.

Our Data Recovery Software Selection Criteria

Here are some of the critical aspects that delineate top data recovery software from the competition.


 Performance & Versatility: A common issue with a lot of these recovery apps is that the rescue tools support very limited file types. A recovery app becomes resourceful when it supports the restoration of a wide range of file types; so, you can confidently restore deleted photosvideosmusic files, and other more specific file types, such as XLSDOC, or PDF files. Another unpleasant realization is that most of your programs do not support the recovery of files from external storage devices such as external HDDmemory cards or USB flash drives. This is quite inconvenient as the major chunk of data loss these days occur on external or portable storage devices. We favored versatile data recovery software with high performance, supporting various file types, file systems, and recovery from external storage devices, while maintaining a high recovery rate.


 Scanning Speed: Time is something nobody has enough of these days. You can’t expect users to spend the whole day waiting for the scanning and recovering to finally get their hands on something urgent. Good-performing data recovery software generally has options for high-speed scanning. And some even come with customized scanning while targeting a specific file for recovery. We preferred data recovery software with fast scanning speeds, offering high-speed and customizable scans for targeted file recovery, thus saving time and increasing efficiency.


 File Preview & Recovery Chances: Another important feature is to preview files that have already been identified. Also, the recovered files need to be in their original quality. Reliable data recovery applications also display the recovery chances of each file. We gave preference to data recovery software with file previews, original quality preservation, and displayed recovery chances for informed decision-making.


 User-Friendly UI: There’s no use in having the world’s best data recovery app if it can only be operated by the team behind it. A simple interface and ease of use are essential to any app. A lot of recovery programs feature flashy icons and supposedly high- features that are rather useless. The end-user often only needs a well-defined interface that delivers the goods, period. We prioritized user-friendly data recovery software with a simple interface, removing flashy elements, for easy end-user operation.

Now that you know what makes an awesome recovery program, let’s move on to the ranking.

Top 10 Best Data Recovery Software

Read More : Best YouTube Vanced Alternative 2024

1. Disk Drill Data Recovery (Windows & Mac)

Disk Drill for Windows

is one the best data recovery software for Windows and Mac because of its ability to effortlessly recover lost or deleted data from all internal and external storage devices, regardless of their file system.


 Supports hundreds of file formats
 Powerful recovery capabilities
 Lost partition search
 Data protection and backup features
 Intuitive user interface
 Recovers up to 500 MB of data for free (Windows)
 Ability to mount scan results as a folder


 No phone support
 Average scan speed
 Limited support for Linux file systems

Download Disk Drill

User Experience

Developed by the data recovery experts at CleverFiles, Disk Drill is the best choice for professional and casual home users alike, providing an exceptionally polished experience and best-in-class data recovery results. The latest version of the software can recover data in more than 400 file formats from a variety of storage devices and file systems using its advanced scanning algorithms.

Data recovery with Disk Drill is an intuitive process that doesn’t require any expert knowledge. You can filter scan results to find a specific file and preview it before recovery directly inside Disk Drill. If you need to shut down your , you can simply pause the scan and resume it later.

The free version of Disk Drill can recover up to 500 MB of data (on Windows), and it provides enhanced data protection with its Recovery Vault and Drive backup features (which makes Disk Drill a backup and recovery tool at the same time). Both of these features are just as easy to use as the data recovery portion of Disk Drill because they share the same polished user interface. Another important aspect of Disk Drill is its ability to recover data with original file names and folder structure.

Users who would like to enjoy unlimited data recovery can upgrade to Disk Drill PRO for just $89.00 and activate it on up to 3 computers. Lifetime upgrades can be purchased for $29 to reliably recover data even on future versions of Windows and macOS.

On top of that, when you buy Disk Drill you actually get two for one. For example, your purchase of Disk Drill PRO for Windows automatically gets you a version for macOS.

Despite the word PRO in its name, the paid version of Disk Drill is just as easy to use as the free one, so even inexperienced home users with no expert knowledge shouldn’t feel intimidated by it.


If you’re interested in using Disk Drill, check out our full review to learn about its features and performance. We also conducted an analysis of its safety and security, which you can find on our website.

