


The Best FPS games on PC 2024, FPS games are a classic PC gaming staple, and whether you’ve been playing them since the 90s or started your journey more recently with the boom in battle royales, there are plenty to choose from when it comes to the all-time greats. To help you narrow down what to play next, we’ve created this list of the best FPS games to play right now, from single-player epics to team-based shooters you can play with mates. Heck, some don’t even necessarily have guns in them at all, and you may find the odd boomerang or bow in here too.

The 25 best FPS games on PC

You can find our list of the 25 best FPS games on PC below, which you can either browse in one big gulp, or jump straight to individual entries using the links below. And if your favourite FPS isn’t here, let us know in the comments below. It was number 26, honest.


25. Severed Steel

the player slides at soldiers in a neon future in severed steel

Kicking off with a newbie to the list, Severed Steel is all about sick stunts. Wall runs, somersaults, dolphin dives, slick slides: if you want it, Severed Steel has it. As you run around each mission while pulling off stunts and completing objectives, you shoot voxel dudes with their voxel guns that you pick up on the go. As you shoot your guns and arm cannon, bodies and walls will explode in a glorious shower of destruction. Oh yeah, you have an arm cannon! It does big damage, and Severed Steel’s destructible voxel arenas (am I saying “voxel” enough?) become your playground when you start blasting through walls.

Severed Steel can feel disorienting at first, but it’s rather forgiving. You won’t take damage as long as you simply keep moving, so it’s all about chaining stunts together to close the distance between enemies and take them down before they land a single shot. It’s the complete opposite of Superhot’s near-constant slow-mo, but it makes you feel equally badass.


24. Village

i am a pistol at two werewolves as they stagger towards me in the village

Resident Evil Village continues the journey of Ethan Winters and his unlucky hands. As he explores the titular village, you’ll fight lycans, zombies, and more with all sorts of guns. If, like me, you were also petrified by Resident Evil 7 and couldn’t muster the courage to defeat the Baker family, then rest assured that Village is a far less terrifying experience. The first run will still feel tense, and there are some horrifying moments, but overall the atmosphere isn’t as unsettling. A big reason why? Village leans into the chaotic of  and 5, handing you plenty of powerful guns that you can use to pop heads with ease.

Village thrives on that action, and while the first half is a slower, more horror-focused experience, the latter half gives that up for an action game that fires on all cylinders. There are big boss fights, even bigger explosions, and hordes of enemies to slaughter as you see fit. If you’re hankering for more, the Mercenaries mode offers action-packed time trials that rank your combat abilities, while playing the campaign with cheats is an absolute treat. Trust us when we say infinite ammo grenade launchers are the best.


23. Boomerang X

a screenshot of boomerang x showing a squid like enemy with a glowing red eye flying towards the player who from a first person perspective is wielding a 4 pointed boomerang

It’s safe to say that I was blown away by Boomerang X. As I said in my Boomerang X preview, it’s the game I’ve always wanted and it may have ruined FPS games for me. Gun are overrated – boomerangs are the new hotness.

Boy does the boomerang feel good to fling, and you’ll quickly get access to a handful of superpowers that’ll only make the wooden spinner even more fun to use. Like the ability to teleport to it mid-air, or the ability to slow-time to a crawl as you up that perfect shot. Combat is remarkably fluid and there’s barely any downtime. It’s fast, frenetic, and a whole heap of cool. String together a flawless succession of moves, and trust me, the feeling is unrivalled.


22. Titanfall 2

list stompy mechs 2 titanfall

Titanfall 2 could have been the best singleplayer FPS of 2016, if it hadn’t been for the new Doom. Nonetheless, if you want straight-up action thrills with a whole lot of flash, some particularly glorious movement and impressively stressful mech-based boss fights, this is going to make you very happy. And hey, there’s a robust soldiers vs giant robo-suits multiplayer mode in there too, building on what the multiplayer-only Titanfall 1 already established.

That is, assuming you can find opponents. Titanfall 2 suffered from something of a failure to launch, having resolutely lost the marketing wars of late 2016. It may stay alive over time thanks to word of mouth, but even if it doesn’t, definitely check it out for that singleplayer campaign. It is, however, on the brief side, so we strongly recommend playing on Hard difficulty – as well as making it last longer, it makes the mech fights particularly feel that much more satisfying once you finally claim a steel scalp.


21. Halo Infinite

halo infinite season 2 is called lone wolves and launches may 3rd 2022

Halo Infinite landed out of nowhere with a surprise multiplayer launch in late 2021, but it disappeared equally as fast. That’s a shame, because it’s one of the best free to play games on PC right now. Sure, the progression system wasn’t great at launch and improvements were slow, but that core loop of running and gunning around arenas is Halo at its finest. With the campaign dropping a few months after (paid or on Game Pass), Halo Infinite quickly became a full Halo experience – and it might just be the best one in decades.

If you’re after something a bit bigger than Halo’s multiplayer arena shooter, then check out the sprawling open world campaign. Sure, an open world Halo might not have been on your wishlist, but careening around huge spaces in a Warthog while gunning down grunts and hoovering up collectibles is like a bigger and better version of Combat Evolved’s infamous Silent Cartographer level. If you simply miss the Halo of old, then don’t panic. Halo Infinite still has plenty of linear levels sprinkled throughout that feel like traditional Halo.


20. Deathloop

colt dual wielding pistols in deathloop shooting an enemy who has just entered the room

In Deathloop, a puzzling plot sends you back through a repeating timeloop while you figure out how to assassinate eight visionaries. They’re a bunch of nasties on an island, and if you manage to kill all eight in one night, you can free yourself from the timeloop. The day is split into four sections – morning, noon, afternoon, and evening – and you can only enter one of four areas per chunk. The visionaries move between the four areas throughout the day, so the puzzle is finding a routine that lets you kill all eight. That usually involves finding the moments when they pair off, so that you can execute a sneaky double assassination.


Only, Deathloop isn’t actually that sneaky. Unlike its predecessors in Arkane’s Dishonored franchise, Deathloop seems to focus heavily on action, relishing in the FPS joys of headshotting a bunch of enemies. Time is a weird soup, after all, and death doesn’t really mean anything when you’re trapped in a loop. So, kill, die, and kill some more. It’s a liberating cycle that allows you to really go wild and experiment with playstyles, as you don’t need to worry about future repercussions of your actions if you never make it past today.


In that chaotic action, you’ll meet Julianna. She’s another assassin, but her target is you. Julianna can be controlled by an AI, but the real fun begins when another player takes on the role and invades your world. When Julianna invades, you become trapped in your current area until either one of you dies, or you manage to an antenna that allows you to escape. Invasions often result in a tense game of cat and mouse, followed by a huge firefight in which both players use every weapon at their disposal. It’s an explosive end to most missions that delivers frenetic action and memorable multiplayer moments.


19. Rainbow Six Siege

a close up of operator caveira aiming a gun from rainbow six siege

Rainbow Six Siege does what Battlefield games have thus far only pretended to do: provide a multiplayer world which is destructible at a granular level. Instead of buildings collapsing when scripted levers are pulled, in Siege almost every door, window, wall, ceiling, and floor can have a hole poked in it via gunshot, grenades, battering rams and breaching charges.

It feels like technical wizardry and the consequences ripple throughout the entire experience, creating tension from the ability to be attacked from any angle, encouraging teamwork through asymmetric missions which force one team to defend themselves against the other’s attempt to breach their compound, and forcing traditional Rainbow Six tactical awareness without a planning phase by requiring you to hold a perfect mental map of the building around you at all times.

It’s equally impressive for being a team-based multiplayer shooter that feels fresh, offering something different from the Counter-Strikes and Call of Dutys while staying true to the spirit of the Rainbow Six series.


18. Warhammer: Vermintide 2

a ratman blasting green beams in a warhammer vermintide 2 screenshot

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is all about killing rat people. Slicing them with swords, whacking them with maces, chopping through them with an axe – anything goes when you’re fighting the vermin hordes. Most importantly, though, it always involves bloody carnage that feels oh-so-good. If you’re in the mood for some simple, yet chaotic melee action, then Vermintide 2 is the game for you. And, for those of you screaming about how it isn’t an FPS, every class has some kind of ranged option to try. The bow is a personal favourite of mine, but there are also spells and guns that you can use to blow the rat people to pieces.


Cutting through rat folk might seem easy at first, but when elite enemies start picking your allies off, isolating them from the group for an easy kill, you’ll realise that teamplay is the key to survival. By forcing you to stick together, Vermintide 2 perfectly captures the feeling of being part of a fantasy party. Even if you’re unfamiliar with Warhammer lore, fans of Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons should find a lot to love here. Sure, Warhammer is a little more grimdark than Middle Earth or Faerun, but when you’re cleaving through rats with an axe while your mate unleashes a volley of arrows on an incoming horde, your fantasy-adoring spark is sure to ignite.


17. Turbo Overkill

player spews flames from a flamethrower towards three beefy grunts in turbo overkill

Turbo Overkill is a retro-inspired FPS following in the footsteps of Quake and DOOM, albeit with a techno twist. You’ll charge around arenas slaughtering all sorts of enemies, but along the way you find augments that you can install to gain new powers. That could be a subtle boost, such as extra armor on getting a chainsaw kill, or something a little more chaotic, such as massive explosions whenever you hit the ground. Traversing the map to find those upgrades is a treat, too, as Turbo Overkill constantly propels you forward with incredible speed through its neon-filled streets.

We gave Turbo Overkill a bestest best when it launched in early access in late 2021. But, to reiterate one of the most salient points: you have a chainsaw for a leg. Fun times follow, as you can use that chainsaw leg to skid and slide around while tearing through baddies. They explode in violent bursts of blood, but there’s no time to stop and look at your victims, as Turbo Overkill is all about delivering that huge damage with speed and style.


16. Neon White

sprinting through vaporwave heaven in a neon white screenshot

Carrying on from Turbo Overkill, here’s another game that’s about running fast. Neon White is a speedrunning FPS in which you use cards to either kill nasty demons, or launch yourself towards the goal in hopes of shaving off half a second.

It’s that second part that’s really fun, as each of Neon White’s levels quickly become complex puzzles to solve. It’s easy to get stuck in a loop of just running the same route over and over again, sure, but taking the time to step back and wander around the level to see every avenue and secret passage will give you insight into other potential paths. And then you run it and complete the mission an entire second faster. A second! Few things feel better than that.


15. Hunt: Showdown

a hunt showdown screenshot in which two players waist deep in swampwater prepare to kill a grunt standing on a pier in front of them

Hunt: Showdown‘s this mixture of PVP and PVP, underscored by serious tension. You take on the role of hunters with the express aim of assassinating an AI “boss” tucked away somewhere on the map. Trouble is, there are other squads also attempting to do the same thing. Die and you lose your equipment forever. Survive, and you’ll not only keep your stuff, but get some of the spoils too. That’s the tension for you – every single foray into the dark could spell disaster.

The audio design’s also sterling in Hunt: Showdown too, with gunshots that ring out from miles away, and the clang of chains could help you locate an enemy that’s stalking you nearby. Even swapping your weapon or reloading in quiet moments might give away your position. It’s an FPS that’s unlike anything out right now.


14. Call Of Duty: Warzone 2

warzone 2 image showing gaz wielding the chimera assault rifle stood next to a large chopper in al mazrah

Warzone 2 may not be battle royale king like its predecessor once was, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t any good. Far from it! There’s a brand new gunsmith which lets you tinker with weapons in even greater detail, which makes for even spicier metas. The new map Al Mazrah is – in my opinion – better than Verdansk, in the way it facilitates fights and removes a lot of boring grey in favour of some actual colour.

Warzone 2 isn’t perfect by any means, but what it offers is a free-to-play, triple A shooter with COD’s brilliantly smooth FPSing. It’s also worth noting that the game often receives free updates to keep things fresh, so it’s unlikely you’ll get bored quickly.


13. Team Fortress 2

team fortress 2s heavy machine gun

That Team Fortress 2 is a sequel and a remake of a sober-as-a-nun multiplayer mod seems almost irrelevant now. But it’s part of what makes the game so important. Valve took years and years to settle upon a model for what has become one of the firmly-entrenched favourites of the PC gaming fraternity, and that they did so allowed it to prove that a multiplayer first-person shooter can be funny, even witty, and that constant experimentation and progression can keep a game alive and evolving long after it should have ground to a halt.

Team Fortress 2 felt like an experiment, and it still feels like an experiment, and that experiment was a success. A move to free-to-play and a hat-centric economy has kept TF2 thriving. The cost of this is that something of the original spirit was perhaps lost in this translation to gimmee, gimmee, gimmee, but we can forgive that.


12. Devil Daggers

blasting skulls in a devil daggers screenshot

2016 was in many ways a vintage year for first-person shooters, and the reason for that was because they understood their past. DOOM, obviously; Overwatch returned to Team Fortress rather than COD; Titanfall 2 was the big sci-fi silliness of the noughties again and Devil Daggers… well, Devil Daggers is from an alternate timeline where Quake changed everything and was never forgotten in favour of military men and careful plots.

A beautiful hellscape of big square pixels against a midnight backdrop, monstrous things looming at you from the darkness, and the dance, the endless dance. A pure test of everything that first-person shooters ever taught us. Reflex, awareness, movement, practice, true grit and no surrender. It is about your own time and only about your own time, because that is all that matters – everything else that shooters ever added is mere fluff.


11. DOOM Eternal

doom eternal

DOOM 2016 was a bloody and brilliant reintroduction to the demon-slaying franchise, but DOOM Eternal takes it to new heights. It doesn’t waste any time making you wait around, opting instead to hand you a shotgun and force you out into the demon crowds. Within moments, you’re platforming around chaotic arenas with an upgraded shotgun, machine gun, and a chainsaw doing what that DOOM guy does best. Namely, rippin’ and tearin’.

Sure, you might have done that just a few years ago in its predecessor, but Eternal pushes you to get faster and more ferocious. It has some new platforming elements that not everyone will appreciate, such as wall climbing and swinging from poles, but when it comes to tearing through arenas filled with hulking demons, DOOM Eternal does it best.


. Left 4 Dead 2

a player aims at a zombie clown that lunges at them in left 4 dead 2

Zombies: in 2008 they were still very exciting. They still are today when blessed with Valve’s magic touch, which in a few, brief, cyclic co-op skits adds more life, wit and hinted-at history to its characters and its world than most of the 8 hour+ singleplayer campaigns in this list stuck together. Including Left 4 Dead 2 in the list was complicated, however, given most of what makes it to strong was work done by the previous year’s Left 4 Dead.

It’s a sequel not that different to the original, and not a game that I felt, on its first outing, really changed anything. However, it’s clear with time that Left 4 Dead 2 was a major under-the-hood upgrade, both closer to what was intended for the zombie-blasting , and also a bigger move in the direction of pure co-op, which wasn’t something that even seemed possible before the let’s-all-die-together first Left 4 Dead came along.

Another strong reason to choose this over L4D1 (which still has a more memorable cast of Survivors, to my mind) is how much it’s been expanded by mods. You can stick Deadpool in there, expand it from a 4-player game to a 16-player oneturn everyone into a dinosaur or recreate pretty much the entirety of L4D1 within it. Get thee to the Steam workshop and indulge.



player headshots an enemy with their pistol as another runs towards them in a white room in superhot

There ain’t nothin’ new under the sun – a miserable claim that SUPERHOT Team disproved twice in one year. First there was SUPERHOT itself, a shooter in which time only moves when you move (or shoot) (or throw something) (or punch). Then there was SUPERHOT VR, which singlehandedly redeemed the whole concept of virtual reality and easily made it into our pick of the best VR games.

SUPERHOT is both maximum-adrenaline thrills and highly tactical – transforming the first-person shooter from a game about precision aiming and reflexive movement into one in which every twitch counted. The world is super-slow-mo until you do anything, which grants you the time to plan the move but leaves you subject to a devious puzzlebox construction in which one action leaves you vulnerable to some other threat. It is sublime, and it is impossibly cool.

Particularly in VR, where you are making those movements yourself – the ducking, the punching, the throwing, the shooting. The Matrix fantasy without any of the bilge – just superhot action. A glorious, glorious reinvention of first-person violence.


8. Deep Rock Galactic

blasting bugs in a deep rock galactic screenshot

Deep Rock Galactic combines drunk dwarves with some complex tunnel systems and lots of nasty subterranean bugs. The result is often sheer chaos, as four players charge into the depths to mine whatever they need for the big corporation in the sky. You pick a role, each of which has a unique weapon and traversal mechanic, and zip through the caves at incredible pace, collecting ores as you head towards a main objective.

