


Exploring the of All Time, In the vast landscape of gaming, some titles stand the test of time, captivating players across generations. These games not only define their eras but also set benchmarks for their genres. They offer immersive experiences, compelling narratives, and innovative mechanics, often being celebrated in discussions about the Best PC Game All Time. As we delve into this remarkable universe, we will explore the games that have become milestones in gaming history, continuing to resonate with both newcomers and veterans alike.

Main Points

  1. Understanding what makes a game timeless.
  2. A look at various genres represented among the best.
  3. Highlighting key elements present in the Best PC Game All Time.
  4. Reviewing both single-player and multiplayer experiences.


1. The Evolution of PC Gaming: A Historical Overview

The journey of PC gaming is nothing short of fascinating. It began in the late 1970s, where a handful of text-based games captivated a niche audience. These early experiences laid the foundation for a massive industry. Over the decades, technical advancements and a growing community transformed the gaming landscape. As graphics improved and the internet emerged, multiplayer experiences flourished in ways many couldn’t have imagined. Today, PC gaming is a bastion of creativity and competition, with titles that fall into the realm of the Best PC Game All Time.

  1. 1970s – Early Beginnings: Simple text-based adventures dominated.
  2. 1980s – The Birth of Graphics: Introduction of iconic titles, pushing visual limits.
  3. 1990s – Online Connectivity: Multiplayer games emerged with the rise of the internet.
  4. 2000s – The Rise of FPS: First-person shooters redefined competitive gaming.
  5. 2010s – Diverse Genres: Expanding into RPGs, indie games, and esports.

This evolution encapsulates why many regard certain titles as the Best PC Game All Time. Thus, the evolution of PC gaming reflects not just technological progression but also our ever-growing desire for immersive experiences. Best PC Game All Time discussions often intersect with personal passion, making them a riveting topic among enthusiasts.


2. Iconic Franchises That Shaped the PC Gaming Landscape

Throughout the years, several franchises have emerged, profoundly influencing the best PC game all time records. Titles such as and The Sims revolutionized gameplay mechanics and storytelling. Each franchise brought unique elements that catered to diverse audiences, creating memorable multiplayer experiences. Additionally, their impact on genre evolution cannot be understated, as they established new benchmarks. It’s intriguing how these games shaped not only player expectations but also industry standards. They are truly the stalwarts of PC gaming.

Franchise Highlights

Franchise Release Year Genre
StarCraft 1998 RTS
The Sims 2000 Simulation


3. Genre Definers: Best RPGs, FPS, and Strategy Games of All Time

When we dive into the world of games, three genres particularly stand out: RPGs, FPS, and strategy games. Each of these categories has produced unforgettable experiences that define the gaming landscape. Best PC game all time graphics often enhance immersion, vividly bringing stories to life. RPGs like “The Witcher 3” offer rich narratives, while FPS games such as “DOOM” deliver adrenaline-pumping . Nevertheless, strategy games like “” challenge players to think critically, making choices that resonate across generations.

Unforgettable Titles and Their Legacy

In the realm of RPGs, the depth of character development is remarkable. Clearly, players invest not just time but emotion into their journey. FPS games prioritize quick reflexes and skill; however, they also foster intense multiplayer rivalries. Alternatively, strategy games emphasize patience and planning, rewarding foresight over mere speed. Therein lies the magic of gaming: each genre offers a unique lens through which we can explore vast, imaginative worlds.


4. The Impact of Graphics and Technology on Game Development

The evolution of graphics and technology has profoundly transformed game development, reshaping player experiences in remarkable ways. Artists now wield cutting-edge tools that render vibrant environments and lifelike characters, yet this complexity can paradoxically lead to oversaturation. Developers find themselves balancing visual fidelity with gameplay mechanics, creating a tug-of-war effect. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence complicates design choices. As teams navigate these challenges, they must also adapt to emerging trends, ensuring their games resonate with players. This interplay of art and technology fosters a dynamic game development landscape.

Key Factors Influencing Game Development

  1. Realism: Players crave immersive experiences that blur the between reality and the virtual world.
  2. Innovation: Technological advancements inspire new gaming paradigms, resulting in unexpected gameplay mechanics.
  3. Accessibility: Developers prioritize inclusive design, ensuring that elevating graphics don’t alienate less powerful devices.

As we venture into the future, understanding these influences remains crucial for creating engaging and memorable games.


5. Multiplayer Madness: Celebrating the Best Cooperative and Competitive Titles

In the vibrant realm of gaming, multiplayer experiences offer a unique blend of collaboration and competition. Engaging with friends or strangers fosters a sense of community, turning mere play into lively adventures. Take a deep dive into titles like “Among Us” and “Fortnite,” where strategies intertwine with spontaneity. Yet, the confusion often lies in balancing teamwork and individual prowess. Understanding when to unite and when to stand out can be the key. Join the chaos—your next great gaming awaits!


6. Hidden Gems: Underrated PC Games Worth Your Time

If you’re tired of mainstream titles, explore the world of underrated PC games that often go unnoticed. These hidden gems challenge conventional gaming norms, offering rich storytelling and unique mechanics. For instance, titles like “Disco Elysium” blend existential with an innovative narrative style. You’ll find immersive experiences that resonate deeply, making players ponder. Additionally, “Owlboy” showcases stunning pixel art, yet it rarely receives the recognition it deserves. Take a chance and dive into these unique worlds.

Why Play the Underrated?

Many players miss out on these treasures, focusing solely on popular releases. However, hidden gems often provide more fulfilling experiences. They invite players to explore unfamiliar territories, encouraging curiosity. As one gamer aptly noted:

“The best stories are often found in the places you least expect.” — An avid gamer

Game Title Description
Disco Elysium A narrative-driven RPG with deep dialogue choices.
Owlboy A pixel art adventure that emphasizes storytelling.

In conclusion, giving these hidden gems a chance can truly enhance your gaming repertoire. They not only provide unique gameplay experiences but also thoughtful conversations among players. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of the forgotten and the obscure!


7. The Future of PC Gaming: Trends and Innovations to Watch

As we look ahead, the landscape of PC gaming is remarkably evolving. New technologies promise to redefine how we experience games. Several key trends are emerging that could reshape the industry. Here are some noteworthy developments to keep an eye on:

  1. Cloud Gaming: This allows players to access games without the need for high-end hardware, reshaping accessibility.
  2. Integration: Advanced algorithms will enhance gameplay, from smarter NPCs to personalized gaming experiences.
  3. Virtual Reality: The continued refinement of VR technology may bring immersive gaming to mainstream audiences.
  4. Cross-Platform Play: Bridging the gap between different gaming communities will enable a more inclusive experience.
  5. Blockchain Technology: This could revolutionize in-game economies and ownership, although its long-term impact remains speculative.

These innovations will likely create both excitement and confusion among players. As we witness these transformations, understanding their implications will be crucial. The future of PC gaming is not just about technology; it’s about creating vibrant communities and unparalleled experiences.



In conclusion, the world of PC gaming is filled with timeless triumphs that resonate deeply with players. From captivating narratives to groundbreaking gameplay mechanics, the best PC games of all time have shaped our experiences and created lasting memories. As we reflect on these remarkable titles, it becomes clear that they transcend mere entertainment.

They offer a shared language, a sense of community, and an escape into worlds that feel both familiar and fantastical. While new games continue to emerge, the classics retain their charm, reminding us of the beauty of gaming’s evolution. So let’s celebrate these masterpieces and cherish the joy they bring us, because they truly represent the essence of what makes gaming a beloved pastime for so many.Best-PC-Game-All-Time-501.jpeg

Frequently Asked Questions

What criteria were used to determine the best PC game of all time?

The criteria typically include factors such as game design, innovation, storytelling, graphics, and player reception over time.

Are there any genres that dominate the list of the best PC games?

While various genres are represented, action, role-playing, and strategy games often feature prominently due to their storytelling and gameplay depth.

Can a game still be considered the best if it has aged poorly?

Yes, a game’s impact and legacy can endure despite aging graphics or mechanics. Many players value the experience and influence these games had on the industry.

How do player opinions influence rankings of the best PC games?

Player opinions are crucial as they provide insight into a game’s popularity and enjoyment. Surveys, reviews, and community discussions often shape these rankings.

Is it possible for new games to enter the ‘best of all time’ discussion?

Absolutely! New games can challenge the established titles and gain recognition as classics based on their innovation, gameplay, and lasting impact on the gaming community.

Views: 1

The best co-op games on PC in 2024, Playing games with other people is one of the beloved traditions of liking games at all, and if you’re the friendly type like us at RPS, then you’ll enjoy games where you work with others, rather than against them. That’s why we’ve put together our list of the best co-op games on PC for you to find common ground with your besties. Whether you want to shoot monsters together, shoot robots together, or get a divorcing couple to work together as they run around their own home as tiny doll versions of themselves, then you can find something to enjoy on this list of co-op games.


We have broad tastes and definitions sometimes, but key for a co-op game is that you can play with a pal without fighting against each other – even if there might be friendly fire. This means you won’t find any team-based competitive games on this list, such as Dota or , for example. That’s what our best multiplayer games list is for. We’ve also excluded games that switch between PvP and PvE like Sea Of Thieves of DayZ. They’re all great games, but they belong on a different list.

cover image for youtube video

The best co-op games on PC

Here’s our full list of the best co-op games on PC. You can have a casual scroll through or click the links below to be directed straight to the game in question.


25. Monster Hunter Rise

a monster hunter rise character battling a large purple glowing monster with the aid of several buddies

After Monster Hunter World rampaged onto PC, the bar for Capcom’s next entry in the dino-adjacent beast-hunting series was high, but Monster Hunter Rise is every bit its predecessor’s equal and makes for a thrilling co-op adventure. That’s why we’ve booted World off the list and replaced it with Rise. That’s evolution, baby.

If you’re not familiar with Monster Hunter, it’s essentially a giant playpen where you and your friends can go out and, well, hunt monsters. The biggest appeal is a group of you wailing on some titan, but there’s a comradery and teamwork in Monster Hunter Rise that is different from other co-ops. You all have to meet in a tavern, eat a big hearty meal before you set off, make sure you all have everything you need, and then off you go, skipping into the deep dark woods where the scary monsters await. It’s these little rituals that really make it shine as a co-op.


24. (early access)

the player shines a flashlight around a derelict moon in co op horror game lethal company

It is a truth universally acknowledged that always has to have at least one co-op ghosty game in early access, over which people are going bananas. Right now that game is Lethal Company, and not without reason. It’s a bit of a horror game, as you form up in teams for some good old PVE. As contractors for the Company, you collect scrap from abandoned haunted moons that used to be industrial centres. Successfully salvaging enough scrap earns you cash, which you can use to jet off to new moons with more rewards. The trade off, of course, is higher risk.

There are mundane risks like traps, which one player can spot from the ship scanner and call out to those on the mission. But there are, of course, monsters to contend with, especially at night. Some you’ll only find indoors, while others stalk you on open ground. It’s a great mix of learning a bestiary and knowing what to do in different situations, with having a concrete goal (get salvage), and there are many and varied ways to die, so you learn quickly. If you got tired of Phasmophobia and are looking for something new in the same vein, this is it.



a curious door from an escape academy escape room

Escape rooms in real life are a lot of fun but extremely expensive for it. Escape Academy combines the twin benefits of being comparatively cheap and being designed by developers who made escape rooms in real life! It’s a great co-op game, whether you’re playing online or via asymmetrical couch co-op (i.e. one of you playing the game and the other writing things down and shouting).

The titular academy is a school where the entire curriculum is based around room escapes. Even art, which seems like a stretch. Each level is a timed escape, often in somewhat dangerous circumstances that you’d imagine would drive the school’s insurance premiums up, with secret codes, cryptic clues, and much frantic running around a library or a locked office as you collect special books, or put post-it notes in the right order.

It’s the right balance of fun and tense, and gets you all reacting exactly as you would if thrown into the Crystal Maze, fruitlessly telling each other you’ve found a paint tin, is that anything? The big, colourful 3D world is non-violent but successfully thrilling, and there are a bunch of DLCs to get stuck into, too.


22. V Rising

v rising vampire stood inside their castle next to two servant coffins 686w386h

V-rising casts you as a freshly awoken vampire on a quest to conquer the human world. It’s an open-world survival game where you and your vampire squad reap havoc on neighbouring towns in search of blood, all while building a lavish castle and exploring the surrounding gothic world.

Crafting and combat are easily accessible – this isn’t a mega difficult survival game – and gaining your vampiric powers (the best part of the game) is quick work, since V Rising’s boss-focused progression is easy enough to follow. You can decide to join PVP or PVE, but if you’d rather have your vampire rule their own little slice of the human world, you can set up your own world and invite your mates to join. V Rising is highly recommended for folks who are looking for a breezy survival sim, but with just enough meat to sink your teeth into.


21. Overcooked 2

four players attempt to prepare food in a barn themed kitchen in overcooked 2

Overcooked and its sequel Overcooked 2 are both are silly games of simmering and sizzling, the physical manifestation of the phrase “too many cooks spoil the broth”. You’re in a kitchen with up to three other players, and you have to make food to order by preparing and combining certain ingredients. To get this done properly, everyone needs to carry out their appointed tasks pronto. Thing is, it doesn’t always work out that way.

The kitchens of Overcooked are constantly changing. Narrow spaces mean players get in each other’s way. Sometimes the whole level shifts. Benches on a ship will slide down the deck with each large wave, altering the layout entirely, while cooking in two trucks means that one part of the kitchen will occasionally accelerate, suddenly becoming off-limits. How will you get the chow off the hob before it boils into an inedible paste? By shouting at your fellow chefs, of course.

Overcooked 1 and 2 are much the same, but it’s 2 we’d recommend. For one, it’s now got online multiplayer as well as local, letting you play with those geographically distant friends. For two, you can now throw ingredients back and forth between chefs. Your co-chef needs more mushrooms? Maybe he’ll catch the one you just threw to him; maybe it’ll bonk him right in the face.


20. Stardew Valley

fishing from a pond in a stardew valley screenshot

There is a lot of shooting and adventuring on this list, but very few opportunities to hang out in a turnip field. Stardew Valley lets you live out an alternate life as a farmer, away from the hustle and bustle of cities and video games with guns. It’s about escape. Ever since the multiplayer update, you can now escape with friends.

It provides a place to be rather than a challenge to overcome. Each of you gets to dodder around town, either working together and divvying up tasks or ploughing away at individual farms. It’s not that the Valley feels sterile without other humans, but there are only so many blackberries you can hand over to your NPC neighbours before your relationships start feeling one dimensional. With real people in the mix, you get an actual community. Maybe your pal has a spare melon you can give to Penny for her birthday. Maybe they’ll bake you a cake. Or steal your chickens.

