
Android phone


How to Linux and Windows, Windows might be your bread and butter, but you can dual-boot it with Linux if you want to tinker, or play around with a wider range of open source . Whether you’re using Windows or Windows , you can install a range of different Linux distributions as a secondary operating system to give you the best of both worls.

Here’s how to dual boot Windows and Linux.

person sitting and using an hp computer with windows 11Microsoft

Start by installing Windows

The first step is to install Windows, assuming you’re starting from scratch. We have a full guide on how to install Windows 11, so make sure to keep that handy if you need extra detail. For dual booting, the process is largely the same minus one key difference.

Instead of allowing Windows to take up all of the space on your hard drive, you’ll allocate it a partition. If you have multiple hard drives for dual booting, you can allow Windows to take up the full space on your hard drive. This process works for Windows 10 and Windows 11, but we’ll be using Windows 10 for our example.

If you don’t have an extra Windows PC to create installation media, you can install Windows first before installing Linux (though you may need to fully defrag your hard drive to create a partition for Linux).

Step 1: With your spare PC, download the Windows Media Creation Tool and follow the steps to create installation media on one of your blank USB drives. Note: you may be asked to format the drive, which will remove all of the data.

How to dual boot Linux and Windows

windows 10 media creation toolMark Coppock/Digital Trends

Step 2:Leaving your installation USB drive plugged in, turn off your PC. Turn it back on and select the F12 on your keyboard rapidly while the computer boots. This will take you to a boot menu. Select your Windows USB drive and continue.

Step 3:Follow the steps for the Windows installer until you reach the What type of installation do you want page. Choose Custom: Install Windows only.

windows 10 installation screenImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 4:You need to create a partition on your hard drive. You’ll likely see multiple partitions here unless you’re using a brand-new hard drive. Assuming you want to start from scratch, delete the partitions (note: this will remove all the data on your hard drive, so make sure your hard drive is backed up).

Step 5:Select your hard drive and select New to create a new partition. Set how large you want the partition to be and confirm. This will be the total amount of space Windows has access to, and you’ll need extra space to install Linux. We recommend splitting the empty space in half, allocating half to Windows and half to Linux.

Follow the remaining installation steps to finish.

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How to Install Linux

Installing Windows first is a good idea because it makes installing Linux much easier. If you already have Windows installed, you can still dual boot Linux, but you’ll need to create a new partition on your hard drive.

We’ll be using Ubuntu for our example, but the process is similar for most Linux distros.

Step 1: Download the latest version of Ubuntu and store it somewhere you can easily access. Grab your second blank USB drive and insert it into your computer.

Step 2: Download balenaEtcher and open it up. Select your blank USB drive and your Ubuntu image and run the software to create your bootable Linux media.

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Step 3: Keeping your Linux USB drive plugged in, restart your computer and rapidly press the F12 key to enter the boot menu. Select your Linux USB drive to boot into the installation screen.

ubuntu installation screen 680w507hImage used with permission by copyright holder

Step 4: You will be able to try or install Ubuntu, so if you’re unsure about Linux, try out the OS first. It can run off of your USB drive, though with decreased performance. Once you’re settled, select Install Ubuntu to continue.

Select your keyboard layout and language and opt for a Normal installation. Make sure to check both boxes under the Other options section on this screen.

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Step 5: Ubuntu will automatically detect if you have Windows installed. Select Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 on this screen. The other option, Erase disk and install Ubuntu will remove Windows from your PC.

Step 6: If you started with a blank hard drive, you’re done. Finish the installation and use the boot menu referenced above to choose which OS to boot into (select the hard drive partition you want).

If Windows is taking up the entire drive, you’ll see a screen that allows you to allocate disc space to Ubuntu. Choose how much space you want to allocate and continue. We highly recommend creating a partition through Windows first, however, to avoid accidentally deleting data.

Most Linux distros will launch into a boot menu that allows you to select between Linux and Windows, but you may need to use the boot menu to choose which OS you want to load into.

How to dual boot Windows and Linux FAQ

Does dual boot slow down a PC?

No. Dual booting does restrict that quantity of storage space you have access to within each operating system, since you’ll need to dedicate drive space to not only the operating systems themselves, but their respective services, drivers, and applications. However, when you’re using either of the operating systems, you are not using the other one, so they don’t slow down your PC at all.

How do I share files between Windows and Linux on a dual boot?

The same way you would share files between two different computers running Windows and Linux. You can use a flash drive or external hard drive to manually transfer files between the two installations — the only difference is you don’t have to unplug the drive. You could use a cloud storage provider for the same purpose, or set up a shared folder on a partition both operating systems can access.

Depending on the files you’re transferring, there can be compatible issues, however, so consider the best way to transfer the data for your needs.

Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft. The operating system is what allows you to use a computer. Windows comes preloaded on most new personal computers (PCs), which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world.

Windows makes it possible to complete all types of everyday tasks on your computer. For example, you can use Windows to browse the Internet, check your email, edit digital photos, listen to , play games, and do much more.

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Windows is also used in many offices because it gives you access to productivity tools such as calendars, word processors, and spreadsheets.

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Microsoft released the first version of Windows in the mid-1980s. There have been many versions of Windows since then, but the most recent ones include Windows 10 (released in 2015), Windows 8 (2012),  (2009), Windows Vista (2007), and Windows XP (2001).

About this tutorial

This tutorial is designed to show you the absolute basics of using a Windows computer, including how to use the desktop, how to open different files and applications, and how to move and resize windows. The information in this tutorial will apply to more recent versions of Windows, including the ones mentioned above. However, once you’ve learned the basics, you may also want to review one of our version-specific Windows tutorials. Just select the version of Windows that’s installed on your computer:

Windows 8 vs. other versions

While most versions of Windows are relatively similar, Windows 8 works very differently from other versions. However, if you have Windows 8 on your computer, you should now be able to upgrade to Windows 10, which is more similar to earlier versions, including Windows 7. We recommend upgrading your computer to Windows 10 if you can. Review our Windows 10 tutorial to learn how.

However, we’ll still point out any major differences between Windows 8 and other versions, which means you’ll see some Windows 8-specific information from time to time. If your computer uses Windows 8, you’ll want to review both this tutorial and our Windows 8 tutorial to learn more about the differences.


Navigating Windows

Whether you’re new to computers or just Windows, it’s important to learn the basics of using your computer. If it all seems a little overwhelming right now, don’t worry! We’ll take you through it step by step and show you some of the most fundamental things you’ll need to know, including how to work with the desktopopen and close windows, and turn off your computer.

Watch the below to learn the basics of navigating Windows.

The desktop

Once your computer has finished starting up, the first thing you’ll see is the desktop. You can think of the desktop as the main workspace for your computer. From here, you can view and manage your files, open applications, access the Internet, and much more.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to become more familiar with the desktop.

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In Windows 8, you will usually see the Start screen before the desktop. To learn more, review our lesson on Getting Started with Windows 8.

Working with applications

An —also known as a program—is a type of software that allows you to complete tasks on your computer. Windows comes with many built-in applications you can use. For example, if you want to browse the Internet, you can use Microsoft Edge (or Internet Explorer if you’re using Windows 8 or earlier).

To open an application:

1.Using your mouse, click the Start button, then select the desired application. If you don’t see the one you want, click All Programs to see a complete list of applications. In our example, we’ll open Microsoft Edge.

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2.The application will appear in a new window.

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There is no in Windows 8, so you’ll usually open applications from the Start screen. Click the Start button to go to the Start screen, then click an app to open it.

screenshot of windows 8

Working with windows

Whenever you open a file, folder, or application, it will appear in a new window. You can have multiple items open at the same time in different windows. You’ll use windows all the time, so it’s important to know how to switch between open windows, how to move and resize windows, and how to close windows when you’re done using them.

In Windows 8, some programs will open on the Start screen, not the desktop. If you’re using Windows 8, note that the information below applies only to windows you have opened on the desktop.

Parts of a window

You’ll see the same three buttons in the upper-right corner of almost every window. These buttons allow you to perform several functions, including these below.

 Click the Minimize button to hide the window. The window will be minimized to the taskbar. You can then click the icon for that window on the taskbar to make it reappear.

minimize button

 Click the Maximize button to make the window fill the entire screen.

maximize button

 If the screen is maximized, the Maximize button will be temporarily replaced by the Restore button. Just click it to return the window to its original size.

restore button

 Click the Close button to close the window.

close button

To move a window:

1.Click and drag the top of the window to move it to the desired location on the screen. When you’re done, release the mouse. 

moving a window

2.The window will appear in the new location.

To resize a window:

1.Hover the mouse over any corner of the window, then click and drag the mouse to make the window larger or smaller. When you’re done, release the mouse.

resizing the window

2.The window will be resized.

window resized smaller

Switching between windows

If you have more than one window open at the same time, you can quickly switch between them by clicking the icon for that window on the taskbar.

Shutting down your computer

When you’re done using your computer, it’s important to shut it down properly. The procedure will vary slightly depending on which version of Windows you’re using.

To shut down your computer:

 If you’re using Windows 10, click the Start button, then the Power icon, then click Shut down.

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 If you’re using Windows 8, click the Start button to access the Start screen, click the Power icon near the upper-right corner, and select Shut down. If you don’t see this option, it means you’ll need to upgrade to Windows 8.1. Review this page from our Windows 8 tutorial to learn how.

shut down in windows 8

 If you’re using Windows 7 or earlier, Click the Start button, then select Shut down.

shut down in windows 7 or earlier

Restarting and Sleep mode

You can also click the power button button for more options. For example, if your computer has become unresponsive, you can choose Restart to quickly turn it off and on again.

You can also choose to put your computer into Sleep mode. This turns off most of your computer’s , but it remembers which applications and files are open. It allows the computer to start up more quickly because you won’t have to wait for the operating system and applications to load. Note that your computer may go into Sleep mode automatically if you haven’t used it for more than a few minutes.

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If you have a laptop, you can simply close the lid to put it into Sleep mode.

Waking your computer from Sleep mode

If your computer is in Sleep mode, you’ll need to wake it to use it. To wake the computer from Sleep mode, click the mouse or press any key on the keyboard.

What is Linux?

Linux (pronounced “linnucks”) is a monolithic, open-source kernel, and a family of operating systems based on that kernel. The Linux kernel was developed by Linus Torvalds, who announced it on the comp.os.minix newsgroup on August 25, 1991. Since then, it’s been ported to computer architectures including x86-64, x86, ARM, RISC, and DEC Alpha. It is licensed under version 2 of the GPL.

Developers can access all Linux source code, and are permitted under the license conditions to modify and distribute it.

Where is Linux used?

Presently, Linux is used by several million users worldwide. The composition of users varies from private users, training centers, universities, research centers, and companies. Below are examples of where Linux is used today.

• Android phones and tablets – Android phones and tablets use a form of Linux.
• Servers – A vast majority of the web servers that run many web pages (including this one) are using Linux.
• Supercomputers – All of the top supercomputers use a Linux-based operating system.
• TV, Cameras, DVD players, etc. – Most of the appliances that use some form of a computer use Linux.
• Amazon – Many of the computers that help run Amazon use Linux.
• Google – Computers that help run Google and Google search results use Linux.
• Planes – Airplanes computers and screens you watch on the plane use Linux.
• U.S. Postal service – The computers and servers that help run systems to sort and manage mail in the U.S.
• NYSE – The New York Stock Exchange uses Linux to help run its exchange.
• LHC – The Large Hadron Collider uses Linux.
• OLPC – The One Laptop Per Child program used Linux on all its computers.

Who makes Linux now?

Thousands of organizations, corporations, and individuals help develop Linux and each of its various distributions. For more information, visit LinuxFoundation.org. You can read what’s happening right now in Linux development at LKML.org, the Linux kernel mailing list.

Linux distributions, flavors, and variants

Linux may be obtained in different ways. All the necessary components can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet, which means an operating system can be assembled for almost nothing. An alternative is to use a so-called distribution, a Linux variation offered by many companies. They include a broad range of applications and full programs that significantly simplify the installation of Linux.

There are hundreds of different distributions of Linux were released. Below are a few that we currently have listed on our site. A great site that lists almost every distribution, and rankings is DistroWatch.