The chaos comes when you’re trying to wrap your head around these main objectives, connecting winding pipelines or powering huge machines, while fending off those blasted bugs that just won’t stop. As you go, hordes of creepy critters will charge in your direction. A rational team might fight them together, deploying traps and getting into a strong defensive formation, but I find the fun in panickedly running away and screaming. But, whether you play Deep Rock Galactic as a true co-op shooter or as a wild romp in the caverns, it’s sure to be a good time.



gtfo preview 1b

Hurtling down into the dark depths of GTFO‘s Rundowns (levels) is a terrifying start. What’s even more terrifying, though, is when teammates don’t work together. We tend to quickly designate a leader when I play with friends, but someone always wanders off a little too far or fails to follow orders. Lots of screaming, shooting, and swearing ensues. It’s pure chaos with a horror-filled flair, and it’s a great time online. It demands teamwork and precision if you want to survive, but that fills every encounter with a level of tension that few other FPS games reach.

That tension is only heightened by the enemy variety crawling around every level. You never know what might lie behind each door, but spotting a Scout’s tendril as you enter a new area could spell the end of a run. The thrill of needing to adapt to whatever you find, and often sneak past enemies to preserve resources, makes GTFO the best co-op survival horror on PC.


6. Half-Life: Alyx

half life alyx bread

Alright, yes, you’ll need a VR headset for Half Life: Alyx, alongside a powerful enough rig to run it nicely. But, if you’ve got both of these things, then you’re in for a treat.

Graham said in his Half-Life: Alyx review that this is “the Half-Life game you’ve been waiting for, even if it’s not the one you were expecting”. And this is because the game’s been designed with VR in mind. You’re now able to reach out and touch City 17, and the motion control shooting “feels better than Half-Life’s combat ever has”.

And Half-Life: Alyx embraces horror too, with moments where you’re cowering in corners or chucking objects to distract enormous monsters. You’re even able to cover your mouth with your actual hand, and have it replicated in-game. It’s very much been lifted by VR, and not harmed by it.



an image from half life 2 which shows the player firing an smg at a helicopter flying over a lake

Of course. So much is in Half-Life 2, from an unprecedented level of architectural design to facial animation which rendered anything else obsolete overnight, to a physics system which transformed shooter environments from scenery into interactive resource, to some of gaming’s most striking baddies in the Striders and a huge step forwards in making AI companions believable and likeable.

It’s also a long, changeable journey through a beautifully, bleakly fleshed-out world, and although of course you are on the hero’s journey, it’s careful to keep you feeling like a bit player in a wider conflict. That this, plus the cliffhanger ending of Episode 2, left so much more to be told leaves PC gaming in a perpetual state of frustration that the series has, publicly at least, ground to a halt. I don’t think all of it is as striking as it once was – particularly, much of the man-shooting feels routine and slightly weightless now – but Half-Life 2 gave us more than any other first-person shooter before, and maybe even since.



the player dual wields shotguns as an enemy leaps at them from the woods in dusk

DUSK is a retro-styled FPS that’s retro, but doesn’t get stuck trying to mimic retro. It has the gut-spilling impact of the genre, yet mixes it with modern twists: like picking up items to create impromptu climable routes to hidden areas, or just slinging saw blades and soap at foes.

There’s a lot of coloured-key collecting to open doors in DUSK, but it’s spread across loads of complex, batshit maps that only get better as you barrel through through its campaign. There is, of course, a metal soundtrack paired with a level of spookiness designed to make you both enjoy the riff and jump out of your chair within five seconds of one another. Please don’t skip out on this.


3. Valorant

valorant a

There’s no elegant way to put this: Valorant is Counter: Strike but with wizards and ninjas. One team wants to plant a bomb, the other needs to stop this from happening. How? By inching around corners, having decent aim, and making strong callouts in the team chat. Patience is rewarded here, as is coordinating with your team to control each map.

If Valorant sounds like Counter: Strike, that’s because the gunplay is pretty similar. However, where it differs is in ability usage. You can choose from a roster of Agents who each have special powers that’ll let them do stuff like teleport across short gaps, flashbang around corners, or heal allies. If this sounds aggressively unbalanced, don’t worry, almost all of these abilities feel like useful tools, as opposed to pain-bringers.

I’d say I prefer Valorant to Counter: Strike nowadays, purely because it feels more current. There’s regular updates and some invaluable tools – like an aim training map – are baked into the game, as opposed to being buried away in a “community creations” section of a store.


2. Apex Legends

apex legends legacy

Oh my, Apex, what excellent bumslides you have. What solid shootsing you offer. What a delightful bunch of canyons and swamps you’ve plonked us in. We should have known better than to doubt the makers of Titanfall 2’s robot antics. Since its launch Apelegs has added plenty of new characters, new maps, and even a new Arenas mode.

It’s a solid murder hike every time you dive into Apex Legends, and there really is nothing that matches its pace in the Battle Royale realm.


1. Destiny 2

a destiny 2 screenshot showing taniks in the deep stone crypt raid

Destiny 2 is an incredibly fluid MMO FPS with some of the best shooting around, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Whether you want to team up with others to topple big bosses, turn on your fellow players and slug them with a shotgun in Crucible’s PvP modes, or play through epic stories that span the solar system, Destiny 2 has something for everyone.

Whichever activity you prefer, you can easily sink hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into it, and the brilliant gunplay makes it a constant joy. Not only is the best FPS around, I’ll wager that Destiny 2 is also the best superhero game right now. There’s something I love about swinging electro swords and firing off a golden gun imbued with solar energy to kill massive raid bosses in a bid to save the solar system.


Destiny 2 has so much to love, but that doesn’t mean it’s without fault. The onboarding experience is incredibly awkward for newbies, with the removal of the original Red War campaign and subesquent Forsaken expansion making the story completly incomprehensible without watching oodles of lore videos. That proves a chore for even the most dedicated of Guardians, and it’s a roadblock that’s almost guaranteed to alienate new players who try to hop in for a new expansion.


However, it’s a testament to Destiny 2’s strengths that we still recommend it so highly. It’s a masterful FPS with so much fun to be had, regardless of whether you prefer PvE or PvP. And, with so much content available for free, there’s no really no reason not to give it a go. So, off you pop, go decrypt some engrams, get some snazzy armor, and start shooting aliens. Eyes up. Guardian.

Source : Rock Paper Shotgun


Views: 42

The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024, The iPhone’s default keyboard may not meet everyone’s needs. Its limited features may leave some users wanting more variety and flexibility, especially on larger devices like the iPhone 15 Pro Max or smaller models like the  (2022).

We have conducted research and compiled a comprehensive list of the best third-party keyboards for iPhone, that can significantly enhance your texting experience. These keyboards offer a wide range of features and customization options, such as adjustable key size, swipe typing, themes, and easier access to emojis. Most of these keyboards are available for free, while some offer premium subscription options. Either way, you’ll easily be able to find a keyboard that suits your needs and preferences.

Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard

app store screenshots for microsoft swiftkey ai keyboard

Microsoft’s SwiftKey AI keyboard is a highly rated third-party keyboard that is favored by many people. The keyboard is powered by the company’s AI and is designed to learn your writing style. This allows it to recognize informal language, nicknames, and even your favorite emojis, which sets it apart from its competitors. The keyboard also offers various personalization options, including different themes, which enhance its appearance and appeal to the user.


The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024

Also Read : Best Linux desktop of 2024

typewise custom keyboard for ios with three different ad layouts

Typewise has a unique take on key shapes. The app keeps the QWERTY design but switches the traditional rectangle-shaped keys for hexagonal ones — which Typewise says creates more surface area so you can type more accurately. While there is a slight learning curve, Typewise includes a built-in game to practice typing. With swipe gestures, dark mode support, and autocorrect modification, this is a great alternative for those tired of the conventional iOS keyboard. Newer versions include automatic language detection, which switches the app between selected languages, an undo button, and replacement for often-used phrases.



grammarly app for ios three screenshots

The Grammarly iOS keyboard app offers sophisticated grammar review that goes beyond the usual spell check to provide advice on punctuation, spelling context, and misused words. It also helps you build your vocabulary and offers synonyms, which makes it an ideal app for students or business people. Grammarly also has emoji, a smart autocorrect feature, and allows you to build your own dictionary. You also get features that include swipe typing, home screen widgets, and focus filters that mute vibrations and sound effects.


Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard

facemoji keyboard app

The Facemoji Emoji Keyboard is a free tool that allows you to add a touch of personality to text messages and social media posts. With a wide range of emojis, fonts, and stickers available, you can easily create unique and engaging content for like WhatsApp, TikTok, Instagram, Messenger, Facebook, Snapchat, and SMS. Whether you want to express your emotions through colorful emojis or add some flair to your text with stylish fonts, the Facemoji Emoji Keyboard has something for everyone.


Phraseboard Keyboard

phraseboard keyboard tripartite marketing screens

Phraseboard aims to take the pain out of the tedious job of typing the same responses and phrases repeatedly by allowing you to save them so you can select one of your prewritten answers to reply rapidly. You can create your own customized phrases and sort them by category. You can even quickly access the Phraseboard widget to create new phrases no matter what you’re doing with your iPhone. All your phrases sync with . The basic app costs $2, and subscriptions are available for some premium language and functionality features.


Gboard – the Keyboard

gboard google keyboard screens

Gboard is a keyboard from Google and includes everything you’d ever want within a single app. Whether you’re sending GIFs or emojis, searching Google for information, sending directions, or anything else, Gboard has you covered. With Gboard, you can search and send anything from Google, including information on nearby restaurants, videos, images, weather forecasts, news, sports scores — you name it. The app also offers Glide Typing, which allows you to type messages faster and more accurately.


Fleksy- GIF, Web & Yelp Search

fleksy web page searches

Fleksy offers users a fun and interactive way to type in their own style. You can customize your Fleksy keyboard with powerful extensions and more than 50 colorful themes. Some of the themes cost $1, but many are free. More than 800 emoji come with the app, and it also has its own built-in GIF search engine. The keyboard supports several languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Hebrew, and Dutch. It learns your typing habits as you go, enabling it to give you accurate predictions, which helps reduce typos.



fonts keyboard for iphone

Are you tired of sending your friends and family the same old boring messages? Spice things up with the Fonts keyboard app! You can customize your messages with a wide selection of fonts to fit your unique personality and style. Whether you’re feeling flirty, professional, or just plain silly, there’s a font for every mood. The Fonts keyboard works through iMessage, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Clubhouse, TikTok, Telegram, Roblox, WhatsApp, Twitch, Discord, and more.


Color Keyboard – Themes, Fonts

color keyboard for ios themes and fonts

The king of keyboard customization is Color Keyboard. Sure, it gives you emoji and autocorrection and even allows you to tap and hold the space bar to move the cursor, but what really sets this keyboard apart is the option to change anything you want about the keyboard’s look. You can change the background using solid colors, gradients, textures, and even your own pictures.

You can also customize the buttons by changing the colors and borders, adding shadows, customizing the fonts, and changing the sounds. If your aim is customization, Color Keyboard takes things to the next level, but you have to subscribe to access everything, starting at $3 per week and rising for longer intervals and premium features.



bitmoji your personal emoji illustrationsBitstrips

Bitmoji, a popular keyboard app, is ideal if you want to send an emoji that resembles you rather than using standard emoji or text. Bitmoji allows you to customize and send a personalized emoji, all from your keyboard. Use Bitmoji with any of your favorite chat apps, like iMessage or Snapchat. It’s never been easier to adapt a dynamic avatar with an ever-changing collection of stickers and moods. You’ll need your Facebook login information to sign into Bitmoji and initiate the avatar creation process.


gif keyboard for finding perfect gifsTenor

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a GIF can truly help get your point across. Get access to the massive library of animated and musical GIFs for free. From there, you can search for specific GIFs or use keywords to find animations that suit your mood. The GIF keyboard app is compatible with WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, iMessage, and just about any other messaging app or social media site.

To send a GIF, press your finger on your chosen GIF and hold it down to browse options. Once you’ve found one, share its link, the GIF itself, or a video, or save the media to your photo library. You can also customize the tool to match your specifications and save your favorite GIFs using the keyboard.


All Symbol Keyboard Fonts Aa

all symbol keyboard typing appMelonSoup

For the visual among us, the All Symbol Keyboard is an exciting alternative to humdrum alphanumerics with all the custom fonts, symbols, fancy letters, special characters, and emoticons you could ever want — compatible with any app on your iPhone. It works with Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and many others. Whether you’re looking for high-impact symbols to enhance your keyboard, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter posts, or even your username, launch the app and start typing. Premium versions provide unlimited access to features like the All Symbol Keyboard (every single symbol) and Facemoji library, but there’s tons of free stuff to get you started.



The best emoji keyboards for and iOS


Gone are the days when words were enough to fully express our thoughts and feelings. Emoji, a recently accepted form of pictographic communication that now serves as a kind of Esperanto for the internet age, plays a major role in interpersonal and international communications. Most major keyboards for both Android and iOS feature built-in support for emoji, but they are hardly front and center. If you’re looking for a keyboard to truly satisfy your emoji obsession, you may need a dedicated emoji keyboard to carry out the task of conveying your emotions visually via a text environment.

When you download a keyboard app in iOS, you must add it to your list of keyboards. To do this, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboards. Then, scroll to the Third-Party Keyboards section and choose the keyboard app. Then, tap on the keyboard app and toggle on Allow Full Access. For Android 10, you can install your new keyboard directly via the Google Play Store to your Android phone, if it is compatible with the app, and then launch and follow any directions it has.

Here are a few of our favorite third-party keyboard apps for iOS and Android.


gboardImage used with permission by copyright holder

Gboard is a highly functional keyboard from Google that concentrates on handy features like emoji search, GIFs, stickers, and glide typing. Best of all, it has the Google search app integrated into the keyboard — no more switching apps. Just search for anything from the weather to your neighborhood bodega and send, all from this nifty keyboard.


emoji for iosImage used with permission by copyright holder

Emoji> offers a ton of emoji characters you can use via the keyboard, and they’re split into different categories, making it easy to find the emoji you’re looking for. The keyboard also provides animated stickers and the ability to set up specific emoji as favorites, so you can access them at a moment’s notice without having to search for the ones you want. Updates include compatibility with iOS 14 and all of its attendant emoji, including smiling face with tear, disguised face, ninja, pinched fingers, heart and lungs, black cat, polar bear, seal, dodo sandal, bubble tea, and toothbrush. New emoji widgets are also on hand.

Microsoft Swiftkey

swiftkeyImage used with permission by copyright holder

Swiftkey is not an emoji keyboard per se, but it is the next best thing — an excellent keyboard that comes pre-loaded with hundreds of emoji for you to use. Swiftkey is already a great favorite because of its valuable predictive typing, which can also be applied to emoji. When you type a word or phrase, for example, the app suggests emoji that you can quickly use. The most recent versions include renaming the app to Microsoft Swiftkey, a new Messaging Center on the keyboard toolbar, haptic feedback, one-handed mode, 400 new languages, and new language layouts.

ai.type Keyboard Plus

best emoji keyboards aitype1


best emoji keyboards aitype3

As its name implies, ai.type was developed around , aiming to assist people in typing quickly and accurately. It also allows you to personalize the keyboard to fit your individual needs, enabling you to adjust the keyboard’s layout, theme, and color scheme. This means you can set an emoji front and center and select from an extensive inventory of more than 1,000 characters.

Similar to many other keyboard applications, the keyboard can also propose emojis depending on what you type. The most current versions are compatible with the new Emoji 12.1 for 2020 and 517 new emoji. Around 23 new gender-neutral emoji icons have been added. Some of these include a gender-neutral firefighter, astronaut, a person in a wheelchair, and a judge. You’ll also have access to fun emoji objects like an otter, ringed planet, beverage box, and pinching hand.


fleksyImage used with permission by copyright holder

If you want to add a bit more fun and animation to your typing, Fleksy could be the keyboard that you’ve been looking for. Fleksy is compatible with a wide variety of extensions, letting you quickly add new features as necessary. Maybe the most remarkable thing about Fleksy is how simple it is to get to your emoji. You can browse through dozens of emoji in each section and change categories with a quick tap at the bottom of the keyboard.

Just like many keyboards, you can also establish a variety of attractive themes. Updated versions include features like Next Word Prediction, prepared in 28 languages, and Emoji Prediction so you can inspect the suggested emoji in regards to your conversation’s context.

Go Keyboard

best emoji keyboards go keyboard2

go keyboard

best emoji keyboards go keyboard3

Go Keyboard is a personalizable keyboard that permits you to put emoji, emoticons, stickers, and GIFs in noticeable areas. The app converts text into emoji and emoticons, and you can pick from over 1,000 emoji and stickers, plus over 10, 000 different themes. It supports over 60 other languages, too. If that’s not enough to impress you, you can also type with gestures and various fonts, as well as individualize your keyboard with your own personal photo theme. The Fancy Font feature gives you the opportunity to select your preferred keyboard font.

Views: 710

Which is Best and unlimited AI Art Generator tool? After researching, testing, and using dozens of art generators for weeks, I finalized the following 10 Best Free AI Art Generators for you! These tools can also be considered as the best Midjourney Alternatives. Let’s look at what they offer!

What is an AI Art Generator?