People breathe warmth and life into this farming game fantasy that’s already about those things. You’ve got the freedom to pursue whatever charming humdrum activity takes your fancy. Go fishing. Comb the beach. Or, if you want, mercilessly compete to see who can optimise profits. It’s your farm.


19. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

a gunfight on the streets of las vegas in a rainbow six vegas 2 screenshot 686w386h

You can play through the whole of Vegas 2’s brilliant but flawed campaign with a friend, rappelling down walls, breaching windows and taking out terrorists in unison. While that will keep you busy a while, it’s Terrorist Hunt – a mode where you team up with three buddies to hunt down a set amount of enemies across large sandbox maps – that will keep you coming back.

Guns are powerful and fast; death comes faster. This makes methodically creeping through the maps as a unit, covering corners and assaulting defended positions, an incredibly tense affair. This only ramps up when your squad inevitably gets picked apart on the harder difficulties, right up until three of you are sat watching the lone survivor, the whole success of the mission pinned on them scraping through. It could even be down to you and you’ll feel the tension ramp up as you suddenly become aware of being judged.


18. Payday 2

the player fires on a guard inside a bank in payday 2

If you’ve never played Payday 2 or its predecessor, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was about perfect planning, stealth and crowd control. The reality is a bit different, and it usually goes like this: the four of you excitedly chat about how you’re going to approach a heist, you split up, someone fudges it almost instantly and every police officer in the world turns up to shoot you all in the head.

It’s more wave defense than precision stealth, with each player setting up traps, sharing ammo and trying to keep the police at bay as a timer ticks down. It’s chaotic and messy, but the shooting is weighty enough and the skill trees are satisfying to advance through. It’s possible get through each of the heists without raising an alarm, but it’s bloody hard and you stand very little chance until you’ve unlocked some of the more advanced skills. Still, the possibility hangs there like a 24 carat carrot, nudging you all to have another go until you’ve perfected every scenario.


17. Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

a bomb you must defuse thats packed with puzzles in keep talking and nobody

The best example of asymmetry in co-op. It involves at least two players – one of you is defusing a bomb with judicious mouse clicks and cautious wire snips, the other is giving instructions from a bomb-defusing manual. Neither player can look at what the other is doing. It’s one of the most perfect set-ups for the destruction of a healthy relationship and a fantastic example of leaving the screen itself behind.

You don’t have to print out the manual to read from it (you could just read the PDF file from a laptop) but we think it’s the best way to play. You flip hurriedly through pages, trying to decipher the theory of these explosive devices. Then comes the challenge of communicating the quirks and symbols of the page in a way that won’t be misunderstood. As the bomb handler, you’re consistently double-checking and second-guessing your team mate as they stammer out their directions. In the end, you’ve just got to trust them.


16. Arma 3

a sniper and spotter in ghillie suits in an arma 3 screenshot

Arma 3 takes place on a pair beautiful fictional Greek islands. It does have a single-player campaign, but it’s that island, the vehicles, guns and mechanics, and the painstaking attention to detail, that makes Arma 3 great. It’s a platform for the community to create their own games upon, and there’s enough community made content that if you get into it, you could be playing Arma 3’s cooperative mode to the exclusion of any other game.

There’s something about Arma’s design philosophy that makes it especially well suited to playing with other people. Partly there’s the realism, which obviously lends itself well to the kinds of genuine squad tactics you can enact when playing with some dedicated friends or a committed community like ShackTac. Partly it’s the way in which the islands are designed in spite of you, not in service to you, making your steady journeys across the landscape with another person feel more satisfying than overcoming a set of contrived obstacles. Hopefully one of you is a good pilot.


15. Dead by Daylight

murderous action in a dead by daylight screenshot

This is one for folks who love playing as the monster. Dead By Daylight is an asymmetrical survival horror sim not for the squeamish. In this 4vs1 co-op, three players take on the role of survivors and one player the killer, in a cat-and-mouse style multiplayer game with simple goals. Survivors must repair five out of seven generators scattered throughout a level to power the exit and escape. The killer, meanwhile, is hunting them, and can strike survivors with a weapon, and then drag them to a hanging hook and impale them on it. Ew.

Skills and abilities are balanced between the survivors and the killer; the killer, for example, is faster than the survivors in general, but is slower at specific tasks, like having to destroy obstacles instead of vaulting over them. With a spookily long list of Killers to play as (including horror film and game favourites like Ghost Face, Pyramid Head, and Michael Myers) there’s plenty of spooky fun to be found with this one.


14. : Shredder’s Revenge

april donatello and raphael fight foot clan members in front of some caged monkeys in teenage mutant ninja turtles shredders revenge

Here’s a good ol’ fashioned beat-em-up, courtesy of Tribute Games. is an old-school side-scroller that pays homage to the TMNT games of bygones past. If you’re a fan of the sewer-dwelling reptiles then you’ll love the pixelart renditions of favourite characters from the series, both heroes and villains alike.

This entry is a little different from others on our co-op list, in that its co-op playstyle is much more laid-back than many others of its stress-inducing co-op cohort. What’s great about Shredder’s Revenge that its undemanding basic button-mashing becomes one of its biggest strengths, making it perfect for groups of friends who just want an arcadey jaunt while also having a nice chinwag surrounded by empty pizza boxes.


13. Valheim

hardest vikings list 11 valheim

Valhiem’s Steam page describes it as “brutal” but I actually think this is one of the most relaxing co-op games on this list. There’s something for everyone here. If you’d like to focus on laid-back Viking settlement building and boar hunting in a peaceful environment you can hang out in the sandbox’s first area and do exactly that; if you and your friends are looking for some proper Viking action, you can head off into the world and get your butt beaten by skeletons, grey dwarfs, trolls, and its beastly Norse-themed bosses.

Valheim is still in early access, but there is already loads stuffed into its open world for you to dive into. A beginner’s tip: watch out for falling trees. Seriously, they can straight-up kill you in one splat.



an armoured dwarf fires a gatling gun underground in deep rock galactic

It’s a simple pitch: a group of dwarven friends with class-based skills walk into an asteroid, mine for materials, and fight back the critters who fancy them for dinner. What complicates matters is the need to leave again: once their pockets are full, the dwarves have got five minutes to down pickaxes and reach an escape pod before it leaves without them.

This is even more complicated than it seems, because the asteroid’s tunnels and caverns are a twisting warren interspersed with enormous drops. Re-trace your path inwards in reverse, in a rush, and it’s easy to get lost – and those drops are now, of course, climbs. If you thought to make your ad hoc constructions two-way when you threw them up on the way in, then no problem. If you were hasty, or if your platforms were destroyed by explosive enemies, then you’re going to need to construct a new route. The adrenaline rush of your extraction is a thrill with friends over voice comms all panicking together.


11. Diablo 4

a necromancer using a blood drain spell in diablo iv

Like Diablos before it (notably Diablo 3), Diablo 4 is a muddy, grim fantasy world beset by demons, which means it’s sensible to take a friend or two. And, again like previous Diablo games, it’s playable with a squad of four from start fo finish, with drop in multiplayer that tracks progress you made so you can go back to it in single-player if you want. But why would you bother! Exploding skeletons and werewolf monsters is a breeze in Diablo 4, requiring a lot of clicking and spamming your favourite DOT spells, but little else. This means you have a lot of time to bond with your friends.

That’s maybe reductive; one of the best things about Diablo 4 is that it has an admirably freeing levelling system for all the classes, so you can respec on the fly to suit whoever you’re playing with. And if a particular boss is giving you trouble, you can change tactics. Get your Rogue a spell to go invisible so you can more easily res your colleagues, while you can change your Necromancer’s spell path to have more debuffing spells, giving your Barbarian attacks more bite, and you’re on your way to victory.


10. Borderlands 3

borderlands 3 the four playable vault hunters stand together shooting at enemies 686w386h

Borderlands 3 is classic “bigger is better” sequel design: everything you liked in Borderlands 2 (still a great co-op romp in itself) but with more. More gun variables, more character abilities, more locations, more vehicles, more rifles that grow legs and run around as a lead-spewing sidekick. The only thing it has less of is Claptrap, which is a blessing. And so it makes sense that co-op is the way to go in this bombastic FPS game.

At any one time one friend could be ordering a giant battle ant into the fray while another hops into a Titanfall-ish mech suit, a third activates a drone and a holographic double and the fourth performs psychic powerbombs in the middle of it all. The way these character skills can be further differentiated means you never really know which version of each character you’ll be rubbing shoulders with, turning co-operative sessions into a showcase for builds. Of course, the main takeaway is always: I want my own battle ant.

Importantly, it’s a friendlier co-op game than Borderlands 2, too. With instanced loot drops, players don’t have to fight over the same spoils of war, and the difficulty scales to each combatant, so a casual dabbler can comfortably leap into an old pro’s game.


9. It Takes Two

it takes two review j

Hazelight have a knack for designing clever, co-op-only puzzle games, and It Takes Two is definitely their best yet. You and a mate play as bickering couple May and Cody, who get turned into tiny doll versions of themselves after upsetting their daughter. Despite their relationship being the verge of a big divorce bust-up, they must work together to get back to their normal selves, and maybe learn a few life lessons along the way.

It’s not the happiest of stories, all told (and features some truly horrifying moments involving stuffed toys and broken vacuum cleaners), but its puzzles are absolutely top notch. Players must really work together to conquer It Takes Two’s imaginative obstacle courses, and its range of ideas is a clear step up from Hazelight’s first co-op-only game, A Way Out. Even better, only one person needs to actually buy the game, as every copy comes with a free friend pass for your player two.


8. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

a knight readies their shield as they fight an even bigger knight in dark souls prepare to die edition

While many are purists when it comes to From Software’s masterful action RPG, refusing to summon help or forcing themselves to equip just underwear whilst wielding only an overgrown twig, Dark Souls is fantastic in co-op. You can jump in with a friend, with a bit of planning, taking turns to help each other through each section. Even without friends, though, Dark Souls will have you forming bonds with silent strangers.

There’s an unwritten etiquette to the Souls games that sees people treating each other with respect, bowing to each other once summoned and waving each other off or cheering after a defeated boss. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of relief when a summoned co-op partner helps you finally beat Ornstein and Smough – the only thing that comes close is paying it back later, becoming the saviour in someone else’s story. Adam said it best in our review: “It’s superb, populating an already haunted world with phantoms and memories, and providing an eventual gateway by which to become an all-but anonymous hero or villain.”



four players duke it out underground in spelunky 670w377h

Spelunky is a moreish 2D platformer with roguelike elements that kicks your arse until it straightens your spine. Although the geometry might be constantly shifting with each frequent death, the rules that govern the enemy types remain constant. After a while, reflexes handle the enemies of The Mines – it’s like peeking into another dimension, but instead of losing your mind you become Neo. Can you dodge bullets? Yes.

Co-op changes the rules, making it perfect for seasoned players to team up. You might think things would be easier with more health and attack power, but stunning, whipping and blowing each other up will be a regular occurrence in the claustrophobic confines of the levels. More players only add more complication and four player co-op is chaos, creating more hilarious ways to fail. Timing, as ever, is key. Now see if you can make it to Hell with friends.


6. Grand Theft Auto V

two men do wheelies on motorbikes in gta 5

Los Santos is a gorgeous playground, each bend in the road bringing you level with a postcard view – every angle feels scrutinised. Trace a route from the peak of Mt. Chiliad, driving down through the dusty plains of the Grand Senora Desert, snaking by the hilltop mansions of Vinewood Hills, cruising on through the twinkling city itself and finally coming to stop at Vespucci Beach – all this, including the skies above and the sea beyond, is your online playground.

Grand Theft Auto Online is stuffed full of co-op scenarios, but the best experiences are found in the Heists. These multi-part missions ask you and three other players to take part in everything from the setup – casing the joint and grabbing getaway vehicles – all the way to the caper itself. While not all of them are literal heists, each one does an incredible job of making sure all four players are busy.

Everyone has their own job to do, sometimes all together, sometimes in pairs and sometimes alone. This, along with the randomness of the open-world’s systems, gives each one massive replay value. The only real downside is that you really need to play with three friends to get the most out of it. With each heist taking a couple of hours from setup to execution, it can be as difficult to organise as an actual heist.


5. Minecraft

a screenshot of a minecraft volcano build

Nobody knew how huge Minecraft would be when the alpha released in 2010, but there were hints of it even from the first few hours, when the game’s initial players started building rudimentary shapes and sharing screenshots of what they’d created.

Today, Minecraft is played by people of all ages. Part of its appeal, aside from its openness, is the social aspect. Whether helping your child stave off monsters as you build a fantasy land together or collaborating with a group of adults to make a working hard drive, there’s something for everyone.

You can even play it as an RPG, killing mobs with your co-op partner, levelling up and building equipment to grow stronger, with the eventual goal of taking on the final boss, the Ender Dragon. Minecraft is whatever you want it to be and you can play it all with friends.


4. Baldur’s Gate 3

an intense turn based fight in baldurs gate 3 a tavern has been attacked by demonic monsters

Baldur’s Gate 3 is based on the Dungeons & Dragons world and ruleset, and that’s a party-based tabletop roleplaying game – so why wouldn’t you want to make it a party in its digi-form? BG3 is the tale of a rag-tag bag of heroes saving a lush fantasy world, getting into scrapes, meeting weird NPCs, and engaging in huge turn-based battles against monsters and ghouls. Much of this, like Larian’s Divinity games, is based on using the different skillsets and abilities of your characters effectively, and that’s much easier to do when the different characters are specced and controlled by other people, rather than you juggling it all yourself.

Unlike other co-op games, Baldur’s Gate’s co-op is tied to a single save and campaign. No fairweather dropping in and out! But this makes it feel like more of a collegiate story that you’re telling together, like an adventure you’re having as a group. Like, in fact, a game of Dungeons & Dragons. It’s worth the effort, and the game itself is a beautiful and complex playground for you and some friends to explore.


3. Left 4 Dead 2

three characters aim their guns at a zombie on the floor in left 4 dead 2

Panicking with friends can be sublime. That shared fear and desperation, the yells and shrieks of people facing the same horde, each convinced they’re moments from being overwhelmed. In a sense, they already are.

Horror games reach into your lizard brain and convince your amygdala that you’re in trouble. Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the best, because it’s built around saving your friends from that state. When the necrotic tongue of a Smoker comes grasping for your mate, you get to save the day with a well placed shot. When a Hunter pounces on your pal who’s straggling at the back, there you are with a punch and shotgun blast. When a Tank jumps right into the middle of your group… well, you can’t survive every time.