System requirements

There are many variants of Linux, each with hardware requirements. Some can run on minimal systems with small amounts of RAM and disk space.

To run Linux, and your computer meets the following specifications, it should be able to run any variant of Linux.

 64-bit Intel or AMD processor
 10 GB of hard drive space
 CD/DVD drive or a USB (universal serial bus) port for installation


Views: 443

The Best Smartwatches 2024, A GREAT TIMEPIECE doesn’t just display the time of day, it can elevate your outfit and make you feel good. The best smartwatches can do even more, from tracking your workouts and measuring your heart rate to serving up notifications and access to voice assistants. While you’re wearing a connected watch, you can leave your phone in your pocket and use your wrist for simple tasks.

The Apple Watch is our favorite for owners, but Samsung’s Galaxy Watch6 and Google’s Pixel Watch 2 are great wearables for anyone on Android. We also like several other options—in various styles and with different levels of smarts. Below is a roundup of the best smartwatches we’ve tested. Looking for a fitness or sleep tracker instead? We’ve got plenty more options in our Best Fitness TrackersBest FitbitsBest Garmin Watches, and Best Sleep Trackers guides.

The Best Smartwatches 2024

Updated April 2024: We’ve added the OnePlus Watch 2, , and Casio Calculator Watch.

person wearing the apple watch series 9

Best for iPhone Owners

Apple Watch Series 9

The Apple Watch is the best smartwatch money can buy. It has the best operating system, WatchOS, with plenty of apps to help reduce the number of times you need to pull out your phone. The Series 9 is nearly identical to its predecessor, the Series 8, but has the ability to process Siri requests on the device, making it snappier and more private (unless Siri needs to access the for the answer).

That means you can ask the voice assistant about your data from the week prior and get results quickly. This is thanks to the S9 chip, which is more efficient and delivers slightly better battery life—you’ll still need to regularly recharge the watch. The most exciting new feature is Double Tap. You can tap two fingers together on your watch hand to accept or reject calls, reply to messages, start or end , and more. It’s super handy.

There’s a new second-gen ultra-wideband chipset, which can help you precisely locate your iPhone at greater range. As usual, the health features remain robust. There’s an FDA-cleared electrocardiogram sensor, plus you can measure oxygen saturation in the blood (SpO2)—helpful for athletes training at altitude or anyone with an underlying health condition. However, this feature is no longer available in the US on Apple Watches sold after January 18, 2024, due to a patent dispute. Our Best Apple Watch guide has more details, and check out our Apple Watch Accessories guide for extras.

Comes in 41-mm or 45-mm sizes.

 A cheaper alternative: The second-gen Apple Watch SE ($220) is likely all you need. It debuted alongside the Series 8 in 2022 and is the model for those who balk at a $400 price and don’t need an electrocardiogram, SpO2, the always-on display, or the skin temperature capabilities. It does have fall detection. Just take Apple’s claims of it being a carbon-neutral product with a grain of salt.

person wearing the samsung galaxy watch6

Best for Samsung Owners

Samsung Galaxy Watch6 and Watch6 Classic

The Galaxy Watch6 and Watch6 Classic  don’t reinvent the wheel, but these round smartwatches are a great option for anyone with an Android smartphone, especially with Samsung owners as a few features like the electrocardiogram and irregular heart rate alerts only work when paired with Samsung phones (the watches don’t work with iPhones at all). Each model has two sizes you can choose from, with the option to spend more on an LTE version for constant connectivity even if your phone isn’t nearby.

I tested the Watch6 Classic in the 47-mm size, and it easily lasted two full days, and a day and a half with the always-on display. It’s dead simple to check notifications, respond to messages, and even control your smart home devices via SmartThings or Google Home. The Classic is the model with the mechanical rotating bezel, which is what you can use to scroll through the Wear OS interface—it’s way more fun to use than most other watches that rely only on a touchscreen.

Its health and fitness functions are satisfactory, with nice sleep-tracking data and robust activity-tracking options, and it has excellent auto-start and auto-pause capabilities. However, I did notice some discrepancies in heart rate measurements during select workouts.

Watch6 comes in 40-mm or 44-mm sizes. Watch6 Classic comes in 43-mm or 47-mm sizes.

person wearing the google pixel watch

Best for Android Owners

The original Pixel Watch was missing a lot of features when it launched, but Google slowly added them over a year. That means the Pixel Watch 2  pretty much has everything you’d want. There’s auto-start and auto-stop workout detection, fall detection, SpO2 measurements, and even a redesigned Fitbit app that looks much more modern. Google has even added Safety Check this time around, allowing you to share your location with emergency contacts if you don’t respond after a certain time. A Body Response feature also can detect good and bad stress and offer ways to cope, like with a guided breathing session.

This is easily still the prettiest smartwatch in my eyes, and it’s super comfy on the wrist. It also nails its health and fitness features, from reliable heart rate and sleep-tracking data to an improved workout screen that shows you the most important information at a glance, including heart rate zones. You can take electrocardiograms and monitor for an irregular heart rate too.

The battery life is unfortunately just OK—it’ll last about a day—and this watch is also not repairable. If you have issues, you’ll have to get a replacement under the one-year warranty. I also don’t love that it has yet another proprietary charger that is different from the original Pixel Watch charger, though it does juice up the smartwatch quicker.

Comes in a 41-mm size.

garmin vivomove trend smartwatch on purple backdrop


Best Fitness Watch

Garmin Vivomove Trend

Fitness watches are typically not as sleek or simple to operate as more robust smartwatches, but the Vivomove Trend oozes elegance. This is also the first Garmin to include wireless charging, which means you’re now free to ditch your annoying Garmin plug-in charger.

The watch has it all—wireless charging, blood oxygen measurements, sleep tracking, auto-activity tracking, and Garmin’s proprietary and excellent algorithms for measuring your fitness. It’s a little clunky to operate—it’s not anywhere near as feature-rich as the other smartwatches above—but that might be OK if you prioritize battery life as this tracker can last five days on a single charge. Read our Best Fitness Watches guide for more recommendations.

Comes in a 40.4-mm size.

apple watch ultra 2


Best for iPhone Weekend Warriors

Apple Watch Ultra 2

Frequently escaping to the hills every weekend? If your activities often take you to remote areas in rough terrain, then it might be smart to pony up for the expensive, uber-durable, and gigantic Apple Watch Ultra 2. A bigger watch means a bigger battery—we got nearly four days with normal use. The Ultra 2 has better mics than the Series 9 to pick up your voice, an 86-decibel siren to alert your position to anyone nearby, and a more precise GPS to better track your hikes (plus help you find your way back with the Backtrack feature).

There’s a spare customizable button on the left side called the Action Button, which you can use to trigger an activity of your choosing. It’s made of titanium, and the case rises up to protect the edges of the display, which is also covered with scratch-resistant sapphire crystal.

New in the Ultra 2 is the ability for the screen to hit a crazy bright 3,000 nits, which is a little overkill and really only meant for extreme situations. This smartwatch is faster, with the same new S9 chipset as the Series 9, supports Double Tap, and Siri processes basic interactions much more quickly. You can see topographic maps on the screen, but there’s still no way to view offline maps without an iPhone.

Comes in a 49-mm size.

person wearing the casio calculator watch

The Calculator Watch

Casio CA53W-1CR Calculator Watch

It’s a calculator … on a watch. How much smarter can you get? Seriously, the buttons might be tiny, but you can calculate how much your tip will be when grabbing the bill at the restaurant, and everyone will marvel at your brilliance. This cheapo watch from Casio is a classic—it’s comfy and lightweight—and you can cycle through a few modes, including a stopwatch, an alarm, and a second time zone. There’s a five-year battery life, and the fully automatic calendar goes through the year 2099 (that’s 15 battery changes).

Comes in a 43-mm size.

overhead view of a wrist with a green band wristwatch and digital display

Great Battery Life

OnePlus Watch 2

The OnePlus Watch 2  is great for anyone with an looking for a Wear OS smartwatch that prioritizes battery life. It can last roughly three days on a single charge, a little more if you enable some power-saving settings. Technically, this watch is powered by two chipsets and two operating systems to enable this feat of battery longevity, but the user experience is very similar to that of the Galaxy Watch6 or Pixel Watch 2, just with OnePlus taking the helm on the health and fitness features. It’s worth noting that this is a large watch, so consider it carefully if you have small wrists.

Health capabilities are lacking—there’s no fall detection or electrocardiogram—but there’s sleep tracking, and it’s generally pretty accurate. Some features, like heart-rate tracking, distance traveled, and steps, have mixed accuracy in our testing, which means you shouldn’t buy this smartwatch if you’re primarily using it for those functions. Otherwise, I was able to control my smart home devices via Google Home, control my music playback, respond to Slack messages, and delete those pesky emails—all without having to take my phone out of my pocket.

Comes in a 46-mm size.

withings scanwatch 2


An Analog-Looking Smartwatch

Withings ScanWatch 2

Withings’ ScanWatch 2 can pass for an analog watch. Its health-tracking feature set is comprehensive—you get heart rate monitoring, an electrocardiogram, blood oxygen measurements, and sleep tracking. Battery life is stellar too, as it can live up to 30 days with light use. (Heavier usage will see roughly 22 days before needing a charge.)

The main problem is the tiny display on this watch, which is too small to read some notifications. The GPS is also connected, meaning it requires your phone to be tethered and nearby. There’s an optional Health+ subscription, but we’d advise against it, as it doesn’t offer much utility. The ScanWatch 2, like the Garmin Vivomove Trend, doesn’t have the rich features and apps you’ll find on the likes of an Apple Watch, but if you just want to monitor your health data—and you don’t want your watch to look too techy—this will do the job.

casio prw61 smart watch


Best Barely Smart Watch

Casio ProTrek PRW-61

I had this Casio on my wrist for more than a month and used one of its handful of functions every single day, something I can’t say for many smartwatches. I used the stopwatch to track my rest intervals between sets at the gym. I set my world time to New Delhi, India, the time zone my sister is in. I’ve used the compass to navigate when I emerge from the subway in New York City and can’t get my bearings, and I’ve learned to read the barometer—mostly just to see how cool it is to predict the weather without having to ask a voice assistant.

I love how this watch looks. It’s rugged and outdoorsy, but still relatively classy. Even better, it’s incredibly comfortable to wear. Seriously, I never took it off in the month I tested it. It’s been fine in the shower and through workouts. I love that it’s made of biomass plastics from regenerative resources, such as castor seeds and corn.

Don’t let that worry you about durability; I’ve been through a move, dinging it on various walls, got paint on it, and yet it looks pristine. The dial is easy to read—the indices glow or you can press a button right below the case to light ’em all up for nighttime visibility. And you never need to recharge it. Casio’s Tough Solar means it recharges itself via sunlight.

Comes in a 47.4-mm size.

 casio dw h5600


Honorable Mentions

Other Watches We Sorta Like

The number of smartwatches on the market is staggering. I’ve tested models from Tag HeuerCitizenMontblanc, and many other fashion brands, but most of them are simply too expensive for what you get. Here are a few options I like.

Apple Watch Series 8 for $329: If you can find the 2022 Apple Watch Series 8  for a good deal less than the Series 9 (under $300), you should snag it. It’s nearly identical to the latest model, especially the health features. Save your cash!

Samsung Galaxy Watch5 for $229 and Watch5 Pro for $380: The 2022 Galaxy Watch5 and Watch5 Pro  are still great, just make sure you pay less than the price of the new Galaxy Watch6 models. They match the Apple Watch’s accuracy in several health and fitness metrics, from SpO2, sleep, and heart-rate tracking to electrocardiogram measurements (though the latter is exclusive to Samsung phones).

The Watch5 Pro is larger and has a battery that lasts roughly two full days, whereas the Watch5 lasts around a day and a morning. The Pro also adds GPX, meaning you can download hiking routes to the watch. They have sapphire crystals protecting the screen, but the Watch5 Pro’s crystal is even more durable, and it has a stronger titanium case versus the standard Watch5’s aluminum.

Casio G-Shock Move DW-H5600 for $299: Want a G-Shock with a heart rate monitor? The DW-H5600‘s measurements lined up well with the Apple Watch, but if you’re serious about tracking your health, I think you’re better off buying something from our Best Fitness Trackers guide. The buttons are a bit tough to press, and there aren’t a ton of workouts you can track (running, walking, gym workouts).

