


18 Best WordPress Comments Plugins in 2024, Comments represent the best and the worst of the internet, but we think we all agree that websites would be poorer without them.Websites are supposed to be a two-way street. The owner posts news, reviews and articles and the readership posts their comments. Those comments create a lively community that makes the website more engaging and a nicer place to spend time.
It’s what makes the such an interesting place to be.

This article is going to highlight 17 of the best comment plugins for WordPress.

To Allow Comments or Not to Allow Comments

If you have used the internet for longer than five minutes, you will already know how divisive comments can be. Some regard comment sections as toxic pools of negativity while others consider them essential to maintain that two-way street.

We are of the latter camp. We consider comments and engagement a key element of running a website and think pages without comments are poorer for them.

We can think of four key reasons why you want to allow comments on your website.

They are:

 Commenting increases engagement – Everyone has an opinion and being able to share your own opinion helps you feel part of the story. It’s an important psychological factor in how people engage with a website.
 Comments keep readers on the page longer – Time on page, or dwell time, is an SEO marker. It helps search engines rank the page for relevance. The longer someone is on a page, the more relevant the page is regarded to be by search engines.
 Some visitors read the comments more than the story – Some audiences will spend more time reading and engaging with comments than they will the article they are commenting on. This is fine as long as they engage!
 You can learn a lot from comments – Writers and publishers who read comments on their work can learn a lot. From points of view they hadn’t thought of to suggestions for alternatives, there is always something new to learn.

We always read our comments because we often come across plugins, or WordPress tricks we hadn’t come across before. You are a valuable learning tool and we love you for it!

What to Look for in a Comment Plugin

We look for the same things in WordPress comments plugins as we do in any plugin. It must be easy to use, have a clear goal and clear benefits for use and either be free or reasonably priced.

Specifically for comment plugins, we look for an attractive front end with minimal hurdles to engagement. The more a user has to do to be able to comment, the less likely they are to do so.

We also like to see a clean, simple login system that makes it easy to leave an opinion without leaving your comment section open to spam.

The Best WordPress Comment Plugins

Here’s a quick look at what we feel are some of the best WordPress comments plugins in the market currently. We’ll get to each one of them in detail, later in this article.

Discover the most effective comment plugins for WordPress with comprehensive insights.

1. Jetpack Comments

Jetpack wordpress plugin for comments

is a modest WordPress comments plugin that bolts on to the very powerful Jetpack plugin. This addon enables users to log in and comment using accounts. It is compatible with WordPress.com, Twitter, , or accounts.

Jetpack Comments doesn’t change the comment form, add any other features or change the way comments look and feel but adding social media login is a very useful feature and something we look for in a comment plugin. For that, it is well worth considering.


 Jetpack is an all-in-one WordPress plugin that has several features that a website requires
 Users can log in with their social media accounts to post a comment
 Slots seamlessly into the larger Jetpack plugin
 Works seamlessly with most WordPress themes
 It’s free


 Jetpack comes with a lot of features, some of which you may already be using with an alternate plugin. This could create conflict with the existing plugins. If all you want is a comments plugin, this may not be the best bet


Jetpack Comments is included within the free Jetpack plugin.

18 Best WordPress Comments Plugins in 2024

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2. Simple Comment Editing

Simple Comment Editing wordpress plugin

Simple Comment Editing has one key feature we liked enough to give it a place in our list of best comment plugins for WordPress. It has a neat cooldown function that gives the commenter five minutes to add, edit or change their comment before it’s published.

The basic plugin is free and works very well. It doesn’t require any configuration, just plug and play. You can hide the timer from users or show it, you can enable email notifications for comment updates and disable comment deletion.

There are customization options but they are basic unless you know CSS.


 Easy to install and implement
 Provides a window of 5 minutes to edit your comments before getting published
 Advanced customization is possible with the paid version, which is free for a single site
 Simple plug and play operation
 It’s free


 Limited customization options


The plugin is free to use.

3. CommentLuv

CommentLuv comment plugin for wordpress

CommentLuv is both a WordPress comments plugin and an SEO plugin. It provides a slight upgrade to the native comments section by adding a reason for adding your website when commenting. The plugin will then provide a link to the latest blog and an optional backlink using ‘dofollow’.

Backlinks are a significant driver for commenting, so if you’re trying to build a lively community, adding ‘dofollow’ to comment links is an effective way to kickstart a new community.