That’s part of what makes triumph taste so sweet. You’re pulling together against an AI director that keeps you on your toes, sending in hordes when it thinks you can take them, but rarely throwing so much at you that it feels unfair. Every level is an appropriately intense ordeal, where cries of frustration can quickly turn into tears of laughter. Ten years on, Valve are still the kings of co-op horror. Especially if you play Versus mode, and know the Hunter tearing into you is your mate Dave.



the two robot pals get ready to solve puzzles in portal 2 646w363h

What happens when you take a single-player game about traversing intricate puzzle rooms with portals, and then double everything? It becomes twice as complicated and twice as satisfying. Portal 2 already expands on everything introduced in the bite-sized Portal, adding things like Excursion Funnels, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Propulsion Gel and other fancy sounding words, but the addition of another player changes things the most.

Four portals make each room more confusing to explore, especially when you consider both players need to reach the exit. In essence, many rooms require two solutions. Some puzzles require both thought and dexterity, and firing your friend across a chasm by moving a portal while they freefall through another eventually becomes as normal as walking.

There’s a lot of personality in the design of the two robotic protagonists, too – the Laurel and Hardy of shiny metal. When you’re working together, you’ll be high fiving each other’s metal hands and barking possible solutions through your headset.

If you’re not using chat, Valve were kind enough to provide lots of ways to communicate in-game, with players able to place markers and emote. Every puzzle solution is punctuated by a dance. Portal 2’s co-op is an experience you can’t quite replicate, its systems a perfect balance of cooperation and friendly rivalry. Grab a friend and become the most stupid pair of geniuses around.


1. Helldivers 2

two helldivers blast away at approaching alien bugs in helldivers 2

In like a bullet to the top of this list is the extraordinarily popular Helldivers 2. Robots to the left of you, bugs to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you, a squad of my pals, merrily immolating all the enemies before us and, quite often, each other.

Helldivers 2 combines a lot of things. Great shooting against horde-style enemies? You betcha. Improbably huge special abilities like actual nukes? Sure thing. Pretending you haven’t set off the bomb in the enemy nest and then exploding your mates for the jape? Absotively.

The titular Helldivers are teams of hard-hitting expendable soldiers sent to clear enemies on planets surrounding Earth, which is at the centre of a global war with giant bugs on one side and advanced robots on the other, so you head down in timed missions do beat them back a bit. The always-on friendly fire is a daring choice, but one players have embraced, along with furious debates over whether the Terminids or Automatons are the worse enemy to come up against.

Buried in amongst this, though, are hints that actually both murderous robots and murderous insects are both the fault of the Super-Earth, though many players enjoy the roleplay aspects of screaming “For democracy!” as they call down an airstrike on a giant monster spitting acid at your mate. Helldivers 2 is simultaneously layered and simple, and it is an instahit you’re sure to love.


Views: 47

The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024, The iPhone’s default keyboard may not meet everyone’s needs. Its limited features may leave some users wanting more variety and flexibility, especially on larger devices like the iPhone 15 Pro Max or smaller models like the iPhone SE (2022).

We have conducted research and compiled a comprehensive list of the best third-party keyboards for iPhone, that can significantly enhance your texting experience. These keyboards offer a wide range of features and customization options, such as adjustable key size, swipe typing, , and easier access to emojis. Most of these keyboards are available for free, while some offer premium subscription options. Either way, you’ll easily be able to find a keyboard that suits your needs and preferences.

Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard

app store screenshots for microsoft swiftkey ai keyboard

Microsoft’s SwiftKey AI keyboard is a highly rated third-party keyboard that is favored by many people. The keyboard is powered by the company’s Copilot AI and is designed to your writing style. This allows it to recognize informal language, nicknames, and even your favorite emojis, which sets it apart from its competitors. The keyboard also offers various personalization options, including different themes, which enhance its appearance and appeal to the user.


The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024

Also Read : Best Linux desktop of 2024

Typewise Custom Keyboard

typewise custom keyboard for ios with three different ad layouts

Typewise has a unique take on key shapes. The app keeps the QWERTY design but switches the traditional rectangle-shaped keys for hexagonal ones — which Typewise says creates more surface area so you can type more accurately. While there is a slight learning curve, Typewise includes a built-in game to practice typing. With swipe gestures, support, and autocorrect modification, this is a great alternative for those tired of the conventional keyboard. Newer versions include automatic language detection, which switches the app between selected languages, an undo button, and replacement for often-used phrases.



grammarly app for ios three screenshots

The Grammarly iOS keyboard app offers sophisticated grammar review that goes beyond the usual spell check to provide advice on punctuation, spelling context, and misused words. It also helps you build your vocabulary and offers synonyms, which makes it an ideal app for students or business people. Grammarly also has emoji, a smart autocorrect feature, and allows you to build your own dictionary. You also get features that include swipe typing, home screen widgets, and focus filters that mute vibrations and sound effects.


facemoji keyboard app

The Facemoji Emoji Keyboard is a free tool that allows you to add a touch of personality to text messages and social media posts. With a wide range of emojis, fonts, and stickers available, you can easily create unique and engaging content for platforms like WhatsApp, , Instagram, Messenger, Facebook, Snapchat, and SMS. Whether you want to express your emotions through colorful emojis or add some flair to your text with stylish fonts, the Facemoji Emoji Keyboard has something for everyone.


Phraseboard Keyboard

phraseboard keyboard tripartite marketing screens

Phraseboard aims to take the pain out of the tedious job of typing the same responses and phrases repeatedly by allowing you to save them so you can select one of your prewritten answers to reply rapidly. You can create your own customized phrases and sort them by category. You can even quickly access the Phraseboard widget to create new phrases no matter what you’re doing with your iPhone. All your phrases sync with iCloud. The basic app costs $2, and subscriptions are available for some premium language and functionality features.


Gboard – the Google Keyboard

gboard google keyboard screens

Gboard is a keyboard from Google and includes everything you’d ever want within a single app. Whether you’re sending GIFs or emojis, searching Google for information, sending directions, or anything else, Gboard has you covered. With Gboard, you can search and send anything from Google, including information on nearby restaurants, videos, images, weather forecasts, news, sports scores — you name it. The app also offers Glide Typing, which allows you to type messages faster and more accurately.


Fleksy- GIF, Web & Yelp Search

fleksy web page searches

Fleksy offers users a fun and interactive way to type in their own style. You can customize your Fleksy keyboard with powerful extensions and more than 50 colorful themes. Some of the themes cost $1, but many are free. More than 800 emoji come with the app, and it also has its own built-in GIF search engine. The keyboard supports several languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Hebrew, and Dutch. It learns your typing habits as you go, enabling it to give you accurate predictions, which helps reduce typos.



fonts keyboard for iphone

Are you tired of sending your friends and family the same old boring messages? Spice things up with the Fonts keyboard app! You can customize your messages with a wide selection of fonts to fit your unique personality and style. Whether you’re feeling flirty, professional, or just plain silly, there’s a font for every mood. The Fonts keyboard works through iMessage, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Clubhouse, TikTok, Telegram, Roblox, WhatsApp, , Discord, and more.


Color Keyboard – Themes, Fonts

color keyboard for ios themes and fonts

The king of keyboard customization is Color Keyboard. Sure, it gives you emoji and autocorrection and even allows you to tap and hold the space bar to move the cursor, but what really sets this keyboard apart is the option to change anything you want about the keyboard’s look. You can change the background using solid colors, gradients, textures, and even your own pictures.

You can also customize the buttons by changing the colors and borders, adding shadows, customizing the fonts, and changing the sounds. If your aim is customization, Color Keyboard takes things to the next level, but you have to subscribe to access everything, starting at $3 per week and rising for longer intervals and premium features.



bitmoji your personal emoji illustrationsBitstrips

Bitmoji, a popular keyboard app, is ideal if you want to send an emoji that resembles you rather than using standard emoji or text. Bitmoji allows you to customize and send a personalized emoji, all from your keyboard. Use Bitmoji with any of your favorite chat apps, like iMessage or Snapchat. It’s never been easier to adapt a dynamic avatar with an ever-changing collection of stickers and moods. You’ll need your Facebook login information to sign into Bitmoji and initiate the avatar creation process.


GIF Keyboard

gif keyboard for finding perfect gifsTenor

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a GIF can truly help get your point across. Get access to the massive library of animated and musical GIFs for free. From there, you can search for specific GIFs or use keywords to find animations that suit your mood. The GIF keyboard app is compatible with WhatsApp, , Facebook, Messenger, iMessage, and just about any other messaging app or social media site.

To send a GIF, press your finger on your chosen GIF and hold it down to browse options. Once you’ve found one, share its link, the GIF itself, or a video, or save the media to your photo library. You can also customize the tool to match your specifications and save your favorite GIFs using the keyboard.


All Symbol Keyboard Fonts Aa

all symbol keyboard typing appMelonSoup

For the visual among us, the All Symbol Keyboard is an exciting alternative to humdrum alphanumerics with all the custom fonts, symbols, fancy letters, special characters, and emoticons you could ever want — compatible with any app on your iPhone. It works with Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and many others. Whether you’re looking for high-impact symbols to enhance your keyboard, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter posts, or even your username, launch the app and start typing. Premium versions provide unlimited access to features like the All Symbol Keyboard (every single symbol) and Facemoji library, but there’s tons of free stuff to get you started.



The for Android and iOS


Gone are the days when words were enough to fully express our thoughts and feelings. Emoji, a recently accepted form of pictographic communication that now serves as a kind of Esperanto for the internet age, plays a major role in interpersonal and international communications. Most major keyboards for both Android and iOS feature built-in support for emoji, but they are hardly front and center. If you’re looking for a keyboard to truly satisfy your emoji obsession, you may need a dedicated emoji keyboard to carry out the task of conveying your emotions visually via a text environment.

When you download a keyboard app in iOS, you must add it to your list of keyboards. To do this, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboards. Then, scroll to the Third-Party Keyboards section and choose the keyboard app. Then, tap on the keyboard app and toggle on Allow Full Access. For Android 10, you can install your new keyboard directly via the Google Play Store to your Android phone, if it is compatible with the app, and then launch and follow any directions it has.

Here are a few of our favorite third-party keyboard apps for iOS and Android.


gboardImage used with permission by copyright holder

Gboard is a highly functional keyboard from Google that concentrates on handy features like emoji search, GIFs, stickers, and glide typing. Best of all, it has the Google search app integrated into the keyboard — no more switching apps. Just search for anything from the weather to your neighborhood bodega and send, all from this nifty keyboard.


emoji for iosImage used with permission by copyright holder

Emoji> offers a ton of emoji characters you can use via the keyboard, and they’re split into different categories, making it easy to find the emoji you’re looking for. The keyboard also provides animated stickers and the ability to set up specific emoji as favorites, so you can access them at a moment’s notice without having to search for the ones you want. Updates include compatibility with iOS 14 and all of its attendant emoji, including smiling face with tear, disguised face, ninja, pinched fingers, heart and lungs, black cat, polar bear, seal, dodo sandal, bubble tea, and toothbrush. New emoji widgets are also on hand.

Microsoft Swiftkey

swiftkeyImage used with permission by copyright holder

Swiftkey is not an emoji keyboard per se, but it is the next best thing — an excellent keyboard that comes pre-loaded with hundreds of emoji for you to use. Swiftkey is already a great favorite because of its valuable predictive typing, which can also be applied to emoji. When you type a word or phrase, for example, the app suggests emoji that you can quickly use. The most recent versions include renaming the app to Microsoft Swiftkey, a new Messaging Center on the keyboard toolbar, haptic feedback, one-handed mode, 400 new languages, and new language layouts.

ai.type Keyboard Plus

best emoji keyboards aitype1


best emoji keyboards aitype3

As its name implies, ai.type was developed around artificial intelligence, aiming to assist people in typing quickly and accurately. It also allows you to personalize the keyboard to fit your individual needs, enabling you to adjust the keyboard’s layout, theme, and color scheme. This means you can set an emoji front and center and select from an extensive inventory of more than 1,000 characters.

Similar to many other keyboard applications, the keyboard can also propose emojis depending on what you type. The most current versions are compatible with the new Emoji 12.1 for 2020 and 517 new emoji. Around 23 new gender-neutral emoji icons have been added. Some of these include a gender-neutral firefighter, astronaut, a person in a wheelchair, and a judge. You’ll also have access to fun emoji objects like an otter, ringed planet, beverage box, and pinching hand.


fleksyImage used with permission by copyright holder

If you want to add a bit more fun and animation to your typing, Fleksy could be the keyboard that you’ve been looking for. Fleksy is compatible with a wide variety of extensions, letting you quickly add new features as necessary. Maybe the most remarkable thing about Fleksy is how simple it is to get to your emoji. You can browse through dozens of emoji in each section and change categories with a quick tap at the bottom of the keyboard.

Just like many keyboards, you can also establish a variety of attractive themes. Updated versions include features like Next Word Prediction, prepared in 28 languages, and Emoji Prediction so you can inspect the suggested emoji in regards to your conversation’s context.

Go Keyboard

best emoji keyboards go keyboard2

go keyboard

best emoji keyboards go keyboard3

Go Keyboard is a personalizable keyboard that permits you to put emoji, emoticons, stickers, and GIFs in noticeable areas. The app converts text into emoji and emoticons, and you can pick from over 1,000 emoji and stickers, plus over 10, 000 different themes. It supports over 60 other languages, too. If that’s not enough to impress you, you can also type with gestures and various fonts, as well as individualize your keyboard with your own personal photo theme. The Fancy Font feature gives you the opportunity to select your preferred keyboard font.

Views: 710

Best WhatsApp Alternative Apps You Can Use In 2024, Facebook-owned WhatsApp is the messaging app on the planet. The company releases new features regularly to ensure it remains on top. However, people have different tastes and not everyone may like how WhatsApp works or looks both internally and externally.

Meta-owned WhatsApp has a policy and it makes it clear that the company collects lots of telemetry data from your device. Hence, if you are someone who wants to move on to a more personal or secure messaging app, here are the 12 best WhatsApp alternative apps you can use in 2024.

1. Telegram Messenger

Telegram Messenger has been known as the best WhatsApp competitor for a while now and nothing’s changed. The open-source messaging app is still the best WhatsApp alternative out there. Along with the usual messaging features that both WhatsApp and Telegram pack, the latter brings other features like supergroups of up to 100,000 people, public channels, usernames, the ability to share files of up to 2 GB, passcode lock, self-destructing messages and end-to-end encryption in secret chat among other things.

Telegram Interface

Then, there are Telegram Bots, which really enhance the experience. The bots not only bring you important info on the go but there are several game bots that let you play games inside the messaging app. Other than that, unlike WhatsApp, Telegram can be used on multiple platforms at once, so you can start texting on your phone and then continue it on your PC. I also love the voice call feature here which works quite well.

Availability: Android, iOS, , Windows, macOS, Linux, Web (Free)

2. Signal Private Messenger

Signal Foundation, the organization that powers the end-to-end encryption technology in WhatsApp Messenger and Facebook Messenger, offers its very own messaging app dubbed Signal Private Messenger. As you’d expect, Signal brings a number of security benefits when compared to WhatsApp. It offers self-destructing messages, screen security (prevents anyone from taking screenshots), and more.