Versions / Licensing:

 Disk Drill Basic: Free
 Disk Drill Pro: $89
 Disk Drill Enterprise: $499

System requirements: Windows 7 SP1+, 44 MB of storage space / Mac OS X 10.8.5+, 22 MB of storage space

Supported languages: English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Turkish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian, Portuguese, European Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Chinese, Hindi

Supported file systems: NTFS, NTFS5, FAT12, FAT16, FAT32exFAT, EXT3/EXT4, HFS, HFS+APFS

2. R-Studio (Windows, Mac, and Linux)


This comprehensive data recovery software solution is geared toward more experienced users who are able to appreciate its extensive options and powerful features.


 Advanced features for data recovery professionals
 Available as a bootable ISO image
 Disk sanitization feature


 Not suitable for non-technical users
 Doesn’t display results during scan
 Can preview only a few file formats

Download R-Studio

User Experience

Whereas most data recovery products on the market target regular home users, is intended primarily for professionals who already understand the ins and outs of data recovery. It provides support for all commonly used file systems and partition layout schemes and handles even damaged or deleted partitions.

Instead of guiding users through the recovery process step by step, R-Studio gives them the freedom to start multiple data recovery jobs at the same time in separate tabs. Recovered files can be sorted by their extensions, creation time, modification time, access time, and other parameters. You can preview many supported file types or view files using the built-in hex editor to assess their integrity or perform partial recovery.

When buying R-Studio, make sure you get the right version. The least expensive version of R-Studio ($49.99) can recover data only from the FAT, exFAT, and Ext2/3/4 file systems. To also recover data from NTFS, ReFS, HFS+, APFS, HFS, and UFS, you need to purchase the $79.99 version.

System requirements: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000 or Windows Server 2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 / Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or newer / Any kernel 2.6+ Linux distribution capable of installing .rpm or .deb packages

Supported languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, and Japanese

Supported file systems: NTFS/ReFS, FAT/exFAT, Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS+/APFS/ HFS/UFS

3. PhotoRec (Windows, Mac, and Linux)


has powerful file recovery capabilities and support for a wide range of platforms. Whether it’s a digital camera or a traditional hard drive, PhotoRec has you covered as long as you’re able to figure out how to use it.


 Compatible with all major operating systems
 Recovers about 300 file families
 Support for many file systems


 Intimidating for beginners
 All files are automatically recovered during scan
 Unable to restore file names and folder structure

Download PhotoRec

User Experience

Judging by its name, you might think that PhotoRec can recover only image file formats, but that’s not the case at all. In reality, this open-source data recovery software can recover more than 480 file extensions (about 300 file families) from hard drives, memory cards, CD-ROMs, USB flash drives, and other storage devices.

PhotoRec is known for scaring inexperienced users away with its -only user interface, but we found the data recovery process to be reasonably self-explanatory. Sure, beginners could benefit from even more handholding, but that’s what the official documentation is intended for.

In terms of performance, PhotoRec can measure up to many paid data recovery software applications. It uses a non-destructive data recovery method, which prevents it from writing to the same storage device the user is about to recover from. In certain cases, PhotoRec can successfully recover even fragmented files scattered all over the place.

Versions / Licensing: Free and open-source

System requirements: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows Server 2016/2012/2008/2003 / Any recent version of macOS / Linux kernel 2.6.18 or later

Supported languages: English, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish

Supported file systems: FAT, NTFS, exFAT, ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem, HFS

4. Recuva (Windows)


Recuva is a small freeware program you can use to recover pictures, music, documents, videos, or any other types of files on your hard drive, memory cards, floppy disks, iPod or MP3 player, or USB sticks.


 Low price
 Free version available
 Preview screen


 Can’t recover as many files as high-priced rivals
 The interface is rather outdated
 Limited support of restoring the original folder trees and file names

Download Recuva

User Experience

We like Recuva for its low cost, its clear interface, and its ease of use, but it only recovered two-thirds of the deleted files on my test drive, and that kind of performance may not be good enough in a crisis. The reason why Recuva performs poorly compared with the top 3 listed in this article is simple: it doesn’t support many file formats.

The lackluster file format support may not matter to you if all you want to do is recover files saved in a format that is supported by Recuva. What will matter to you, in either case, is the tool’s usability, which is rather good thanks to its clean interface design and integrated preview screen.

It’s clear, however, that Recuva’s user interface comes from the Windows XP era (Recuva was released during the transition period from Windows XP to Windows Vista). The latest major Rucuva update (v1.53) was released in 2016, and the software has received only minor improvements since then. Fortunately, it still works fine on all recent versions of Windows.