You will have to watch how it works and moderate it carefully. Too many links and your site may be flagged as spam!


 Simple installation process
 Several advanced features that include and are not limited to Twitter link integration, displaying a top commentator widget, and more
 By being a part of the CommentLuv community, you get to build on some backlinks
 A smart feature by which your last blog post gets retrieved and included below your submitted comment
 Option of follow or nofollow


 The plugin hasn’t been updated in a while. You may need to check on compatibility with the latest WordPress versions


CommentLuv is free to use. The premium version is not currently available.

4. Disqus Comment System

Disqus wordpress comment plugin

Disqus is probably the best-known WordPress comments plugin in the world and powers comments on many large websites. It’s a hosted solution that uses the cloud to provide the resources to manage comments. It’s a very flexible system that uses an API to link your comments section with the Disqus platform to keep everything tidy.

Disqus is good because a single login means you can comment on any site that uses it without having to login again. There is also the option to use social media to log in. It does have a slight downside in that logging in is mandatory, so anonymous commenting is out.


 Blends in seamlessly with your website design
 Liven up your comments by including rich media, such as images and videos
 Option to monetize your comments section
 An intuitive panel to moderate comments
 Automated spam moderation


 The free basic plan is pretty limited in its functionality. To experience all the features of the plugin, you’ll have to sign up for a paid subscription that starts at $ per month, all the way to $115 per month.


Disqus has a free option that is ad-supported and some premium options that are not.

5. Thrive Comments

Thrive Comments homepage

Thrive Comments is a comment plugin from the people behind Thrive Themes. It’s a powerful plugin that adds gamification to commenting with votes, badges, and comment sharing. Social networks are built on this gamification so its efficacy is well known. You can now use those tools for your own benefit with this plugin.

Thrive Comments also allows social media login, share prompts to get commenters to share on their social networks and replaces the native comment section with a new and better looking one.

If you’re the analytics type, there is also the ability to measure lots of metrics around your comments too.


 Helps create an engaged community by allowing visitors to like and upvote comments 
 Engages frequent visitors with earn badges
 Comments get shared on social media
 Turn comments into conversions by redirecting the commenters to a URL, or any other appropriate CTA
 Sort all your comments through a very intuitive Comment Moderation Dashboard


 The Thrive Comments plugin is part of the entire Thrive Suite. To use the comments plugin, you’ll have to pick up the entire suite, which comes with a builder, Automator, quiz builder, and many more.


Thrive Comments works to $19 per month if purchased annually and can be used on 25 websites.

6. WpDevArt Facebook Comments

WordPress Facebook comments plugin site

WpDevArt Facebook Comments is a WordPress comments plugin that allows users to leave comments on your website using their Facebook logins. It helps increase engagement by allowing anyone logged into Facebook to comment and by integrating comments on Facebook into your website comment section.

It’s a great idea if your target audience are Facebook users. It’s easy to set up, works seamlessly with both Facebook and WordPress, and makes it super-easy to leave a comment which should help increase engagement.

It isn’t the most attractive comment section in the world but for engagement, it’s hard to beat.


 A user-friendly plugin that is easy to set up
 Works seamlessly with other popular themes and plugins
 You can display comments from Facebook on your WordPress site
 Customize elements such as title color, font size, and font family
 Possibility of including animation effect to your Facebook comments box


 Considering it’s exclusive to Facebook users, you may be restricting comments from users who don’t have a Facebook account


WpDevArt Facebook Comments is free with three premium plans from $10 up to $31 per year.

7. wpDiscuz

wpDiscuz WordPress Comment Plugin homepage

wpDiscuz is a complete WordPress comments plugin. It provides a new look for the comment section, allows inline comments, live notifications of comments and updates, has a post ratings feature, social media integration, rich editor, supports media, and uses reCAPTCHA to help reduce spam.

We consider wpDiscuz the best comment plugin for WordPress in terms of looks, value, and ease of use. You have different styles to choose from, comments lazy load which helps site performance but also looks cool.

It also has a full reporting tool with graphs and metrics if that’s your thing.


 Choose different layouts for different pages and posts
 With an exciting new Inline Commenting and Feedback feature, you can get your readers to reply to your questions while reading an article.
 Include a sticky comment icon anywhere on your web page using Comment Bubble
 Users can rate your articles without leaving comments
 Log in via social media accounts are possible


 Support can take time to respond


wpDiscuz is completely free although there is an optional addon bundle at $99.