Signal interface

Plus, Signal brings encryption to its backups, calls, group calls, and every other data in the app. Even the files that you send using Signal are protected. Furthermore, according to Apple’s App Store listing, Signal doesn’t link any data to your identity.

Signal privacy policy

It’s a great app for anyone who wants to securely converse with other users. That’s why, Signal is quite popular with journalists. Signal Private Messenger is for people who are looking for a simple and secure messaging app and if you are looking for something like that, it is the best WhatsApp alternative for you.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

Best WhatsApp Alternative Apps You Can Use In 2024

Read More : 12 Best Linux Distros You Should Use

3. Discord

Discord is no longer just a platform for chatting with your fellow gamers. While you can explore a variety of Discord servers to engage with your interests, Discord’s DM functionality is often overlooked by many. You can use Discord’s personal messages feature to send messages, emojis, emotes (if you have Discord Nitro), GIFs, images, and even documents. Furthermore, you can make voice calls, video calls, or even browse together after sharing your screen.

Discord Interface

Combined with neat integrations from Spotify, Twitch, YouTube, Battle.net, Steam, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Xbox Live, and GitHub, Discord has got you covered for all your messaging needs and is arguably better than WhatsApp.

You can also create group chats on Discord with a total of 10 members. If you need more capacity, you can always create a server. If you ask me, I’d recommend uninstalling WhatsApp right away and installing Discord. You will find the link to download Discord below and I can assure you that you won’t regret the decision.

Availability: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, Web (Free)

4. Messages by Google

This might be an odd one but hear us out! Google’s RCS messaging service has improved by leaps and bounds since it was first introduced. Although it may not be the most widely available service in the world and is limited to just Android users, almost every Android device should have this feature. Just download the Google Messages app, go to the settings, and enable RCS (Rich Communication Services).

Google Messages Interface

RCS is a secure way of sending messages across devices; messages sent with RCS are encrypted and can carry more information across than SMS, and the Google Messages app comes tailored with lots of handy dandy features such as smart replies, stickers, GIFs, suggested actions, and integrates very well with GBoard. The one major con of RCS comes due to Apple not adapting the service despite multiple jabs from Google. This means if the party on the other side uses an iPhone, your messages would be sent as regular SMS.

AvailabilityAndroid, Windows, Web (Free)

5. Bridgefy

One of the main problems with online messaging apps like WhatsApp is that they rely on an internet connection to . And if you are out camping in the woods even the normal text messaging apps will not work. That’s where offline messaging apps come into play. These apps don’t require a mobile network or internet connection to work.

Bridgefy Google Play Store page

Rather, they create a peer-to-peer Bluetooth mesh network or Wi-Fi direct-based network on your phone and allow you to send messages to your nearby friends. If you are looking for such an app then you should use Bridgefy. Bridgefy offers three main types of messaging services; Person-to-Person mode, Broadcast mode, and Mesh mode.

You can send messages to a friend, broadcast them to the entire group, and even use users as nodes to send messages to long distances. It is quite helpful during music festivals, sports events, natural disasters, and other such situations where you won’t be getting reliable mobile service.

In fact, Bridgefy and other such apps have become a bastion for protesters around the world as they allow them to evade internet censorship imposed by their governments. The app is free to download and use and is the best offline WhatsApp alternative in my opinion. You should check it out.

Install: Android (free), iOS (free)

6. Kik

Kik is a great messaging app for users who don’t want to use their number to a messaging . While chat services like WhatsApp require users to use their number, I know many users who are not comfortable with sharing their personal numbers to these platforms.

Kik Messenger Interface

For those users, Kik is a great service as it only requires you to use your email ID. Once you sign up for the service using your email ID, Kik will create a unique user name for you which you can share with other Kik users to chat.

The best part about using Kik is that you are not losing out on any messaging features. You still get access to all the important features including text messages, emojis, stickers, Gifs, photo sharing, video sharing, and group chats among other things.

Another unique feature of Kik is that it supports bots which is something that you do not get on WhatsApp. Using bots you can play quizzes, get tips, the latest , and more. That said, the main USP of Kik remains its non-requirement of a phone number and if that’s something you want, definitely check it out.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

7. Snapchat

While Snapchat technically is not just a messaging app but rather a app, I use it more and more as a messaging application thanks to some unique features that no other messaging application can offer. For example, I can send messages which can self-destruct after a set period of time. It also notifies me when someone takes a screenshot of my chats with them. Finally, it offers the best face mask collection of all the apps that I have ever used which makes this app fun to use.

Snapchat Interface

Other messaging features are also here such as the ability to create group chats, voice calls, group voice calls, gifs, and more. I also love Snapchat because it is one of the most innovative chat services on the market. The features that users on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger normally enjoy are generally copied from Snapchat. So, if you want to access these cool features and be the first to receive the latest chat features, Snapchat is the app to use.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

8. Skype

Skype is without a doubt one of the best business chat applications out there that you can use right now. With the power of Microsoft behind it, Skype has left all the other business chat applications in the dust. However, that progress has worked against Skype when it comes to personal chats as the business moniker that it has earned keeps normal users away. But let me tell you that Skype is one of the best chatting applications on the market especially if you make a lot of video and voice calls.

Skype Interface

I especially find Skype useful when I am using it to make overseas calls as the sound and video quality on Skype is far better than its competition. I also love Skype for its group video call functionality.

While most other apps don’t support group video calls, the ones that do often lag when you add more than three to four people. If you are someone who makes a ton of video calls with their friends and family, I can certainly recommend Skype over WhatsApp or any such chat application.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Web (Free)

9. Keybase

Keybase is an open-source secure chat application, which is great for users who want to communicate securely. Since this is an open-source app, there’s no private company that is looking at all your data. Anyways the data is end-to-end encrypted so at no point in time, the message is exposed to nefarious actors.

Keybase Interface

The app doesn’t even allow you to take the screenshot of the chats. The messaging app works more like Slack than WhatsApp, however, it’s not aimed at businesses. Rather, it is mainly targeting users who are concerned with their online privacy.

My favorite feature of Keybase is that you don’t need anyone’s number or email ID to connect with them. This allows you to remain in contact with users whom you don’t want to share your personal information with. Finally, this is one of the few messaging apps that offer a native application for the Linux operating system. If you value your privacy, you should definitely check it out.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows (Free)

10. Viber

Viber is another popular messaging and VoIP app that really stands toe-to-toe with WhatsApp when it comes to features. Firstly, the app offers end-to-end encryption in calls, messages, and shared media. Moreover, the messages saved on multiple devices are also encrypted, which brings us to the fact that the messaging apps pack in multi-device support, which WhatsApp lacks.

Viber Interface

Like WhatsApp, Viber lets you make video and voice calls but the app goes one step ahead with its Viber Out feature, which lets you make international calls to non-Viber users at nominal rates.

Talking about the messaging features, Viber includes support for stickers, , last seen, voice & video messages, public accounts, backup to Google Drive, and more. There is also a sticker store and Viber games, which are basically games you can play inside Viber. If you consider everything, you’ll notice that Viber is an app that is very similar to WhatsApp. It packs in most of the features from WhatsApp and then some more.

Availability: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows (Free, with rates for Viber Out)

11. Session

Session is another great contender for one of the best WhatsApp alternatives if your priority is securing messaging. It is a privacy-focused messaging app that promises no metadata and only messages. The open-source app encrypts messaging as well as calls to ensure that nobody has access to your messages on the internet. Session uses Libsodium cryptography to encrypt your chats and its public keys are stored locally on your device.

Session Interface

You don’t need an email or mobile number to start using the messaging app. All the messages on the app are sent via a decentralized onion-routing network similar to Tor. Despite being a privacy-focused app, Session’s user interface is quite customizable with themes and dark mode. You get groups, video calls, voice messages, attachments, voice calls and even group calling functionality on this WhatsApp replacement app.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux (Free)

12. LINE

Another WhatsApp alternative you can use is LINE, which is a highly popular cross-platform messaging app that packs in a ton of features. Like WhatsApp, the app features end-to-end encryption, support for voice and video calls & messages, and more.

It also brings quite a few unique features when compared to WhatsApp like LINE Out (lets you make international calls to non-LINE users), a sticker store, a cool Keep feature (lets you save your favorite messages, photos, etc.), and more. It also features a timeline in the app, where you can see any status updates and photo changes from your friends.

Line Interface

Other useful features of LINE include passcode lock, filter messages, themes, LINE Pay for payments, and more. There’s no doubt that LINE is a very capable and feature-rich messaging app, however, it does feel a little bloated. So, fans of WhatsApp’s simplicity might not like LINE much but if you aren’t bothered by that, you should give LINE a shot.

Views: 352

10 Best Games for ios 2024, If we raise a question about the most popular game in the world, a big part will go to football. We often call it Soccer, too. Not just in the gallery, the popularity of football games has now crossed the boundary of the virtual world. And so, you don’t have to be a real-time famous football star to play in different leagues.

You can now experience the excitement of football games on your iOS devices. Giants of the football gaming industry have already launched tons of exciting football games for iPhone, and today, we are going to discuss that.

10 for ios 2024

Whenever you search for the best football games, you will definitely find hundreds of games at once. But none of them are compatible enough to get your time. That’s why we prefer to check out the best games and their details before you start playing one. It will help you to install the right one at once.

To help you find all the details of the best soccer games for the iPhone, we are here as usual. We check twice about the football leagues, visual graphics, audio, functions, and gameplay while listing the best. So, spend a little of your time to get the most appropriate football game for you.


Football Strike

Team up with your friends for unlimited action in Football Strike. Start the game by selecting a multiplayer mode to represent your team. World-class teams like Liverpool FC, FC Barcelona, and Borussia Dortmund can lead you to the medals.

Important Features

 A lot of online game modes are available to play with competitors around the globe.
 Shooting Race mode is where you have to play within a time limit and hit the target as fast as you can.
 There is a Free Kick mode that allows the battle between the goalkeeper and a striker.
 Unlimited types of equipment can be personalized in colors and stickers according to your own style.
 Different stadiums in different locations are to be explored in Career mode.

Pros: The best part of this is its environment that lets you feel like playing live with other players. Plus, sound and music play a great role in making it more realistic.

Cons: Some players have complained about the connection drop-up issues here. Also, compared to other games, it’s pretty expensive.


Read Also : The best PS5 games for 2024

2. PES.

eFootball PES - iPhone Footbal Game

Feel the thrill of a stadium at eFootball PES. has brought this game so that your fantasies come true here. If you play well throughout the whole week, you’ll get a place in featured players. It will get you special player cards, extra skills, and added ratings.

You can enjoy the authentic feel of matches from the stadium, too. Still not impressed? Here are more features for you that will surely convince you.

Important Features

 By playing in the Iconic Moments Series, you can recreate the best career moments of present famous soccer players.
 Teams like Manchester United, FC Barcelona, Juventus, and many more are featured to play with.
 Online and local multiplayer matches allow you to play with friends and improve your skills.
 If you want to play with world-famous characters such as D. Maradona, D. Beckham, and S. Gerrard, add them to your team.
 The condition of your player, roasters, and ratings are influenced by the data of live updates from real matches.

Pros: This exciting game lets you join in real-time online football matches. Besides, it supports lots of languages, too.

Cons: This game requires too much space to play simultaneously. Plus, the campaign mode doesn’t seem to be anything special, as it shows.


3. Final Kick.

Final Kick

If you are a pro football fan, you better not miss the Final Kick. This extensive game is well-known as one of the best football games for the iPhone for its minimal design but high-quality functions. With precise control of your finger over the ball and goalkeeper, you can strike and save goals.

You can play the game for only 2 minutes in a short time. Moreover, there is a free-kick mode for unlimited goals. Intuitive graphics will ensure clear movements.

Important Features

 Do not miss a single detail, as you can replay the best shots from every angle in slow motion.
 In multiplayer mode, you can play with your friends as well as other players online.
 To win prizes, you have to attend the weekly tournament and position among the top 100 players.
 More than 20 local tournaments can be played even without an internet connection.
 Over 100 of the finest teams are there for you to play against.
 You can change any particular features of your team and players and train them.

Pros: This app provides full-time customer care support that will help you solve any confusion. You don’t need to pay a penny to take part in a tournament.

Cons: The touchpad function is not very smooth in this game.


4. FIFA Soccer.

FIFA Soccer‬

Before starting the World Cup season, you can now enjoy the virtual version, FIFA Soccer. This game was launched by Electronic Arts, and it is available in a lot of countries like Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and many more.

In the season mode, prestigious teams will help you to get top ranks and exclusive rewards. Besides, I am pretty sure that you will love the graphics and audio quality of this game.

Important Features

 The UEFA Champions League and Europa League are waiting for you to participate, and you can earn players after the season ends.
 You can create your own squad with players from La Liga, Bundesliga, and Premier League, and players can be taken from the same nation or team for better bonding.
 If you play in the attack mode, you can play against your friends.
 With 100 legendary players, they can be chosen with their historic careers.
 To get a more skillful team, you can train famous international players and level up.

Pros: It lets you enjoy different types of gaming modes. In multiplayer mode, you can challenge your friends, too.

Cons: Sometimes, the players lose control over the gameplay here.


5. : Football Kick.

Soccer Stars

Of course, a list of football games is incomplete without Soccer Stars Football Kick. Football games for iPhone like this offer you real Football challenges to face. You and your friend can play on the same device in offline mode and multiplayer mode. Also, you can earn money here.

The game is available in different languages like German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, etc. Besides, it offers very smooth control over the screen, and the gameplay is quite exciting.

Important Features

 You can collect various teams to personalize your style.
 Multiplayer mode lets you play with or without an internet connection.
 If you want to battle against players from different countries, you have to participate in online tournaments.
 After logging in with , you can take part in the game with your friends.
 To win the cup, you need to show the best skills against your opponents.

Pros: You can try both a normal and VIP subscription that comes with exclusive features. You can customize your team in this game, too.

Cons: Some users find an insecure connection problem while running this game. Besides, some got fed up with unwanted bugs.


6. Retro Soccer.

Retro Soccer

Unlike the other football games on the list, we got Retro Soccer. This is an arcade-style football game. After building the team with your favorite legends, start playing in your own style. It will keep you up-to-date with new challenges, features, and players.

You can use the app with six family members. So, the multiplayer mode has become funnier and exciting. Let’s see what more it will offer.

Important Features

 You can make your own all-star team by collecting and upgrading players of your choice.
 There are different types of matches, like full league seasons, challenge matches, and world trophy competitions.
 Lives will be recharged instantly, and it will cost you nothing.
 The best scores you made can be shared with everyone by using ReplyKit live.
 Make a goal against your friend to see who can reach the highest score.