Versions / Licensing:

 Recuva Free: $0
 Recuva Pro: $19.95

System requirements: Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, and XP

Supported languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri (Latin), Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese (Portugues do Brasil), Bulgarian, Catalan (Catala), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech (Ceský), Danish, Dutch (Nederlands), English, Estonian, Finnish (Suomi), French (Français), Georgian, German (Deutsch), Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian (Magyar), Italian (Italiano), Japanese, Lithuanian (Lietuviu), Norwegian, Polish (Polski), Romanian (Romana), Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Espanol), Swedish (Svenska), Turkish (Türkçe), Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

Supported file systems: FAT, exFAT, and NTFS

5. Data Rescue (Windows & Mac)

Data Rescue 6

Simplicity is what is all about, but its steep price makes it prohibitively expensive for most home users, the demographic that would ironically most appreciate its clean and simple user interface.


 Clean and simple interface
 Can duplicate a potentially failing drive onto a healthy drive
 Automatically determines a set of RAID configurations


 Unnecessarily complicated multi-step recovery process

Download Data Rescue 6

User Experience

Data Rescue is a somewhat confusing data recovery software application because its clean and simple user interface (the main screen features just three large buttons with colorful icons and detailed descriptions) suggests that its target are regular home users, but its steep price tag and website tell a completely different story.

A single license (which can be used by one user on an unlimited number of systems) costs $399.00 a year. That’s more than twice as much compared with what most other competing data recovery software applications charge for a lifetime license.

If you can afford to pay such a large amount of money for Data Rescue, you can look forward to fast scan and recovery speeds, improved RAID recovery, and additional disk tools for byte-to-byte disk copies and secure file deletion.

Versions / Licensing:

 Data Rescue 6 Demo: Free
 Data Rescue 6 Standard: starts at $19 (pay for the files you want to recover)
 Data Rescue 6 Pro: $399 per year

System requirements: Windows 7 or later or macOS 10.12 or later, secondary storage location, internet connection

Supported languages: English

Supported file systems: FAT, FAT32, exFAT, ext2, ext3, HFS+, APFS, and NTFS

6. Wondershare Recoverit (Windows & Mac)

Wondershare Recoverit

One of the best data recovery programs in its price range, Wondershare works flawlessly with a wide range of storage devices, including camcorders, hard drives, memory sticks, and USB flash drives.


 Supports many file formats
 Sleek design and great usability
 Compatible with Windows and Mac files systems


 Can recover only up to 100 MB of data
 Preview feature limited to a handful of file formats
 Many duplicates in scan results

Download Wondershare Recoverit

User Experience

The company behind this data recovery software has been around for many years, and it has successfully earned the trust of millions of home users and many large companies. Recoverit is its flagship data recovery product, and it boasts support for over 1,000 file formats and all commonly used file systems, including NTFS, FAT, HFS+, and APFS.

Just like all other software applications from Wondershare, Recoverit is really easy to use, and we had to go through just three simple steps to recover our files. During the last step, we were able to preview recovered files before retrieving them with a single click.

The only problem is that the free version of Wondershare Recoverit can recover only up to 100 MB of data. That’s not much considering that a single high-resolution picture taken with a modern smartphone can easily have around 5 MB.

Versions / Licensing:

 Wondershare Recoverit Essential: $59.95 a year
 Wondershare Recoverit Standard: $69.95 a year
 Wondershare Recoverit Advanced: $79.95 a year

System requirements: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (either 32-bit or 64-bit) or Windows Server 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003 / macOS 10.9- 10.15

Supported languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, Korean

Supported file systems: NTFS, FAT32, FAT16, exFAT, APFS, encrypted APFS, HFS+, encrypted HFS, HFSX

7. DiskGenius (Windows)


DiskGenius is an all-in-one data recovery and partition management solution aimed at professional and home users alike. You can use it to solve many unpleasant disk problems and try it for free before spending money on one of the two paid versions.


 Combines data recovery and partition management
 Is able to virtualize Windows into a VMware virtual machine
 Disk cloning functionality
 30-day money-back guarantee
 Free version available


 Doesn’t have the most intuitive user interface
 Jack of all trades but master of none

Download DiskGenius

User Experience

Partition and data loss issues often go hand-in-hand, which is why the people behind DiskGenius decided to create an all-in-one data recovery and partition management solution that lets you recover lost data from deletion, formatting, RAW drive, partition loss, OS crash, and many other data loss situations.