AI Art refers to the images, paintings, graphics, digital art pieces, and creative assets generated by employing AI algorithms. In order to generate art, an AI model is trained on massive amounts of image data available on the Internet.

best free ai art generators what is ai art generator 680w383h

The digital tools that employ these training models in order to generate AI images are known as AI Art Generators. With an AI Art Generator tool, you simply need to enter your text prompt. The tool will analyze the input and bring your imagination to life with AI images.

Which is Best and unlimited AI Art Generator tool?

Read Also : The best AI image generators of 2024

How to Select AI Art Generators?

The Internet is overflowing with AI-generated art. All these AI art generators look promising, but which one should you pick? Well, here are some factors that you may consider before selecting an AI art generator.

how to select an ai art generator 680w510h

1. Technology Employed

The first thing that you need to need to check before picking an AI art generator is the technology it works on. AI art generators make use of machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks for generating artwork and images.

The most popular AI models are Open AI’s , Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc.

2. Output Quality

Next, we should test the quality of outputs produced by an AI art generator. To choose among multiple tools, you can simply provide the same prompt to each AI tool and evaluate which one produces the most attractive images that are closest to your requirements.

3. Ease of Use

Analyze the effort you need to put into AI image generation. Is the sign-up process simple? Is the user interface clean and easy to understand? How long does it take you to generate an image with the tool? Take all these points into consideration.

4. Customization Options

Does the AI Generator let you tailor the output according to your requirements? Does it allow you to upscale the output or produce more variations of it? Does it offer different styles of art for you to choose? 

5. Licensing and Copyright

Another important aspect to consider is if the tool is licensed to produce and distribute the images that it generates. Also, make sure that you are allowed to use the generated images on your personal and commercial projects.

Welcome to the forefront of artistic innovation with HDStockImages’ ! This cutting-edge tool transforms your textual prompts into captivating visual masterpieces within seconds. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity converges with state-of-the-art technology, allowing you to generate an endless array of AI-generated art variations effortlessly.

Our user-friendly platform simplifies the process: type in your creative prompt, click ‘Generate Image,’ and witness the magic unfold. The possibilities are limitless, enabling you to explore multiple variations effortlessly. Whether you’re a fan art enthusiast, a professional designer, or anyone seeking to enhance their visual content, our AI Image Generator caters to your diverse creative needs. Join us on this artistic journey where the boundaries of imagination are redefined, one generated image at a time.

II. Exploring the ‘#Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator’

Dive into the realm of creative possibilities as we explore the intriguing ‘#Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator.’ This innovative tool is your gateway to transforming mere text into captivating visual masterpieces, seamlessly blending creativity with cutting-edge technology.

Features and Capabilities

The tool boasts a repertoire of features that make it stand out in the realm of AI-generated art. From its ability to process complex textual prompts to the efficiency with which it churns out multiple variations, every facet of the AI Image Generator is meticulously crafted. Users can expect a seamless experience as the tool leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality, visually stunning results.

User Interface and Experience

Navigating through the AI Image Generator is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface. The platform’s design prioritizes simplicity without compromising on functionality. Whether you’re a tech-savvy professional or a novice exploring the world of AI-generated art, the intuitive user interface ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Text Input and Image Parameters

Providing creative prompts is at the heart of this tool’s functionality. Users can unleash their imagination by inputting text along with necessary details and preferences. The customization options further amplify the creative process, allowing for the generation of unique and personalized images tailored to individual tastes.

Real-time Transformation

One of the most impressive aspects of the AI Image Generator is its real-time transformation capabilities. Witness the magic unfold as the your text prompt, turning it into a captivating visual masterpiece within seconds. The tool’s efficiency shines through, enabling users to explore a multitude of variations with just a single click.

Download and Sharing Options

Once satisfied with the generated images, users have the option to download them in high definition. Additionally, the tool facilitates seamless sharing directly on media , allowing individuals to showcase their artistic flair and garner appreciation from a wider audience.

In essence, the ‘#Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator’ is more than just a tool; it’s a catalyst for unleashing your creativity in the digital realm. Explore its features, experiment with prompts, and redefine the boundaries of imagination — one generated image at a time.

III. Step-by-Step Guide on Using the AI Image Generator

Embark on a journey of creative exploration with the AI Image Generator by following this comprehensive step-by-step guide. Whether you’re a seasoned user or new to the world of AI-generated art, this walkthrough ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience.

A. Accessing the Text-To-Art AI Image Generator:

1.Navigate to the Text-To-Art AI Image Generator section on the platform: https://hdstockimages.com/free-ai-image-generator-text-to-image-free/
2.Familiarize yourself with the main interface, where you’ll find the space to input your creative prompts.

B. Inputting Text and Choosing Image Parameters:

1.Begin the creative process by typing in your textual prompt. This can be anything from a simple phrase to a more detailed description.
2.Explore the customization options available, such as image dimensions, style preferences, and any additional parameters provided by the tool.
3.Take advantage of the flexibility to tailor the image generation to your specific creative vision.

C. Generating and Downloading AI Images:

1.With your text input and preferences set, initiate the image generation process by clicking the ‘Generate Image’ button.
2.Witness the AI engine in action as it transforms your textual prompt into a visual masterpiece.
3.After the generation is complete, preview the images and choose the ones that resonate with your vision.
4.Download your selected AI-generated images in high definition to your device for further use.

D. Experimenting with Different Prompts:

1.Embrace the tool’s versatility by experimenting with various creative prompts. Explore how different texts result in unique and diverse visual outputs.
2.Don’t hesitate to refine and modify your prompts to discover new possibilities and styles.

E. Incorporating Generated Images into Projects:

1.Once you’ve downloaded your AI-generated images, consider how they can enhance your creative projects.
2.Whether you’re designing graphics, illustrations, or marketing materials, seamlessly integrate the generated images into your work.

This step-by-step guide provides a roadmap for unleashing your creativity through the AI Image Generator. As you navigate through the process, enjoy the flexibility and endless possibilities that this innovative tool offers. From inputting text to downloading captivating visuals, the AI Image Generator is your key to a world of artistic exploration.

IV. Practical Tips to Maximize Your AI Image Generator Experience

Embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of the ‘#Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator’ with these hands-on tips. As you navigate this creative landscape, dive deep into these strategies to elevate your artistic expressions and make the most of this innovative tool.

Diversify Your Textual Palette

Neil Patel here, urging you to spice up! When it comes to your textual prompts, variety is the spice of life. Experiment with a diverse range of prompts — from short and snappy to long and elaborate. Witness how the AI Image Generator adapts to different tones, styles, and complexities, adding a dash of versatility to your creative endeavors.

Master the Art of Advanced Customization

Now, let’s talk customization — the secret sauce to stand out. Delve into the advanced features of the tool. Play with image dimensions, tweak color schemes, and explore additional parameters. This is your chance to personalize and craft visuals that resonate uniquely with your creative vision.

Mix and Match Your Textual Ingredients

Get ready to be the master chef of creativity! Combine multiple textual prompts to create a rich and layered flavor of visuals. See how the tool interprets and blends different inputs, opening up a world of possibilities for unique and sophisticated artworks. This is where creativity meets complexity — a palate of endless potential.

The Art of Iteration

In the world of AI-generated art, iteration is your best friend. Fine-tune those textual prompts, make subtle adjustments, and observe the nuanced changes in your creations. Think of it as sculpting — refining your creation until it’s a true masterpiece.

Conceptualize with AI

Imagine the AI Image Generator as your creative brainstorming companion. Use it to visualize concepts and for your larger projects. It’s like having a digital canvas to sketch out ideas and see them come to life in an instant — a game-changer in the ideation phase.

Fusion of Digital and Traditional Art

Blend the best of both worlds — digital innovation and traditional artistry. Combine AI-generated images with traditional techniques. Experiment with the fusion of styles to create visually stunning compositions that resonate with a modern yet classic appeal.

Stay Ahead with Platform Updates

In the fast-paced digital world, staying updated is your competitive edge. Regularly check for updates and new features on the HDStockImages platform. Being in the know ensures you’re always at the forefront of the latest tools and capabilities for your creative projects.

So, my friend, as you embark on this creative adventure, remember — diversity, customization, experimentation — these are the keys to unlocking a world of artistic possibilities with the AI Image Generator. Go forth and create masterpieces that leave a lasting impression!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — #Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator

Curious minds often seek clarity, and we’ve got you covered with answers to the most common questions about our AI Image Generator. Explore the FAQs below for a deeper understanding of how to make the most of this cutting-edge tool.

Q1: How does the AI Image Generator work?

A1: The AI Image Generator transforms textual prompts into visual masterpieces using advanced . Simply input your creative prompt, click ‘Generate Image,’ and watch as the AI engine brings your ideas to life.

Q2: Can I use the generated images for commercial purposes?

A2: Absolutely! You can use the images generated by our AI Image Generator for both personal and commercial purposes. However, we recommend reviewing our terms of service for any specific guidelines related to commercial use.

Q3: Is there a limit to the number of variations I can create with one prompt?

A3: No, there’s no strict limit. You have the flexibility to generate multiple variations of an image with a single prompt. This feature allows you to explore diverse creative possibilities effortlessly.

Q4: Is the AI Image Generator suitable for specific types of content, such as fan art or professional designs?

A4: Certainly! The AI Image Generator is designed to be versatile, catering to a wide range of creative needs. Whether you’re creating fan art, professional designs, or illustrations, this tool adapts seamlessly to various content types.

Q5: What customization options are available for generating images?

A5: The tool provides advanced customization options, allowing you to tailor the generated images to your specific preferences. Experiment with image dimensions, color schemes, and any additional parameters to achieve the desired artistic effect.

Q6: How do I download the AI-generated images?

A6: Once the AI engine transforms your text prompt into images, you can preview them and select the ones you want. Download the chosen images in high definition to your device for further use.

Q7: Can I share the generated images on social media?

A7: Absolutely! Our tool allows you to share your AI-generated creations directly on various social media platforms. Showcase your artistic flair and gather feedback from a wider audience.

Q8: Are there any specific guidelines for using the AI Image Generator?

A8: While you have the freedom to use the generated images for personal and commercial purposes, we recommend reviewing our terms of service for any specific guidelines or best practices.

Q9: How often is the platform updated, and how do I stay informed about new features?

A9: We regularly update the HDStockImages platform with new features and enhancements. Stay informed by checking for updates on the platform or following our announcements through official channels.

Q10: Can I combine AI-generated images with traditional art techniques? A10: Certainly! The AI Image Generator is versatile, allowing you to blend AI-generated images with traditional artistry. Experiment with the fusion of digital innovation and traditional techniques to create unique and captivating compositions.


In the realm where imagination meets innovation, the ‘#Text-To-Art HDStockImages AI Image Generator’ emerges as a beacon of limitless creativity. As we conclude this exploration, it’s evident that this cutting-edge tool transcends conventional boundaries, providing users with a dynamic canvas to bring their ideas to life.

The journey through the AI Image Generator has been nothing short of transformative. From the simplicity of inputting textual prompts to the magic of witnessing diverse visual variations, users have experienced the true synergy of technology and artistic expression.

Views: 17

The best image generators of 2024, The best AI image generators to try right now AI image generators use text prompts to produce images within seconds. I tested the best AI image generators and found that DALL-E isn’t your only option.If you’ve ever searched Google high and low to find an image you needed to no avail, AI may be able to help.

With AI image generators, you can type in a prompt as detailed or vague as you’d like to fit an array of purposes and have the image you were thinking of pop up on your screen instantly. These tools can help with branding, media content creation, vision boards, invitations, flyers, greeting cards, and more.

Even if you have no professional use for AI at the moment, don’t worry — the process is so fun that anyone can (and should) try it out.

OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 made a huge splash because of its advanced capabilities and because it was the first mainstream AI image generator. However, since its initial launch, there have been many developments in the space. Plenty of companies have released their own models that rival DALL-E 2, and OpenAI even released a more advanced model, DALL-E 3. 

To help you figure out which models are the best for different tasks, I put the generators to the test by putting a version of the same prompt — “Two yorkies sitting on a beach that is covered in snow” — into each image generator. I included screenshots for your viewing pleasure and for you to make your own inferences. 

While I found the best overall AI image generator to be the Image Creator from Microsoft Designer, due to its free-of-charge, high-quality results, other AI image generators perform better for specific needs. For the full round-up of the best AI image generators, keep reading below. 

The best AI image generators of 2024



Image Creator from Microsoft Designer (formerly )

Best AI image generator overall


Image Creator from Designer rendering


Image Creator from Microsoft Designer features: Powered by: DALL-E 3 | Access via: , browser, mobile | Output: 4 images per prompt | Price: Free 

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer is powered by DALL-E 3, OpenAI’s most advanced image-generating model. As a result, it produces higher quality results than the free version of DALL-E while also remaining free to use. All you need to do to access the image generator is visit the Image Creator website and sign in with a Microsoft account. 

The biggest perk about this AI generator is that you can also access it in the same place where you can access Microsoft’s AI chatbot, Copilot (formerly Bing Chat)

In addition to visiting Image Creator on its standalone site, you can ask it to generate images for you in Copilot. To get your image, all you have to do is conversationally ask Copilot to draw you any image you’d like. 

This feature is so convenient because you can get all of your image-generating and AI chatting needs met in the same place. This facilitates tasks that could benefit from both image and text generation, such as party planning since you can ask the chatbot to generate themes for your party and then ask it to create images that follow the theme.

Shop now at Microsoft


DALL-E 2 by OpenAI

Best AI image generator if you want to experience the original


OpenAI DALLE-2 renderings

DALL-E 2 features: Powered by: DALL-E 2 by OpenAI | Access via: OpenAI website | Output: 4 images per credit | Price: Free if you registered before Apr. 6, $15 minimum if you register after | Credits: Free credit allowance replenishes every month for pre-April 6 users

OpenAI, the AI research company behind ChatGPT, launched DALL-E 2 November 2022, and it quickly became the AI image generator on the market. Although it has been lapped by Image Creator by Designer, it is still a very capable image generator and the blueprint for all the models that followed. 

The site is very intuitive and can produce results in seconds. All you have to do is type in whatever prompt you’d like, specifying as much detail as necessary to bring your vision to life, and then DALL-E 2 will generate four images from your prompt. 

The credits situation can be a bit tricky because users who registered before April 6, 2023, get to keep the original terms, which included 15 free credits that replenish at the end of every month. Any new users have to buy a minimum of 115 credits for $15, which is a big con of using this AI image generator instead of Image Creator from Designer.

Since there are other free alternatives on the list that work just as well, I would encourage users to only pay for DALLE-2 if they really want to experience the original. 

Shop now at OpenAI


ImageFX by Google

The best AI image generator for beginners


ImageFX Yorkie generation

ImageFX from Google: Powered by: Imagen 2 | Access via: website | Output: four images | Price: free 

Google’s ImageFX was a dark horse, entering the AI image generator space much later than its competition, over a year after DALL-E 2 launched. However, the generator’s performance seems to have been worth the wait. The image generator is capable of producing high-quality, realistic outputs, even for difficult objects to render, such as hands. 

It boasts a unique feature–expressive chips–which make it easier to refine your prompt or generate new ones via dropdowns that highlight parts of your prior prompt and suggest different word changes to modify your output.

ImageFX also includes suggestions for the image style you’d like your image rendered in, such as photorealistic, 35mm film, minimal, sketch, handmade, and more. Both of these features combined make it perfect for beginners to begin experimenting. 

Shop now at Google


by Stability AI

Best AI image generator for customization


DreamStudio renderings

DreamStudio features: Powered by: SDXL 1.0 by Stability AI | Access via: website | Output: 1 images per 1.8 credits | Price: $1 per 100 credits | Credits: 25 free credits when you open account, by purchase once you run out

Stability AI created the massively popular, open-sourced, text-to-image generator, Stable Diffusion. Users can download it and use it at no cost; however, this typically requires some technical skill. 

To make the technology readily accessible to everyone (regardless of skill level), Stability AI created DreamStudio, which incorporates Stable Diffusion in a UI that is easy to understand and use. 

One of the standouts of the platform is that it includes many different entries for customization including a “negative prompt” where you can delineate the specifics of what you’d like to avoid in the final image. You can also easily change the image ratio which is major since most AI image generators automatically deliver 1:1. 

Shop now at DreamStudio


Dream by WOMBO

Best AI image generator for your phone


dream-by-wombo screenshot

Dream by WOMBO features: Powered by: WOMBO AI’s machine learning algorithm | Access via: Mobile and desktop versions | Output: one image with a free version, four with a paid plan | Price: Free limited access

This app took the first-place spot for the best overall app in Google Play’s 2022 awards and it has five stars on Apple’s App Store with 141.6K ratings. With the app, you can create art and images with the simple input of a quick prompt. 

An added plus about this AI image generator is that it allows you to pick different design styles such as realistic, expressionism, comic, abstract, fanatical, ink, and more. 

In addition to the app, it has a free desktop mobile version that is simple to use. If you want to take your use of the app to the next level, you can pay $90 per year or $10 per month.