Pros: This game offers a free subscription in over 70 countries. You can also enjoy it on iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, iPad Air, iPad Air, iPad Pro, and iPod Touch.

Cons: This game doesn’t have a synchronize option, so you can’t use it on your other device with the same account.


7. .

Top Eleven Be a Soccer Manager - iPhone Game

Check out a soccer game managing called Top Eleven Be a soccer manager. You can play it for free on your iPads and iPhones without any issues. This game offers you all the popular players and teams of the world. You will also get regular updates from the developers.

You can build a completely personalized soccer team by selecting different players and other tools of your choice. It allows you to play with your friends and interact with other players online. So, join now in the community of ever-growing soccer management games on the iOS platform.

Important Features

 Offers a huge community of over 200 million players.
 Make the best possible team and use new tactics to win live events and challenges.
 Allows the players to manage your custom team as you wish.
 Try to win as many events and tournaments as you like and gather rewards and daily gifts.
 It features team-building capabilities. You can build your team and improve in your own way.
 Supports multiple languages along with English as default.

Pros: This free football game for iPhone works flawlessly on all kinds of iOS devices. You will be happy to know that this game offers regular training sessions, a guide for using the tactics, and other gameplay tips.

Cons: Some might find this game boring because of its management related to strategy-based gameplay. It requires devices over iOS 10.0 to run it smoothly.


8. Blocky Soccer.

blocky_soccer - iPhone Footbal Game

Let’s check out Blocky Soccer, one of the most versatile block animation-based soccer games for iOS. It works on both phones and tablet devices due to its outstanding optimization by developers.

Blocky Soccer is free to play and offers easy gameplay. You must gather as many trophies as you can by winning lots of matches and campaigns.

It renders high-quality graphics and adaptive sound effects. The game is also backed up by regular updates and frequent fixes to provide you with the best possible gaming experience.

Important Features

 Offers retro style in-game environment and visual effects.
 Includes highly responsive touch-based controls.
 Features numerous characters that you can choose from.
 Comes with advanced sharing options, and you can also compete with other players.
 Provides a set of different grounds and adaptive weather effects.
 Offers a lot of campaigns and tournaments that players can join.

Pros: This game comes with very clear HD visual graphics and sound quality. Moreover, it is a completely free football game for iPhone.

Cons: Many players of this game have questioned the poor defense strategies of this game.


9. Flick Shoot 2.

Flick Shoot 2

If you want to play a realistic soccer game on your iPhone or iPad, try Flick Shoot 2. It is one of the best soccer games for iPhone you will find on AppStore.

This game is free to play with optional subscription packages at affordable pricing. It comes with an interactive online multiplayer mode.

You will be able to play different matches with friends and other players. It offers endless hours of exciting game sessions. The game also gets regular updates and new content to provide you with a seamless gaming experience.

Important Features

 Offers stunning, realistic 3D graphics and sound effects.
 It offers multiple game modes, such as single-player mode, missions, campaigns, and minigames.
 The game’s controlling system is very smooth and familiar with similar games.
 Comes with multiple language support along with English as default.
 Provides numerous vests, balls, shoes, and players with complete customization options.

Pros: You will love its versatile single-player gameplay, which features 6 different game modes, including Challenge, Time Attack, Arcade, Not Miss, etc. Also, you can try the tournament and multiplayer modes too.

Cons: You might find the game to be slower when playing in multiplayer mode.


10. Winning Soccer.

Winning Soccer

Winning Soccer by gamegou is a highly optimized 3D football game for iPhone. It is made for iPads but works flawlessly on iPhones, too. You will love its realistic gameplay and competitive multiplayer modes. It allows playing with your friends or any other players around the world in real time.

Its live-person VS person game sessions are highly demanding. So join the ever-growing community of Winning Soccer now. The following features will make you eager to download it without a doubt.

Important Features

 You can create and manage your custom soccer team.
 Offers smooth and responsive touch controls for easy gameplay.
 Master your controls to win in international live matches and tournaments to gather experience points and rewards.
 It allows you to challenge other players around the world in real-time live matches.
 Comes with total customization options for all kinds of tools, such as balls, vests, stadiums, settings, etc.

Pros: Renders jaw-dropping 3D graphics and stunning visuals with advanced physics works. Plus, people of any age can enjoy this game.

Cons: Some users find their devices to be very slow when having a proper internet connection. Besides, some of them lose control over the screen too.


Our Recommendation.

No game, to be true, can be just perfect for everyone. The cons of the following games are that they are not the experience of all the users. Rather, most of them end up loving these games for their individualities and amazing gameplay.

However, as there are 10 equally compatible games, you might get confused about them. Let me help you one more time. If you prefer playing the best free football games, then you should try either Top Eleven Be a Soccer Manager or Blocky Soccer.

But if you prefer quality over the cost, then Final Kick and Football Strike would be the best options for you. And you should try Retro Soccer if you like an arcade-style football game in any way. All these games are good enough to boost your gaming experience.

Finally, Insights.

So, we have reached the final part of today’s discussion, where you learned about the 10 best football games for the iPhone. Whether it is a real football game or a virtual one, football has always been the name of our love. So, don’t get bored in your leisure time; just boost your gaming experience with these games.

I am sure that whatever game you are going to choose, you’ll end up loving it. However, don’t forget to share your experience playing the game you selected. Also, let us know if you know about any game that is ever more compatible. Thank you in advance for your support.

Views: 13

The for 2024, Competitive games—the real-world type, not the esports type—have been a part of our since the dawn of humanity. They’ve served as entertainment, much-need distraction from the daily grind, and a spark for social change. As technology’s advanced, sports have expanded from playgrounds and stadiums to television and games.

The PC may not be your first choice when you’re in the mood to play a sports game. After all, the platform lacks the popular MLB The Show titles and NHL games of any sort (it 
does have the FIFA, Madden NFL, and NBA 2K games, though). Still, there are many, highly entertaining sports-based PC games, particularly if you don’t care about realism or league licenses.

Ready to play some sports games? Let’s go!

Baseball Stars 2 Image

Baseball Stars 2

Decades after its Neo Geo arcade debut, SNK’s classic baseball title remains one of the best arcade-style sports games ever made—even without a Major League Baseball license.

Baseball Stars 2 captures the sports’ essence via two leagues, 18 larger-than-life fictional teams, simple controls, oodles of charming animations, and incredible cut scenes that highlight tense moments, such as a play at the plate or a batter punching a pitcher in the face after being on the receiving end of a beanball.

The Best Sports Games for 2024

Read also : The Best Beat Em Up Games for 2024

Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World began life as a promising Early Access title. Upon its official release, Spike Chunsoft’s “sports” game morphed into one of the most addictive wrasslin’ games to grace any platform.

An excellent return to form after the disappointing, avatar-based, Xbox 360-exclusive Fire Pro Wrestling, World has all of the elements that comprise a great Fire Pro game: robust creation tools, a ridiculously deep move set, MMA rules, cage fighting, gimmick matches, and tight controls and match pacing. Online play, Steam Workshop integration for uploading and downloading content, and optional New Japan Pro Wrestling DLC makes Fire Pro Wrestling World the best in its series.

Please note that this review score reflects Fire Pro Wrestling World as it appeared in Steam Early Access. An updated review is coming soon.

The greatest grappling game returns to take on the world!
Customize every aspect of the match, from your wrestler to the ring itself, in your fight for the championship belt.

Organize exhibition matches, tournaments, leagues, championship bouts and battle royals with players from around the world.

Modes include Deathmatch (steel cage, barbed wire or landmines), no-holds barred Gruesome Fighting, and SWA homebrew rules that mix pro wrestling and MMA.

Create your dream wrestler from over a thousand devastating moves and even more body parts to battle for custom championship belts. Personalize the ring, mat logos and even the referee!

Give your creations personalities with a robust CPU logic system that defines their every action. Does your wrestler play to the crowd, or play dirty? You provide actors for the ringside drama.


SEGA’s Football Manager series is an enigma to many outside observers, but its seemingly niche appeal has grown into a borderline obsession for a large, passionate fan base. This soccer simulation is an insanely detailed, text-heavy simulation of the world’s most popular sport. Take on the role of club manager overseeing player transfers, on-field tactics, staff instructions, and everything in between in a bid to lead your club to glory.


Football Manager 2024 builds upon the previous version by including graphics improvements, new backroom activities, an an updated match engine. If you want to participate in the beautiful game, but lack Ronaldo-like skills, Football Manager is the next best thing to playing for your favorite squad.

Step into the shoes of a real boss and write your own football story in Football Manager 2024, the most complete edition in the series yet.

Whether you’re a manager who likes to build from the bottom or prefers to chase immediate glory, the perfect challenge awaits. The arrival of the new Meiji Yasuda Insurance Ltd J. League licence unlocks J1 League, J2 League, J3 League for the first time ever, giving you the opportunity to explore new horizons in Japan.

Wherever you manage, it’s up to you to build a team capable of competing with the world’s elite.

Game Description

· Continue your relentless journey to the top of the footballing world by using the new ability to import your existing career from Football Manager 2023.
· Craft a winning tactical approach, incorporating modern football’s most popular systems and cutting-edge positional innovations to deliver victories on the pitch.
· Master the transfer market, using new ways to shape your side to cultivate a squad capable of achieving your goals.
· Level up your players on the training field, developing the mentality and teamwork needed to transform contenders into champions.
· See your tactical vision come to life on Matchdays, with every game elevated by improvements to ball and player movements.


Mutant Football League

Mutant Football League
Mutant Football League

Football is a bad sport. Yes, it’s beloved by millions, but the concussions that result from giants hurling themselves at each other are an undeniable problem. The sport is much more enjoyable in video game form, especially arcade-style football, which lets you perform superhuman feats without hideous injuries or annoying flags. 


Digital Dream Entertainment’s Mutant Football League literally plays by that rule set by pitting skeletons, robots, orcs, aliens, and mutated humans against each other in not-so-friendly gridiron contests featuring landmines and cheat plays. Mutant Football League is definitely worth playing, and not because it’s the rare American football PC game that isn’t Madden NFL; it’s legitimately good, despite some annoying dirty trick plays.


Mutants and monsters unleash maniacal carnage on the gridiron in THIS action packed, arcade-style football game. Mutant Football League delivers intense online multiplayer action, deep and deadly humor.


arenas full of ruthless fans and deadly traps set the stage for mayhem in every contest that allows players to win by highest score or by killing and eradicating their opponents – a feat made easier as teams use their unique “Dirty Tricks” such as “Bribe the Ref” to overturn a call or having a player become “Ginormous” to grow in size and pummel the puny combatants in their path. Whenever a game begins you’ll quickly discover the only predictable element is broken bones.


Mutant Football League is the bloody-fun, next-gen, successor to arcade-style American football games, taking inspiration from over-the-top sports games such as NFL Blitz and the Sega Genesis classic, Mutant League Football. Digital Dreams’ MFL game delivers deep strategic 7-on-7 gameplay, with bone-crunching, tooth-shattering, head splitting hits, and a roster of comical ghouls delivering tongue-through-cheek humor. Oh, and blood. Lots of blood.

RetroMania Wrestling

Steel chairs. Finishing moves. Cage matches. Few define pro wrestling as well as those three elements, and RetroSoft Studios’ RetroMania Wrestling has them—and more.

Sure, RetroMania Wrestling isn’t as deep as the excellent Fire Pro Wrestling World, but it caters to people who prefer their wrasslin’ games more arcade-like than sim-like. It’s a throwback title that recalls WrestleFest and other classic arcade wrestling games, thanks to simple controls that let anyone jump into the action and theatrics.

Rocket League

The Psyonix-developed Rocket League is a prime example of a video game that wants you do to one thing and one thing only: have pure, uncut fun. This oddball sports title blends RC racing’s charms with soccer’s heated, team-based competition, and adds plenty of over-the-top spectacle (big goals, wild saves) to keep every match interesting. 

Rocket League is just as fun during your first hour as it is during your twentieth; there are very few multiplayer games that utilize addictive simplicity as effectively. It even supports cross-platform play with console players, so you can always find a match.

Super Mega Baseball 2

Long gone are the days when the likes of Midway’s NFL Blitz and ‘s Ken Griffey Jr. games ruled the market with their pick-up-and-play sensibility, flashy graphics, and outrageous gameplay. Hardcore simulations like FIFA or NBA 2K are great, but arcade sports fans have lamented the decline of the less realistic stuff. If you’re in that camp, pick up Super Mega Baseball 2.


The game offers accessible mechanics, a cartoony art style, and an overall sense of fun that’s rare in today’s sports games. However, it has enough depth to keep even the most die-hard baseball fans addicted. Super Mega Baseball 2 has a couple of graphics-related flaws, but it’s one of the best current-gen sports games available for PC.

Super Mega Baseball 3

Super Mega Baseball 3, with its focus on near-superhuman athletes and their copious stats, is, in essence, an interactive baseball card. Metalhead ‘s latest title is a snapshot of what makes the sport an internationally beloved game, as it inserts you into a world where dingers go deep, showboats flex their super-sized biceps, and pitcher-batter matchups are tense games of cat and mouse. 


This third entry brings with it new on-field improvements, player traits, front office happenings, and gameplay modes for both default and custom ball clubs that push the series deeper into simulation territory. The new Pennant Race mode delivers cross-platform play with console ballplayers, too.

Despite light frame rate issues and other minor complaints, Super Mega Baseball 3 is the best title in the series to date and an outstanding PC game.

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2—a bundle that remasters two, iconic late-1990s and early-2000s skateboarding games—is a joyous return to form for a series that has fallen on hard times in recent years. Its thrilling, combo-based action and pulsating energy will satisfy older folks longing for the game type that publishers have ignored for years, as well as younger people who are looking for a ridiculously entertaining diversion that features a blood-pumping, head-nodding punk and hip-hop soundtrack.


19 tracks, new and returning professional skaters (Tony Hawk, Kareem Campbell, and Nyjah Huston, among others), and a wonderful graphical overhaul round out this excellent package.

Turbo Golf Racing

If you find standard golf games far too tame, check out the Hugecalf Studios-developed Turbo Golf Racing. The sports game takes traditional golf and melds with elements from other, popular arcade-style sports games.


In fact, It’s hard to ignore the similarities between Turbo Golf Racing and Rocket League. Both titles feature cartoony karts that push balls into a goal, and the vehicles are aided by boosts, missiles, and other power-ups. Hugecalf Studios does a good job of implementing the “golf with cars” gimmick, despite the game’s few annoying elements. Still, it’s a good time on the digital links.

Windjammers 2

Like the original title, Windjammers 2 is a sports game focused on the fictional Flying Power League, a competitive circuit featuring neon-drenched athletes tossing Frisbees—er, flying discs. Your goal is to be the first person to reach 15 points in best-2-out-of-3 sets (or accumulate the most points before the clock expires).