You can sift through a good amount of data in the app, though I was left wanting more, and battery life lasted me roughly three days with continuous monitoring. It can recharge via solar, but you will need to use the bulky charging clip every few days. I still enjoyed wearing it, even if I didn’t find it as useful as our above picks. You can use it to track different time zones, your movements via the GPS during a workout, and even sleep.

 montblanc summit 3 watch


Avoid These Smartwatches

Not every smartwatch is a winner. Here are a few ones we’ve tried that aren’t worth the dough.

Fossil Gen 6 Wellness for $199: This Fossil watch is just too laggy for how much it costs. It’s not optimized well, so it’s frustrating to use; its fitness app is a little too bare-bones. I also ran into an annoying bug where some features kept turning on and off. The battery life is also lackluster. The company is also officially exiting the smartwatch business, so it’s best to stay away.

Montblanc Summit 3 for $1,270: This is a beautiful (and large) smartwatch, and it runs Wear OS 3, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth the high price. There’s no speaker, no , and the fitness features feel half-baked. It just doesn’t offer all that much other than a pretty face.

 flat lay of silicone apple watch straps


Swap Your Straps

Fresh Band

You don’t need to stick with the strap you get in the box! Nearly every smartwatch these days has straps that can easily be swapped out. Apple Watches and Google’s Pixel Watch have a proprietary strap system, but analog watch straps will work for others, making your options nearly endless. All you need to do is figure out the strap size of your smartwatch. You can usually find this on the back of the strap itself (you’ll see “20 mm” or just “22”), or you can check the manual or the website you purchased the watch from. It’s an easy way to further match your timepiece to your look.



image may contain wristwatch electronics mouse hardware and computer

Buyers Beware

Know What You Buy

Search for “smartwatches” and you’ll be greeted with a long list of devices from brands you’ve probably never heard of. One brand that frequently popped up is Yamay, but a quick visit to the company’s Twitter page showed that it offered “full refunds” for people who post reviews. Look at the 1-star reviews and you’ll see complaints of the watch malfunctioning after a few weeks of use. This is a warning not to buy the first thing you see, even if it’s cheap and has plenty of positive reviews on Amazon. Research the company and look for other reputable websites that have reviewed the products before you make your decision.


Views: 432

Best Android Launchers in 2024, Android launchers are one of the most useful apps for customization. It can entirely change the look of your home screen and how it behaves. It can even change things like icons and themes and offer a variety of other personalization features for your device. Most legacy Android launchers have the same stock Android theme, which may seem a bit too cluttered. But now, many newer launchers are going for a minimal aesthetic. Here are the best Android launchers available right now.

We’d also like to give an honorable mention to Flauncher (Google Play). It officially launched in 2022 and is easily one of the best Android TV launchers on Google Play.

AIO Launcher

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($0.99 – $9.99 per item)

AIO Launcher does it differently than many Android launcher apps. It does away with the standard home screen in favor of an information-packed list of stuff. It shows things like your latest SMS and missed calls, your media player, your system info (RAM, battery, storage, etc.), and even stuff like news, Bitcoin price, Twitter, and more. The list is actually quite extensive.

The premium version also includes integration for and your regular widgets from other apps. Not everything has to look like stock Android, and AIO Launcher certainly shows that it can be done effectively. Luckily, most of the features are free, and the free version doesn’t seem to have ads.


Launcher 17

Price: Free


If you like the look and feel of the iOS UI, this app’s for you. This launcher gives your Android phone a look similar to iOS 17. This includes a lock screen, a control center, many animations, different wallpapers, and widgets. It has a ton of customization options. There are some features, like lock screens, notifications, a control center, and assistive touch, that you need to download separately. It does require some time to configure everything perfectly, but once everything is set up, Launcher iOS 17 makes your Android look a lot like iOS. There are a few bugs, but it works great for a free app.


Best Android Launchers in 2024

Before Launcher

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($1.99 – $5.99 per item)

Before Launcher is one of the few minimal-style launchers on the list. This one claims to help reduce interactions with your phone by up to 40%. There is also a notification filter that reduces notifications by about 80%. Some other features include a clean, easy UI and the ability to pin important apps or hide unimportant apps. It’s a bit light on customizations, but that’s pretty typical for minimal launchers. You do get support for icon packs, though.

You get the vast majority of features in the free version, which also doesn’t contain advertisements. The developers also state that the app can’t capture any data and requires no permissions to run. That’s fairly standard for Android launchers on this list, but we thought you’d still like to know.


Square Home

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($1.99 – $5.99 per item)

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If you like the UI, then you’re going to love this app. Square Home brings the old Metro UI of Windows Phone to your Android device. It has a user-friendly interface that is both simple and visually appealing. With features like vertical scrolling within a page and smooth horizontal transitions between pages, it faithfully replicates the metro-style UI. It’s a bit different from the default Android experience. It utilizes tiles to display your notifications, calls, SMS, e-mails, and more. Square Home also boasts a smart app drawer that intuitively organizes your apps, which it sorts by usage.

Additionally, it offers quick access to your contacts and tons of other customization options, making it a great launcher choice. The developers address user-submitted complaints and work on them to update the app frequently. You need to pay for some premium features like animated tiles, a media controller, infinite scrolling, 3D effects for horizontal scrolling, and others. There are monthly subscription plans of $1.99 and a lifetime subscription priced at $5.99 too.



Price: Free

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Olauncher is a great choice for minimalist lovers. This launcher offers a clean, clutter-free experience with its extensive customization options. It’s also open source. The most basic features allow you to do everything, from resizing to renaming apps and even controlling the visibility of the status bar. It has gestures, wallpapers, dark and light theme support, dual app support, work profile compatibility, automatic app launch, and more. The best part is that it’s completely free and has no ads.


Price: Free

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Lawnchair Launcher is an excellent Android launcher for fans of minimalism. It’s an open-source project that mimics much of the look and feel of the Pixel Launcher. The app features adaptive icons, a fun icon pack, an “At a Glance” feature that uses notification dots for quick access, and a drawer category function to neatly organize your apps. You can also choose between a light and dark mode for your system. It integrates with Google Feed and Homefeeder to provide a comprehensive Android launcher experience. It’s also completely free. This app used to be one of the launchers, but now it has many bad reviews because the developers have stopped updating the app.


Price: Free /In-app purchases ($1.99 – $5.99 per item)

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Total Launcher is an older launcher app. It offers a lot of customization options and is suited for both those who prefer a clutter-free experience and those who want tons of widgets. It has a simple UI, so it’s really easy to use and setup. It features various themes, wallpapers, icon packs, and much more.

Total Launcher is free to use, but you’ll need to pay for premium features like folder search and hidden apps. There are monthly subscriptions of $1.99 and a lifetime subscription of $5.99. It’s a worthwhile investment considering the rich customization and functionality it brings to your Android experience.


Microsoft Launcher

Price: Free

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Microsoft Launcher is one of the most popular launcher apps available on Android. The app features custom icon packs, daily Bing wallpapers, and a for low-light use. It simplifies phone transitions with Backup and Restore, enabling local or backups. Intuitive gestures, like swiping and tapping, streamline navigation. Plus, it ensures accessibility with screen lock and recent apps view gestures. It also has integration with many Microsoft services, including their calendar, email, to-do list app, and direct integration with Microsoft PCs.


Niagara Launcher

Price: Free/ In-app Purchases ($0.99 – $29.99 per item)

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Niagara Launcher offers a user-friendly, ergonomic experience for Android users. It has an adaptive list layout that shows you essential information like messages and calendar events, and it even has support for media players. It has unique wave alphabet navigation with embedded notifications. The app is ad-free, lightweight, and embraces Material You Theming for customization. The developers are still frequently updating the app.


Nova Launcher

Price: Free

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It doesn’t get better than Nova Launcher. Nova Launcher has been around for quite some time, but it is still one of the best Android launcher app options available. It has a laundry list of customization features that include gesture support, the ability to customize the look and feel of the app, icon pack support, themes, and much, much more. The app also gets updated at a breakneck pace, which means bugs generally get squished quickly and new features are added consistently. It also comes with the ability to backup and restore your home screen layouts for when you eventually switch to a new phone. It’s the one we’d recommend you try first.


Wide Launcher

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($2.99 – $49.99 per item)

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Wide Launcher is a newer app that offers a unique Android experience with a home screen that’s three times wider than standard launchers. It allows you to place items anywhere and provides a wide range of palettes and mini-apps for enhanced use. You can personalize your home screen with a variety of selected wallpapers, stickers, app icon styles, and picture frames. The launcher features intelligent organization and smart widgets called applets. There’s a fun feature that allows you to have virtual pets running on your screen called Hellopets. It’s also ad-free.


Rootless Launcher

Price: Free

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Rootless Launcher is a decent, stock Android-style launcher from 2018. It’s actually a fairly basic experience. You get a stock Android look and feel with some additional customization elements to complete the look. Some of the features include icon pack support, adaptive icon pack support, an icon shape selector, themes based on your wallpaper, and the ability to change the location of the search bar. You can also get Google Feed working on this launcher, but like most, it requires an extra plug-in download and installation. The website with the instructions for that is in the Google Play description.


Smart Launcher 6

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($0.99 – $26.99 per item)

Smart Launcher is another famous and quite old launcher app for Android. It has features like automatic app sorting and an ambient theme that dynamically adapts to your wallpaper. There’s an option to hide the navigation bar, and you can even protect sensitive apps with a PIN. Its UI is designed for one-handed use, and essential elements are conveniently placed at the bottom of the screen.

The launcher provides responsive built-in widgets and extensive customization options, allowing you to personalize themes and fonts. It also has a smart search bar, which simplifies tasks like finding contacts or searching the web. The problem with this launcher is that it feels like some of the features are forced; there’s no option to disable them.


Lynx Launcher

Price: Free /In-app purchases ($3.99 per item)

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Lynx Launcher is a new launcher app that offers a clean and distraction-free Android experience. The app supports theming, allowing you to change icons and even the entire theme, with the option to toggle dark mode based on your preferences. It has tons of customization features that allow you to tweak everything from the dock’s position to text size and notification dots. It also lets you hide non-removable apps. There are gestures that give you quick access to apps, contacts, and settings. A favorites screen shows your most-used apps and contacts for easy access.


Views: 25

Best Root Apps in 2024, Rooting your Android device allows you to get complete control of your phone. It unlocks your device entirely so that you can perform more advanced and complicated tasks (for instance, bloatware removal), not meant for general users. Moreover, the best Android root apps help you make the most of your phone.

The best apps to root an Android phone help you do all the heavy lifting, save battery, get new applications, and improve your phone’s performance. However, the opposite may happen if you use a wrong and unreliable rooting app.

Therefore, you must be extremely careful when picking a root app. However, since you have arrived at this article, it will be a cakewalk for you to choose the proper application.

Through this article, we share a rooted apps list. The applications in this list are selected after thorough research and analysis of the available options in the market. Let us walk you through it without ado.

9 Best Android Root Apps for Your Phone in 2024

Following are some of the best root apps for Android.

1. AdAway


Let us first introduce you to AdAway. It is a perfect choice for users who want to block ads on their devices. With this free and open-source application, you can block all ad-serving hostnames using the hosts’ file. It keeps you updated with the ad-serving networks and redirects these networks to your phone, i.e, the local host. Hence, these requests do not lead to any ads.

Download Now



magisk manager

Next, we have Magisk Manager on our list of the best Android root apps. The most advantageous feature of this app is that, unlike the traditional methods, it does not require you to make system partition changes. Moreover, it helps you hide root permissions from applications like Android Pay, Pokemon Go, etc.

Furthermore, it allows you to get OTA updates to your operating system. However, sadly, this app is unavailable on Google Play and you need to download it as apk from the official website.

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3. Quick Reboot

quick reboot

Let us take a look at Quick Reboot. This application allows you to reboot your device with a single tap on the button to do so. Moreover, there are several reboot options like recovery mode, fastboot, and safe mode. It comes in handy when you want all your reboot settings in one location and do not wish to use ADB or hardware key combinations to reboot your device.