8. Yoast Comment Hacks

Yoast Comment Hacks WordPress plugin

Yoast is one of our favourite SEO plugins and we recommend it frequently. We are now going to do the same with . It’s called ‘hacks’ because it uses the native WordPress comment section and tweaks it a little bit to provide some extra features.

Those features include a default minimum comment length to help avoid spam, an email link to reply directly to commenters, a redirect to thank first-time commenters, the ability to change the parent comment and implement a new, clean design for notification emails.

Yoast Comment Hacks isn’t as fully- as some of these other WordPress comments plugins but what it does, it does well.

It’s free too.


 A simple notification email with the option to approve or disapprove the comments
 Disallow comments based on their length
 Redirect first-time commenters to a thank you page
 Easily email all commenters on a post by clicking a button in the toolbar
 It’s free


 Limited on the customization front


Yoast Comment Hacks is free to use.

9. Akismet

Akismet Spam Protection WordPress plugin

Akismet is probably the best-known WordPress comment plugin around. Partly because it comes installed with the CMS but also because it’s very good at what it does.

Akismet helps filter spam comments so you don’t have to. It links to the Akismet global spam database so it can filter out known spammers. It won’t replace admin moderation but it goes a long way in reducing the workload for busy websites.

Akismet uses the native WordPress comments section but keeps it clean very effectively. Well worth using if your current comment plugin doesn’t filter spam.


 Easy to activate and implement
 Akismet is a smart plugin that has its own spam filtering algorithm
 Comes with WordPress
 Easy to set up and use
 It’s free


 In some cases, legit comments are marked as spam if the commenter participates on multiple forums and blogs


Akismet has a free option and premium options at $10 and $50 per month.

10. Comment Approved

Comment Approved WordPress plugin

Comment Approved is a simple plugin that adds an email notification option to any user who leaves a comment on your website. It adds an extra step in the native comments section in WordPress with a checkbox that can be checked to send an email once the comment has been approved.

You can also create a boilerplate response to thank the user for leaving the comment and hopefully encourage them to leave more comments.


 A simple plugin that’s easy to use
 Send customized notification to users who’ve left comments on your site
 Boilerplate responses to save time
 It’s free


 While the plugin hasn’t been updated in a while, it still worked fine when we tested.


Comment Approved is free to use.

11. GraphComment

GraphComment Comment system

GraphComment is another fully-featured WordPress comments plugin that transforms the way comments are handled. It’s a cloud solution similar to Disqus that includes guest commenting, customization options for the comment section, gamification elements with badges, social media login and a very usable dashboard for managing and moderating comments.

GraphComment also uses structured data for comments for SEO benefit and has voting options to help increase engagement and the quality of the comments. All data is stored on GraphComment servers but the plugin includes tools to copy all data to your WordPress database.


 Guest commenting is possible
 Easily manage all your comments from the WordPress dashboard
 Completely responsive and optimized for mobile devices
 Auto-sync comments to WP database
 Real-time notifications for your pending comments


 With limited features in the free option, you’ll want to upgrade to the paid version


GraphComment is a very polished plugin with a free option and two premium plans at $7 and $74 per month.

12. Lazy Load for Comments

Lazy Load for Comments WordPress plugin

Lazy Load for Comments is another simple WordPress comments plugin that does one thing well. In this case, the clue is in the name. This plugin is designed to help improve page load speeds and reduce server requests.

It does this by not loading the comments section until the user gets to it and begins reading. This means far fewer requests and a more responsive page. Simple but very effective.

Lazy Load for Comments works with most WordPress themes such as Astra and requires a single setting in the dashboard to work its magic.


 Easy to install
 Improve page load speed by loading comments only when required
 Reduce server requests
 Translation ready
 Developer friendly


 Limited customization options. You will have to be familiar with coding to make changes


Lazy Load for Comments is free to use.

13. No Page Comment

No Page Comment WordPress plugin

No Page Comment is another simple but very effective WordPress comments plugin. This plugin lets you take back control of comments by adding a dashboard that lets you enable or disable comments on posts, pages, and media anywhere on your website.