However, the game is so much more than that basic description.


In essence, Windjammers 2 is a sports game with a fighting game’s heart; it even has parries and special moves! DotEmu’s sequel to the cult classic Neo Geo game delivers the same thrilling action as its predecessor, but adds new offensive and defensive moves, as well as rollback netcode and cross-platform play between PC and Xbox.

Views: 0

The Best Beat Em Up Games for 2024, Sometimes the best way to make a difference is to wrap your knuckles, step out onto a mob-filled street, and punch the enemy squarely in the snot box. With beat ’em ups, the gameplay goal is simple: Destroy the enemy waves before they destroy you. Although that description applies to many game genres—including strategy, and shmup—beat ’em ups have their own flavor. 

Thanks to pioneering titles like The Warriors-inspired Renegade and the post-apocalyptic Double Dragon, beat ’em ups typically feature street-level heroes who must rescue a girlfriend, save a president, exact cold revenge, or engage in some other B-movie trope. The games usually feature simple side-scrolling movement, which is why beat ’em ups are known as “belt scrollers” in Japan and some Western gaming circles. “Brawlers” is another term for the genre.

Though beat ’em ups aren’t as buzzworthy as, say, battle royale games, they have a dedicated, hard-core following that loves the urban chaos. Fortunately, the PC is a platform with a growing library of high-quality belt scrollers. These are the best we’ve reviewed.

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle


Developer Capcom was a key player in the beat ’em up genre’s popularity, thanks to several memorable arcade releases that gave players the opportunity to team up with a friend to pound enemy forces into pulp. 

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle collects seven of those games, including Final Fight and Knights of the Round, in a package that also includes online play for each game. If you fancy thumb-numbing, button-mashing action in either solo or multiplayer sessions, Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle is a recommended package. That said, it understandably lacks Capcom’s licensed gems, such as Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or The Punisher.

Relive the glory days of cooperative arcade games with the Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle!

This comprehensive collection includes seven classic games, each with various multiplayer options, online capabilities and detailed galleries!

Say goodbye to game overs! Adjust your difficulty settings or give yourself more lives to battle through each game in its entirety. You can also play the English or Japanese versions of each title!

Games included: Final Fight, Captain Commando, The King of Dragons, Knights of the Round and Warriors of Fate, as well as two games that were previously unavailable on consoles: Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit!

Grab some friends, stare down the bad guys and BEAT ‘EM UP!

The Best Beat Em Up Games for 2024

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Despite it retro aesthetic, Fight’N Rage is a thoroughly modern spin on the classic beat ’em up. Not only does the game incorporate clever fighting game elements, such as parries and super moves, it includes branching missions and sub-paths that offer fresh scenery and action should you decide to run off the beaten path.

That said, Fight’N Rage’s difficulty is a doozy, and its lack of built-in, online multiplayer is disappointing. Still, the post-apocalyptic beat ’em up is one that belong in your library.

Set in a far future where humans are enslaved by mutants, Fight’N Rage is a side-scroller beat’em up inspired by the classics from the 90’s arcade gems.

In a world where “the law of the jungle” prevails… two humans and a mutant rebel are willing to fight in order to stop this madness.

Get ready to face ruthless mutants… Get ready to Fight’N Rage!


* Several endings: Your in-game actions will decide the story!

* Explosive combo system: Blow up your enemies with special combos!

* Lots of unlockables: Costumes, Game Modes, Options and even Playable Enemies!

* Different weapons and Parry System.

* Easy to play, hard to master.

* Local co-op mode: Up to 3 players with optional friendly fire.

* VS Mode: 1vs1 battles against another player or the CPU. Or simply watch CPU vs CPU battles.

* Additional near impossible extra challenges for pro-gamers!

River City Girls

You can’t mention beat ’em ups without the Kunio-kun series, a Japanese franchise featuring hot-blooded school kids rumbling in the streets. With River City Girls, developer WayForward took the Kunio reins and created the best series entry in some time.

WayForward’s love for the series drips from every roundhouse punch and baseball bat swing, as two high school students—Kyoko and Misako—crack skulls as they try to rescue their kidnapped boyfriends. River City Girls has terrific beat ’em up action, swinging synthpop music, and the ability to purchase new moves, accessories, and power ups, but a few glaring negatives keep the brawler from being a genre great.

There’s trouble once again on the mean streets of River City, but this time the boys are in over their heads! In this all-new entry in the legendary beat-’em-up series, hot-blooded heroes Kunio and Riki have been captured, leaving it to their hard-hitting girlfriends, Kyoko and Misako, to serve up some payback.

As you punch and kick your way across town – either solo or with a friend in local co-op – you’ll gain new skills, chow down on power-ups, wield an assortment of weapons, and unleash an arsenal of combos, throws, and special attacks that will leave the bad guys crying for mama – all in outrageous 16-bit style! The awesome action is punctuated by manga story panels, anime cutscenes, and an epic synth-pop soundtrack. It’s an old-school rumble for a new generation!

Key Features:

• Wild beat-’em-up action for one or two players!

• Glorious pixel-art graphics plus anime and manga cutscenes!

• Fantastic soundtrack featuring Megan McDuffee, Chipzel, Cristina Vee, Dale North, and NateWantsToBattle!

• Six large city regions to fight through, complete with shops and side quests!
• Loads of weapons, items, and abilities to power-up your heroines!

• Guest appearances by classic River City characters!

River City Girls 2

Kyoko and Misako once again put down their books and lift their fists for more teenage brawls through River City’s wild streets. In this sequel, developer WayForward and publisher Arc System Works enhance the high school-themed beat ’em up formula in nearly every aspect by introducing new moves, a larger map, and more playable characters. The absolutely amazing soundtrack, once again fronted by the incredible Megan McDuffee, gives the music an infectious quality that will keep you humming for days.


The second Kunio-kun game in this roundup isn’t the traditional beat ’em up on which the River City franchise built its fame. Instead, River City Melee Mach!! takes the series’ combat fundamentals—punches, kicks, throws, and weapons—and adds power ups, special moves, stage gimmicks, and team-based, last-man-standing contests. 

Featuring charming, retro-style graphics, fast-paced action, and nearly 200 characters, Arc System Works’ River City Melee Mach!! gives the series high school rivalries a fresh shot of life. Like River City Girls, it suffers a few issues that keep it from being a beat ’em up A-lister.

: The Game – Complete Edition

Way back in 2010, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game debuted on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to much acclaim. Conceived as a tie-in game for the then-recently released live-action film, the Ubisoft Chengdu-developed title served as a fun take on the Brian Lee O’Malley comic book and a homage to genre classics.

For reasons that are still unclear, Ubisoft pulled the game from the PlayStation and Xbox digital storefronts in 2014. Seven years later, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game returns from its digital graveyard none the worse for wear with the same outstanding animation, rockin’ Anamanaguchi score, and big action. The Complete Edition includes modes that were previously available as DLC, such as Dodgeball and Zombie Hordes.


The Sloclap-developed Sifu wears its inspirations on its sleeves, taking elements from Old BoyJohn Wick, and Jackie Chan flicks to create a cinematic beat ’em up that’s just as fun to watch as it is to play. The deep combat system lets you parry, unleash super moves, and utilize weapons and environments as you seek revenge on villains who did your family wrong. The unique death system causes your character to older, exchanging youth and vitality for age and raw strength.

Streets of Rage 4



It’s been nearly three decades since SEGA released Streets of Rage 3, the previous entry in the beloved beat ’em up series, so the reveal of Streets of Rage 4 was shocking. The fact that it turned out to be quite good was even more surprising.

This brawler by developers LizardCube, Guard Crush Games, and Dotemu is Streets of Rage through and through. Featuring a diverse cast of new and returning martial artists looking to clean up a fictional city’s mean streets from a criminal syndicate, Streets of Rage 4 offers the hard-hitting combat, dreary urban environments, and sheer fun that’s defined the series since 1991. Streets of Rage 4’s wall splats, supers, and combo system give it fighting game elements that create extra gameplay depth.


Streets of Rage is a beat ‘em up series known for its timeless gameplay and electronic dance influenced music. Streets of Rage 4 builds upon the classic trilogy’s gameplay with new mechanics, beautiful hand-drawn visuals and a God tier soundtrack.

Team up with iconic and brand-new characters

Axel, Blaze, and Adam teaming up with new brother and sister in arms Floyd Iraia and Cherry Hunter to clean up the streets.

Outstanding Hand-Drawn Visuals and Soundtracks

With lush hand-drawn animations, new combat abilities, and fresh tracks from an amazing team of composers, Streets of Rage 4 will be a masterful tribute to and revitalization of the classic action fans adore.


● Clean up the city by yourself or with another friend
● Team up to 4 people offline to take the city back!

● Classic gameplay enhanced with brand-new mechanics.

former Streets of Rage characters unlockable and playable in pixel versions.

● Play with the music of the previous Streets of Rage games!

: Shredder’s Revenge

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brands is one tailor-made for beat-’em-up action, with its colorful cast of characters that feature humanoid reptiles, villainous martial artists, aliens, robots, and a rat that dispenses wisdom as often as he dispenses karate chops. With Shredder’s Revenge, TMNT receives one of its best video game adaptations to date.

Developed by Tribute Games, a team that features crew members who worked on the excellent Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The GameShredder’s Revenge heavily draws from the 1980s show, and has the colorful, toon-like visuals to match. In addition, it pulls elements from past Turtles games and toys to create 16 stages of wild street fighting. Six-player co-op play in online and offline modes ensures that you’ll fight like a family, just like playable characters April, Casey, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Splinter.

Treachery In Beatdown City

On the surface, Treachery In Beatdown City appears to be a strict homage to classic beat ‘em up games from the 1980s and 1990s. However, the brawler’s menu-driven, tactical combo system, and biting urban satire reveals a game that’s radically different than what’s come before it. 

Developed by Nuchallenger, Treachery In Beatdown City is a fun game that requires you to use your brain to battle the way through the gentrification elements that plagues a fictional city’s streets, but its pace may prove too slow for traditional beat ’em up fans. Tactics fans, on the other hand, may really dig it. 

Yakuza 0

Sega’s Yakuza is the rare polygonal series that adheres to the beat ’em up ethos. In Yakuza 0—the prequel story that shows how series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu rose through the ranks to become the big boss of a Japanese crime syndicate— you brawl through small, semi-open world regions with knuckles, guns, swords, and other weapons.

At the heart of the gangsterism is empathy and honor, be it between bro and bro, an orphan and his surrogate father, or well-dressed hoodlums and the desperate strangers they meet. It’s also a tale involving a pelvis-thrusting man, referred to as both Walking Erection and Mr. Libido, wearing nothing but shoes and tighty-whities. Yakuza 0’s ability to dance between the dramatic and the absurd, all of it punctuated with thrilling combat, makes this brawler one of the best on the PC.

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life serves as a delightful, action-packed conclusion to Kazuma Kiryu’s gangster-filled story. The beat ’em up game features streamlined controls, fun boss bottles, and the oddball happenings you’d expect to find in the ridiculous, fictional Tokyo district of Kamurocho. It’s a bit on the easy side, though.


Views: 2

Best wired headphones 2024 in-ears, over-ears, open and closed-back Get ultimate corded audio with the best wired headphones, From in-ears to over-ears, closed-back and open-back, there are plenty of wired headphones options out there. They’re ideal if you’d rather have the reliable, charge-free, and tactile experience of a cable-toting pair of cans or buds.

While Bluetooth headphones have become the norm, audiophiles and people who’d rather not have to deal with charging another gadget still flock to wired headphones to get their audio fix.

With so many different options available, choosing the right ones for you can be tricky. That’s why we’ve rounded up our top pick of the best wired headphones, to help make your decision that little bit easier. If you’re looking for a little more freedom of movement, you should check out Stuff’s guide to the best wireless earbuds and best headphones.

What are the best wired headphones?

We think the Grado SR325x (buy now) are the best wired headphones. An open-back pair of headphones with 44mm drivers, we love the premium metal construction and precisely balanced, into your ears. You’ll be amazed by the incredible clarity, trust us.

The best wired headphones you can buy today:


1. Grado SR325x

New York-based Grado has been crafting some incredible headphones for just shy of 70 years, and their retro design never fails to impress. Don’t be deceived though — there’s plenty of audio tech hidden beneath those foam earpads and padded headband.

An open-back pair of headphones with 44mm drivers and a premium metal construction, they’ll pump precisely balanced, music into your ears with incredible clarity. A reassuringly durable, braided cable provides extra peace of mind.

Read Also : The best phones to buy in 2024


FiiO knows a thing or two about DACs and DAPs, but doesn’t have the headphone lineage of some of the other brands mentioned in this list. It’s beyond impressive, then, that its first pair of planar magnetic over-ears are so well-rounded. The FT5 uses large 90mm planar drivers to deliver wonderfully nuanced audio, with more bass than we expect from the tech – although swapping to the second pair of included ear pads can dial that back if you prefer a more balanced sound.

Multiple connection options, a luxurious travel case and some delightful industrial design mean they punch well above their weight, considering an asking price that’s considerably lower than many planar rivals.


3. Shure Aonic 3

Shure has historically made some of the best wired headphones around, and the Aonic 3 is up there with them. Lightweight and comfortable, the cable is designed to hook over your ears for a secure fit. The included nine different ear tips provide an excellent choice for a comfortable fit with superb sound isolation.

Sound quality is exceptional, as you’d hope at this price, and not many other in-ear buds can rival them for sound quality. The in-line controls are handy too, saving you from whipping your phone out to change tracks or answer calls.



If you’re prepared to drop a big wad of cash for some top-tier headphones, Beyerdynamic’s offering won’t disappoint. Open-backed for a more spatial listening experience, its Stellar 45 driver promises to loudly reproduce the best sound in studio quality. And Beyerdynamic promises no distortion, regardless of what device you’re using. Just be wary of the quality of your source, as they’re accurate to the point of bringing out flaws in poor-quality material.

Comfort-wise your ears will have no complaints either, thanks to soft velour earpads and a memory foam headband — both of which can be easily replaced for improved longevity. Coupled with a rugged cable, metal, and glass-fibre reinforced plastic parts, this is a pair of over-ears that should last you for years to come.


5. Superlux HD681

If you dive deep enough down the near-infinite depths of audiophile forums and Reddit threads, you’ll eventually come across people discussing the Superlux HD681. Described as semi-open (but definitely more on the open end of things), they are regarded by audio enthusiasts to be one of the best headphones around, period. Despite their ludicrously low price, they are lauded for their fantastic, rich, balanced sound. Although many people do recommend nudging the high end down in an EQ app to reduce the sharpness.