Download Now


4. OneClickRoot


The next name on our list of the best Android root applications is OneClick Root. It helps improve your device’s battery life and speed. Moreover, you can use this application to download apps that are unavailable in your country and perform byte by byte mobile data backup.

Furthermore, OneClickRoot supports free wireless tethering, installation of apps incompatible with your device, and access to crucial hidden files.

Download Now


5. Rescue Root

rescue root

The discussion about the best Android root apps cannot be complete without Rescue Root. It is among the top applications to backup your device and protect it hassle-freely. With this app, you can perform customized roots for specific devices and restore your phone to an earlier rooted state.

Additionally, round-the-clock support, availability for all Android devices, and unlimited restoration of data make Rescue Root one of the best rooting apps.

Download Now


6. KingoRoot


Here comes the best application for all those wanting to customize their device without any hassle. It offers a one-click device root. Additionally, it boasts compatibility with a wide range of devices and a beginner-friendly interface.

Furthermore, speeding up the device performance, easy Android streamlining, and Android root using PC are its other noteworthy features.

Download Now


7. Root Essentials

root essentials

Let us now talk about the Root Essentials. Available for phone, tablet, and Android wear. This app lets you manage all applications on your device without any cumbersome effort, check the battery status, and check the phone for rooting access.

Moreover, it allows you to edit LCD density, view device information, change the phone’s emoji, select from over 700 fonts, and change your phone’s system language.

Download Now


8. ROM Toolbox Pro

rom toolbox pro

Are you looking for a multi-purpose booting app? Then, ROM Toolbox Pro is a perfect choice for you. With ROM Toolbox Pro, you can easily manage your files or folders along with changing your device settings completely.
The app lets you utilize the custom fonts from an external SD Card. Additionally, using this Android Root App you can effortlessly move, delete, and rename files. Along with the ownership of files, you can also modify the permissions of any desired file. Overall, ROM Toolbox Pro is the must-have app for every root user out there.

Download Now




Let us introduce you to LiveBoot. It is among the best root apps for Android because of its device health checking to determine whether or not you should root it. Moreover, it boasts many interesting features like access to the System Message Registry, commands to debug Android applications, and an option to view apps running in the background during boot.

Download Now


Summing Up

This article acquainted you with the best Android root apps to help you use your device to the maximum potential. You can choose any app from the above list depending on your requirements.

If there is any application you would like to add to the above list, if you have any other suggestions/questions about this post, please drop them in the comment box. We will be delighted to address your queries.

Root Android: Everything you need to know!

One of the best things about Android is its customization and flexibility. Android lets you use it the way you want to, whether that means changing the launcher, or setting up a host of unique automatic functions with Tasker. But for some, that isn’t enough. You can gain near-total control of the OS if you root Android.

This isn’t as common as it once was, but there are still benefits to rooting Android, such as removing bloatware, full system backups, overclocking, specialized settings, and more. If you like the sounds of that, but find yourself feeling a little anxious about “hacking” your much-loved (and probably expensive) device, then read on to learn everything you need to know about rooting Android. It’s actually easier than you might think.

Editor’s note: Rooting Android devices requires a high level of tinkering and modifying your phone’s software. This can be risky, and there is a chance you’ll damage your handset. This is terrible , considering rooting Android may void your warranty. Always do your research and be confident about the steps you’re taking, as no one but you will be responsible should anything happen to your device.


What is rooting?

While it might sound scary, rooting refers to obtaining access to commands, system files, and folder locations that are usually locked off. Rooting Android can be thought of as promoting yourself from a system user to an administrator, with the additional freedom and risks that come from more control over the deeper workings of your device. With great power comes great responsibility and all that!

More specifically, adding root to Android means becoming a superuser, which is a function you may be familiar with. In many ways, you could view this more as restoring a function that should have been there, to begin with!

Users can install and run applications on rooted Android phones and tablets that require special privileges, bypass carrier-installed software, and even remove bloatware applications (as opposed to simply disabling them). Root access is even needed if you want to install trivial things like certain custom fonts, and rooting Android can also unlock new features in certain apps and launchers.

If you’re comfortable with coding, you can even go as far as creating your own custom ROMs.

Handy rooting terminology:

 Bootloader: Lowest level software on your phone that starts up recoveries and then the main operating system.
 Recovery: Low-level software that can create and restore full system backups. It is accessed before the main OS.
 ADB (Android Debug Bridge): A command-line tool that is part of the Android SDK, which supports communication between a and an Android device.


To root or not to root?

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

The next question is whether you should root Android or leave it as it is. That, of course, is a matter of personal preference, but there are some compelling arguments both for and against it.

On the plus side, it gives you more access to several cool apps and customization options. It also lets you upgrade older phones to newer Android versions long after your manufacturer and carrier have stopped supporting it. As mentioned, rooting Android will let you change things that you otherwise Wouldn’t be able to, and it will also allow you to use a host of cool apps.

Android root apps and options

Here are just a few things you can do with a rooted Android device:

 Overclock or underclock the CPU.
 Increase battery life.
 It greatly enhances the power of Tasker.
 Remove preinstalled bloatware apps.
 Make real backups.
 Install custom ROMs.
 Further customize your phone’s looks.
 Install apps that do more than basic ones.
 You can even do things like installing Ubuntu for desktop.

For some people, rooting Android is also something of a statement. You paid for this device, so why shouldn’t you use it exactly as you wish? Especially if it means removing cynical and unhelpful bloatware. There’s also a certain status that comes from it, and a great sense of accomplishment when you achieve root access for the first time.

If you’re a developer hoping to create your own root apps, you need to start somewhere!

Will you damage your device?

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Robert Triggs / Android Authority

Pixel 8

That said, there are also some potential downsides to rooting.

Even once you know how to root Android, some risks are involved. If you get this wrong, there is a chance of bricking your device (it’s happened to me). It’s easier and safer on some devices than others, but if you’re not overly confident with your tech wizardry, you may prefer to leave your phone be.

Furthermore, rooting can cause some issues with official OTA handset updates — but it is usually fine to install new software manually once you’re rooted. Updating will often cause root permissions to be lost, in which case the procedure will need to be performed again. Occasionally, an update will block old root methods, and sometimes rooted devices will fail to install updates. If your device stops booting after an attempted root exploit, you can usually restore it to factory specifications relatively easily.

Warranties and legalities — is rooting legal?

This leads us nicely onto warranties, which is another grey area in the world of rooting. While carriers don’t like you tampering with their hardware and software, some manufacturers have become kinder to rooters and even those who install third-party software. However, few have a clear stance on what software tweaks will void your warranty, and you certainly can’t count on having your rooted handset fixed if something goes wrong. Devices with locked bootloaders, the very low-level software that starts up your phone, are explicitly designed to prevent rooting, so don’t expect sympathy from these companies.

 In the US, rooting is perfectly legal.

Thanks to clues like Knox on , manufacturers and sellers can often identify rooted devices, even after you unroot them. Note that there are ways to hide evidence of having rooted your device, but these won’t always . There’s a kind of arms race between hackers and manufacturers, and your chances of unrooting and covering your tracks will often come down to who is winning at the time! This is why many people only root older phones already out of warranty.

This might also make you wonder whether rooting your device is even legal. This is tough to answer as it depends on your country’s laws. Many countries allow for bypassing digital rights management and locks, providing that this is not used for other illegal purposes, such as circumventing copyrights. Rooting has been legal in the USA since 2013.

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

It’s also worth noting that some apps and features will stop working once you root. For example, banking apps will often stop working due to the perceived risk. Even Snapchat and Pokemon Go take issue with root! There are also often countermeasures to these limitations — though your mileage may vary. You can probably tell by now that rooting typically means creating more work for yourself, but it can be enjoyable work!

Rooting your phone can open up your device to more dangerous pieces of malware.Adam Sinicki

The final major point to be aware of is security. With greater control comes a greater level of risk, and rooting your phone can open up your device to more dangerous pieces of malware. This is where governor applications come in, which monitor and control which get root permissions. You may be familiar with SuperSU or other similar apps. These are very straightforward to use and simply display a pop-up whenever an app or process wants root access, which you can either deny or allow and save your preference if you trust the app.

Of course, if you aren’t automatically receiving the usual updates, it also falls on you to ensure you get all the latest security patches. In theory, you could improve your privacy with the proper root apps. But it’s on you. It should also be noted that SuperSU developer Chainfire hung up his root apps, so most rooters have now switched over to Magisk.


So, should you root Android?

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

With all that in mind, should you root your Android device?

Ultimately, that comes down to what you intend to use your device for. Do you even need to root Android? If you have a specific use-case scenario in mind and understand the risks and limitations, then there’s nothing to stop you from learning how to root Android and giving yourself that extra freedom.

On the other hand, the argument for rooting isn’t as compelling as it once was. These days, one can do many things that were once limited to root users (customizing the UI, recording your screen, and so on). Not to mention that even budget phones are fast these days, so overclocking is no longer an important reason to root Android.

These days, one can do a lot of things that were once limited to root users.Adam Sinicki

Seeing as root might also mean you lose functionality, it’s no longer a straight win across the board. It has its benefits, but it’s not as helpful as it once was.

For me, the obvious answer is to only root older devices. Keep your daily driver clean while it’s still getting new updates and patches, but root secondary gadgets that you want to tinker with. That way, you get to have your cake and eat it, too.


How to root Android devices

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

If you decide to proceed, you’ll probably wonder how to root Android. Let’s lead you in the right direction!

The bad news is there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution when you root Android phones and tablets. Different brands and even software versions can make the rooting process vary. Even within handset variants, you may find that some techniques work and others don’t.

The good news is that rooting is much easier than it once was in many cases. In fact, the easiest method is usually to use a simple root app. These apps let you root Android with a single tap, with some popular examples being KingRootKingoRoot, and OneClickRoot. Download your app of choice or access the website for more instructions. The service will check compatibility first, then root your device for you.

This is a minimum-fuss method that will work in many cases. However, it’s worth noting that some come with annoying push notifications and ads. I’d advise checking reviews before settling on which one to use. Some would even say that if you can’t figure out how to root your device without one of these apps, perhaps you shouldn’t be doing it at all (because if you encounter problems during the process, you won’t know what to do).

The good news is that in many cases, rooting is much easier than it once was.

If a one-click solution doesn’t appeal to you, things get a little more complex, and you’ll need to look for specific instructions for your device. This might mean using PC software and connecting your phone via USB. It might also mean using a custom recovery, or downloading additional software like Odin for Samsung devices. The best part about these options is that you learn a lot along the way.

I recommend either Googling “how to root [YOUR DEVICE NAME HERE]” or heading over to XDA Developers, which is a great place to start. Many of the best root apps available today were developed by members of this community. Just be sure to use the search function first before asking noob questions! And don’t forget to thank and support the devs that make rooting possible.

Before rooting your device, it’s always good to back up your phone first. Then settle in, read a lot, triple-check the instructions, and dive in. Crossing your fingers and holding your breath would be a good idea because you just took the red pill! The world of Android rooting is exciting, empowering, frustrating, and engaging — you’ll learn tons about how Android works, what your phone can do, and how awesome Android can be when you get in the driver’s seat.

Once you’ve rooted your phone, it’s time to start enjoying the best root apps for Android.



Rooting a device refers to obtaining superuser access to your Android system. It allows you to delve deeper into commands, system files, restricted folders, and more. This will enable you to customize things from a system level.


Rooting makes it possible to achieve much more complex customizations than you’re used to. You can control your CPU and RAM, customize your UI, remove apps you otherwise wouldn’t be able to uninstall, use apps that provide root features, and more.


Manufacturers don’t like when you tinker with their devices’ software. This can create issues, and these wouldn’t be their fault. Most manufacturers will likely avoid respecting a warranty claim if you’ve rooted a device, especially if this was the cause of whatever issue you started the claim for. That said, some argue it’s illegal to void the warranty due to rooting, in some jurisdictions. You might be able to argue this in court, but no one really wants to take a company to court for a warranty issue. At the very least, rooting your phone may cause a headache, even if you did nothing wrong.


Technically speaking, a rooted Android phone has access to system files. Regular phones lack this. This makes it possible for hackers and malware to attack you at deeper levels. Additionally, root users like grabbing apps to maximize their experience, which opens the doors to more dangers. While rooting your device can be perfectly secure, it’s also very easy to turn it into a vulnerable device. You’re no longer sticking with Google and your manufacturer’s protective arms. Not to mention, rooting can affect timely updates, which often come with security improvements.