While the user interface of DiskGenius is nothing to write home about, the actual data recovery process is simple and boils down to just three steps. First, you select a partition or drive, then you scan for lost data, and, finally, you preview all listed files and select those that you want to get back.

DiskGenius comes with several extra features that even several times more expensive products don’t include, such as the ability to recover data directly from VMware, Virtual Box, or Microsoft Virtual PC images. It also includes a hex editor that facilitates the analysis of raw disk data, but it’s unlikely that regular users would ever take advantage of this feature.

System requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Small Business Server 2011/2003/2008, Windows home server 2011, and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016 (both 32bit and 64bit)

Supported languages: English, Japanese

Supported file systems: NTFS, FAT32, FAT16, exFAT, EXT2, EXT3, and EXT4

8. Stellar Data Recovery (Windows & Mac)

Stellar Data Recovery

Stellar Data Recovery is a professional-grade data recovery software for Windows and Mac that can deal with completely crashed and unbootable systems that many lesser applications of its kind would deem unrecoverable.


 Support for a wide range of storage devices
 Easy to use
 Useful preview feature


 Relatively expensive
 Slow scan and recovery speed
 Glitchy store device selection

Download Stellar Data Recovery

User Experience

Previously known as Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery, this data recovery software supports NTFS, exFAT, and FAT (FAT16/FAT32) formatted hard drivesSSDs, USB flash drives, memory cards (including SD cards, MicroSD cardsCF cards, etc.), and other commonly used storage devices.

You can choose from two different versions intended for professional usage: Professional ($79.99 for one year or $99 for a lifetime license) and Premium ($99.99 for one year or $149 for a lifetime license). The former version is slightly cheaper because it doesn’t include any video or photo recovery capabilities.

Except for the missing recovery features, the two versions are identical and equally easy to use. Recovered files can be sorted according to their type or displayed in a tree view, which is useful for locating a specific folder.

System requirements: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista & XP / macOS Catalina 10.15, Mojave 10.14, High Sierra 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8 & 10.7

Supported languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish

Supported file systems: NTFS, exFAT, FAT(FAT16/FAT32), HFS, HFS+, ext2, ext3, ext4

9. TestDisk (Windows, Mac, and Linux)


Designed to recover lost partitions and make non-booting disks bootable again, TestDisk is an excellent solution to many desperate data loss scenarios, but its text-only user interface puts it out of the reach of many users.


 Capable of recovering many different filesystems and partition schemes
 Broad operating system support
 Free and open source


 Lacks an intuitive graphical user interface – command-line only
 Repairs damaged partitions and file systems but not files

Download TestDisk

User Experience

If you’ve accidentally and permanently deleted an important file, and you desperately want to get it back, TestDisk isn’t the right choice. This open-source data recovery application doesn’t focus on individual files but entire file systems and partitions. It can fix partition tables, repair boot sectors, and do many other things to restore access to lost files.

It’s true that TestDisk can undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS, and xt2/ext3/ext4 file systems, but this functionality is tucked away inside the advanced menu, where most regular users never go. Besides, recovering individual files with TestDisk is extremely cumbersome because you can’t preview files before recovery.

But despite its shortcomings, such as the lack of an intuitive graphical user interface, TestDisk remains one of the best data recovery software solutions for Windows, Mac, Linux, and several other operating systems.

Versions / Licensing: Free and open-source

System requirements: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows Server 2016/2012/2008/2003 / Any recent version of macOS / Linux kernel 2.6.18 or later

Supported languages: English, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish

Supported file systems: FAT, exFAT, NTFS, and xt2/ext3/ext4

10. EaseUS Data Recovery (Windows & Mac)

EaseUS Data Recovery

EaseUS has managed to garner a great deal of positive feedback across a wide spectrum of users, and our experience with its data recovery features has been similarly positive, which is why it deserves a place on this list.


 Reliable data recovery performance
 Lets users sort and filter deleted files
 Makes data recovery accessible to anyone


 Includes unrecoverable files alongside recoverable files
 Previews only files that are smaller than 100 MB
 Doesn’t accurately display remaining scan time

Download EaseUS Data Recovery

User Experience

EaseUS Data Recovery is a tried and tested data recovery software for Windows and Mac. Its developers have successfully made the complicated process of data recovery simple and accessible to anyone. There are no menus with multiple layers and options that require a lengthy manual to decipher what they mean.