No Page Comment also lets you control comments on new posts, pages, and media as well as existing ones. You can disable comments site-wide, enable them and enable or disable trackbacks.

WordPress has basic commands for enabling or disabling comments but this plugin takes that much further.


 Easy to install and activate
 Enable or disable comments anywhere on your website
 Monitor and control comments on your website
 Works with other comment plugins
 It’s free


 The plugin hasn’t been updated in a while
 Custom post types on certain themes or plugins may not display the comments.


No Page Comment is free to use.

14. Replyable

Replyable WordPress plugin

is one of two WordPress comment plugins from the same developer, with the other being Postmatic, which comes next. Replyable takes the ‘subscribe to comments’ option and turns it up to 11.

Rather than bombard commenters with every single reply, Replyable uses machine learning to filter them and only alert on the most relevant. This improves engagement by only highlighting worthy comments. Users can also reply via email, although you may not want to use that as you want them to return.

The plugin can also collate multiple comments into a single email so users are actively engaged while not having their time wasted. It’s a very smart WordPress comments plugin that overcomes one of the most annoying elements of commenting on websites.


 Users can subscribe to comments
 You can reply to new comment notifications from desktop or mobile
 Responsive templates that look great on both desktop and mobile devices
 Users can choose to receive direct responses to their comments
 Automatic pausing of subscriptions on posts that has too many comments


 The plugin hasn’t been updated for some time


Replyable costs from $2.99 per month up to $9.99 per month.

15. Postmatic

Postmatic WordPress Blog Comments by Email

Postmatic concentrates more on delivering content than making comments more convenient. It’s a different take on commenting as it enables you to reply to comments or add comments via email.

Leave a comment on a website, get notified of replies via email, and reply to the reply directly from that email. Simple but very effective. You can also send content, comment digests, newsletters, and a whole lot more.

Postmatic will also integrate with lead generation tools for extra engagement. Although it’s no Convert Pro, it has some useful engagement features you can use for popups and opt-ins.


 Reply to comments or add comments via email
 Send email digests of your best content, be it posts, or even comments, automatically
 Use layouts that adapt to your active WordPress theme
 Works well with other WordPress plugins
 Helps engagement as well as comments


 Monthly plans are a little on the higher side


Postmatic costs from $20 per month up to $95 per month.

16. ReplyBox

Privacy-Focused Comment System ReplyBox

ReplyBox is one of the best comment plugins for WordPress in this list for handling privacy. It works a bit like Disqus but doesn’t use ads, doesn’t collect personal data, and doesn’t use you for monetization. For that alone, we recommend it.

ReplyBox is a hosted platform with a tiny API of less than 100KB. It uses attractive comment templates, integrates with Akismet, uses markdown for emojis, has nested comments for easy navigation, social media login, custom CSS options and works with most WordPress themes like Astra.

ReplyBox is one of our favorite WordPress comment plugins. Not necessarily because of the features but because of its insistence on privacy.


 Lightweight and loads fast
 Built for privacy and doesn’t monetize user data
 ReplyBox uses Akismet to keep spammers away
 Moderate all new comments with a simple and effective approval system
 Login using Google or Twitter
 Import and sync existing comments easily


 More sign-in options required


ReplyBox costs from $6 per month up to $26 per month.

17. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded

Subscribe To Comments Reloaded WordPress plugin

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded seeks to tackle the thorny issue of subscribing to comments. It makes it easy for users to control what comments they subscribe to, provides a quick way to unsubscribe, and controls what they are notified about.

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded also includes double opt-in for compliance and a one-click unsubscribe option within notification emails. There is also a very straightforward subscription dashboard where users can control their subscriptions and quickly follow or unfollow conversations.

It’s a concise but usable WordPress comments plugin.


 Easily manage your subscriptions
 Customize the messages using a WYSIWYG text editor
 Choose to disable subscriptions for specific posts
 One-click unsubscribe
 It’s free


 Design and customization will leave you wanting more


Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is free to use.


A website without a thriving community is just not very engaging and nobody wants that. Creating a community is the number one goal of many websites, yet many seem content to use the basic WordPress comments feature.

You can do better than that.

Any of these comment plugins for WordPress takes that basic function and improves upon it. Some do one thing well while others offer multiple features. All can help you build a thriving community for your website.

Do you use a comment plugin for WordPress? Use any in this list? Have another to recommend? You know what to do!

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