Of course you can. The real question is whether you should. If you are to sell a rooted phone, make sure you tell the new owner about this. He can then decide if he wants to take the risk. Additionally, it’s possible to unroot a phone and take it back to its factory settings. This might be a better alternative, unless the buyer strictly wants a rooted phone.


Rooting is only worth it right now if you have a specific need for it, or if you really want to play around with your Android phone. That said, we advise most users to stick with stock software now. This is because most of the benefits we used to get from root access no longer apply. Phones used to be slow, and now even budget devices are pretty fast, so there is no dire need to overclock. Battery life is also improving, so there is no huge need to underclock. Launchers are better than ever, so custom ROMs are no longer as enticing as before. Bloatware apps can also be turned off, which at least keeps them out of view.


No. You will have to flash the stock software to remove root. In fact, this used to be seen as a feature. Some applications are able to stick around, even if you perform a factory reset. This is great for security apps.

Rooting, in and of itself, should not erase any of your data. That said, you might have to give your phone a clean install if anything goes wrong, or if the root process for your phone happens to require a factory reset.


There are multiple ways to check if a device is rooted, but if you can’t figure this out, chances are you don’t want to deal with complex methods. The easiest way to check if your phone is rooted is through an app. Root Checker is one of the most popular ones.

Views: 35

The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024, The iPhone’s default keyboard may not meet everyone’s needs. Its limited features may leave some users wanting more variety and flexibility, especially on larger devices like the iPhone 15 Pro Max or smaller models like the iPhone SE (2022).

We have conducted research and compiled a comprehensive list of the best third-party keyboards for iPhone, that can significantly enhance your texting experience. These keyboards offer a wide range of features and customization options, such as adjustable key size, swipe typing, themes, and easier access to emojis. Most of these keyboards are available for free, while some offer premium subscription options. Either way, you’ll easily be able to find a keyboard that suits your needs and preferences.

app store screenshots for microsoft swiftkey ai keyboard

Microsoft’s SwiftKey AI keyboard is a highly rated third-party keyboard that is favored by many people. The keyboard is powered by the company’s Copilot AI and is designed to your writing style. This allows it to recognize informal language, nicknames, and even your favorite emojis, which sets it apart from its competitors. The keyboard also offers various personalization options, including different themes, which enhance its appearance and appeal to the user.


The best iPhone keyboard apps in 2024

Also Read : Best Linux desktop of 2024

typewise custom keyboard for ios with three different ad layouts

Typewise has a unique take on key shapes. The app keeps the QWERTY design but switches the traditional rectangle-shaped keys for hexagonal ones — which Typewise says creates more surface area so you can type more accurately. While there is a slight learning curve, Typewise includes a built-in game to practice typing. With swipe gestures, dark mode support, and autocorrect modification, this is a great alternative for those tired of the conventional iOS keyboard. Newer versions include automatic language detection, which switches the app between selected languages, an undo button, and text replacement for often-used phrases.



grammarly app for ios three screenshots

The Grammarly iOS keyboard app offers sophisticated grammar review that goes beyond the usual spell check to provide advice on punctuation, spelling context, and misused words. It also helps you build your vocabulary and offers synonyms, which makes it an ideal app for students or business people. Grammarly also has emoji, a smart autocorrect feature, and allows you to build your own dictionary. You also get features that include swipe typing, home screen widgets, and focus filters that mute vibrations and sound effects.


Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard

facemoji keyboard app

The Facemoji Emoji Keyboard is a free tool that allows you to add a touch of personality to text messages and social media posts. With a wide range of emojis, fonts, and stickers available, you can easily create unique and engaging content for platforms like , TikTok, Instagram, Messenger, , Snapchat, and SMS. Whether you want to express your emotions through colorful emojis or add some flair to your text with stylish fonts, the Facemoji Emoji Keyboard has something for everyone.


Phraseboard Keyboard

phraseboard keyboard tripartite marketing screens

Phraseboard aims to take the pain out of the tedious job of typing the same responses and phrases repeatedly by allowing you to save them so you can select one of your prewritten answers to reply rapidly. You can create your own customized phrases and sort them by category. You can even quickly access the Phraseboard widget to create new phrases no matter what you’re doing with your iPhone. All your phrases sync with iCloud. The basic app costs $2, and subscriptions are available for some premium language and functionality features.


Gboard – the Google Keyboard

gboard google keyboard screens

Gboard is a keyboard from Google and includes everything you’d ever want within a single app. Whether you’re sending GIFs or emojis, searching Google for information, sending directions, or anything else, Gboard has you covered. With Gboard, you can search and send anything from Google, including information on nearby restaurants, videos, images, weather forecasts, news, sports scores — you name it. The app also offers Glide Typing, which allows you to type messages faster and more accurately.


Fleksy- GIF, Web & Yelp Search

fleksy web page searches

Fleksy offers users a fun and interactive way to type in their own style. You can customize your Fleksy keyboard with powerful extensions and more than 50 colorful themes. Some of the themes cost $1, but many are free. More than 800 emoji come with the app, and it also has its own built-in GIF search engine. The keyboard supports several languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Hebrew, and Dutch. It learns your typing habits as you go, enabling it to give you accurate predictions, which helps reduce typos.



fonts keyboard for iphone

Are you tired of sending your friends and family the same old boring messages? Spice things up with the Fonts keyboard app! You can customize your messages with a wide selection of fonts to fit your unique personality and style. Whether you’re feeling flirty, professional, or just plain silly, there’s a font for every mood. The Fonts keyboard works through iMessage, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, , TikTok, Telegram, , WhatsApp, Twitch, Discord, and more.


Color Keyboard – Themes, Fonts

color keyboard for ios themes and fonts

The king of keyboard customization is Color Keyboard. Sure, it gives you emoji and autocorrection and even allows you to tap and hold the space bar to move the cursor, but what really sets this keyboard apart is the option to change anything you want about the keyboard’s look. You can change the background using solid colors, gradients, textures, and even your own pictures.

You can also customize the buttons by changing the colors and borders, adding shadows, customizing the fonts, and changing the sounds. If your aim is customization, Color Keyboard takes things to the next level, but you have to subscribe to access everything, starting at $3 per week and rising for longer intervals and premium features.



bitmoji your personal emoji illustrationsBitstrips

Bitmoji, a popular keyboard app, is ideal if you want to send an emoji that resembles you rather than using standard emoji or text. Bitmoji allows you to customize and send a personalized emoji, all from your keyboard. Use Bitmoji with any of your favorite chat apps, like iMessage or Snapchat. It’s never been easier to adapt a dynamic avatar with an ever-changing collection of stickers and moods. You’ll need your Facebook login information to sign into Bitmoji and initiate the avatar creation process.


GIF Keyboard

gif keyboard for finding perfect gifsTenor

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a GIF can truly help get your point across. Get access to the massive library of animated and musical GIFs for free. From there, you can search for specific GIFs or use keywords to find animations that suit your mood. The GIF keyboard app is compatible with WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, iMessage, and just about any other messaging app or social media site.

To send a GIF, press your finger on your chosen GIF and hold it down to browse options. Once you’ve found one, share its link, the GIF itself, or a video, or save the media to your photo library. You can also customize the tool to match your specifications and save your favorite GIFs using the keyboard.


Fonts Aa

all symbol keyboard typing appMelonSoup

For the visual among us, the All Symbol Keyboard is an exciting alternative to humdrum alphanumerics with all the custom fonts, symbols, fancy letters, special characters, and emoticons you could ever want — compatible with any app on your iPhone. It works with Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and many others. Whether you’re looking for high-impact symbols to enhance your keyboard, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter posts, or even your username, launch the app and start typing. Premium versions provide unlimited access to features like the All Symbol Keyboard (every single symbol) and Facemoji library, but there’s tons of free stuff to get you started.



The best emoji keyboards for Android and iOS


Gone are the days when words were enough to fully express our thoughts and feelings. Emoji, a recently accepted form of pictographic communication that now serves as a kind of Esperanto for the internet age, plays a major role in interpersonal and international communications. Most major keyboards for both Android and iOS feature built-in support for emoji, but they are hardly front and center. If you’re looking for a keyboard to truly satisfy your emoji obsession, you may need a dedicated emoji keyboard to carry out the task of conveying your emotions visually via a text environment.

When you download a keyboard app in iOS, you must add it to your list of keyboards. To do this, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboards. Then, scroll to the Third-Party Keyboards section and choose the keyboard app. Then, tap on the keyboard app and toggle on Allow Full Access. For Android 10, you can install your new keyboard directly via the Google to your Android phone, if it is compatible with the app, and then launch and follow any directions it has.

Here are a few of our favorite third-party keyboard apps for iOS and Android.


gboardImage used with permission by copyright holder

Gboard is a highly functional keyboard from Google that concentrates on handy features like emoji search, GIFs, stickers, and glide typing. Best of all, it has the Google search app integrated into the keyboard — no more switching apps. Just search for anything from the weather to your neighborhood bodega and send, all from this nifty keyboard.


emoji for iosImage used with permission by copyright holder

Emoji> offers a ton of emoji characters you can use via the keyboard, and they’re split into different categories, making it easy to find the emoji you’re looking for. The keyboard also provides animated stickers and the ability to set up specific emoji as favorites, so you can access them at a moment’s notice without having to search for the ones you want. Updates include compatibility with iOS 14 and all of its attendant emoji, including smiling face with tear, disguised face, ninja, pinched fingers, heart and lungs, black cat, polar bear, seal, dodo sandal, bubble tea, and toothbrush. New emoji widgets are also on hand.

Microsoft Swiftkey

swiftkeyImage used with permission by copyright holder

Swiftkey is not an emoji keyboard per se, but it is the next best thing — an excellent keyboard that comes pre-loaded with hundreds of emoji for you to use. Swiftkey is already a great favorite because of its valuable predictive typing, which can also be applied to emoji. When you type a word or phrase, for example, the app suggests emoji that you can quickly use. The most recent versions include renaming the app to Microsoft Swiftkey, a new Messaging Center on the keyboard toolbar, haptic feedback, one-handed mode, 400 new languages, and new language layouts.

ai.type Keyboard Plus

best emoji keyboards aitype1


best emoji keyboards aitype3

As its name implies, ai.type was developed around artificial intelligence, aiming to assist people in typing quickly and accurately. It also allows you to personalize the keyboard to fit your individual needs, enabling you to adjust the keyboard’s layout, theme, and color scheme. This means you can set an emoji front and center and select from an extensive inventory of more than 1,000 characters.

Similar to many other keyboard applications, the keyboard can also propose emojis depending on what you type. The most current versions are compatible with the new Emoji 12.1 for 2020 and 517 new emoji. Around 23 new gender-neutral emoji icons have been added. Some of these include a gender-neutral firefighter, astronaut, a person in a wheelchair, and a judge. You’ll also have access to fun emoji objects like an otter, ringed planet, beverage box, and pinching hand.


fleksyImage used with permission by copyright holder

If you want to add a bit more fun and animation to your typing, Fleksy could be the keyboard that you’ve been looking for. Fleksy is compatible with a wide variety of extensions, letting you quickly add new features as necessary. Maybe the most remarkable thing about Fleksy is how simple it is to get to your emoji. You can browse through dozens of emoji in each section and change categories with a quick tap at the bottom of the keyboard.

Just like many keyboards, you can also establish a variety of attractive themes. Updated versions include features like Next Word Prediction, prepared in 28 languages, and Emoji Prediction so you can inspect the suggested emoji in regards to your conversation’s context.

best emoji keyboards go keyboard2

go keyboard

best emoji keyboards go keyboard3

Go Keyboard is a personalizable keyboard that permits you to put emoji, emoticons, stickers, and GIFs in noticeable areas. The app converts text into emoji and emoticons, and you can pick from over 1,000 emoji and stickers, plus over 10, 000 different themes. It supports over 60 other languages, too. If that’s not enough to impress you, you can also type with gestures and various fonts, as well as individualize your keyboard with your own personal photo theme. The Fancy Font feature gives you the opportunity to select your preferred keyboard font.