Shop now at Dream



Best no frills AI image generator


Craiyon screenshot

Craiyon features: Powered by: Their own model | Access viaCraiyon website | Output: Six images per prompt | Price: Free, unlimited prompts 

Despite originally having the name DALL-E mini, this AI image generator is NOT affiliated with OpenAI or DALL-E 2. Rather, it is an open-source alternative. The name DALL-E 2 mini is somewhat fitting, however, as it does everything that DALL-E 2 does, just with less precise renditions. 

Unlike DALL-E 2, the outputs from Craiyon lack a bit of quality and take just a bit longer to render, approximately a minute. The good thing? Because you have unlimited prompts, you can continue to tweak the prompt until you get exactly what you’re envisioning. The site is also so simple to use, making it perfect for someone wanting to experiment with AI image generators without the extra bells and whistles. 

Shop now at Craiyon



Best AI image generator for highest-quality photos


midjourney screenshot

Midjourney features: Powered by: Midjourney; utilizes Discord | Access via: Discord | Output: four images per prompt | Price: Starts at $10/month

I often play around with AI image generators because of how fun and easy creating digital artwork is. Despite all my experiences with different AI generators, nothing could have prepared me for Midjourney — in the best way. 

The output of this image was so crystal clear that I had a hard time believing it wasn’t an actual image someone took of the prompt I put in. This software is so good that it has produced award-winning art.

The biggest con is that it is not user-friendly, and honestly confuses me every time. If you also need the extra direction, check out our step-by-step how-to here: How to use Midjourney to generate amazing images and art.

Another problem is that you may not be able to access it for free. When I just tried to render images, I was met with this error message, “Due to extreme demand we can’t provide a free trial right now. Please /subscribe to create images with Midjourney.”

To show you just how good the renditions can be, I included a close-up below from a prior time I tested the generator. At the time the prompt was: a baby Yorkie sitting on a comfy couch in front of the NYC skyline. 

Shop now at Midjourney



Generative AI by Getty Images

Best AI Image Generator for businesses


Generative AI by Getty Images hero images

Generative AI by Getty Images features: Powered by:  Picasso | Access via: website | Output: 4 images per prompt | Price: Paid (price undisclosed, have to contact the team)

One of the biggest issues with AI image generators is that they typically train their generators on content from the entirety of the internet, which means that the generators use aspects of creators’ art without compensation. It also puts businesses at risk of copyright infringement. 

Generative AI by Getty Images tackles that issue by generating images with content solely from Getty Images’ vast creative library with full indemnification for commercial use. The generated images will have Getty Images’ standard royalty-free license, assuring customers that their content is fair to use without fearing legal repercussions.

Another pro is that contributors whose content was used to train the models will be compensated for their inclusion in the training set. This is a great solution for businesses who want stock photos that match their creative vision but do not want to deal with copyright-related issues. 

Shop now at Getty Images

What is the best AI image generator?

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer is the best overall AI image generator due to it being powered by OpenAI’s latest DALL-E technology. Like DALL-E 2, Image Creator from Microsoft Designer combines accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness and can generate high-quality images in just a matter of seconds. Because it is powered by a more advanced model, in most instances, the images are higher quality than DALL-E 2’s. 

Whether you want to generate images of animals, objects, or even abstract concepts, Image Creator from Microsoft Designer is capable of producing accurate depictions that meet your expectations. It is highly efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective.

Which is the right AI image generator for you?

Although I crowned Image Creator from Microsoft Designer the best AI image generator overall, other AI image generators perform better for specific needs. For example, suppose you are a professional using AI image generation for your business. In that case, you may need a tool like Generative AI by Getty Images which renders images safe for commercial use. 

On the other hand, if you just want to play with AI art generating for entertainment purposes, Craiyon might be the best option because it’s free, unlimited, and easy to use. 

Choose this AI image generator…

If you want…

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer

The best AI image generator overall. In Copilot, you can get all of your image-generating needs met while chatting with the bot and getting all of your questions answered. The image generator is reliable, quick, and accessible.


The original best AI image generator that combines accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness. It allows users to generate high-quality images quickly and easily, making it an ideal tool for artists, designers, and anyone looking to create unique and original content.

ImageFX by Google

The best AI image generators for beginners with multiple features that facilitate prompt writing, including expressive chips and style suggestions.

DreamStudio by Stability AI

The best customizable AI image generator that includes tools in its UI that make it easy to get the exact rendition you want. The fields include size, style, negative prompts, image prompts, and more.

Dream by WOMBO

The best AI image generator for your phone with multiple templates, realistic renditions, and a mobile app. It also has a free limited access version, making it a great option for those who don’t want to spend too much money.


The best no frills AI image generator with unlimited prompts and a straightforward interface.


The best AI image generator for high-quality renderings and crystal clear images with a Discord community, allowing you to share and view other users’ outputs.

Generative AI by Getty Images

The best AI image generator for business applications. It generates images with content from Getty Image’s vast creative library, making the images rendered commercially safe.

How did I choose these AI image generators?

To find the best AI image generators, I tested each generator listed and compared their performance. The factors that went into testing performance included UI/UX, image results, cost, speed, and availability. Each AI image generator had different strengths and weaknesses, making each one the ideal fit for different individuals as listed next to my picks. 

What is an AI image generator?

An AI image generator refers to software that uses AI to create images from user text inputs, usually within seconds. The images vary in style depending on the capabilities of the software but can typically render an image in any style you want including 3D, 2D, cinematic, modern, Renaissance, and more. 

How do AI image generators work?

Like any other AI model, AI image generators work on learned data they are trained with. Typically, these models are trained on billions of images, which it analyzes for characteristics. These insights are then used by the model to create new images.

Are there ethical implications with AI image generators?

AI image generators are trained on billions of images found throughout the internet. These images are often artwork that belongs to a specific artist, which is then reimagined and repurposed by AI art to generate your image. Although it’s not the same image, the new image has elements of artists’ original work which is not credited to them. 

Are there DALL-E 2 alternatives worth considering?

Contrary to what you might think, there are so many AI image generators other than DALL-E 2 out there. Some produce even better results than OpenAI’s software. If you want to try something different, check out one of our alternatives listed above or the three additional options below. 



nightcafe screenshot

Nightcafe is a multi-purpose AI image generator that is worth trying becaus it allows users to create unique and original artwork by using different inputs and styles, including abstract, impressionism, expressionism, and more.

Shop now at Creator.nightcafe



Canva yorkies on a beach with snow

Canva is a versatile and powerful AI image generator that offers a wide range of options. It allows users to create professional-looking designs for different marketing channels, including posts, ads, flyers, brochures, and more within its design platform. 

Shop now at Canva


Views: 20

The best in 2024, The iPhone 14 Pro Max has become a favorite among Apple fans since its launch. While it’s never easy to spend more money, especially after buying a new phone, it’s a good idea to invest in a protective case for the phone to avoid scratches, chips, or other damage. You can find plenty of cases on the market, from those that provide complete protection to those that add style to your phone. Here are our top picks for the best cases available for the 14 Pro Max in 2024.


iPhone 14 Pro Max Case

The best lanyard iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The Catalyst Crux iPhone 14 Pro Max Case offers plenty of protection with its shock-absorbent corners. However, it’s likely that buyers won’t even need them, thanks to the sturdy lanyard that comes with every case.

Accessories like lanyards can make it easy to carry around your phone without fear of dropping it on the ground as long as it’s fastened around your wrist. Unfortunately, the Catalyst Crux case only comes in one color. That said, you’ll feel so secure with the case and lanyard that its color may not actually matter to you.


The best customizable iPhone 14 Pro Max case

Casetify is a highly reputable brand that’s well-known for making solid cases with what feels like an endless amount of color options. No matter who you are or what sort of style you’re going for, you’ll be able to find a case that fits you.

While Casetify’s Bounce Cases (seen later in this list) are the company’s best for all-around protection, they can be pretty bulky. For those looking to ride the line between style and protection, the Impact Case will be able to do just that. Take note, however, that you’ll need to spend a decent amount of cash to get one.

The cases in 2024

Read Also : Best Desktop Computers of 2024 tested and reviewed


MOUS iPhone 14 Pro Max Case

The best MagSafe iPhone 14 Pro Max case

Often, phone cases that are fully MagSafe compatible have the magnetic ring displayed front and center on the rear of the case, which, depending on your tastes, might be something of an eye-sore. Luckily, the Mous iPhone 14 Pro Max case doesn’t feature the ring but is still fully MagSafe compatible.

It comes in a handful of solid color options, and buyers will be able to rest easy knowing that if it breaks at any time, their purchase is covered under a lifetime warranty.


Incipio Duo MagSafe Case

The best dual-layer iPhone 14 Pro Max case

Although Incipio’s Duo for MagSafe may look a little plain, its two-piece design is the latest in shock-absorption technology. The case is able to withstand -foot drops and other major collisions by distributing the force between the two pieces of its design.

This makes it a surprisingly durable option for those who often find their devices in precarious situations. Unfortunately, it doesn’t offer much in terms of style, so you’ll be trading the iPhone’s style for solid protection — which can certainly be a major roadblock for some but a necessity for others.


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Spigen Slim Armor with MagFit

The best kickstand iPhone 14 Pro Max case

If you’re looking for a phone case that can withstand a good deal of harsh treatment, then Spigen’s Slim Armor case is for you. Like the Incipio Duo above, its two-piece design is made to withstand high drops and large impacts.

Although its raised edges make it a little bit bulkier than other skin-tight cases, they provide an additional layer of protection for the display and cameras. The only real downside to it is that its design leaves something to be desired. There’s only one color option available, and the ribbed upper third of it certainly isn’t for everyone.


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Official with MagSafe

The best clear iPhone 14 Pro Max case

If you’re looking for a solid case that supports wireless charging and MagSafe accessories, then the clear case offered by Apple is the way to go. While it has very little personality of its own on account of being completely see-through, it’s perfect for anyone looking to show off the sleek design of the iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Protection is going to be limited due to its thin profile, but that’s a small price to pay for MagSafe compatibility and the clear style.


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The best PopSocket iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The PopSockets MagSafe case is pretty similar to the official Apple MagSafe case but also includes a detachable PopSocket, making it a solid choice for anyone worried about dropping their phone.

The interesting bit is that the socket has the ability to slide anywhere on the case, offering a great variety for MagSafe accessories. Although the color options are a little lacking, if you get the clear color option, the design of the iPhone 14 Pro Max is able to take center stage.


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Ghostek Covert Case

The best sleek iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The Ghostek Covert case sports a fantastic design, with colorful edges and a clear back that highlight the design of your new iPhone. The case should do a good job at keeping your phone safe thanks to its shock-absorbing corners, but its drop resistance is only good for 8 feet.

While that certainly covers drops from table heights and other regular circumstances, it does mean that your phone is more likely to take damage than when protected by some other rugged cases on this list. Still, that’s more than enough for everyday damage, and if you don’t want to add a lot of extra thickness, this is a great choice.


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Nomad Modern Leather Case

The best leather iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The Nomad Modern Leather case is a solid pick for anyone wanting a traditional leather look for their iPhone 14 Pro Max. While its design may seem a little simple at first, it will eventually develop a patina that will give it a nice aged look.

Along with the classic style, it also offers 10 feet of drop protection to keep your new phone safe from accidental slips. It’s one of the pricier options though, but the leather is lush and sustainably sourced, making it a great choice for leather fans.


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WTCASE PU Leather Case

The best fancy iPhone 14 Pro Max case

If you like the leather look but don’t want to spend a fortune on a real leather case, consider this faux leather pick available at a more budget-friendly price. The logo cutout is a huge plus for people who enjoy flaunting their iPhones.

On top of looking good, its raised edges also protect both the screen and the rear cameras from taking damage if dropped. You can also choose between four colors to match your style.


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Snakehive Vintage Wallet Case

The best wallet iPhone 14 Pro Max case

As phones have become essential to grab before leaving the house alongside items like keys and wallets, some cases have looked to merge some of those items together. One such case is the Snakehive Vintage Wallet, which mixes a phone case and a wallet together. It holds three cards and can use its flap as both a screen protector when the phone isn’t in use and a stand for watching streaming content.

It’ll protect fairly well due to the wrap-around design, but this isn’t a rugged case by any means, so just expect everyday protection.


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CaseBorne V Rugged Case

The best rugged iPhone 14 Pro Max case

If you’re an outdoorsy type looking to take your phone with you on camping trips or during other outdoor activities, the CaseBorne V is built to withstand just about anything you throw at it.

The CaseBorne V is made to be a rugged accessory for your device that will keep it safe in even the harshest of conditions. The only downsides are the massive and bulky size that goes hand-in-hand with a more durable case and its lack of solid color options.


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Dbrand Grip Case

The best grip iPhone 14 Pro Max case

Although Dbrand is known for its sarcastic sense of humor when it comes to selling device accessories, the accessories it offers are of high quality.

The Grip Case for the iPhone 14 Pro Max is no exception, as its striking design gives a truly unique look to the iPhone 14 Pro Max. On top of that, the company has been marketing its grip cases as the “world’s grippiest phone case,” so it’ll rest securely in your hands. Users also enjoy the tactile button response and solid protection against drops.


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Otterbox Lumen Series with MagSafe

The best stylish iPhone 14 Pro Max case

Otterbox is known for making solid cases that protect phones, and the Lumen Series is no different. With striking color designs, support for all MagSafe accessories, and solid side grips that make the phone comfortable to hold, it’s a great pick for iPhone 14 Pro Max owners.

The only thing that could turn potential buyers away is that its price point is high relative to other cases on this list, but the strong Otterbox protection means it’s worth the money for many.


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Casetify Bounce Case

The best drop-proof iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The Casetify Bounce Case is expensive, but for what it brings to the table, there’s certainly an argument to be made that justifies its price tag.

It’s the most durable case that the company offers, with bumpers on each corner that diffuse the force of being dropped from the phone’s most vulnerable points. Additionally, it supports all MagSafe accessories and can be customized to put your name on the outside for a personalized look.

Unicorn Beetle PRO MAG Rugged Case for iPhone 14 Pro Max.


Supcase Unicorn Beetle Pro Mag Case

The best multifunctional iPhone 14 Pro Max case

This option from Supcase is a phone case designed for iPhone 14 Pro Max users who want every feature imaginable in a case. It features shock-absorbing TPU and unbending polycarbonate materials that provide protection from impacts, scratches, smudges, and cracks. The case also comes with a tempered-glass screen protector that adds an extra layer of protection for your phone’s display.

It also includes a rotating belt clip holster, and the built-in kickstand doubles as a ring holder, making it convenient to carry your phone around, watch videos, or make hands-free. It also works with all of your MagSafe accessories. If you can get over the bulky design, there’s a lot to like with this one.

I-BLASON cosmo case for iPhone 14 Pro Max.


i-Blason Cosmo Case

The best stylish iPhone 14 Pro Max case

The i-Blason Cosmo Case is an iPhone 14 Pro Max case that looks great and provides excellent protection. It’s made of a soft and flexible TPU material that can absorb shocks and prevent scratches, dents, and drops from damaging your phone. This case also comes with a built-in screen protector to keep your phone’s screen free from scratches. You can find this case in various colors and styles to match your preferences. It also has a built-in screen protector to help keep your screen scratch-free. You’ll find this case in multiple styles and colors.

Views: 16

The best monitors for 2024, For those seeking a superior setup, a cutting-edge monitor is non-negotiable. Whether you’re entrenched in graphic design, a dedicated gamer, or a remote professional, the right display has the power to transform your computing experience. With a myriad of options available, ranging from various resolutions and panel types to refresh rates and specialized features, navigating the world of monitors can be overwhelming.

While the Dell UltraSharp 32 4K is an excellent pick offering an extensive array of features and an expansive 4K display, it may not suit everyone’s needs. Read on to see which other monitors we recommend for gaming, home use, esports, and more.

dell ultrasharp 32 4k usb c hub monitor u3223qe review front angle view

Dell UltraSharp 32 4K

The best monitor you can buy


Dell’s UItraSharp 32 4K isn’t the cheapest monitor out there, but it’s the best. It offers a balance of beautiful image quality and features that few monitors can nail, and does so at a reasonable price.

We specifically reviewed the 32-inch model, which is more expensive than the 27-inch version (the U2723QE). Most people are fine with the 27-inch version, though the 4K resolution looks its best on a 32-inch panel. Regardless of the size, both monitors use an IPS Black panel, which provides wide color coverage and excellent color accuracy. It’s also significantly brighter than a standard IPS panel, offering up about twice the contrast you’d normally find.

Outside of image quality, Dell’s UltraSharp 4K displays feature an integrated hub that’s surprisingly useful. It sports up to 90 watts of power delivery, and it gives you a one-cable solution for connecting a laptop to the display. With the single USB-C cord, you can daisy-chain a second monitor, connect to the Ethernet port, and access both DisplayPort and HDMI connections. The monitor even comes with a KVM switch, allowing you to quickly swap your peripherals between devices.

alienware 32 qd oled review 3 1

Alienware 32 QD-OLED

The best monitor for gaming


The Alienware 34 QD-OLED has finally met its match, and it’s the new featuring the latest 4K panel from . The monitor offers a stellar HDR gaming experience, exceptional out-of-the-box color accuracy, and excellent suitability for console gaming. Its 4K resolution and rapid 240Hz refresh rate provide a cutting-edge gaming experience, making it a top choice for both PC and console enthusiasts. The three-year warranty adds value, ensuring peace of mind for users.