When you begin data recovery with this software application, you’re first asked to select a location to scan, such as your hard drive or USB flash drive. You can also select a specific folder, including the Recycle Bin. Then, you simply click the Scan button and wait for EaseUS Data Recovery to find your files.

If your budget is tight, you can purchase EaseUS Data Recovery for just one month. However, we recommend you get a lifetime license for $149.95 to enjoy unlimited free upgrades.

System requirements: Windows 2000 or newer / macOS 10.15 ~ 10.9

Supported languages: English, German, Japanese, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Swedish, Danish, Korean, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Hungarian, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian

Supported file systems: FAT (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32), exFAT, NTFS, NTFS5, ext2/ext3, HFS+, ReFS


Honorable Mentions

Are you still hungry for more data recovery software? Then take a look at our selection of try-worthy applications that didn’t make it into the top 10.


 Windows File Recovery: Developed by Microsoft for its Windows operating system, Windows File Recovery, is a command-line tool capable of recovering permanently deleted files that are no longer present in the Recycle Bin. We just wish it delivered better recovery results and came with an optional graphical user interface.


 MiniTool Power Data Recovery: If you can live with an outdated user interface and a limited set of features, then the free version of MiniTool Power Data Recovery deserves a download from you since it works well in all kinds of data loss situations.


 Undelete 360: Last updated in 2017 for Windows 7, Undelete 360 is an outdated data recovery application that has yet to become obsolete. You can use it to recover all Windows-supported storage devices with a few simple clicks, and it even lets you preview files before recovery.


 Wise Data Recovery: If you want to recover data from an older version of Windows, then Wise Data Recovery is a solid choice. Just keep in mind that you may experience serious issues when using it on Windows 10 and newer.


 SysTools Data Recovery Software: The long list of features and the highly technical language the official website of this data recovery software uses to describe them should be enough to tell you that this isn’t the most user-friendly software in the world.


 Remo Data Recovery Software: Because of how dependable Remo Data Recovery Software is, it has received many positive reviews from professional reviewers and real users alike. We just with the Windows application was more polished.


 Zero Assumption Recovery: Also referred to as ZAR Data Recovery, this Windows software supports Windows FAT, NTFS, Linux ext/2/3/4, and XFS file systems, and you can download it free of charge from its official website.


 TogetherShare Data Recovery Pro: You can try the full version of TogetherShare Data Recovery Pro without risking anything thanks to the 30-day money-back guarantee. The last version of the software even supports Windows 11.


 Lazesoft Windows Data Recovery: What’s great about Lazesoft Windows Data Recovery is the free price tag. What’s not so great is its terribly outdated user interface and limited file system and file format support.


 iBoysoft Data Recovery: iBoysoft Data Recovery doesn’t offer anything groundbreaking in terms of features, design, and performance, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you’re looking for an instantly recognizable alternative to established data recovery solutions, then this software is worth looking into.


 GetDataBack Pro: Developed by Runtime Software, GetDataBack Pro excels in the HDD data recovery department but could use improvements in terms of being a more well-rounded and user-friendly program. Despite not being as popular as other data recovery software, it is a suitable choice for intermediate and expert PC users looking for a powerful recovery tool.


 Ontrack EasyRecovery: As a rebranded version of Stellar Data Recovery, Ontrack EasyRecovery offers similar performance, and its free version allows you to recover up to 1 GB of data without paying. Although not among the best data recovery apps, it supports all major file types and is cross-platform, making it a versatile option that’s worth trying. The biggest downside is its expensive annual subscription, which can be a deal-breaker for some users.


 DMDE: Featuring an expansive set of features aimed towards professional users, DMDE stands out for its broad operating system support, even dating back to Windows 98. But despite its technical prowess, DMDE’s complexity can be overwhelming for beginners, with an unintuitive scanning process and complex scanning results.


 AnyRecover Data Recovery: By striking a balance between user-friendliness and data recovery capabilities, AnyRecover Data Recovery positions itself as an attractive alternative to the leading data recovery software applications. If only it didn’t fall short in recovering data from some file systems during deep scans and offered more extra features, it could have made it into our top 10 list.