Views: 710

The can be a great investment, saving you quite a bit of time and money. For shoppers worried about the long-term ink costs, you’ll find color surprisingly affordable. Laser printers use toner, which lasts a very long time, delivering a low cost per page for monochrome documents and fast color prints. The best color laser printers offer quick performance and reliability to help keep your home office or productive.

If you need to scan documents for record-keeping and photo capture or want the convenience of a color copier, an all-in-one color laser printer is an essential tool for your small business or personal use. For a small added cost, you get expanded capabilities. That’s why every model on this list is an all-in-one from the best printer brands.

Why you should trust us

Digital Trends has been reviewing printers for 20 years, testing them to determine which offer the best quality and fastest speeds. We check the long-term value of each printer, so you’ll know in advance if a low-cost printer is truly affordable or if it has outrageous toner costs.

Printers are complex machines that require a good understanding of the technology to make a solid recommendation. Reviews also highlight problems with compatibility and other details that can become deal breakers when you depend on particular features.

Key considerations while selecting the best color laser printer for you

There are several key factors to consider when choosing a color laser printer. Purchase price matters, but long-term costs can add up quickly. Review the entire list to find the perfect printer.

Print quality and color fidelity

If you’re choosing color, you need more than a hard copy — you want your document to look great. You still need razor-sharp text, but it’s essential for colors to match what you see on-screen and in photos without banding or streaks.

Speed and economy

A laser printer should be fast and efficient with low running costs. Otherwise, you should choose a more versatile and lower-cost inkjet printer.

Special features

All-in-one printers include scan, copy, and sometimes fax functions, filling multiple roles in your office. Many printers offer duplex printing (double-sided), an automatic document feeder (ADF), multiple paper trays, Wi-Fi connectivity, and walk-up printing. These details could be critically important when making a purchase decision.

hp color laserjet pro 4301fdw review the is sturdy super fast

HP Color LaserJet Pro 4301fdw

Best all-in-one color laser printer

Why you should buy this: It’s a modern, eco-friendly color laser printer with great speed and quality.

Who’s it for: Home offices and small businesses that need documents printed quickly.

Why we picked the :

With blistering fast print and scan speeds, the HP Color LaserJet Pro 4301fdw makes short work of challenging jobs. It prints 35 pages per minute (ppm) for monochrome and color documents and scans with its ADF at 31 ppm.

Color documents look great and photos come out nice even on plain paper. A USB port allows walk-up printing via a thumb drive, making the LaserJet Pro 4301fdw an excellent all-in-one printer for home and office.

Best color laser printers for 2024

Read Also : Which is Best and unlimited AI Art Generator tool?

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M182nw rests beside a stack of printed documents.

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M182nw

Best deal on a color laser printer

Why you should buy this: It’s a great bargain on an HP color laser printer.

Who it’s for: Anyone upgrading from an inkjet printer for more speed and durability.

Why we picked the HP LaserJet Pro MFP M182nw:

An HP color laser printer usually costs a lot more than this. HP is recognized as one of the most popular brands for rugged and durable laser printers, so you know a LaserJet will have good quality and long-lasting value.

The HP LaserJet Pro MFP M182nw outputs the first page in 11.6 seconds and has sustained print speeds of up to 17 ppm. That’s not superfast for a laser printer, but doubles or triples the color document speed of most inkjets. Combined with budget pricing, this is a good introduction to laser printers for anyone who has used only inkjet printers so far.

Setup should be quick and easy with the HP Smart mobile app, or you can connect the LaserJet Pro MFP M182nw directly to a Windows PC or Mac. HP quality is rarely this cheap.

With integrated scanning and copying, this will work nicely for a home office to take the burden off your inkjet printer.

The Canon imageCLASS MF656Cdw is shown angled and on a white background.

Canon Color imageClass MF656Cdw

Best color laser printer for small business

Why you should buy this: Great color print quality in a multifunctional printer.

Who it’s for: Anyone who needs to print or copy documents and graphics quickly.

Why we picked the Canon Color imageClass MF656Cdw:

Laser printers are known to be fast and rugged, and the Canon Color imageClass MF656Cdw fits this description well. While we wouldn’t recommend it for photographers, the MF656Cdw is hard to beat for an office that needs to make or reproduce color documents that contain graphics and photos.

While the 22-ppm print speed of the Canon Color imageClass MF656Cdw doesn’t match the fastest color lasers, it does offer duplex printing, copying, and scanning from its 50-sheet document feeder. With a monthly duty cycle of 2,500 pages, it can also hold up to the standard printing demands of small to medium-sized offices.

In addition to USB, print jobs can be sent wirelessly via Apple , Mopria, Wi-Fi direct, and Canon’s Print Business app.

Brother MFC-L3720CDW product shot on white

Brother MFC-L3720CDW

Best Brother laser printer for photos

Why you should buy this: You’ll get full-color laser prints quickly at an affordable price.

Who’s it for: Home and small office customers with moderate print volume needs.

Why we picked the Brother MFC-L3720CDW:

Color laser printers aren’t cheap. This affordable Brother makes a great addition to a home office or small business. It has many of the same features as more expensive models, like its 3.7-inch touchscreen for easy access to functions and a 250-sheet tray that lets you print more without replacing paper.

With a numeric pad for faxing, fast single-sided scanning, and quick copying, this printer is ready to help make your workday easier. It’s a large, heavy printer that’s designed to last a long time.

If you like the look of this printer, but need duplex scanning and copying, Brother’s MFC-L3780CDW offers super-fast single-pass scanning of multiple double-sided documents in its automatic document feeder for about $100 more.

Why you should buy this: Brother’s MFC‐L8905CDW delivers fast printing speeds and long-lasting supplies at affordable operating costs.

Who it’s for: Small and medium-sized businesses.

Why we picked the Brother MFC‐L8905CDW :

The Brother MFC‐L8905CDW features ultra-high yield toner cartridges that supply up to 9,000 monochrome pages and 8,000 color pages, so you rarely need to interrupt a busy workday. An optional 500 sheet paper tray expands the onboard capacity of 250 sheets in the main tray and 50 sheets in the multi-purpose tray.

Print speeds of up to 33 ppm make short work of long documents and extra copies. This sturdy business printer offers duplex for fax, scan, copy, and print functions and can connect to any device with Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or USB. A USB port allows walk-up operation with a thumb drive, while an NFC reader limits access to authorized personnel.

The Brother MFC‐L8905CDW has a recommended duty cycle of 4,000 pages per month but it can handle printing up to 60,000 pages in a month. For such a rugged printer, Brother didn’t skimp on convenience features. The seven-inch color touchscreen can be customized with up to 64 to speed up frequent operations.

Front view of a Brother laser printer sitting on a counter in an office setting.

Brother HL-L3270CDW

Best budget color laser printer

Why you should buy this: It’s the best budget-friendly option for offices with limited space.

Who it’s for: Small and home offices.

Why we picked the Brother HL-L3270CDW

If all you need is a printer that prints quickly, fits perfectly in your small home office, and doesn’t break the bank, then this is the printer for you. With the Brother HL-L3270CDW you can expect print speeds of up to 25 ppm for both black and color pages, a wide variety of connectivity options including wireless and Ethernet, and a 250-sheet max paper tray that can support different paper sizes and types like envelopes or card stock. It’s a great, affordable option for simple, straightforward print jobs.

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f on a white background.

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f

Best color laser printer for medium-sized businesses

Why you should buy this: HP’s Color LaserJet Pro MFP M480f is a speedy all-in-one printer that’s designed for printing and digital document archiving with intuitive support for cloud storage.

Who it’s for: Small businesses that need a speedy color laser printer.

Why we picked the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M480f:

Workgroups and businesses that don’t have much office space to spare to house a large printer will appreciate HP’s Color LaserJet Pro MFP M480f. The MFP M480f adds multifunctional features that will help with your office’s document needs, including a built-in flatbed scanner, automatic document feeder, and duplexing capabilities. The M480f is a well-rounded multifunction printer that can still output up to 29 ppm in black and white or color.

This speedy but compact number has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low-Energy, and mobile printing is supported across a number of devices and platforms. The big limiting factor on this printer is its small 250-sheet paper input tray, though larger offices with bigger print jobs can upgrade to the optional 550-sheet tray. Duplexing is supported to help save paper and the environment. A front-facing USB port makes it easy to print from a storage drive. The printer can print from or scan to a variety of cloud providers, making it easy for digital document archiving. Businesses on a limited print budget can invest in high-yield toner cartridges for a lower per-page print cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Color laser printers versus inkjet printers: what’s best?

Laser printers are better for text documents, as they produce crisp text even at small font sizes. Over time, they are also cheaper to run than cartridge-based inkjets. However, laser printers require a larger initial investment. If you don’t print very often, a cheap inkjet printer could make more sense and it may take a long time before its higher operational costs catch up to the higher initial cost of a laser printer. For smaller print jobs, the faster pages-per-minute rate of a laser printer also won’t be much of an advantage.

If you’re looking to save money in the long term and need to print pictures, check out inkjet solutions that rely on tanks for ink rather than cartridges, like Epson’s EcoTank series. Since the tanks are refillable with bottled ink, tank printers cost even less than toner for laser printers. Not only will tanks be better for the environment through less waste, but they will save you money for larger print jobs.

Laser printers are still more durable reducing maintenance costs if you print at high volume. Lasers offer faster printing speeds, saving time on large print jobs. That’s why businesses often choose laser printers.

Beyond print quality, inkjet photo printers can also handle a wider variety of paper types and sizes compared to laser printers. Some very large inkjets are available that can print posters and banners. A color laser printer will handle inline photos and graphics in documents just fine. Most modern color laser printers, especially those made for small offices, will be able to handle standard sizes and types of print jobs, from standard documents to labels and card stock.

While color laser printers have gotten much better at handling photographs, if you’re looking to make detailed, color-accurate photographic prints to hang on your wall, display in a gallery, or sell to customers, a high-end inkjet photo printers is still the way to go (or simply outsource the work to a photo lab).

Do color laser printers come with Wi-Fi or AirPrint support?

Yes. As with inkjet printers, wireless connectivity has become standard on color laser printers. That means you can use Apple AirPrint for your and iPad with nearly any printer and Android’s print service is equally adept at connecting. There are more details about mobile use below.

You can also use Wi-Fi to print and scan with Windows and macOS. However, if you use a or want to print from a Chromebook, check the manufacturer’s page to confirm the printer is compatible with your system.

How can I print from my iPad, iPhone, or Android device?

Color laser printers support Apple AirPrint, making it easy to print from an iPad or iPhone to a printer on your Wi-Fi network. Android phones and tablets can also connect to Wi-Fi printers quickly and easily.

For scanning, maintenance, and other specific features, you will need to install the manufacturer’s mobile app from Apple’s App Store or Play. The mobile app will often provide more options for quality, input tray, and paper size and type.

How often will I have to buy toner?

This depends on how much you print. Toner cartridges often have yields of 2,000 pages or more (check the specifications of your printer for your model’s specific yield). For light home use, that means many people could easily go a year or more without replacing toner. For office use, the replacement interval will be shorter, but toner could still last a few months.

How can I save money on toner?

The first step is to print efficiently; that is, double-check your page layout settings and make sure everything is correct before you hit that print button. You can also save money by preventing wasted color toner by setting a black and white printer as the default.

When it is time to reorder, you can save money by buying third-party toner cartridges. However, buying third-party toner likely isn’t recommended by your printer’s manufacturer, but so long as you make sure it’s compatible with your printer, it should work just fine. However, some printers, like the HP model above, look for a toner that uses a special chip identifying it as original equipment. HP warns that while some other cartridges may work today, they may not in the future.

Can I buy a color laser printer with built-in fax?

Yes. Many all-in-one laser printers can scan, copy, and fax documents. If you’re doing a lot of faxing, copying, or scanning, be sure to choose a printer with an automatic document feeder (ADF), and if you want to do double-sided scans and double-sided prints, a model that has a duplex ADF and duplex printing will be best. Double-sided prints can also help save money if cost is a concern. Note that not all all-in-ones — also called multifunction printers — have fax modems, so be sure to check the specs before you buy. If you need a multifunction printer, be sure to check out our best picks for all-in-one printers.

How do you test color printers?