The design of the Alienware 32 QD-OLED mirrors that of its 34-inch predecessor, maintaining the two-tone black-and-white exterior. The new OLED panel enhances image quality, addressing color accuracy concerns seen in the Alienware 34 QD-OLED. Notably, the Alienware 32 QD-OLED is the first gaming monitor to support Dolby Vision, which should please console gamers. However, the lack of built-in speakers and the thicker design might be minor drawbacks for some users. The image quality, especially HDR performance, remains exceptional, showcasing deep blacks and vibrant colors. While not the brightest in SDR, the Alienware 32 excels in darker environments. With a fast refresh rate, 4K sharpness, and OLED technology, it delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.

In terms of connectivity, the Alienware 32 QD-OLED offers two HDMI 2.1 ports with VRR (variable refresh rate), as well as eARC. This last feature allows you to hook up your Dolby Atmos sound system or soundbar. You also get DisplayPort to get the full 120Hz 4K, as well as a variety of USB ports, including an upstream type B port, three USB-A 3.2 Gen 1 ports, and one USB-C for power delivery.

The 10 best monitors for 2024

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hp envy 16 2023 vs dell xps 15 msi modern md271ul monitor new featured

MSI Modern MD271UL

The best cheap 4K monitor


In years past, 4K monitors were pricey luxuries, but that’s quickly changed. A perfect showcase of that is MSI’s Modern MD271UL, which is a 27-inch 4K display that you can find for around $250. There isn’t special here, but that’s what makes the Modern MD271UL so special. It’s a workhorse 4K monitor that comes in at a bargain bin price.

The 4K IPS panel is set with thin bezels, which is set against a stark silver frame. For connectivity, you get two HDMI 2.0b ports, a single DisplayPort 1.2a connection, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The MD271UL also includes a USB-C input with 65 watts of power delivery, which is a nice bonus on a monitor at this price.

But the MD271UL really earns its stripes in image quality. Based on our testing, the monitor is well-calibrated from the factory, arriving with excellent color accuracy and coverage. It also managed to exceed our typical brightness and contrast thresholds for IPS panels. On cheaper monitors, we typically expect brightness or color to suffer, but the MD271UL manages to miraculously do both.

alienware 27 qd oled review 04


The Alienware 27 QD-OLED stands out as a remarkable monitor, challenging the likes of LG’s UltraGear OLED 27 as one of the best 27-inch OLED options on the market. Priced at $900, it brings several improvements, including third-gen QD-OLED technology that significantly enhances color accuracy and brightness. With a 360Hz refresh rate, the monitor excels in providing an exceptionally smooth gaming experience, making it suitable for both competitive and cinematic titles. The minimalistic design, along with a hexagonal stand and efficient cable management, contribute to an overall premium aesthetic.

The monitor’s color accuracy, particularly in the standard picture profile, is exceptional, showcasing a Delta-E of 0.46. It even excels in HDR performance, with a peak brightness of 928 nits, perfect black levels, and infinite contrast, all of which enhance the overall image quality. Despite some concerns about bezel thickness and Smart HDR settings requiring tweaking, the Alienware 27 QD-OLED impresses with its striking design, robust port selection, and improved QD-OLED technology.

The monitor comes with a three-year warranty covering burn-in, setting it apart from competitors and solidifying its position as a market leader in the gaming monitor category. If you are looking for a traditional OLED monitor, the LG UltraGear OLED 27 is also highly recommended, especially at its reduced price of $750.

Product image of the Dell UltraSharp U4021QW 5K monitor on white background.

Dell UltraSharp U4021QW

The best 5K monitor


The Dell UltraSharp U4021QW remains one of the most unique monitors on the market, even two years after launching. It’s a 5K2K monitor, according to Dell, which equals out to a resolution of 5,120 x 2,160. If you’re quick at math, you can spot that resolution comes out to a 21:9 aspect ratio.

At 40 inches with the 21:9 aspect ratio, the UltraSharp U4021QW doesn’t have many direct rivals. It’s a large screen, but it’s perfectly balanced by the resolution, offering a pixel density of 140 pixels per inch. In addition to being sharp, the display comes with excellent color coverage and accuracy.

It’s packed with a slew of features, too. Similar to the UltraSharp monitor we recommended above, the integrated USB-C hub delivers 90 watts of power, as well as opens up a host of addition connections like Ethernet, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a Thunderbolt 3 port.

The Samsung 49-inch Odyssey Neo G9 Curved Gaming Monitor on a white background.

Samsung Odyssey Neo G9

Best ultrawide monitor


The Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 is our pick for the best ultrawide monitor. Featuring a massive 49 inch screen, the monitor features mini-LED backlighting which translates to excellent brightness along with impressive local dimming which helps it display deep blacks. The Odyssey Neo G9 is suitable for most use cases. The sheer size and high-resolution of the screen ensures that you can multitask with ease. It is also great for content creation and media consumption as the panel is capable of reproducing vivid colors with high contrast and deep blacks.

It is primarily a gaming monitor, which means you get all the latest tech including a 240Hz refresh rate and native support for FreeSync variable refresh rate (VRR) technology and G-SYNC compatibility to effectively minimize screen tearing. You also get two HDMI 2.1 inputs to fully capitalize on the latest gaming consoles or graphics cards.

The Samsung M8 smart monitor in pink placed on a black desk.

Samsung M8 Smart Monitor

Best smart monitor


The Samsung M8 Smart Monitor, attempts to bridge the gap between TVs and monitors, offering a versatile solution. Boasting an attractive design with vibrant color options, the M8 resembles the M1 iMac in terms of aesthetics. Its height-adjustable stand and thin bezels contribute to a sleek look. The monitor supports Samsung’s TV operating system, Tizen, providing access to apps like , YouTube, and Apple TV+. While it offers features like Samsung Gaming Hub and Samsung Workspace, the transition between monitor and TV modes is not seamless, making users choose one mode over the other.

With its 32-inch 4K VA panel, the M8 delivers good SDR image quality, but its HDR performance is limited. The monitor lacks VESA mounting options and offers minimal stand adjustments, which may limit flexibility. The bundled magnetic webcam offers good quality and offers features like face tracking and auto-framing. Gaming on the M8 is constrained by its 60Hz refresh rate and a limited port selection, with options like mini HDMI and USB-C. Overall, the Samsung M8 is suitable for those who need its unique combination of TV and monitor functionalities, but alternative options may better cater to specific preferences or use cases.

Apple Mac Studio and Studio Display.

Apple Studio Display

The best monitor for Mac


Apple’s Studio Display was a controversial monitor when it first launched, but there’s no denying that it’s a perfect pairing with any Mac. The 5K Retina display is stunning, offering up 218 pixels per inch on the 27-inch monitor. It also comes with wide color coverage and boasts up to 600 nits of peak brightness.

The display itself is stunning, but the integration with Macs is why the Studio Display topped our list of the best monitors for the Mac mini. The built-in camera and microphone array are tuned for calls, and the display even supports Siri commands. The camera also supports Apple’s Center Stage to automatically frame you.

For connectivity, you get a Thunderbolt 3 input that provides up to 96 watts of power delivery, along with three downstream USB-C ports. The monitor is built for Macs, but due to the Thunderbolt 3 connection, you can also connect an iPad Pro or iPad Air.

The ASUS TUF Gaming VG249Q1A monitor on a white background.

Asus TUF Gaming VG249Q1A

Best 1080p monitor


We could recommend a boring office monitor if you need the bare minimum. But the Asus TUF Gaming VG249Q1A is available at an equally competitive price, and on top of that, it offers certain features that can be useful for gamers. It’s a decent budget monitor featuring a 24-inch IPS panel with a 1080p resolution and up to a 165Hz refresh rate, plus support for both FreeSync support and G-Sync compatibility.

It isn’t the brightest monitor, nor does it offer superior color accuracy due to its limited sRGB coverage, but that’s a compromise you need to face with a budget monitor. The monitor comes with relatively good viewing angles and overall it is great for basic productivity and casual gaming.

The Asus ProArt PA32UCG on a black background.Asus

Asus ProArt PA32UCG-K

Best monitor for creative work


The Asus ProArt PA32UCG is a top-tier professional monitor that comes with a hefty $5,000 price tag, but its exceptional performance and comprehensive features justify the investment for professionals. With a 4K resolution (3840 x 2160) and 120Hz refresh rate, this 32-inch monitor is rated to support 100% of sRGB, 99.5% of AdobeRGB, and 98% of DCI-P3 color gamut.

Apart from offering great image quality, the monitor delivers excellent accuracy across various color modes and supports every gamut, grayscale, and gamma standard. Thanks to the inclusion of Dolby Vision support, it further enhances its versatility for professional use. The monitor also comes with essential accessories such as a light hood and color meter, enhancing its appeal for users who demand precise color representation.

With full-array mini-LED backlighting, there are 1152 dimming zones, and the monitor can achieve a peak HDR output of 1600 nits. Its extensive OSD controls allow for fine-tuning of gamma, color temperature, and gamut, ensuring optimal performance tailored to individual preferences. The PA32UCG’s exceptional capabilities make it worthwhile for professionals seeking uncompromising accuracy and even gamers craving immersive visual experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What brand monitor is the best?

No one monitor brand makes all the best monitors in the world — that’s why this list is populated by a number of different manufacturers. That said, there are some that you can rely on more than most to produce great screens. Dell is a longstanding favorite of ours with years of fantastic displays under its belt. It also tends to cater well to the professional crowd just as much as gamers, so you know there will be something you like in its lineup.

Other noteworthy brands worth considering include Acer, which tends to produce some of the world’s best gaming screens; Samsung, which offers some of the best ultrawide screens and large-size monitors we’ve ever seen; and LG, which has a good all-around catalog of displays.

What size computer monitor is the best?

This very much depends on the resolution you’re targeting and how much desk space you have. While bigger does tend to look better, giving you more screen space for work and larger images for games and movies, they can stretch entry-level resolutions like 1080p to the limits of their clarity. Big screens also require more room on your desk, so we’d caution buying a massive ultrawide like the Samsung Odyssey series if you’re working or playing on a small desk.

As a quick rule of thumb, 1080p looks great up to about 24 inches, while 1440p looks good up to and beyond 30 inches. We wouldn’t recommend a 4K screen any smaller than 27 inches as you aren’t going to see the real benefit of those extra pixels in what is a relatively small space by that resolution.

Are 4K monitors good for gaming?

They can be. 4K offers the pinnacle of gaming detail and, in atmospheric games, can give you a whole new level of immersion, especially on larger displays that can fully display that mass of those pixels in all their glory. These high-res displays really excel in games where frame rates are not as important as visual clarity. That said, we feel that high refresh rate monitors can deliver a better experience (especially in fast-paced games like shooters), and unless you have the deep pockets to splash out on a powerful graphics card or two as well, you aren’t going to get those frame rates at 4K. A 27-inch, 1440p display is still the sweet spot.

Also, keep in mind monitor performance is now often linked to framerate management technologies like FreeSync and G-Sync, so watch for these technologies and compatible graphics cards when making gaming monitor decisions. FreeSync is for AMD graphics cards, while G-Sync only works with Nvidia’s GPUs.

Which is better: LCD or LED?

The short answer is they’re both the same. The longer answer is that this is a failure of company marketing in properly conveying what its products are. Today most monitors that use LCD technology are backlit with LEDs, so typically if you’re buying a monitor it’s both an LCD and LED display. For more of an explanation on LCD and LED technologies, we have a whole guide dedicated to it.

That said, there are OLED displays to consider, although these panels haven’t made an impact on the desktop market yet. OLED screens combine color and light into a single panel, famed for their vibrant colors and contrast ratio. While that technology has been making waves in televisions for a few years now, they’re only just starting to make a tentative step into the world of desktop monitors, from Samsung’s QD-OLED tech to LG’s extra-bright G2 monitors.

What kind of monitor is best for your eyes?

If you suffer from eye strain, look for monitors that have built-in light filter software, especially filters that are specifically designed for easing eye problems. These filters are designed to block more blue light, which is the part of the spectrum that affects our eyes the most and is responsible for most eye strain problems. However, you can also download eye filter software apps for any type of monitor you get.

Why is refresh rate important on a monitor?

Refresh rate shows how many times per second the display can update an image with new visual information — the higher the refresh rate, the smoother transitions will look and the more information will be displayed. Refresh rates start at 60Hz but many monitors go higher, with refresh rates of 240Hz, 360Hz, and some even as high as 500Hz! This specification helps games and movies look better, and lowers input lag, making a high refresh rate popular for gaming machines and similar setups.

What makes a monitor ultrawide?

Ultrawide monitors use a 21:9 aspect ratio and have elongated displays to accommodate it. This not only allows users to play compatible games and movies in a larger aspect ratio, but the extra space also makes it easier to multitask or work with more complex software.

Do monitors have built-in speakers?

Many do, but not all. If you want internal speakers, always check to see if a monitor comes with them. Higher-wattage speakers will generally produce louder, clearer sound. Or you could pair a monitor with a set of external speakers.

Views: 13

If you want to save yourself the hassle, here are some of the most viable alternatives as the best free AI content generator tool that you can try for content creation with ease in 2024. 

AI or is advancing by the hour. This is the technology of the future that promotes automation along with machine learning and other growth-stimulating strategies that reduce the workload of humans. Different AI tools are gaining popularity rapidly because of the ease of access they offer, paired with reliability.

A lot of users take the help of AI to generate content for blogs, articles, posts, and various other purposes. These content generators help in saving the time and effort of the user and get things done when facing a deadline or otherwise. We have curated this list of tools that will help you with content creation. Use any best free AI content generator you want but first, we suggest you go through the entire list of tools for better decision making

Best Free AI Content Generator: What Is It?

A relatively new type of software called an AI content generator may assist you in producing high-quality, SEO-friendly articles, blog posts, and more. The top artificial intelligence (AI) content generators provide wholly unique material that ranks highly, has high interaction, and boosts your traffic.

The best free AI content generator can produce hundreds of pieces of material each day in only a few minutes, and they also have a human touch. But, before it is published, users also have the option to alter each piece of material. This implies that in addition to receiving a big quantity of high-quality articles, you will also receive content that is pertinent to your audience and will thus perform higher in search engines like Google.

Based on supplied keywords or subjects, the best free AI content generator generates original, fresh, and high-quality material. In place of doing manual keyword research, it may be utilized to locate pertinent subjects for your website. Nevertheless, rather than detailed analytical assessments, these tools work better for general themes.

Indeed, there are situations when artificial intelligence content is of poor quality. You shouldn’t let the AI content writer produce all of your material, as a result. Artificial intelligence-generated material is only a workaround for writer’s block. It goes without saying that the majority of information produced with AI should be fact-checked and modified.

Which is the Best Free AI Content Generator in 2024?

The coming sections of this article will list and describe the features and advantages of the top best free AI content generator. Try any of these tools as required and get things done perfectly.



The finest free AI tool for content development is Copy AI, which lets you quickly and easily create a variety of forms of articles and posts. Copy AI was established in 2020 with the goal of assisting content producers using AI-powered writing tools that encompass over 90 different content kinds.

Copy AI is one of the most renowned and esteemed AI writing tools, with four million+ subscribers, including marketers, agencies, copywriters, freelancers, and many other enterprises. The top Google results are scraped by this technology to produce accurate content. Chat Copy.ai provides factual responses and displays the sources it used.

This is the best free AI content generator tool that may be used to produce excellent material for a variety of platforms, including your websites, social network accounts, digital ads, blogs, e-Commerce, and sales. The most advanced AI language tool is used by Copy AI to boost your skills and aid in the creation of amazing content.

Top Features of CopyAI

 Blogs- Copy.AI generates a whole blog with just the title of your topic, including the primary keyword. The first draft will then be generated by Copy AI, and all you have to do is review the content outline and other essential talking points.
 Rewriter Tool – This option can rewrite a piece of text for you once you’ve written it and have decided on the tone.
 Over 90 Different Web Content Types – Produce over 90 different types of content.
 Use ChatGPT’s strength while adding factual content.
 Generator for Blog Article You can access a wealth of alternatives by simply typing in a title or a brief description for this blog.
 Passive-Active – This is the best free AI content generator and a smart tool that transforms any sentence from the passive voice to the active voice.
 Use the tool to create email subject content that promotes your company’s name, goods, and services.
 There are more than 25 languages available for you to select from.

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Read Also : 10 Best AI Tools to Boost Productivity in 2024

2. Simplified


Your in-depth articles’ quality can be greatly improved by a Simplified AI writer. Using this free artificial intelligence writer, you may create powerful books, blogs, articles, and whatnot. Also, you can generate text using more than 50 cases.