At this price, you’re not going to get luxurious build quality of comfort, which is where the HD681 is likely to let you down. Still, the sound quality-to-price ratio is, quite frankly, insane. They’re absolutely worth a punt if you’re starting out on your audiophile journey or simply want to experience their value for money with your own ears.


6. RØDE NTH-100

Better known for its microphones, RØDE’s NTH-100 are the company’s first-ever pair of headphones. A pair of over-ear monitors aimed at professionals like podcasters, live streamers and audio engineers, they combine excellent sonic performance with superior all-day comfort, with a sturdy build quality to boot. A pair of 40mm dynamic drivers deliver a frequency response ranging from 5Hz to 35kHz. That provides a clarity you might normally expect to hear from a high-end pair of open-back headphones.

Despite their impressive specs, they won’t break the bank, and luxurious materials like Alcantara-covered memory foam earpads belie the sticker price. The pads are made with a layer of CoolTech gel, which helps absorb and dissipate heat. This means you remain comfortable during marathon listening sessions. A solid all-rounder for and play.


SoundMagic prides itself on providing great sound at budget prices, and the E11C is no exception. A successor to the critically acclaimed E10, each bud in the E11C packs in improved drivers, which provide substantial thump for bass lovers. The sound is warm and balanced, with nothing harsh or jarring to disturb sensitive ears.

They might not look exciting, but for a pair of buds that sound this good for this low a price, there’s little to complain about. Throw in built-in in-line controls for volume, music and call playback… And you’ve got a set of headphones that serve up heaps of bang for your buck.


8. Philips SHP9500

The Philips SHP9500 have an open-back design, which gives music a wider, more open feeling, and, in most cases, more accurate, better sound. The downside though, is that they also leak sound, which will disturb anyone else around you. They also let in external noises too. So if you’re going for an open-back pair of headphones, bear in mind that they’ll be best suited for use at home, ideally in a quiet room.

With all that said, if you are looking for an open-back experience, these are a great pair of headphones to get you started. Punchy 50mm drivers provide crisp yet balanced lows, mids and highs. They’ve been specifically positioned to better deliver sound directly into your ears. With premium materials including a steel headband and breathable ear cushions, they look and feel the part too.


9. Austrian Audio Hi-X15

These closed-back headphones have a solid metal construction for a more robust feel, along with soft memory foam earpads for comfort. They’re foldable for easier storage too, and come with a generous 1.4m-long detachable cable. The 44mm drivers, in conjunction with a ring system, translate to a crisp, clear, and accurate listening experience.

Reviews mention a slight lack of bass — or, rather, accurate bass that’s a faithful reproduction of the artist intended. If you’re used to more bass-orientated mainstream headphones, or simply prefer more oomph, then these crisp cans might not be the best choice. But if you want to listen to tracks with perfect balance at an affordable price, these will serve you well.


10. Audio-Technica ATH-M50x

Used by professional audio engineers around the world (not to mention heavy hitters including Drake, Mariah Carey, and Lady Gaga), the ATH-M50x is a legendary pair of headphones. They’re renowned for their tank-like build and useful 90-degree swivelling earcups for easy one-ear monitoring.

Sound quality is, unsurprisingly, excellent, driven by 45mm large-aperture drivers. A selection of different cables available in different lengths and coil types makes for a flexible solution depending on the scenario. They look the part too, with a minimal-yet-functional design aesthetic that should appeal to practically everyone.



This rather unusual set of in-ears from Campfire Audio does a great job of standing out from the dull crowd that makes up the majority of its competitors. With a strikingly soft yet angular shape and a rich, deep yellow/orange colour, it’s definitely a top contender in the design department.

Looks aside, they sound superb too, thanks to 10mm drivers that offer up a very impressive amount of bass compared to most rivals, without muddying the audio waters. If your ears love hanging out in the low end, and you’re after a premium experience with an eye-catching design to match, look no further.


. Sennheiser IE200

These entry-level IEMs have excellent build quality, supreme comfort, and a fantastic sonic performance for the money. They don’t go above and beyond, so as not to take the shine off Sennheiser’s more expensive in-ear models, but little else can rival it unless you’re prepared to take a shot on relatively unknown brands.

The connectors might be Sennheiser’s take on the industry-standard MCXX, but they make it a breeze to swap out the cable should it fail (or you fancy an upgrade). A bunch of silicone and foam ear tips in the box ensure a comfortable fit, too.



If you’re looking for style, the Urbanears Zinken are a great option. We love their minimal, streamlined design. The audio is loud, but a little muddy (there are certainly better sounding wired headphones out there). They’re collapsable, which makes them great for travel, and they come with an extra input/output port for sharing music, allowing you to plug in another pair of headphones. The tough yet flexible on-ear construction feels comfy, and they’re lightweight too.

How to choose the best wired headphones for you

Wired headphones, as the name suggests, connect to your audio source using a physical cable rather than using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. While wired headphones come with the obvious limitation of mobility, they offer reliable audio performance, compatibility, and often deliver excellent sound quality at an affordable price.

That last point is the most important, really. Wired headphones generally offer better sound quality compared to their wireless counterparts, as the audio signal is transmitted directly through the cable without any potential loss of quality or interference.

The wired connection also provides a more reliable audio transmission, so you don’t have to worry about connectivity issues (is there anything more grating than Bluetooth transmission issues?).

You also don’t need to worry about confusing pairing , which can be incredibly annoying if you pair with more than one device, or battery life.

One thing that you will need to bear in mind is the length and durability of the cable provided with your wired headphones.


Views: 7

Best mini gaming PC 2024, Gaming PCs don’t have to be enormous and finding a powerful compact PC is easier than ever. We’ve tested the best mini gaming PCs at all price points.

What is the best mini gaming PC? The traditional image of a gaming custom PC is some hulking behemoth of a machine, with frantically spinning fans, blazing rainbow RGB LEDs, and monstrously large graphics cards. But the best mini gaming PCs are compact machines that house full-scale components. Despite their size, mini PCs don’t skimp on performance and are ideal for smaller gaming desks or if want to take it traveling.

In this guide, we’ve chosen pre-built mini gaming PCs from the likes of Origin, Corsair, and more. Check out how to build a gaming PC if you want to choose the components and PC case yourself.

Some exceedingly small and cheap mini gaming PCs such as those offered by Minisforum take AMD CPUs, with their iGPUs that punch well above their weight and let them rip with their maximum power draw – which can be capable even at 1080p.

We suggest thinking about cooling solutions and how easy it is to upgrade the machine. There’s no point in spending money on components that are going to throttle the moment they heat up. These are the best mini gaming PCs to game in confidence and small spaces. If you want full power (and have the room), check out our full best gaming PCs guide.


The best mini gaming PCs today:

1.Minisforum UM773 
2.Origin PC Chronos V3 – best premium PC
3.Intel NUC 12 Serpent Canyon – true mini PC
4.Corsair ONE i400 
5.Beelink SER6 
6.Blackview MP200 – best under $450/£350
7. Rog Ally – best handheld PC

Best mini gaming PCs: the Minisforum.


1. Minisforum UM773 Lite

Best mini PC overall for light gaming.

Minisforum Venus UM773 Lite Specs:






AMD Ryzen 7 7735HS 8 core 3.2GHz – 4.75GHz




512GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD


RJ45 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port, USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C, USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A ×2,

USB2.0 Type-A ×2, USB4 Type-C, HDMI ×2, 3.5mm Combo Jack ×1, WiFi 6E, Bluetooth,


Liquid metal thermal compound, Airway Design 120 fan, two heat pipes


5.03 x 4.9 x 1.8 inches (12.78 x 12.45 x 4.57 cm)


3.65 lbs (1.66 kg) including power brick


 Small yet mighty
 Plenty of RAM


 Reported defective WiFi cards

“Integrated graphics?” we hear you cry, and we respond with a resounding yes. The $539.99 (£495.20) Minisforum UM773’s AMD 680M sits between the integrated graphics of Valve’s Steam Deck and the Asus ROG Ally which as we all know by now are very capable little machines.

The 680M is allowed to perform at its best because of the inclusion of very fast DDR5 which AMD’s CPUs and iGPUs work nicely with and 32 GB of it no less. Though it is not as capable as its younger sibling the 780M, it manages to be slightly more efficient due to its lower power draw so those working with constrained power budgets will be served here.

Esports titles will run well at 1080p and emulation will be no problem at all. Older titles too will, of course, return great performance so if you’re not too fussed about the latest AAA games, you’re sure to have a great time with this seriously handy little machine, especially when paired with the best gaming monitor to get the most out of this mighty box.

Whilst the Minisforum Venus UM773 doesn’t offer the same portability as the Deck or Ally, it makes up for it in connectivity with a plethora of ports making this a very practical little machine.

It is also surprisingly upgradable with two SODIMM slots, a PCIe 4.0 M.2 slot, and room on the bottom for a 2.5-inch hard drive. You could also connect an eGPU via the USB4 port if you wanted some extra GPU down the line as the CPU will age more gracefully than the iGPU.

Best mini gaming PC 2024

Read Also : The best gaming PCs for 2023

Best mini gaming PC: the Origin PC Chronos V3.

2. Origin PC Chronos V3

Best premium mini gaming PC.

Origin Chronos V3 specs:




Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti 12GB


AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D


32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR5 5600Mhz


ASUS ROG Strix X670E-I WiFi


850 Watt CORSAIR SFX-L Series


1TB PM9A1 M.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4.0


2 x USB-C 4.0, 1 x USB-C 3.1, 5 x USB-A 3.2, 3 x USB-A 2.0, 5 x USB-A 3.2, 3.5mm headphone/mic


2 x 120mm fan, 80mm fan, iCUE H100i ELITE CAPELLIX XT Liquid CPU Cooler

Dimensions (W x H x D)

7.87 x 17.71 x 10.6 (20cm x 45cm x 27cm)


 Powerful all-rounder
 Easily upgradeable
 PCIe Gen 5.0


 Not the smallest

Well-established custom PC builders Origin have updated their CHRONOS line to use parent company Corsair’s svelte 2000D case whose vertical design makes us think that it’s some supercharged Series X with its cuboid design.

At $2,806 it isn’t the cheapest, but Origin PC has been in the business a long time for good reason so you can be sure you will be getting a quality product that won’t be giving you any headaches.

With an AMD Ryzen 7 7800 X3D and Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti, you can be sure to be playing the latest AAA games for a while, especially with more games supporting DLSS 3 frame generation introduced with the RTX 4000 series.

Being owned by Corsair, you can quite often get good deals on peripherals if you need a new monitor, keyboard, mouse, and streaming goodies. Be sure to check out our best gaming headsets if you need a sonic solution for your ears.

It’s on the cusp of being a mini PC however as it is quite large still, but is certainly smaller than your average ATX case. You can go smaller with other options but given Origin’s credentials, customer service, and flexibility, we’ve included it as our best overall pick.

Best mini gaming PC: the Intel NUC 12.

3. Intel NUC 12 Serpent Canyon

Best true mini PC with dedicated graphics.

Intel NUC 12 Serpent Canyon Specs:




A770M 16GB


Intel i7-12700H


16GB DDR4 3200Mhz




HDMI 2.1 (4K60), DisplayPort 2.0 x 2, Thunderbolt/USB4 Type-C ports x 2, USB3.2 Gen2 Type-A ×6,

3.5mm Combo Jack ×1, 2.5Gb ethernet, Consumer infrared port, WiFi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2


Two fans and heat pipes


9.06 x 7.09 x 2.36 inches (23 x 18 x 6 cm)


4.34 lbs (1.97 kg)


 Pint-sized gaming PC
 Slick console-like design
 Powerful dedicated graphics


 Intel Arc teething issues

Intel’s NUC (Next Unit of Computing) series has been around for a few years now but for the first time, they’ve updated their designs with their own Arc series of GPUs for a true-blue all-Intel system.

This is all packaged in an exceedingly handsome and small case that puts the PS5 and Xbox Series X to shame when it comes to a performance-to-size ratio as the NUC 12 Serpent Canyon is so small that we’re surprised there’s even a GPU in there. It has an air of “This is what the Xbox 720 will look like” about it which we’re quite fond of too.

The Serpent Canyon has an Intel Arc A770M with 16GB of GDDR6 VRAM so you shouldn’t run into any limitations with the recent spate of resource-heavy AAA games. The Arc cards have excellent ray-tracing performance for their price point, eclipsing AMD in this regard.

Also included is a very capable i7-12700H so CPU workloads will be breezy and will keep up with the performant A770M.

Whilst the CPU and GPU aren’t upgradable, there are plenty of drive options with 2 M.2 PCIe 4.0 slots and an M.2 PCIe slot. The RAM is also user-replaceable.

Something to consider is how the Intel Arc cards have fared since release. They are leaps and bounds better than were with DX9, 10, and 11 performance seeing massive improvements but Nvidia and AMD have better legacy support for older titles. Intel’s upscaling technology XeSS isn’t as widely supported but it is being increasingly integrated by developers.

Recent AAA titles that have VRAM issues have influenced our decision to include the Serpent Canyon as the 16GB of VRAM and good DX12 performance see the NUC punching above its weight here. This is at a high cost, but we think it’s worth it given the unique design and improved performance.

Best mini gaming PC: the Corsair One i400.

4. Corsair ONE i400

The mini gaming PC with the best design.

Corsair ONE i400 Specs:




Nvidia RTX 3080 10 GB


Intel i7-13700KF


32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5-5600MHz




750W SFX 80 PLUS Platinum


USB 3.1 Gen 1 x 2, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C, Thunderbolt 4 x 2, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A,

USB 3.2 Gen 1, 7.1 Audio, 2.5G Ethernet, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2


2 liquid AIO coolers


6.93 x 7.87 x 14.96 inches (17.6 x 20 x 38 cm)


9.6 lbs (4.35 kg)


 Striking design
 Excellent performance


 Expensive for RTX 3080 PC
 Difficult to upgrade

Look at that subtle RGB lighting. The tasteful thickness of it Oh my god, it even has water cooling. It’s the Corsair ONE i400 with Intel’s latest 13th gen i7-13700KF and clearly, they are still pretty proud of themselves as they have stuck with the tried and true Corsair One case, and really, who could blame them?

It’s become something of a PC design icon since the original Corsair One debuted back in 2017, and we’ve been fans of it ever since – its predecessor was in our best gaming PC list.

The ONE i400 also has faster DDR5 RAM to help raise those 1% lows whilst gaming and chewing through the embarrassing amount of tabs we have open. The RTX 3080 is still a formidable card and most of the time you should have a great experience playing games or using GPU-accelerated programs.

It is a bit disappointing to see only the RAM and CPU see a refresh. At the asking price of $2,499.99, we think an RTX 4070 Ti would be the obvious pairing as the extra VRAM would help ease any concerns about how memory-hungry new AAA games have been as of late. The Corsair ONE i400 is also a little more awkward to work in than even some smaller PCs due to its unique design, but we think the tradeoff here is worth it if you feel confident pulling it apart and back together again.