To find the best color laser printers, we factor in criteria such as speed, price, maintenance costs, and any unique features that help them one-up the competition.

Our selections are based on our long- and short-term testing; experience with earlier models; familiarity with the company’s technologies; consultation with industry experts, fellow journalists, and users; online forums; lab results; and other third-party reviews. We look across the board — not just at our own experiences — to find consensus on what we think are the best-performing printers you can currently buy. We also look at list pricing to determine if a product is worth the cost. We will even recommend printers that aren’t new, provided the features are still best-in-class.

The printer market evolves constantly, with manufacturers either introducing better models with new features or basic upgrades. So, you can expect our picks to change as well. But don’t worry — the models you see here will be with you for some time, and if we anticipate better models on the horizon, we will state that upfront to help you decide whether you should buy now or wait.

Which is the best color laser printer for home use?

When searching for a color laser printer for home use, you probably don’t want a 100-pound beast meant to survive the rigors of a shared work environment.

A compact, budget-friendly color laser might be ideal. Printing photos is a common use for home printers and some models have good quality even on plain paper.

Is a laser printer good for color?

The first laser printers were monochrome, but most manufacturers offer several color laser printers that provide great quality for color documents.

However, some handle photos better than others. For photographic-quality color pictures, it’s hard to beat an inkjet printer that’s optimized for photos.

Are laser printers being phased out?

Laser printers will continue to be manufactured for the foreseeable future. However, there are some concerns about their environmental impact.

Epson, for example, is phasing out laser printers worldwide by 2026, citing the significant energy required to generate enough heat to fuse toner onto paper.

Meanwhile, HP has found ways to make laser printers more eco-friendly by altering toner formulations and improving efficiency.

If you find our top picks aren’t the right fit for your specific needs, there are other color laser and other printer types that are worth checking out. If you’d like a top-rated printer that can match the quality of the best scanners, or you simply just need a more affordable model, be sure to take a look at some of the all-around best printers on the market.

If you’re looking for additional savings, check out our guides to the best cheap printer deals and best laser printer deals available now.

Views: 25

The best Android phones in 2024, Finding a bad Android phone is a rare occurrence these days. However, with so many options available, it can be daunting to choose the best one in 2024. In this article, we aim to help you find the Android phone you’re looking for.

When looking to buy a new Android phone, there are many factors to consider. Do you prefer a large screen? How important is camera performance to you? Are you someone who enjoys gaming on your phone? Or do you need long-lasting battery life? To assist you, we have compiled a list of Android phones that cater to everyone’s needs.

If you’re also open to non-Android devices, see our list of the best phones overall. Otherwise, keep reading for our picks of the best Android phones in 2024.

oneplus 12 review flowy emerald held in hand arch

OnePlus 12

The best Android phone overall

Formerly known as the “flagship killer” for offering killer specs at a lower price, OnePlus has since shifted its products up the price scale. But it hasn’t lost sight of what made its phones great to begin with, and as a result, the OnePlus 12 is a flagship smartphone that can take on much more expensive smartphones at their own game.

The OnePlus 12 is powered by the  Gen 3, the latest processor from Qualcomm, which is likely to find itself at the heart of most Android flagships in the coming year. It’s a monster of a chip, and it’s happily trounced any test we’ve put it through. Even the most demanding 3D games can barely faze it, and it’s backed up by some other impressive specs too. RAM starts at 12GB, the same that you’ll find in the S24 Ultra, and rises to 16GB. That’s more than a smartphone needs in 2024, and shows just how committed OnePlus is to making sure its phones are some of the most powerful around.

That drive is also evident in the display and design. The OnePlus 12 is a striking phone. It’s similar-looking to OnePlus’ previous phones, but its identity is so distinct from every other phone brand, and it just looks fabulous. The display is a huge 6.8-inch AMOLED display with a 1Hz to 120Hz dynamic refresh rate, 1440p resolution, and a crazily bright maximum brightness of 4,500 nits. Again, that peak brightness is way beyond anything you’ll ever need, but it really highlights OnePlus’ philosophy.

The camera setup has similar high numbers, with a 50-megapixel main camera, a 64MP periscope telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom, and a 48MP ultrawide camera. There’s also a 32MP selfie lens around the front. The actual performance doesn’t live up to the strong numbers though, and it’s not the camera king of this list for sure. However, it’s still a solid performer that consistently creates good looking images and videos.

The 5,400mAh battery is capable of going for two days on a single charge, and wired charging of 80 watts also means it won’t sit on the charger for long when it finally does run down. There’s also 45W wireless charging and 10W reverse wireless charging, that go far beyond what the competition is offering.

At a price of just $800, there’s no doubt the OnePlus 12 offers an enormous amount of bang for your buck, with performance that’s more than able to duke it out with the $1,300 Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra — and come out on top. It’s the best Android phone you can buy in 2024.

The best Android phones in 2024

google pixel 8 pro review colorful background close

Google Pixel 8 Pro

The best Android phone runner-up

We described the Google Pixel 8 Pro as the best Pixel we’ve ever used, and for good reason. This new smartphone boasts exciting features, such as improved cameras and photo-editing tools, Google’s latest Tensor chip, and more.

Let’s discuss the design of the Pixel 8 Pro. Despite closely resembling the Google , Google has made significant changes to the device. The rear glass features an impressive, smooth matte finish, and the phone’s rounded corners have also been increased, making it more comfortable to hold. Additionally, the dual camera cutouts found on the Pixel 7 Pro have been replaced with a single cutout that spans the length of the camera bar.

The display on the Pixel 8 Pro has also seen some nice upgrades. The 120Hz refresh rate has been tweaked so that it can scale down to 1Hz, not 10Hz, as needed. This means less energy gets used. The display is also much brighter, rising to 1,600 nits for HDR and 2,400 for peak brightness.

The primary camera on the Pixel 8 Pro has a resolution of 50 megapixels and an aperture of f/1.68, which makes it more light-sensitive. Additionally, it has a 2x optical zoom. The new ultrawide camera has a resolution of 48MP and an f/1.95 aperture, significantly improving its light sensitivity and macro mode. Also, the telephoto camera has a resolution of 48MP, an f/2.8 aperture, and a 5x optical zoom, resulting in improved light sensitivity. Furthermore, the front-facing camera has an f/2.2 aperture and autofocus support.

The Pixel 8 Pro has new camera software tools that are pretty impressive. One is Best Take, which is heavily advertised in Google’s latest television ads. This feature automatically stitches together multiple photographs so everyone in the shot appears smiling. Additionally, a Magic Editor feature allows you to erase and move objects from existing photos, even those not taken with the Pixel 8 Pro.

The Pixel 8 Pro has a new Tensor G3 chip, which has been well received. The previous versions didn’t perform well, so this one had much to prove. The Tensor G3 chip can handle various tasks such as gaming, live video streaming over a 5G connection, and capturing photos. The best part is that the Tensor G3 chip doesn’t overheat like its predecessors.

Simply put, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a standout Android phone that has earned its place as our best runner-up for many reasons. Not only does it boast a stunning design that is sure to impress, but it also features an improved camera system that delivers stunning photos and videos. With its large and vibrant display, lightning-fast processor, and long-lasting battery life, the Pixel 8 Pro is a true workhorse that can keep up with even the most demanding users. Whether you’re a professional photographer or someone who wants a reliable and powerful smartphone, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth considering.

samsung galaxy s24 plus review 1

Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus

The best big Android phone

With a massive display and all the power of its more expensive sibling, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus is a fantastic choice if you want a very capable device with more power than you can shake a stick at, an excellent camera, and two-day battery life.

It’s on this list because of its size, so we’ll start with that. The design is largely unchanged from last year, with the same minimalist back and sleek body — with one exception. The sides are now flat, mimicking similar changes over in iPhoneland. It’s a great change, and it makes this big phone much easier to handle. The display itself is a 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X with a 1Hz to 120Hz refresh rate and a peak brightness of 2,600 nits. It’s as bold and beautiful as Samsung’s screens always are, and you won’t regret spending time staring at it.

It’s powerful too; The core of this power is our old friend, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and it’s as powerful as it is in other phones. Backing this up is 12GB of RAM, and the combination of the two is enough to make most games in fear. The big addition this year is Galaxy AI, and while some features are good, (like the image editor), some of these AI features are a bit feeble, and not something you’re likely to use regularly. Use them a few times and enjoy the rest of an excellent phone.

The camera is great, and though it can struggle with movement, it’s going to produce results you’re happy with most of the time. The battery is a standout though, with two days of performance with moderate use, and it also comes with a very welcome boost to 45W fast charging.

Prices start at $1,000 for the S24 Plus, so it’s not the most reasonably priced of phones, but when you consider how close it is to the $1,300 Galaxy S24 Ultra, it’s a real bargain. With seven years of updates, this phone is sure to last you for a long time, so you can consider the price an investment.

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Samsung Galaxy S24

The best small Android phone

There’s one reason to pick up the Samsung Galaxy S24 — you love everything the S24 Ultra and S24 Plus are doing, but you want it in a much smaller package. Thankfully, you’re not sacrificing anything by picking up a smaller phone, as the Galaxy S24 is a worthy entry in Samsung’s latest range, and a very good phone to boot.

This year’s smallest S-range phone has all the new additions we loved in the Plus-sized model, including the flat edges that make handling the phone much easier and the utterly gorgeous display, now shrunk down to a relatively diminutive 6.2-inches. But the real magic here comes from the fact that the small size doesn’t mean a downgrade in power thanks to the same hyper-powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 nested within.

It’s not perfect, of course. While the camera is strong, lowlight shots aren’t as good those taken by its siblings or the competition, and fast charging is limited to just 25W. Thankfully, the battery is still impressive, which helps to compensate for that slight downside as it commonly gets more than one day on a single charge.

At $800, it’s well-priced, though it does go up against the phenomenal OnePlus 12 at the same price. Thankfully, it has its smaller stature to really press an advantage, meaning this is the phone to buy if you want a smaller smartphone that still packs a strong punch.

dont buy galaxy s24 ultra iphone 15 pro max do this instead oneplus 12r review 1

The best value Android phone

We’ve already highlighted how the OnePlus 12 isn’t really a flagship killer anymore since it’s actually a flagship now. But there’s another OnePlus smartphone on the prowl, and it really is a flagship killer. The OnePlus 12R is basically a 2023 flagship smartphone, but priced at $500, and that makes it an unmissable bargain.

The root of this lies, as ever with OnePlus, in the spec sheet. Last year’s flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 can be found inside the 12R — and it’s the very same processor you’ll find in the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, OnePlus 11, and other flagship phones from last year. Combine that with a very respectable 8GB or 16GB of RAM, and the OnePlus 12R flies through tasks and games alike. Performance looks even faster thanks to the 1Hz to 120Hz refresh rate on the 6.78-inch AMOLED display, and the resolution is clean and crisp with 450 pixels per inch.

It’s not let down with a bad design either. The 12R evokes the same design spirit as the OnePlus 12 and the OnePlus 11 before it, and it looks great as a result. It even has an alert slider and an IR blaster, which are things you’d be hard-pressed to find on any phone these days.

The camera is technically a triple-lens setup, but it’s better that you only think of it as having the single 50MP main lens. The 8MP ultrawide lens is OK, but nothing special, and the 2MP macro lens is so awful it might as well not have been included. Thankfully, the 50MP main lens is good, even if it struggles with movement and sometimes returns slightly off colors.

The 5,500mAh battery is the biggest OnePlus has ever used, and it shows its size with some very strong battery life. Two days is more than possible with this phone, and moderate use may see it stretch to a third. It has the same 80W fast charging as its more expensive cousin, so you can give it a fast 10-minute charge and be sure of having hours of extra juice.

A phone this good shouldn’t cost $500, but it does. Admittedly, OnePlus’s phone don’t come with a lot of extra features, which makes a lot of this possible, but considering how easy it is to live without even the best special features out there, the OnePlus 12R is a real steal.

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The best midrange Android phone

No, we haven’t accidentally listed one of the Galaxy S23’s colorways, that’s actually the Galaxy A54. Samsung’s new midrange phone is a dead ringer for the 2023 flagship, and that’s a very good thing. In fact, the A54’s design differs from its more expensive cousin in just a few ways, and the most important is the range of bold colors. The Violet and Lime variants have a lot of character, and they’re well worth picking over the more standard black or white versions. The chassis is made from plastic instead of aluminum, but it’s covered in Gorilla Glass 5, so it still feels like a premium product.