This is the best free AI content generator that has a content rewriter, along with its other helpful AI functions, which can swiftly replace your current material with a new, more captivating copy. There are more than 10 various ways you can communicate, including formal, conversational, and hilarious.

There are additional benefits to Simple beyond its role as an AI helper. Use it to make photos, edit and animate films, or post content to social media – it’s free! Simplified distinguishes itself from this competition by resizing information and images quickly. You can modify your templates by adding pictures and using filters, as well as by altering the hue, brightness, and saturation.

If you lack any previous experience, that’s okay. Because of the best free AI content generator’s extensive library of attractive, editable templates, visual properties, pictures, and videos, you won’t need to start from zero while creating your project.

Top Features of Simplified

 Using free options like a background remover, an AI picture generator, and others, you may create and alter graphics.
 Video editing – Using Simplified tens of thousands of video templates, make videos for any social media network with this best free AI content generator.
 Compose up to 3,000 words.
 Social media posts: Post to all of your social accounts and schedule it.
 Text-to-speech – Add automated voice-overs to your films to elevate them to a new level.
 Multiple AI templates can generate captivating copy for multiple marketing channels, landing pages, smart websites, advertising, emails, and many more.
 This is an amazing time-saving alternative for creating articles, essays, blogs, and other types of writing.
  Integration – By quickly checking your work for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, anyone can relax knowing it is error-free.
 Over 30 languages – Develop multilingual content.
 Create captivating Instagram reels by using video templates for Instagram.

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Several content marketing strategists utilize Writesonic, amongst the top businesses in the writing sector. Also, the best AI art producer that they offer is Photosonic. You may generate free AI content for certain words per month using this best free AI content generator. Writesonic’s words are categorized into 4 categories named Economy, Good, Average, and Premium. You will receive 2500 words each month if you select Premium.

You may use different templates, landing pages creator, AI blog writer options, as well as many extensions, with Writesonic’s free plan.

The AI content generator from Writesonic may be used to produce material for blogs, social media, effective ads, and other platforms.

Several useful copywriting tools & features are principally responsible for its enormous popularity. Moreover, Writesonic uses the GPT-3 language learning model with AI technology for the production of content, enabling you to create fresh material with only a single click.

Top Features of WriteSonic

 A conclusion, intro, and other blog parts may all be created using the AI Article Writer’s blog generator of this best free AI content generator.
 Writesonic offers multiple writing tools, including many for copywriting. These programs may generate high-quality material for advertisements, social media postings, descriptions, and other uses.
 Content optimization – Writesonic offers a grammar checker, summarizer, expander, rephraser, and readability checker in addition to the normal text production tools.
 GPT-3 – Writesonic makes use of GPT-3 from OpenAI. Using the same, you can produce convincing content that sounds more human.
 Supports over 25 Languages – You can write copy in a variety of languages.

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4. Rytr


Millions of marketers, copywriters, and company owners of well-known businesses in the world utilize and adore Rytr to assist them to develop content. It is regarded by many contractors as the best free AI writer with user-friendly UI and competitively priced.

This best free AI content generator platform creates unique and pertinent content for several sectors using a sophisticated AI language. Over 30 languages are offered for users to receive material in.

In addition to other options, Rytr leverages the scientific copywriting formulae AIDA and PAS to create high-quality results that require little to zero editing. You can ensure that your writing is unique thanks to its built-in plagiarism detection.

Top Features of Rytr

 Blog Posts – Rytr’s simple long-format content generator lets you create comprehensive blog posts and articles.
 Blog Ideas Generator – Use our free AI article writer to generate content ideas or outlines for your posts.
 40+ Templates – Increases writing productivity.
 Make your work stand out with the help of formatting options so that people will like it.
 The AI helps you convey the perfect message to the reader with 20+ Tones of Speech.
 Scientific Copywriting – Your material will be polished, which will lessen the requirement to update it.
 Write outstanding SEO content descriptions and choose the best keywords with the help of the SEO analyzer. All this is free with the best free AI content generator.
 Text Editing – Your text’s sentences or paragraphs are automatically written by the AI text completer.
 Free of plagiarism content Use Rytr’s plagiarism detection tool to ensure that your writing is always unique.
 Integrations – Access your chosen programs, including Shopify & WordPress, via the Rytr API.
 You’ll finish your emails, blogs, and social updates more quickly with this extension.

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Quillbot, a content rewriting tool, has helped millions of people rewrite the existing text in a variety of ways while ensuring the right phrasing, tone, plus style in every situation. When you use this best free AI content generator, you type your words in input boxes, and its sophisticated artificial intelligence analyzes them to provide the finest possible paraphrase. You can use the tool again if you’re unhappy with the outcome.

A high-level text summary and essential points are highlighted in Quillbot’s AI summary option, which searches through emails, papers, and news items in addition to the paraphraser.

Top Features of QuillBot

 Enhancing Your Vocabulary – By adding new terms and synonyms to the vocabulary, you’ll be able to write more creatively and coherently.
 Summarizing Tool – Offers one text summary option that you may use right away to gain a brief overview of the key ideas in your topic.
 Thesaurus with AI – Your text should have appropriate synonyms for every word, which you may use by simply clicking on the term in question and selecting the perfect one from this list quite easily.
 Grammar Checker: When you’ve completed writing an article, this best free AI content generator swiftly evaluates it for mistakes in word choice, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other aspects so that may improve them.
 The following is a collection of some of the most common questions we get asked about our services. It’s easy to create citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.
 Tool for Counting Words and Characters – Provides information related to words & characters in the output.
 Integrations and Extensions – Quillbot is compatible with Chrome Extensions, Google Docs, & Microsoft Word. Use the free Quillbot addon instead of having to switch tabs every time paraphrasing is required.

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6. WriteCream


Writecream is an AI content authoring tool that offers a flawless long-form editor with various formatting possibilities. You have the ability to create whole articles as though you were using Google Docs or any expert text editor. In addition, this best free AI content generator aid offers other capabilities like “expand,” “rewrite,” and “paraphrase” when highlighting any word inside the editor. The AI writer from Writecream makes it simple and straightforward to write and modify your stuff.

Writecream is a tool for creating blog articles as well as for copywriters that want short-form material for things like LinkedIn, Google, and Facebook advertisements, email, blog ideas, and much more. Also, a 4-step AI article writer is included; all you need to do is enter the topic; the AI will take care of the rest.

Top Features of WriteCream

 Create all kinds of original material for free using the free content generator (up to 10,000 words per month).
 Short-form Content – Provide material for several use cases, including Quora responses, Quora product descriptions, SEO, and advertising.
 When you’ve highlighted your content, use the Rewrite Tool of this best free AI content generator to effectively rewrite it.
 Text-to-audio: Convert any blog post to an audio file by selecting from more than 40 voices (multi-lingual). You may produce podcasts and videos for YouTube to reach a larger audience.
 Use Writecream on the move with their app, which is accessible on both Android and iOS.

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Best Free AI Content Generator: Summing Up

The ability of AI copywriting generators to produce material at scale is no longer a mystery. With AI, these technologies enable you to produce high-quality content more quickly. While there may be numerous benefits to this, such as overcoming writer’s block, it may also start to result in an increase in the amount of low-quality content on the Internet.

Remind yourself that these AI technologies are only aides. The judgment and discernment of the individual using the AI writer tool are crucial if you want to produce writing of the highest . In light of this, trying out and experimenting with these top free AI content-generation tools is always enjoyable. We only included the best free AI content generator alternatives that provide a free plan for a lifetime, despite the fact that there are other alternative content production tools like Jasper AI.

Views: 641

Windows User Guide, If you want to install , you first have to create installation media such as a bootable USB memory stick or a DVD with the Windows 10 setup. Fortunately, that is a simple thing to do, as Microsoft developed the Media Creation Tool< for just that reason. If you want to learn where to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and how to use it to create a USB stick or download an ISO file with the latest Windows 10 May 2021 Update (also known as Windows 10 version 21H1), read this guide.

NOTE: This guide is based on Windows 10 May 2021 Update, the latest version of Windows 10, and MediaCreationTool21H1.exe, both officially released on May 18, 2021.

What you should know before you go ahead

Before creating an ISO file, a USB memory stick, or a DVD with the Windows 10 setup, you should first check these requirements and recommendations:

 You must have a working internet connection to be able to download the installation files.
 You must have sufficient free storage space on your hard disk or solid-state drive for the installation files. Microsoft recommends you have at least 8 GB of free space. However, the ISO file we last downloaded had 4.24 GB for the 64-bit version of Windows 10. When we chose to create an ISO file with both the 32-bit and the 64-bit setup, the file had 7.37 GB.
 If you want to create a USB memory stick, note that any data stored on it gets deleted. Media Creation Tool needs to format it before creating the bootable memory stick with the Windows 10 setup.
 If you want to create media with Windows 10 setup, you need to use a DVD or a USB memory stick with at least 8 GB of storage space.
 If you intend to upgrade your computer or device to Windows 10, make sure it meets the system requirements. You can check them here: Windows 10 Specifications.
 You must be logged in as an administrator on your computer to use the Media Creation Tool.

How to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

If you’re wondering what the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool is, here’s the answer: a small executable file made by Microsoft, that allows you to download Windows 10 and create your installation media both on USB devices or in an ISO file. Furthermore, the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool also lets you directly upgrade your current computer or device to the latest version of the operating system.

The next question you might ask is: “How do I get Windows 10 Media Creation Tool?” To download the Media Creation Tool, open your favorite browser and go to this webpage: Download Windows 10. Scroll until you reach the “Download tool now” button found in the “Create Windows 10 installation media” section.

Download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

Microsoft asks you to download an executable file called MediaCreationTool21H1.exe, with a size of 18.5 MB. The file name ends with the version number of the latest Windows 10 update. In our case, 21H1 is the version number for Windows 10 with May 2021 Update. Save the executable file for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool somewhere on your PC and then run it with a double-click or double-tap.

Double-click on MediaCreationTool21H1.exe

When you see the UAC prompt on your screen, choose Yes to allow the MediaCreationTool21H1.exe to run.

UAC asks your approval to run the Media Creation Tool

Depending on what you want to do, read the next section of this tutorial or the one after it.

TIP: The future versions of the MediaCreationTool21H1.exe file and of Windows 10 will have a different version number at the end. To learn more about Windows 10 versions, read: How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type.

Read Also : How to download Windows 10 for free

Use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB memory stick with the Windows 10 setup

You can use the Media Creation Tool as a Windows 10 USB tool. In other words, it can download the Windows 10 setup files and automatically create a bootable Windows 10 USB memory stick, which you can then use to install the operating system on any computer. When the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool loads its user interface, it asks you to accept its license terms. Read the terms, and click or tap Accept to continue.

Accept the license terms for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

Media Creation Tool needs a few seconds to “get a few things ready.” Then, it asks whether you want to upgrade your PC or create installation media that you can use to install Windows 10. Check the second option: “Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC,” and press Next.

Choose to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)

Next, you can choose the Language, Edition, and Architecture (32-bit, 64-bit, or both) that you want to use for the Windows 10 setup media. By default, the Media Creation Tool uses the recommended options for your PC. It is best to leave these options as they are and just press Next. However, if you uncheck the box for “Use the recommended options for this PC,” you can set things in detail before moving on to the next step.

Select the language, architecture, and edition

You are prompted about the media storage you want to use. Plugin the USB memory stick on which you want to store the Windows 10 setup files, select “USB flash drive” and press Next.

Choose to create a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 10 setup

You see all the flash drives and external hard disks currently connected to your Windows computer or device. Select the one you want to use for creating Windows 10 installation media, and then press Next. Do not forget that all the data on the drive is going to get wiped during this process. Make sure that you have a copy of it before moving forward.

Select the flash drive or external hard drive for the Windows 10 setup files

Once you have selected the USB flash drive, the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool starts to download the latest installation files. Depending on your internet connection speed and the load on Microsoft’s servers, this might take a while. All you need is patience.

Downloading the Windows 10 setup files

Once the download of the Windows 10 setup files is over, it is verified for integrity. Then, the USB memory stick you selected is made bootable, with the newest Windows 10 setup. This process may take another couple of minutes.

Creating the Windows 10 media

When the process is finished, you are informed that the USB memory stick is ready. Click or tap Finish, and then you can use that drive to boot from and install Windows 10.

Click or tap Finish

Safely remove the USB flash drive from your computer, and use it as you see fit.

TIP: To install Windows 10 without problems, read: How to install Windows 10 from DVD, USB, or ISO file.

How to use the Media Creation Tool to download an ISO file with the latest Windows 10 setup

You can also use the Media Creation Tool to create a Windows 10 setup ISO file. When the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool loads its user interface, it asks you to accept its license terms. Read the terms, and click or tap Accept to continue.

Accept the license terms for the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

You are asked to choose what you want to do. Select “Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC,” and click or tap Next.

Choose to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)

By default, the Media Creation Tool chooses for you a recommended language, architecture, and edition of Windows 10. If you want to personalize these settings, uncheck the box for “Use recommended settings for this PC,” and make your selections. When you are done, press Next.

Select the language, architecture, and edition

You are asked to choose which media to use. Select “ISO file” and click or tap Next.

Select ISO file and press Next

The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool asks you to select where you want to save the ISO file and the name you want to give it. Browse your computer or device, choose the location that you want, choose a file name (by default it is named Windows.iso), and then click or tap the Save button.

Choose where to save the Windows 10 ISO file on your PC

Media Creation Tool starts to download the latest Windows 10 installation files to your computer or device. Depending on your internet connection speed and the load on Microsoft’s servers, this might take a while, so give it a couple of minutes.

Downloading the Windows 10 setup files

Once the download is over, it is verified for integrity to make sure that everything is OK. Then, the ISO file is created in the folder you selected, with the file name you chose.

The Windows 10 setup ISO file is created

When the Windows 10 ISO file is created, you are shown where it was saved. Click or tap Finish.

The ISO file was created

You can burn the ISO file with the Windows 10 setup to a DVD or mount the ISO file in a virtual machine.

Did you have issues using the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool?

As you can see, using the Media Creation Tool is intuitive and straightforward, even if you are not a technical expert. With our instructions, you should have no trouble creating a Windows 10 ISO setup file of your own or a bootable Windows 10 USB memory stick with all its setup files on it. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below.

What is the latest version of Windows 10? Check the version you have

The latest version of Windows 10 is 2022 Update or 22H2, build 19045, and it was released starting October 18th, 2022. This version doesn’t introduce new features, instead including only quality and improvements. Still, it does keep the evolution process of Windows 10 alive and kicking. If you want to know whether you have the latest version of Windows 10 installed and how to check what version, build, or type of Windows 10 you’re using, read this guide.


What version of Windows 10 do I have? The quick method!

This method is fast and works the same, no matter what version of Windows 10 you have: use the Search bar next to the Start button, type winver, and press Enter, or click or tap the search result with the same name.

Search for winver in Windows 10

Alternatively, press the Windows + R keys to bring up the Run window, type winver, and press Enter or click or tap OK.

Type winver in the Run window

This command opens the About Windows box, where you see the Windows 10 version followed by the OS Build and the Windows 10 edition. For example, below, you see a PC with Windows 10 Pro and the 22H2 version, build 19045.

About Windows tells you the Windows 10 version, build, and edition

Is all this data confusing? Continue reading this tutorial to make sense of the version numbers you see, the OS Build, the Windows 10 edition you have, and so on.

How to check the Windows 10 version from the Settings app

This method works in all versions and editions of Windows 10, but things can look differently depending on the specific build you’re using. First, open the Settings app (the quickest way is to press Windows + I on the keyboard). Then, click or tap System.

In Windows 10 Settings, go to System

On the left, scroll to the bottom and choose About. On the right, you see information about your system. The amount of information shown differs depending on the Windows 10 version you have installed. On the right, you see the lines with the data that interests you:

 System type – it tells you whether you use a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows 10
 Edition – it shares the edition of Windows 10 that you have: Pro, Home, Enterprise, Education, etc.
 Version – displays the version of Windows 10 currently installed
 OS Build – see the Windows 10 build number

Check the Windows 10 version, OS Build, edition, and type

These lines of information are positioned differently, depending on your version of Windows 10. For example, here is how the About section looks in the Windows 10 November Update from 2015. The lines we mentioned exist here too but are ordered differently.

The same data in Windows 10 from 2015

How to check the Windows 10 version from PowerShell

If you prefer using a command- environment, open PowerShell and type or copy and paste this command:

wmic os get version

Then, press the Enter key to execute it and see the information you’re looking for.

wmic os get version

The Version number tells you the build of Windows 10 you have installed. In the earlier example, the build number is 19045, which comes after 10.0. With this number, you can then make sense of the exact Windows 10 version you’re using, so continue reading.