 Tenorshare 4DDiG: This app’s user-friendly interface makes data recovery a breeze, so it’s a solid choice for regular home users who find complicated software intimidating. Just know that Tenorshare’s ease of use outweighs its data recovery capabilities, especially when it comes to recovering files with their original names intact.
 Cisdem Data Recovery: Though it’s a clone of EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, Cisdem deserves the attention of anyone seeking a well-rounded data recovery solution. With fast scan times, a user-friendly interface, and excellent support for various file formats, it makes for an accessible tool for users at all levels of tech-savvy. However, its lifetime license is quite pricey, costing $149.95, and the monthly subscription ($69.95/month) can quickly end up being even more expensive.

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Feeling bored enough? Then, this post can help you a lot. The post explains the best online games (free and paid). Pick the ideal one and enjoy!

From a college student to an adult, online games are liked by everyone and offer perfect rescue from a stressful day.

More than the unparalleled graphics and stunning action scenes, what we love the most about these games is the game itself. These games are available in multiple genres and styles which are suitable for all ages. But with hundreds and thousands of choices, it can be a nerve cracking task to decide which game you want to pick for your PC.

Keeping in mind the multiple offerings, here we have compiled a properly researched list of some of the best online games for PC. Most of our picks are free of cost, but we have also included few paid games for those who don’t mind spending a few bugs on gaming.

Well, without any further delay, let’s take a look at the top free and paid online games for PC.

Best Online Games For PC That You Can

1. Valorant


Price: Free

Platform: Microsoft

Valorant by Riot Games is a next-gen 5v5 character-based shooting game. The availability of heroes across the distinct game modes including Spike Rush, Deathmatch, and Unranked makes it worth trying.

In the game, there are several agents and weapon skins which incentivize gamers to stick around, & experience intense competition from other players. You also have the option to buy some Valorant Points in order to skip the queue and access shiny skins and agents. The game is one of the best multiplayer video games that you can play.


Best Online Games For PC 2024

Read More : The Best PC Games 2023

2. World of Tanks

World of tanks

Price:- Free 

Platforms:- , macOS, PS4, PC, Xbox One or Xbox 360

World of Tanks is one of the mighties games that the online gaming industry has ever seen. The game is based on complex game mechanics, battlefield, and exciting tank simulators. 

The game features two teams playing against each other. It is all about beating your opponent with an unmatchable strategy and using the right tanks and machines. You get access to around 10 tiers, each containing hundreds of vehicles and containers ranging from hulking heavies to speedy scouts. 

All-in-all World of Tanks has everything that can keep your excitement levels high. PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PS4 are the few platforms where you can play this incredible game. Moreover, World of Tanks is one of the best

3. Fortnite


Price:- Free

Platforms:-  , 8, 10, and Mac OSX Sierra

Fortnite is one of the best online PC games that you can play. The game offers very interesting gameplay supporting amazing graphics that might interest you. Just like PUBG or Call of Duty you enter a battlefield where you need to survive on an island. Apart from that, you get new things in the game which you won’t find in any other battle royale game.

While paying you can easily harvest resources and build a structure that can help you in surviving the game. The game does not just require killing others but you need to use strategy for building new resources and using them. You have to gather resources while playing the game which makes it unique and interesting.

Overall the game is super exciting and has new addons which make it more interesting to play. You should definitely try this game as it doesn’t disappoint. You can even find many Fortnite alternatives, so if you are bored of looking at the same graphics then you can play other similar games.


4. Neverwinter


Price:- Free

Platforms:- Xbox One, PC, PS4

If you are a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, then NeverWinter is the right choice for you. The masses love this free to play online PC game because of two main reasons. 

First: It comes from the highly popular series of online games: The incredible Neverwinter Series. 

Second: It is based on challenging Dungeons and dangerous dragons, a modified and advanced version of its D&D 4th edition. 

Packed with amazing locations, action-focused combat, and a potent battleground, Neverwinter is a perfect pick for D&D lovers. It has an enjoyable MMORPG and can seamlessly run on PS4, PC, and Xbox One platforms. It is one of the best online games for PC that you can play absolutely free.

The most beautiful thing about this game is that you get to access all features without shelling out a single penny. 

5. World of Warships

World of Warships

Price:- Free 

Platforms:- macOS, Windows, PS4

If you liked playing World of Tanks, then choose World of Warships to experience a wet battlefield. The game is based on fighting navies and offers interesting tactics with welcoming and straightforward controls.

In comparison to other games, it is more engaging than the Total Wars, more profound than the Pirate games, and far more approachable than Silent hunter. World of Warships is one of the amazing free online games for computer.

6. Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows, MacOS, Xbox One,

Battle with dangerous aliens, control the starships, train pangalactic professionals and explore the hidden tassels of the galaxy with this best online game for PC. This MMO game gives you a chance to show the world that you are no less than Picard.

Each play is like a full episode of a show and is packed with the best pieces of thrilling experience. If you are a true Trekkie, then Star Trek Online is the game for you.


7. Dragalia Lost

Dragalia Lost

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Android, iOS

Dragalia Lost is based on the tale of a fallen kingdom, which is fighting to save and restore it. The game comes with all the basic free-to-play features, including a stamina meter, random pulls for heroes, etc.

It comes with sleek boss battles, delving RPG dungeon, and adequate controls that help you manage potent abilities on your fingertip, and smoothly execute end-minute dodges. It belongs to the Action RPG genre and can be enjoyed on iOS and Android devices.


8. Among Us

Among Us

Price:- Free

Platforms:-  PC, Mobile, 5/4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch

Among Us is a great game which you can play with your whole group. The game can be played with four to fifteen players. Out of all the players, three will be randomly chosen as imposters in every round. Apart from this, the map will be chosen randomly out of the four maps.

At the beginning of the game, crewmates will be given a task to complete on a particular map.  The task can include fixing wires, maintenance, and downloading data like works. On the other hand, the imposter is given fake tasks to help them blend with their crewmates. Though the imposter cannot perform the task they can help other crewmates in the task. The end goal of the imposter is to kill crewmates. After each player is dead they become a ghost.

All in all, this is a great game that requires team effort and presence of mind. You can’t find the imposter if you fail to catch them lying or not performing. With the increasing popularity of the game, many other developers have also created  alternatives.


9. Rift


Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows

This subscription-based fantasy MMO has gained a lot of popularity post its updation. The improved and updated game offers new raids, new world events, new zones, and a furious pace. You don’t have to spend a penny to enjoy this stunning gameplay and explore its beautiful and colorful world. With the massive list of exciting features and unmatchable gameplay, it’s not a bad deal at all.




Price:- Free

Platforms:- Xbox One, Windows, macOS

Similar to Dota 2 and , SMITE also features a team of players who are trying to battle and get into their opponent’s base. Each unit consists of 5 players. It uses a third-person perspective to portray the gameplay rather than showing the battleground view. Also, it does not use any fantasy characters but features different players playing the role of mighty Smite Gods.

If you are fond of playing online games on your PC, then SMITE can be a good pick for you.


11. Pinball FX3

Pinball FX3

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Microsoft Windows

Who doesn’t know about Pinball? Everybody loves it and has played it at some or the other time. It is developed by Zen Studios and offers several simulated pinball tables to its players. It uses a primary scoreboard for informal competitions. With its three-dimensional graphics, multiple themes, and a higher level of challenges, it creates a new unforgettable gaming experience.

No matter what you are, this game has enough to offer to all age groups and can run on Switch, PS4, PC, and Xbox One platform. Pinball FX 3 undoubtedly deserves a spot on our list of best online games for pc.




Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, Java, Linux

Ever wondered why this oldie is still so popular? It continually improving MMORPG is the reason behind it. It offers a number of challenges to its user, which are enough to keep the excitement levels high. It’s a multiplayer role-playing fantasy game and is developed by Jagex.

Competing, fighting, quests, and mini-games are few of its prominent offerings. It is fully compatible with PC’s and is entirely free of cost.


13. Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Microsoft Windows, macOS

If you are looking for the best MMO, then this free game is the best pick for you. As a player, you get a lot to do; you can either help a burning village, take part in zone events where you need to get involved with other players to form a team, and defeat the boss.

With this base game, you have a lot to do.


14. Pokemon Masters

Pokemon Masters

Price:- Free

Platforms:- iOS, Android, Windows

Who doesn’t like Pokemon, from TV cartoons to online PS games, it’s everywhere. The game is based on an island The island of Pasio, where players are seen battling for improving the powers of their pokemon. The game is built specially built for mobile phones but can easily be customized to run on computer systems as well.


15. Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Android, iOS, Windows

Unlock the power to win over nasty clan leaders and goblins. The game allows you to raise an army, guide your tribe, plan your defensive actions, and much more. It offers an ultimate mix of quick and rigorous battle with slow and strategic planning. You can either choose to join an existing clan or form your group to fight against your enemies.

Enjoy a limitless combination of troops, heroes, and spell with this impressive online PC game.



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