Best mini gaming PC: the Beelink Ser6.

5. Beelink SER6 Gaming Mini PC

Best budget mini gaming PC.

Beelink SER6 Specs:






AMD Ryzen 5 6600H 6 core 4.5Ghz


16GB DDR5 4800MHz dual channel


512GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD


USB 3.2 Gen 2 x 3, USB 2.0, HDMI x 2, 2.5Gb ethernet, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2


Two fans


4.96 x 4.45 x 1.65 inches (12.6 x 11.3 x 4.2 cm)


1.13 lbs ( 0.51 kg)


 Steam Deck level of performance
 Upgradable RAM and storage


 Loud and high-pitched fan noise
 Only a little cheaper than 680M systems

AMD’s integrated graphics make another showing here with the Beelink SER6. The SER6 has an AMD 660M that is slightly less powerful than the iGPU of the Steam Deck, but the SER6 has two extra CPU cores and more power available to it so you can expect your games and general computing to feel a little snappier. To keep the Ryzen 5 6600U running sweet there is 16GB of DDR5 RAM and older and lighter titles such as Minecraft and League of Legends will hum along nicely.

You also have good options for expanding your storage and RAM with user two SODIMM slots and a PCIe 4.0 M.2 slot which are user-replaceable. Similarly to the Minisforum, there is space for a 2.5” drive at the bottom of the SER6 if you want to get silly with the storage and dump all your (legally owned) ROMs for a great little emulation machine. If the included 512GB isn’t enough, be sure to check out our best SSD for gaming roundup.

An unfortunate flaw here though is the dual fan design. Because the individual fans are smaller, they are much higher pitched than a larger singular fan would be so when things heat up, it can be a little loud. It’s also only a little cheaper at $429 (£539) than a 680 M-equipped mini PC so you may want to spend an extra bit of cash for the additional CPU and CU cores.

Best mini gaming PC: the Blackview MP200 mini pc on a desk

6. Blackview MP200

Best mini PC under $300/£300

Blackview MP200 specs:




Intel Ultra-HD Graphics


Intel Core i5-11400H


16GB DDR4 3200MHz


512GB M.2


USB 3.2 Gen 2 x 4, HDMI 2, USB type C,

3.5mm Headphone Jack, Wifi 6, 1000Mbs LAN


183.2 x 150 x 75.5mm


1.52lbs (690g)


 One of the cheapest mini PCs
 Good for daily tasks


 Noisy fans during medium loads
 No dedicated graphics card

The Blackview MP200 is the ideal mini PC for those who want to spend as little as possible. Its competitive pricing makes it our top cheap option, but that price does mean limitations with performance.

Inside the MP200, the Intel Ultra-HD Graphics hinder gameplay somewhat, to the extent that you’ll need to play most in the lowest settings. It’s not impossible to play the best PC games, but you may struggle with triple AAA releases.

There are enough ports to add three displays with USB 3.2 connectivity, and the storage and RAM can both be doubled if you want to add second modules and upgrade the machine further down the line. We’d recommend the Blackview MP200 if you want one of the cheapest PCs on the market, but if gaming is your priority then lack of graphics card and cooling will let you down.

Best mini gaming PC: the Asus ROG Ally.

7. Asus ROG Ally

Best portable mini gaming PC.

Asus ROG Ally specs:




AMD 780M


AMD Z1 Extreme APU 8 core


16GB LPDDR5 6400Mhz Dual channel


7 inch IPS 1080p 120Hz (VRR)


512GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD, microSD


ROG XG Mobile Interface, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C


Dual fan design


11.02 x 4.37 x 0.83 ~ 1.28 inches (28.0 x 11.1 x 2.12 ~ 3.24 cm)


1.34 lbs (0.61 kg)


 Very powerful
 Highly portable


 Armory Crate software needs improving
 Windows 11 isn’t the best portable OS

The Asus ROG Ally may have a display and a built-in controller but it is by all accounts, a mini gaming PC that just so happens to be extremely portable. We were mightily impressed by the $699 (£699) Ally in our review.

It’s eeked out the Steam Deck for the best portable mini gaming PC because of its extra grunt in the GPU and CPU department which lets us play games on the go at 1080P.

When plugged in at home, you can opt for the maximum power envelope that would normally rinse your battery and have a very capable little computer that you can do pretty much anything on. With the XMG connector, you can plug in one of Asus’ external GPUs without losing any performance to the limitations of USB 4 as you have full access to the PCIe lanes.

You’ll need a good  and gaming mouse setup to make full use of the desktop environment though, editing the Excel spreadsheet might be a little difficult with the joysticks.

Any hiccups in performance will be smoothed out by the VRR screen too so unless you have some very heavy 1% and 0.1% lows, you shouldn’t notice any dips in frame rate allowing for a smooth and consistent experience.

Unfortunately, Asus’ Armory Crate overlay paired with Windows 11 doesn’t shine a candle to Valve’s SteamOS in terms of functionality, but this will no doubt improve with time and you have the added benefit of knowing that games such as Fortnite and Roblox will work out of the box.

Are mini PCs good for gaming?

A mini PC can be a good option for gaming, but it all depends on how much performance you need – and how much you’re willing to spend. The most expensive mini PCs like the Corsair i400 are equipped with high-end CPUs and dedicated GPUs, while there are some limitations to truly mini PCs.

With less space for cooling systems, this can lead to higher temperatures and loud fan noise during intensive gaming sessions – something we found to be true with the Blackview MP200. The compact form factor may also limit upgradability compared to larger desktop counterparts, as you might get fewer expansion slots. As mini PC technology has improved, high-performance mini gaming PCs can now mostly meet the demands of modern gamers.

Views: 11

The best football games on PC 2024, Lead your club, country, or brightest youth prospect to victory in the best football games on PC, from near-perfect simulations to soap opera stories. It can seem tough to scratch that footballing itch, especially when there are only a few mainstream games that usually spring to mind. Sure, is the undisputed king of the football management genre, and if you’re interested in a more player-controlled affair, it’s hard to argue with FIFA’s excellent game-day presentation.

The Best Football Games on PC: a group of football players dressed in white celebrate together after scoring a goal

What are the best football games on PC in 2024? It can seem tough to scratch that footballing itch, especially when there are only a few mainstream games that usually spring to mind. Sure, Football Manager is the undisputed king of the football management genre, and if you’re interested in a more player-controlled affair, it’s hard to argue with FIFA’s excellent game-day presentation.

Whether it’s an under-the-radar , an indie title, or a mash-up of different sports, there’s a football game for every fan. To shine a light on these underappreciated classics, we’ve compiled the best PC games for football fans.


Best football games on PC: Football drama

Football meets real-time and deck-based  gameplay in this delightfully humourous Demigiant title. As existentially-troubled manager Rocco Galliano, you’re tasked with turning around the fortunes of the ailing Calchester Assembled .

Doing so won’t be easy though. Like Telltale games of old, player choice is a big part of Football Drama. You’ll regularly be in conversation with journalists, the club’s owner, criminal organizations, and even your house cat, and the decisions you make during these chats have positive or negative impacts on all aspects of your management journey. Get into a spat with the man who hired you, and you could be sacked within days of taking over. Do a deal with the mafia to throw a game and find the story leaked to the press, and you could have a baying mob of angry supporters at your door.

Football Drama’s turn-based match mechanics, coupled with the use of “shout cards” you earn based on your interactions, can swing results in or out of your favor, and add an intriguing layer to its FM-inspired match engine. Your team’s stamina and card usage are pivotal to winning matches, so strategically applying them in unison will be the difference between victory and defeat.

Games and the commentary can feel a bit repetitive after a while, and there are only seven endings you can unlock despite Football Drama’s huge branching narrative. With its unique blend of gameplay, droll humor, and literary-inspired plot, however, Demigiant’s title is one you should check out.

The best football games on PC 2024

Read Also : 14 Best Football Games For Android In 2024

Best football games on PC: Rocket League

This isn’t your typical football game, but Rocket League is technically a soccer-based title thanks to its arcade-style football mixed with rocket-fuelled cars and vehicles.

There’s so much to like about Psyonix’s popular game. Its fluid, physics-driven mechanics are a joy and give rise to different, awesome, and sometimes hilariously bad goals and moments. Its 3-on-3 matches are always intense and results can swing one way or the other based on whether you’re having a good session or not, who you’re teamed up with, and often sheer luck about where the ball lands.

Its customization options allow you to build a vehicle that is distinctly you, and there are various game modes for you to try out until you find your perfect fit. Online casual and competitive matches, an offline Season Mode, basketball and hockey-esque extra modes, and Mutator options are just a few game types available to you, which helps if you want to mix things up and try something new.

Add all of that together with the Rocket League Season Pass – where you can earn rewards, climb up the world rankings, and get XP boosts – and this is a driving-based football title that could rival FM for your time. Check out our Rocket League review if you want to know more.

Best football games on PC: Kopanito All Stars

Kopanito All-Stars Soccer

Have you ever wanted to see a game with no referee and players imbued with superpowers? Kopanito All-Stars Soccer will be right up your street if so.

Merixgames’ football title has been out for a while, but its cartoonish charm and skill-based gameplay mean that there’s plenty here to keep your interest. Regional tournaments and leagues, multiplayer support for up to five players, and four difficulty levels give you your money’s worth, and there’s even the option to turn your slick or amazing goals and celebrations into animated GIFs to send to your mates if you’re in bragging mode.

It’s the game’s superpower abilities that really make it shine, though. You can teleport away from opponents, fire a super-shot goalwards that knocks all players out of the way – goalkeeper included – and even use a magnet that pulls the ball alongside you. It’s wacky but rewarding, particularly if you become a master at the game’s control system, and you’ll feel satisfied when you finally beat the game’s hardest difficulty setting after weeks of honing your craft.

Best football games on PC: Tactics and Glory

Football, Tactics & Glory

On the surface, this looks like an FM22 knock-off, but there’s more to Football, Tactics & Glory than that. Combining XCOM’s chess-like strategy with RPG elements, Creoteam’s original spin on the management sim genre provides a fun yet realistic take on player improvement and tactical game plans.

Its fully customizable player faces let you give your stars some personality – in comparison to FM22’s plasticine-esque regen faces – while its mod support allows you to add in real-life leagues and tournaments to keep things fresh. Add in a helping of integration, whereby viewers can interact with streamers, and your fans can play as big a role in your management journey as you.

If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to FM22’s in-depth mechanics – or a realistic footballing alternative to Blood Bowl – Football, Tactics, & Glory is a solid PC football game.

Best football games on PC: Behold the kickmen

Behold the Kickmen

Imagine a football game that was developed by someone who had no idea what football was about. If you thought of something along the lines of Behold the Kickmen, you’d be right.

A frenetic soccer sim, Behold the Kickmen reinvents football by, well, inventing something else entirely. With gameplay mechanics that include ‘more kicking’ and ‘doing goals’, this tongue-in-cheek affair takes an amusing swipe at football fanaticism.

There’s a silly story mode to keep you engaged, while you can enable a mode in the options that turns the game into a dystopian bloodsport if things are getting a bit too serious for your liking. Its lack of multiplayer is a shame as it would be funny to batter your mates into oblivion, especially in bloodsport mode. For non-football fans who want to take the mickey by playing a soccer game, though, Behold the Kickmen, is a cheap, fun indie title.

Best football games on PC: Totoball


Table football, or Foosball as it’s commonly known, is fun, so if you like that then you’ll like this surprisingly effective PC port, Totoball.

Developed by Artur Rezende, Totoball is a carbon copy of the physical game we’ve all played and loved, whether that’s in common rooms and bars across the world. Like its real-life counterpart, Totoball’s mechanics are very simple – so much so that there are only two keys you need to use to play it.

Sure, you could venture out into the real world and play table football properly. For those days when you don’t feel like leaving the house, however, Totoball is an easy game to pass the time with.

Best football games on PC: Arcade Football

Remember when football games were top-down 2D affairs? Super Arcade Football replicates that aesthetic. Harking back to the days of Sensible Soccer and Italia ‘90, OutoftheBit’s retro-inspired title will have you wanting to dust off your old consoles to take a trip down memory lane.

It’s faster-paced than its predecessors and is graphically superior, but all the gameplay mechanic hallmarks are here. Different types of pitch – from dry to muddy to icy – are available to play on, simple controls such as pass, shoot, and move are all you need, and there is up to four-player support if you want a friend or three to join you.

Chuck in some funny match modifiers, including bigger goals and bouncy walls, and an online mode, and Super Arcade Football is a treat for those of you who grew up during the SNES and Mega Drive era.

Pixel Cup Soccer: Best football games

Pixel Cup Soccer – Ultimate Edition

Pixel Cup is a love letter to isometric football games, like Sensible Soccer, with a little injection of modern technology. Local multiplayer is supported, and there are a variety of different competitions to dig into at your leisure. There’s even support for women’s football here, with the Women’s World Cup and Pixel Cup available to play – something that very few football games, FM included, have supported.

If Super Arcade Football doesn’t bring on the nostalgia rush you were hoping for, this might just push you over the . With a career mode, and even a playable Qatar World Cup, Pixel Cup Soccer may look simplistic, but it packs a lot under the hood.

Best football games on PC: PES

Pro Evolution Soccer 2021

You can’t mention FIFA without talking about its fiercest rival, Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer series. PES 2021 doesn’t feature any upgrades from the previous year, instead, the devs focused on building eFootball 2022. Unfortunately, eFootball 2022 wasn’t the game fans were expecting as it quickly became the worst-reviewed title on Steam, with the 2023 version not doing much better.


Don’t worry, the modding community has saved the day once again. Using PES 2021 as a base, players have stuck to last year’s game as fans add in custom kits and teams.  For solo players, Master League is one of the best single-player modes in any football game. In the Master League mode, players control a football club throughout several seasons. Not only will you have to deal with transfers, but creating unique training programs for the development of your players is crucial, especially for clubs without a large budget.

Best football games: a football player takes a corner kick.

Football Manager 2024

While you won’t directly be contributing to the ball going into the goal, the Football Manager series puts you in the suit of one of the most important parts of any football team. Our FM24 review sings the praises of the newest entry in the series, which boasts a reworked agent system, advanced positional control, and, most importantly, the ability to import old saves into the new game. Perfect if you’ve been on that League 2 run for a few years now.


If you’re after one of the hardest FM24 challenges, check out our most difficult FM24 challenge saves, and if you want thing to look as realistic as possible, check out our guide on how to import FM24 kits and logo packs, so your team looks how they’re supposed to.

If handball being bad confuses you, and you don’t know where to start with the offside rule, we have the best sports games here, and if you would rather be the puppet master than the puppet, we have the best management games right here.


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