How to translate Windows 10 version numbers into feature updates

Until November 2021, Microsoft kept updating Windows 10, releasing two major feature updates each year. These feature updates have a specific version and a marketing name (like Creators Update or November 2021 Update) and come with new features, new apps, significant changes, and so on. As a result, Windows 10 has evolved a lot since it was first released in July 2015.

From November 2021 onwards, Microsoft has changed the Windows 10 release cadence to align with Windows , targeting annual feature updates in the second half of each year.

Getting back to your Windows 10 version, if you know the version number for your PC, here is how it translates into feature updates:

 Version 1507 or build 10240 – The initial release of Windows 10, launched in July 2015, codenamed Threshold 1.
 1511 or build 10586 – The first significant update for Windows 10 was released in November 2015, called November Update, and codenamed Threshold 2.
 1607 or build 14393 – The second major update is the Anniversary Update for Windows 10. It was launched a year after the initial release of Windows 10, in July 2016, and codenamed Redstone 1.
 1703 or build 15063 – The third major update, named Creators Update for Windows 10. It was released in April 2017 and codenamed Redstone 2.
 1709 or build 16299 – The fourth major update, also called Fall Creators Update for Windows 10. It was released in October 2017 and codenamed Redstone 3.
 1803 or build 17134 – The fifth major update is named April 2018 Update for Windows 10. It was codenamed Redstone 4 and released in April 2018.
 1809 or build 17763 – The sixth major update for Windows 10 is named October 2018 Update for Windows 10. It was codenamed Redstone 5 and released in October 2018.
 1903 or build 18362 – The seventh major update for Windows 10. It is named May 2019 Update, and its codename is 19H1. The “19” stands for the year when the update is released, and the “H1” stands for the first update of that year. You can learn more about this codename change here.
 1909 or build 18363 – The eighth major update for Windows 10, codenamed 19H2. It was named November 2019 Update and began rolling out on November 12, 2019.
 version 2004 or build 19041 – The ninth update to Windows 10, codenamed 20H1. It was called May 2020 Update and released later than other similar updates on May 27, 2020.
 2009 or build 19042 – the tenth major update for Windows 10 is codenamed 20H2. Named October 2020 Update, it was rolled out starting October 20th, 2020. Cool date, isn’t it? 🙂
 21H1 or build 19043 – the eleventh major update to Windows 10. Its name is May 2021 Update, and it began rolling out on the 18th of May 2021.
 21H2 or build 19044 – the twelfth major update to Windows 10. It is named November 2021 Update and rolled out starting November 16th, 2021.
 22H2 or build 19045 – the thirteenth major update to Windows 10. It is named 2022 Update and started rolling out on October 18th, 2022.
 23H2 or build 19046 – the fourteenth major update to Windows 10 and probably the last. It’s probably going to be named the 2023 Update.

When will we get the last version of Windows 10?

According to this page on Microsoft.com, the retirement date for Windows 10 is October 14th, 2025. This means that we shouldn’t expect to get a new Windows 10 version past 2023 at the latest since that would imply the need to support this operating system past its October 2025 retirement date. However, these dates may change, and we’re keeping an eye on what Microsoft communicates about its future plans for Windows 10.

Windows 10 editions – what is different about them?

You can have one of the following editions of Windows 10 installed on your computer or device:

 Home – the most used edition of Windows 10. It is designed for home users and new devices sold in the retail space. It includes only consumer-oriented features and lacks business features like BitLocker encryption or virtualization.
 Pro – this version adds features for environments and power users, like BitLocker encryption.
 Enterprise – provides all the features of Windows 10 Pro, with additional features to assist network administrators and technology-oriented companies.
 Enterprise LTSC – the long-term servicing channel of Windows 10 Enterprise, released once every two or three years. It is supported with security updates for ten years after each new version.
 Education – it initially had the same features as Windows 10 Enterprise and was designed for academic organizations. Since the Fall Creators Update, its feature set has been lowered.
 Pro Education – a special edition of Windows 10 for the educational sector. It includes a “Set Up School  app that allows provisioning settings using a USB flash drive. It does not have CortanaMicrosoft Store suggestions, or Windows Spotlight.
 Pro for Workstations – this edition is designed for high-end hardware, intensive computing tasks, and the latest server processors and file systems.
 S – a feature-limited mode of Windows 10 designed for retail and education. Its most important limitation is that you cannot install desktop apps unless distributed through the Microsoft Store. Also, Microsoft Edge is enforced as the default web browser, with Bing as its search engine. Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Pro Education can be run in S mode. Other editions cannot.
 N and KN – N versions are available only in Europe, while KN versions are available only in Korea, to comply with antitrust laws in those regions, where Microsoft has been found abusing its monopoly to hurt competing and audio applications. These editions of Windows 10 remove Windows Media PlayerMedia Player, and other multimedia features. N and KN can apply to all other editions of Windows. Therefore, you can have Windows 10 Home N, Windows 10 Pro N, and so on.
 IoT – this edition is designed for low-cost devices like Raspberry Pi and specialized machines like robots, ATMs, POS terminals, or barcode scanners. There are two editions of Windows 10 IoT: IoT Enterprise and IoT Core.

NOTE: If you need help deciding what Windows 10 edition to buy, read: How much is Windows 10? Where to buy Windows 10 Pro or Home?

What is the Windows 10 OS build?

The OS Build number changes with each Windows 10 update you install. To help you understand, let’s take the following situation:

When Windows 10 October 2018 Update was released, it had version number 1809, and the OS build showed the value 17763.1. After the first update to Windows 10, the OS Build changed to 17763.55, while the version number remained the same. After the most recent update to Windows 10, launched in October 2022, the build number is 19045.2130.

The OS Build for Windows 10 version 22H2

The OS build number changes with each update made by Microsoft to Windows 10. This information is helpful for troubleshooting purposes. For example, when you encounter a bug and talk to a tech support engineer, the OS Build is critical to understanding the exact version of Windows 10 you’re using and what updates are necessary to fix the problem. You can learn more about the evolution of Windows 10 build numbers from this Windows 10 release information.

What is the Windows 10 system type?

This information only tells you whether Windows 10 uses the 32-bit or 64-bit register of the processor. Modern processors tend to be 64-bit, and their advantage is they can address and process much more data than 32-bit processors. So in most cases, Windows 10 should be 64-bit, which is a good thing.

Did you check what Windows 10 version you have?

Now you know how to find the Windows 10 version you have and what it means. Before closing this article, share your Windows 10 version, edition, and build number with us. We are curious to discover the most popular versions and editions with our readers.


Views: 3

10 to Boost Productivity in 2024, In the last month, a few new AI-powered sensations have swept the internet by storm. Tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and other AI productivity tools help people increase their workflow. Now, if you are in seek of more AI tools to boost productivity, then keep reading this article.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that’s becoming famous day by day as we are moving into 2024. It has the potential to change or help individuals or many industries by improving business operations, and healthcare among other .


As a result, the demand for AI productivity tools is increasing among organizations and the people running small businesses are highly interested in implementing AI tools to gain a competitive edge.


AI tools offer a variety of benefits ranging from automating tasks to enhancing user interaction. As we approach 2024, there are many exciting AI tools that are available to help businesses and individuals.

In this article, we are going to discuss 10 AI tools to consider in 2024, each with its own unique capabilities and potential applications. whether you are looking to automate small tasks, enhance decision-making or gain deeper insights from the data, these tools can help you achieve your goals or unlock new possibilities in the world of AI.


1. ChatGPT



ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology and developed by OpenAI that allows us to generate a -based response in human language. In the list of AI productivity tools it is one of the best tool. The language model can assist you with tasks such as generating essays and composing emails, and coding. The main aim to build this tool was to eliminate the problem of the traditional chatbot methods which we were using throughout the platforms like e-commerce, banking, etc and it works like a normal human being.


 Text Based Response: This can provide information on a variety of topics and responds to the user with text-based responses.
 Wrok Like Vartual Assistant: It can serve as a virtual assistant for managing little jobs.
 Language Feature: Analyze the language and suggest changes that can make the information more readable and accessible.
 User Recommendation: Recommend things like movies, restaurants, etc. based on the user’s input.
 Code Builder: Used to create code for different programming languages.
 Simple UI: ChatGPT is made to be simple to use and navigate while offering a warm and engaging experience.
 Subject Expert: This is able to converse about several different subjects at once and comprehend and react to difficult queries.
Free: ChatGPT is free.

10 Best AI Tools to Boost Productivity in 2024

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2. Hostinger

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Hostinger AI Website Builder is designed to help users build websites that are suitable for a variety of goals. This all-inclusive solution streamlines the process: after registering, provide information about your brand, and watch as the AI creates a unique website design in a matter of minutes. 24/7 customer support is provided in case you get stuck at any step.


The platform is extensive, covering duties like creating engaging material, choosing pertinent graphics, and combining crucial design components. The application ensures an amazing appearance and good search rankings for your site thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop editor and integrated AI SEO tools. All of this is offered at a price that is exceptionally low. It’s free to try and $2.99 or ₹149 per month, get free hosting and domain and 30-days money back guarantee. The best part is no payment method attachment is required for accessing the free hosting service.



 AI Logo Generator: The logo maker produces a professional and AI-generated logo for your brand within a few minutes.
 AI Business Name Generator: Discover distinct business name concepts that mirror your brand identity – commence at no cost by inputting pertinent keywords into the search field.
 AI SEO Tool & AI Writer: Includes templates optimized for SEO and a multitude of SEO capabilities. To kick things off, your sitemap will be generated automatically – no manual work is required. Then, their AI tools can craft meta titles, descriptions, and alt texts, all contributing to improved search engine rankings.
 Ecommerce Features: Access a complete set of online selling tools at your disposal. Showcase upto 500 products, oversee inventory and order management, facilitate payment processing, and beyond. Enable hassle-free appointment bookings with just a few simple clicks.
 AI Heatmap: The AI Heatmap feature enables you to understand user interactions with your website. It visually represents the sections of your page that garner the highest engagement, empowering you to rearrange them based on user clicks and gaze patterns.





DeepBrain AI is a cutting-edge video synthesis and the best AI video generator company that specializes in creating hyper-realistic AI humans. You can create stunning videos with just a script, and use photo-realistic that can speak 80+ languages and gesture naturally.


It has the right template for you, whether you need a training video, a marketing video, a how-to video, or a news video. Creating high-quality videos manually is time-consuming and challenging. But, with the DeepBrain AI productivity tool, video production has become a lot more efficient and less time-consuming.


 AI Avatars: DeepBrain AI has 100+ fully licensed AI avatars that can support video production. It also gives you the option to create custom avatars for celebrities, politicians, brand ambassadors, and more.
 AI Video Generator: Create generative AI videos with just a script. Text-to-video conversion in 5 minutes and reduce the time and cost by 80%.
 Conversational AI Humans: Humanize the digital engagement by AI Humans that can listen and respond to your customers or users in real time. Also, integrates with chatbots and Large Language Models for natural conversations.
 Metahumans: Create immersive experiences with the upcoming 3D digital humans that are ready for the metaverse.
 This comes with marketing features built-in that can automate certain simpler activities, including creating tweets on any subject.
 It enables you to share your writing with others and work on writing projects with others.
 Flexible Text-to-Video Maker: Use text-to-speech to make your AI avatars speak any language. Select various video templates to start from and do hassle-free online video editing.

DeepBrain AI is the best AI video generator that can help you create amazing videos with ease. All of this is offered at a price of $30 per month and just $24 per month with the yearly plan. It also comes with a free trial. So, try it today, create a free AI video and see the difference for yourself.


4. Freepik AI Image Generator



Freepik’s AI image generator is one of many pioneering features provided by the online platform, placing users at the very center of creating out-of-this-world visuals for personal or commercial projects.


Its highly intuitive interface provides the perfect environment to get creative, and with an entire asset library at your fingertips, this is more than just a clever image generator. Let your inner perfectionist shine with the freedom to edit on the go. Change the style, size, color, and tone levels to squeeze the most out of your dreamlike image. Designed by creatives for creatives, Freepik’s AI image generator is amongst the most sought-after AI tools out there.



 Free to use: Sign up for free and generate up to 3 images per day
 Subscription benefits: Premium users can generate up to 400 images per day
 Beginners guide: An in-depth beginners guide to get you started
 Huge asset library: Support of a colossal asset library to help create stunning, functional designs
 Editing on the go: An in-browser editing tool that allows you to crop, scale, and retouch
 Fantastic quality: Highly detailed outputs that are generated in seconds

5. Personal AI


Personal AI is an advanced conversational AI tool that is designed to help you have smarter conversations with business partners, co-workers, and prospects. Whether you’re looking to automate responses, generate questions, or just have a more natural conversation.

You can automate responses to frequently asked questions, set up automated replies to emails, and even generate personalized messages for your clients or customers. It is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, regardless of your level of technical expertise. It can be accessed through various platforms, such as messaging apps, email clients, and social media, making it easy to stay connected and productive no matter where you are.



 Can be used to book flight tickets, check plans, and schedule meetings, it comes with a range of other powerful features to help you stay organized and productive.
 Has several built-in features like a to-do list, calendar, and reminders. This makes it easy to keep track of your tasks, appointments, and deadlines all in one place. Whether you’re managing a busy schedule or just trying to stay on top of your daily tasks.
 It has the ability to connect with all your other accounts and sync all your documents and notes directly. This means that you can access all your files and information from one centralized location, no matter where you are. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go it can help you.
 This can create or send messages on your behalf in your own language. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who need to communicate with people who speak different languages. This can translate your messages into the language of the recipient, ensuring that you can communicate effectively and efficiently.


6. Synthesia


Synthesia is an advanced AI video creation platform that is designed to help you create professional-quality videos quickly and easily. Transforming text into a video within minutes, allows you to create engaging videos for a wide range of purposes, from marketing and advertising to educational and instructional content. its ability to generate videos in different languages and accents.


Whether you’re looking to create content for an international audience or just need to communicate with people who speak a different language, It supports multiple languages and accents and can help you reach a wider audience and communicate more effectively.



 It has a library of professional actors’ avatars that users can choose from to create their videos. With realistic movements, facial expressions, and gestures, these avatars add a human touch to your videos that help them feel more engaging and authentic.
 Ability to add consistent and professional voiceovers to your videos without the need for expensive equipment. Using advanced text-to-speech technology, it can generate high-quality voiceovers in a range of languages and accents, allowing you to create videos that sound professional and polished.
 Users have complete control over their videos, allowing them to edit and tweak them as needed. Whether you need to change the wording of a script, adjust the timing of an animation, or add additional elements to your video, its editing tools make it easy to customize your videos to your exact specifications.
 Has own built-in video editing tool and this tool allows you to edit your videos quickly and easily, without the need for external software. Whether you’re looking to add music, captions, or special effects, these editing tools give you the flexibility to create videos.


7. Replika

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Replika is an advanced AI chatbot that is designed to interact with users in a way that feels natural and human-like. Unlike other chatbots that rely on pre-programmed responses, it uses an autoregressive model to generate responses that are unique to each conversation. As users interact with it, the AI learns more about them and their preferences, allowing it to tailor its responses to their specific needs and interests.



 It is designed to engage users in meaningful, two-way conversations that feel like they’re talking to a real person. By using natural language processing and machine learning, It can understand the nuances of human communication and respond in a way that feels authentic and personal.
 As users interact with it, the AI learns more about them and their interests, allowing it to generate responses that are tailored to their unique preferences. Whether you’re discussing your favorite hobbies, sharing your thoughts on a particular topic, or just looking for someone to talk to, it can provide personalized responses that feel like they’re coming from a close friend.
 It also has virtual assistant capabilities that can help users manage their daily tasks and stay organized. From setting reminders and scheduling appointments to providing helpful tips and advice, it is a versatile tool that can help users stay on top of their busy lives.


8. Flair.ai


Flair is an advanced AI design tool that is designed to help businesses create professional, branded content in a fraction of the time. With its modern and clean design, Flair is easy to use and navigate, making it a great option for designers of all levels of experience. By analyzing the content of your scene, Flair can become smarter over time, learning from your design choices and recommending improvements that can help you create even better content in the future.



 Flair allows you to simply drag and drop product images into the canvas, making it easy to create designs that showcase your products in the best possible light.
 It has a range of scene construction features that make it easy to create complex designs that incorporate multiple products and design elements.
 Used machine learning to provide smart prompt recommendations that can help guide your design choices and improve the overall quality of your content. Whether you’re looking for color suggestions, font recommendations, or design tips, Flair has the tools you need to create stunning, professional content in no time.


9. HeyDay

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HeyDay is an AI-powered memory assistant that uses advanced technology to help you remember important information you’ve come across online. It allows you to save web pages and content for later use and integrates seamlessly with popular apps like Gmail, Slack, and Google Drive. With this, you’ll never forget important details or miss out on valuable information again.



 HeyDay uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your browsing history and suggest pages that may be relevant or useful for you to save.
 It helps you stay on top of important events and deadlines by sending you reminders and about tasks you need to complete.
 This can integrate with popular apps like Gmail, Slack, and Google Drive, allowing you to save content and documents directly from these platforms.



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Chinchilla is an innovative AI tool that aims to provide an unparalleled experience in natural language processing. It has been designed to be more efficient than GPT-3 with its compute-optimal model and 70 billion parameters, which is four times higher data than Gopher. Additionally, it requires considerably less computing in terms of fine-tuning, making it more accessible and cost-effective for businesses.



 Requires considerably less computing in terms of fine-tuning.
 Impressive accuracy rate of 67.5%, surpassing the Gopher language model. With its larger size, three times the size of GPT-3 from OpenAI, it can generate more diverse and precise responses to user queries.
 It also offers support for multi-task learning, which enables it to perform various language-related tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, and question-answering. Its versatility and efficiency make Chinchilla a game-changer in the field of natural language processing.


As we move further into the future, we can expect more advanced AI productivity tools to emerge. These tools will undoubtedly help individuals and businesses alike to streamline their processes, increase their productivity, and make more informed decisions. With the help of AI, we can analyze vast amounts of data in a matter of seconds and gain insights that were previously impossible. It is exciting to think about what the future holds for AI and the impact it will have on our lives. In the meantime, these 10 AI tools discussed here can be incredibly valuable assets for anyone looking to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in their personal or professional lives.


Best AI Tools to Boost Productivity – FAQs


Q1. What is fastest growing AI tools?

There are multiple tool that increase your work productivity like ChatGPT, Hostinger,Deepbrain AI, Freepik.


Q2. Is AI Tools are Free?

Yes, most of the AI tools like Google Bard, , DALL-E 2 are free but there are some AI tools that are not free.


Q3. How AI will impact productivity?

AI tool can easily prove a worker’s performance by as much as 40% compared with workers who don’t use it.


Views: 605

Best in 2024, Screen sharing windows, more accurately known as Remote desktop , are tools that allow you to access one pc from another pc remotely.By remote, we mean that users can take the access of a mouse and keyboard of a distant PC just like their own. Remote access is highly beneficial for people sitting at long distances, the IT department of large corporates and many more.

However, to do this, you need specialized software which will connect your PC to the host system. Once you have the required software in place, you can easily connect your client pc with the host pc with proper credentials.

Are you scared about the technical aspect of sharing the screen with another computer? Just download a free screen sharing software to get your job done.

List of the 9 Best Remote Desktop Software for 2024

While many Windows computers come with in-built software, however, there are several best screen sharing software that can do the job in a much better way and also provide additional features.

1. Zoho Assist

Zoho Assist

Zoho Assist is a blessing to IT departments and works on a cloud-based software platform. It is one of the best ways to connect to end customers within seconds.

It works on an On-demand mechanism and sends email invitations to its user to connect with the host PC. It supports file transfer, video, and voice chat along with solving rebooting issues on the client-side.

Additional features: 

 It comes with an easy to use auto-detect tool.
 It also supports the recording of sessions for monitoring purpose.
 It can also club client system based on their location and functions.

It is one of the best troubleshooting tools for IT companies which can solve all kinds of system-related issues. This stunning comes in both a free and paid version. With the free version, you can connect with up to 5 machines.

With all the features, this tool is undoubtedly worth a try.

Remote Your Desktop Now

Read Also : Best Free Phone Number Apps 2024


2. TeamViewer 14


This all-round software undeniably deserves a place in the list of best screen sharing software. This comprehensive tool can support multiple devices with a massive number of platforms.

It’s easy to use UI makes it the right choice. It also comes in a free version for home users. You can connect up to 4k desktops, share files, and also supports alternative VPN’s.

Remote Your Desktop Now


3. Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop


Chrome Remote Desktop is one of the easiest and the most straightforward screen sharing application. It works as a chrome extension and is quite easy to install.

You can add multiple users to the host computer using a security pin. The only drawback of this application is that when compared to other players is has a limited number of features to offer.

Remote Your Desktop Now


4. Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager

It is a must-have application for SME businesses who are looking for an efficient system to control their computer systems remotely.

It comes with a good range of features and is quite easy to use. Individual users can opt for its limited free edition while large corporates can buy a site license to support all PC.

Remote Your Desktop Now


5. Remote Utilities for Windows

Remote Utilities for Windows

Another most trusted and reliable option in the category of best screen sharing software is “Remote Utilities for Windows.” It comes with incredible features that can give enough competition to even the paid software.

Users can connect up to PC with this feature-rich tool. It works on 2 platforms, the first one if the Host software that is installed on the Host PC and the Viewer software that need to be installed on the clients pc.

The only downside of this incredible piece of technology is that it can only work on Windows PC.

Remote Your Desktop Now


6. LogMeIn Pro

LogMeIn Pro

LogMeIn is the ultimate choice for large companies which require a powerful and robust screen-sharing technology.

It is specially developed to support large enterprises and comes with a suite of sophisticated and useful tools that can easily manage multiple systems and users.

The only downside is that it does not suit everybody’s pocket. However, as an additional benefit, you get 1TB of cloud storage with its premium subscription.

Remote Your Desktop Now



Remote PC

Personal or business use, Remote PC is suitable for both. It works on Cloud, which makes it a good option for individual users as well as large enterprises.

Several computers can be configured with the host PC, and additional users can also be added with an access key and password.

All the remove connection are highly secure with AES-256 encryption, and use of access credentials adds on to the security level.

A round the clock support team is also available to help users and customers. Individual users can get this stunning tool in $ 51.12 as first-year subscription.

Remote Your Desktop Now



Connectwise Control

This powerful application is effortless to use and comes with an array of features. It works on 2 key options: Access and support.

Support is a Cloud-based service which supports real-time accessing of users machine. It also uses a 2FA mechanism and AES-256 encryption to ensure high-end security.

Users can schedule meetings, give remote prints, and transfer files. Its standard plan costs $35 annually and allows a single user to connect with 3 different system.

Remote Your Desktop Now



VCN Connect

Another well-known name in the list of best screen sharing software is VCN Connect. It is most suited for multinational companies.

Users can easily connect, monitor, support, and collaborate with the user’s devices. Real-time remote access is quite easy with this powerful desktop tool

Remote Your Desktop Now


What is remote desktop software?

Remote desktop software, also known as remote access software, allows users to access another computer or system remotely in real time and work on it like their local device. It ensures easy, efficient, and secure access to one or many remote desktops.

While the software can also be used for remote support, a remote desktop tool is typically used by employees to access a machine remotely rather than to resolve a technical problem. Though the maintenance functions may not be as extensive as those of remote support solutions, remote desktop tools aid support teams in performing basic maintenance tasks on numerous devices from a single station.

Typical use cases of a remote desktop tool include granting employees access to and managing distant computers anytime, from any device, which gives them the privilege to work from anywhere. Sometimes IT support professionals use remote desktop software to troubleshoot and perform maintenance tasks remotely.

What are the common features of remote desktop software?

The following are some core features of a remote desktop tool that can help users achieve greater flexibility and cost savings through remote work:

 Remote access and control: Remote desktop software provides end users access to and control over other devices not in their physical vicinity. The software facilitates the visibility of a specific window or the entire desktop.
 Multi-monitor support: Many workplaces now opt for multiple monitors at their workstations to help improve productivity. As a result, the remote desktop tool supports the capability to view multiple monitors at a time.
 Multiple operating system (OS) support: Businesses today use Windows, macOS, Linux, or other OS, and sometimes multiple OS within the same company. Remote desktop software has features to handle viewing and functioning on any OS, independent of the OS the end user is connecting from.
 Mobile device access: Remote desktop tools allow administrators to access connected mobile devices and support mobile OS like Android, iOS, and more.
 Data encryption: When a user’s device is being used and managed remotely, it may leave the user feeling vulnerable. The remote desktop tool offers a data encryption feature to secure the connection and protect data.
 File management: Remote desktop software facilitates file sharing and transfers to enable quick and effortless work discussion, collaboration among colleagues, and viewing of relevant documents when working remotely. The shared or transferred files are highly secure as permission to access them is granted only to authenticated user accounts.
 Remote configuration: The software helps configure a remote PC for access so that the end user can take complete control of the device over the internet anytime.
 Chat: The chat functionality of the remote desktop software allows users to send and receive messages between computers.
 Application management: Remote desktop tool centrally manages, configures, and monitors applications on employee devices. 
  transfer: Access to remote sessions for IT support can be transferred between users using a remote desktop application.
 Session recording: A remote desktop tool provides the ability to record remote sessions at a desired location on the local computer. 
 Security: All the data shared across a remote connection is encrypted. It also uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure only authorized users can log in and notify suspicious activities.
 Deployment flexibility: Remote desktop tools can be deployed on the cloud and on-premises, depending on the organization’s requirements.
 Some remote desktop solutions provide remote printing capabilities to help users print documents using a locally plugged or network printer.
 Session usage reporting: Activity log tracking and session analytics is essential for IT managers and chief information officers (CIOs) looking to track, manage, and optimize helpdesk activities.
 Branding: Remote desktop systems may let businesses customize client applications to match their websites.

What are the benefits of remote desktop software?

There are several benefits that a business can reap from a remote desktop tool. Below is a list of advantages that the tool offers:

 Efficiency: Remote desktop tools offer the potential to maintain numerous devices from a single workstation. Users can access the systems they need from wherever they are located.
 Cost savings: Remote desktop tools may require the installation of remote client software on user devices. However, some -based remote desktop software provides remote access with zero endpoint installation or configuration. Clientless, centrally-managed solutions do not require installation, management, and software maintenance on individual devices, thereby cutting down IT support costs. Additionally, these solutions enable users to work from home with the most reliable and secure connection resulting in reduced overhead expenditure for office space, computing equipment, software, utilities, etc.
 Flexibility: Employers are increasingly promoting flexible and remote work. The ability to work from anywhere, at any time, and on multiple devices increases employee productivity and turnover. These tools enable employees to work remotely with a seamless remote desktop connection to one or many desktops at the workplace.
 Business continuity: Remote desktop platform ensures business continuity in times of crisis, such as pandemic outbreaks, harsh weather, and transportation strikes. It provides access to business applications and data from home, enabling organizations to meet their business objectives.

Who uses remote desktop software?

 Customer support teams: Employees on support teams are most likely to use the remote desktop tool. The software greatly improves the efficiency of most support teams’ day-to-day routines and tasks. 
 IT departments: Software and licensing administrators in the IT department can use remote desktop tools for scheduling and running maintenance on devices, regardless of the device’s physical location or the administrator.
 Data archive teams: Teams that do heavy data archive work may also benefit from using a remote desktop tool. Data archives tend to be optimized toward UNIX systems like Linux’s numerous variants, so having a remote Linux build that can be tapped into from a Windows desktop can be incredibly valuable.
 Software engineers: Remote desktop solutions enable developers and engineers to share a single workstation, use integrated development environments (IDEs), access remote servers, and investigate bugs remotely.
 Educational institutions: Teachers, professors, educators, and administrators use remote access solutions for conducting classes and accessing tools and files from remote locations.
 Remote users: Remote employees rely on these solutions to access company files and servers and complete tasks without being in the office.

What are the Alternatives to Remote Desktop Software?

 Remote support software: Remote support and remote desktop tools are so similar that many use the two names interchangeably. There is a slight but notable difference between the two. Remote desktop software focuses more exclusively on access to and control over a remote device. While remote support software does this as well, these solutions offer more expansive features to assist with maintenance and troubleshooting.
 Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) software: Remote desktop and VDI software have similar characteristics but slightly different target functions. A remote desktop tool tends to focus on creating connections to physical devices. In contrast, a VDI tool hones in on entirely virtual desktops associated with servers or even an OS being run within another OS. VDI software allows for centralized hosting and viewership of numerous desktops, whereas remote desktop focuses on the ability to access numerous physical desktops from a single location.
 Screen sharing softwareThese systems partially match the functionality of remote desktop solutions by allowing users to share screens and demonstrate processes to viewers. Sales, marketing, and support teams use screen sharing tools to provide demos, brainstorm, and resolve technical issues.

Challenges with remote desktop software

Remote desktop tools can come with their own set of challenges. 

 Connectivity: Remote desktop usage occurs entirely via the internet, so connectivity issues can end up disrupting the experience. When implementing a remote desktop tool, users must ensure high internet connectivity.
 Hardware dilemmas: Remote desktop software relies partly on the end device’s hardware functioning optimally. If there is an issue with the end device’s hardware, the software may not be able to access the remote device.
 Privacy: The means to take control of other users’ computers remotely does come with a certain degree of privacy risk. In the wrong hands, losing control of one’s computer means compromised data on the computer or an entire network. Companies need to use strong endpoint protection software when implementing remote support software to protect internal devices.
 Operating system compatibility: Some remote desktop systems may not efficiently support different operating systems such as Linux, macOS. or their outdated versions. This Os non-compatibility makes it challenging for remote users to receive timely solutions.
 High-performance tasks: Network speed and bandwidth variation may impact remote desktop tools’ ability to to complete tasks demanding high computational resources, including video rendering, data analysis, and graphic design.
 User experience: Complex remote desktop applications make it difficult for users to log in, establish connections with remote devices, and share files.

How to choose remote desktop software

Organizations buying remote desktop software must consider business-specific needs and the following factors to maximize the return on their investment.

 Device whitelisting and authentication: Choosing a remote desktop platform with device or endpoint authentication is crucial for preventing unauthorized systems from connecting with remote devices and gaining unattended access.
 Two-factor authentication (2FA): Remote desktop solutions with 2FA capabilities verify user identity to protect devices and data from brute-force attacks, social engineering, and phishing. 
 Security compliance: Buyers must ensure that the remote access tool of their choice meets different security standards, including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), System and Organization Controls (SOC 2), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Also, consider choosing solutions that update security protocols regularly. 
 Ease of use: Selecting a user-friendly remote desktop tool is essential for ensuring that even non-technical users have a seamless experience while using the system. Moreover, users should be able to install the application without any difficulty. 
 File transfer: Remote desktop tools with file sharing features allow users to share presentations, documents, and data, enabling them to send or receive files immediately. Also, consider looking for systems with remote printing, chat, multi-monitor support, and remote wake-on-LAN functionalities.
 Available on mobile devices: Choosing a system that users can access from a phone or tablet helps technical support specialists resolve issues on the go. 
 Price and customer support: Consider thoroughly evaluating customer support availability and features against price to find the best solution.

Depending on their organizations’ sizes, needs, and preferences, buyers must try different tools to find the one that best fits their compatibility, security, usability requirements, and budget.

Remote desktop software pricing

Remote desktop software is available in two deployment models: on-premises and cloud. Based on the models, the software can also be purchased as a perpetual license or as annual or monthly subscriptions. Remote desktop tools are priced as a perpetual license for on-premises software, whereas cloud-based solutions are available on a subscription basis. Some remote desktop tools can be downloaded for free private usage and are available as a three-tier license, often business, premium, or corporate.

Remote desktop software pricing varies depending on the number of seats, devices, and features organizations require. Below is a general overview of pricing based on tiers buyers choose.

 Entry-level plans range from $10 to $15 monthly and include basic features. These plans suit individual users and small businesses.
 Mid-range plans can cost businesses up to $35 per month. They provide more features suitable for larger business teams.
 Advanced plans cost around $75 monthly and offer advanced support and user management features. These are ideal for larger enterprises with extensive business requirements.

Implementation of remote desktop software

How is remote desktop software implemented?

There are generally two ways in which a remote desktop software is implemented:

 OS-based implementation: OS-based remote desktop solutions are built directly into the OS. No extra software is required to use OS-based remote desktop solutions as the tools are already installed. For example, some versions of Windows come with built-in remote desktop software. 
 Third-party-based implementation: Third-party-based implementation is needed when remote desktop software has to be licensed by the user. Once the buyer has decided on the software that fits their particular needs and installed it, it should be ready for use.

Remote desktop software trends

 Companies will adopt a hybrid workplace model: Companies are now looking at providing the choice of working from the office only for a few days a week. The remote working element in a hybrid workplace is a trend that is expected to grow. Employees within an organization have increasingly started preferring to work from home or anywhere else with flexible working schedules. Employers are also providing the flexibility to do so. Remote desktop and remote support software will be widely used when working remotely, as they provide seamless IT support without letting external factors hinder business processes from running smoothly.
 Organizations will opt for consolidation of remote work tools: Organizations use multiple software solutions such as video conferencing, remote support, and remote desktop to enable effective collaboration across employees, clients, and partners. It is essential to consolidate these tools and provide the organization with better visibility to enhance operational productivity, thereby reducing the need to monitor each device individually. The adoption of centralized solutions is expected to rise, considering it would help companies ensure compliance and tackle software management issues.
 BYOD trends continue gaining popularity: Many organizations encourage employees to use BYOD devices to control capital expenditure costs rising from hardware purchase and maintenance. Employees using their devices often rely on remote desktop solutions to connect with peers or access server files. Remote workers using their devices for office work are more likely to experience cybersecurity threats. Businesses must continue investing in cybersecurity, cloud security, and vulnerability management tools to prevent data leaks and unauthorized access and mitigate remote work tech vulnerability.



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