The Galaxy A54 has a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10+ certification, and a 1080p resolution, which largely puts it on a level with the A53 5G’s excellent display. The A54’s display is brighter than its predecessor though, giving it an under strong lights and outdoors.

It’s powered by the Exynos 1380, a Samsung-made chip that does a good job of keeping everything running. It might start to show its age as this phone ages, though, especially if you’re a mobile gamer. While never slow, sometimes we did experience some slight lag in opening apps, especially the camera. The internal storage options of 128GB and 256GB are good, especially when there’s room for a microSD card as well.

The camera is a solid affair, especially since it’s ditched the A53’s useless depth sensor. There’s a 50MP main lens, combined with a 12MP wide-angle and 5MP macro lens, and it takes good pictures — with one, pretty jarring exception. The stills it produces are almost always enormously oversaturated, to the point where it can seem comically so. Samsung’s phones have long been known for turning up the saturation a little too much, but it’s the first time it’s done so way too far, and it’s a bit of a disappointment here.

Two-day battery life was starting to become the norm for Samsung’s phones, but that’s not the case here. You’ll get only a single day out of this battery, and while that’s acceptable, it’s a little disappointing if you’re used to much longer battery life.

The Samsung Galaxy A54 has some downsides, but ultimately, they’re on the more minor side when compared with what you get: A capable smartphone that looks great, has a day-long battery life, and scores well in pretty much every area. Even if it doesn’t excel, it doesn’t need to, and the $450 price means it’s a great choice for anyone looking for a mid-range phone.

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Samsung Galaxy A14 5G

The best cheap Android phone

There are $200 phones that really feel like $200 phones, but the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G isn’t one of them. Samsung has done an incredible of keeping the A14 from feeling too cheap, and that starts with the design. Admittedly, it has a plastic body, but it has a unique texture that feels nice and offers grip, something often missing from slippery glass phones. There’s no water resistance, but there is a headphone jack, which is a nice bonus.

The 6.6-inch LCD display has a 1080p resolution, but it’s hampered by not getting bright enough. It also has some relatively chunky bezels. But even with that in mind, it’s an impressive display for a $200 phone, thanks largely to the 90Hz refresh rate. While not as smooth as the same refresh rate you’ll find in more powerful phones, this is still impressive in a phone this cheap, and a really strong point in its favor when you consider the iPhone 15 is still using a 60Hz refresh rate.

We did come across small stutters during use, and that’s likely down to the relatively modest specs. Still, the Galaxy A14 5G has excellent performance when compared to other devices at this price point, and the 64GB of storage is also good enough at this price too. You’ll want to clear out running apps to keep it running smoothly, but it also comes with 5G, meaning it should be futureproofed enough for the next few years at least. The battery is a solid two-day affair, thanks to the modest specs and 5,000mAh capacity. Recharging isn’t particularly fast at just 15W, but when it lasts this long, it doesn’t matter too much.

The camera is also surprisingly good. Ignore the two additional lenses, though, as they’re 2MP and don’t do much — instead, focus on the 50MP main lens, which takes some decent shots. Images are clear, bright, and avoid oversaturation. Nighttime shots are also good, though with some visible noise when zoomed in. They’re all generally still good enough for social media, though, which is a big test for camera phones at this price.

The Samsung Galaxy A14 5G is a stellar phone for just $200, and if you’re looking for a serious budget bargain, then you’ve found it.

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OnePlus Nord N30 5G

The best cheap Android phone runner-up

Cheap phones sometimes struggle to excel in some areas without cutbacks in others, and the OnePlus Nord N30 5G is a prime example of this. OnePlus’s latest $300 phone is great in a number of areas, but has some serious setbacks in others that may or may not impact whether you want to buy and use it.

We’ll start by addressing the elephant in the room, and it’s the camera. The Nord N30 has a triple lens rear camera setup, and while impressive on paper, the combination of a 108MP main lens, 2MP macro lens, and 2MP depth sensor don’t deliver the goods. The 108MP lens lacks optical image stabilization so a lot of stills come out blurred. Low-light shots are blurred and noisy, while even images in good lighting tend to be bland and characterless. The 2MP macro lens is acceptable, but it can’t rescue what is a poor overall showing.

Thankfully, other areas of the phone are a lot better. The design is a little boring, but it feels and handles very well. It’s well weighted, meaning one-handed use is possible despite the large size, and it has a headphone jack and microSD card as well. The 6.72-inch LCD display is excellent, and has bright colors and a 1080p resolution. Most impressive though, is the refresh rate. The Nord N30 sports a 120Hz refresh rate, putting it on the level of 2023 flagship phones like the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and Google Pixel 7 Pro.

It’s no gaming phone, but performance is still good. The Snapdragon 695 can handle most modern games, even if you may need to drop graphical quality if you want to experience the higher refresh rates the display is capable of. Battery life is similarly strong, and you can expect over a day of use most of the time. The Nord N30 also supports up to 50W of super-fast charging too, making it one of the fastest charging phones at this price point.

Yes, the camera is a letdown — but that’s only important if you’re the sort of person who likes taking pictures and videos. If you’re not much of a photographer, then there’s a lot to appeal to you here. The OnePlus Nord N30 5G has an excellent display, good performance, and a great battery life, and is a solid phone for just $300.

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Nothing Phone 2

Aside from folding phones, all smartphones are starting to look the same in terms of design. However, Carl Pei’s Nothing has done something different with the Nothing Phone, and the latest Nothing Phone 2 continues to stand out from the crowd with the clear glass back and Glyph lighting system.

The Nothing Phone 2 is slightly bigger than its predecessor, coming in with a 6.7-inch OLED display, while the first phone had a 6.5-inch display. The 6.7-inch screen has 2412 x 1080 pixel resolution and a dynamic refresh rate up to 120Hz. Colors are bright and vivid on the display, everything looks crisp and sharp, and the speaker system is pretty decent for the price.

Even as a second generation device, the design for the Nothing Phone 2 is still unlike anything you’ve seen before. It’s a glass slab, yes, but it feels very light and manageable, despite the large size. The flat edges are part of the aluminum chassis, the clear back is made of glass, and the front screen is covered with Gorilla Glass. The Glyph lighting on the back is still present, though the LED strips are broke up into more segments this time around. However, the glass back also makes the phone very slippery, so be careful.

The Glyph lighting is also improved over the first generation. As mentioned earlier, it’s broken up into sections, giving it more functionality for various purposes. You can use the lighting as a visual timer, highlight priority notifications by having a persistent light, a fill-light for the camera in low light environments, and certain patterns can be set for incoming calls, accompanied by a sound effect. There’s a lot of customization here with the lighting system, and it is one of the standout features of the Nothing Phone 2.

Camera-wise, there aren’t a lot of change from the Nothing Phone 1. You have a 50MP main camera and a 50MP ultra wide. The selfie camera is 32MP. During the daytime, the Nothing Phone 2 will take some great photos. It struggles a bit in lowlight environments, but it’s a very solid performer across the board.

The Nothing Phone 2 comes with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chip, which is a slightly older processor. However, it offers fantastic performance and efficiency, so the Nothing Phone 2 should handle anything you need it to with ease. You get Android 13 with Nothing OS 2.0 layered on top. It’s similar to Android on a Pixel, though with some added customization features — including the ability to personalize folders and give all of your app icons a monochromatic paint job.

Battery life on the Nothing Phone 2 is also very good, as it has a 4,700mAh battery inside. Even with heavy use, you should be able to get through the day just fine without having to charge up mid-day. And when you do need to charge, it supports up to 45W PPS charging, which is a little under an hour for a full charge.

Considering the price, the Nothing Phone 2 is one of the best phones you can buy starting at $599. Not only is it one of the most unique looking smartphones around, but the day-to-day experience of using the phone is also rock solid. There’s very little to seriously complain about.

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Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro

The best gaming Android phone

Asus has been making big changes to the ROG Phone; Horrifically, it’s made a phone that looks normal! But on the plus side, nothing that made the ROG Phone so special has been lost in the process, and it means the new Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro is the best choice for a gaming phone in 2024.

Let’s touch on those design changes first. Basically, the ROG Phone 8 Pro looks a lot more normal than previous versions. Out are the distinctive gamer chic design and the large cooling vents, and in is a much more sleek, black design that’s not too dissimilar to the styles of other flagship phones. There’s a LED array on the back, yes, but it doesn’t show up when it’s not in use, meaning the ROG Phone 8 Pro is downright subtle compared to what came before. Is it a positive change? On the whole, yes. It’s slimmer, lighter, and thinner, meaning it’s easier to use, but it has lost some of that mad charm gaming phones used to have.

What’s that processor? Why, it’s the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 again! You know the drill; it’s fast and extremely capable, and it’s paired with some other impressive specs. You either get 16GB or 24GB of RAM, plus 512GB or 1TB of storage, providing plenty of power and room for even the biggest games. But this phone’s performance only starts at the spec sheet, as it offers a boost to 165Hz for supported games, the Asus X Mode to supercharge gaming performance, and the range’s excellent AirTriggers on either shoulder. Add the optional AeroCooler X accessory to keep it cool, and you have a phone that’s thoroughly at home blasting the most challenging games available.

The beefy 5,500mAh battery offers a long-lasting battery life too. With only small amounts of use, the battery could last three or four days thanks to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3’s energy-sipping — but really take the gaming mode for a spin, and it’ll still last a solid day. It also comes with 65W fast charging to get it charged right back up again.

Even the camera has been improved. It has a 50MP main lens, a 13MP wide-angle lens, and a 32MP telephoto lens, making this one of the more technically impressive Asus camera systems. Shots are pretty decent, and given how bad previous gaming phone cameras have been, this is something of an achievement. Sure, it won’t end up on the best camera phones list, but the camera no longer a reason to avoid the phone.

All of this doesn’t come cheap though, and throwing a “for gamers” sticker on any product has always meant a hike in price. Thankfully, given the specs and performance on offer here, the initial asking price of $1,199 isn’t that bad. It’s more than the equal of other phones in this price range, and plays games better than any of them. And while it can’t match most others for camera performance, the battery life means there’s still a place for this device. If you’re an avid mobile gamer, this should be your next phone.

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Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5

The best foldable Android phone

The fifth generation Galaxy Z Fold shows that Samsung knows what it’s doing in the foldable market. The Z Fold 5 has some great improvements over its predecessor, making it one of the best folding phones you can buy, as well as a great smartphone overall.

One of the big flaws of the previous Z Fold 4 was the visible gap when closed. The Z Fold 5 fixes this with the new Flex Hinge design, which means an overall better look and ergonomic feel when you use it closed. It also means less dirt and debris can get in between the inside screens.

Despite the hinge change, the size of the Galaxy Z Fold 5 is the same. You still have a 6.2-inch cover display with 2316 x 904 pixel resolution, and the inner display is 7.6-inches with 2176 x 1812 resolution. Both screens have a 120Hz dynamic refresh rate, so everything looks great. You also get Flex Mode when watching videos, and this time you get the controls on the lower half of the screen for convenience.

The cameras include a 50MP main, 12MP ultrawide, and 10MP telephoto. Like most Samsung phones, the colors will be very bright and saturated in direct sunlight. However, if you take photos that aren’t in harsh lighting conditions, they actually look more natural and realistic than other Samsung phones, which is very nice. Optical zoom is better too, but it may have some issues with focusing close in on 1x or 3x mode.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 has Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy for the best performance and efficiency possible. You also have 12GB RAM and your choice of 256GB, 512GB, or 1TB internal storage options. It comes with Android 13 and One UI 5.1.1 out of the box. Some improvements with the software include a better taskbar, which now shows up to four recent apps rather than two. There is also the ability to have three apps at once on the screen, along with a floating window.

The Galaxy Z Fold 5 has enough battery power to get through a day on a single charge. It also supports up to 25W fast charging, so it goes from zero to 100 in about 80 minutes. There is also support for a stylus with the new S Pen Fold Edition, which is improved from the predecessor as well with 4,096 pressure levels, IP68 water and dust resistance.

The $1,800 price will prevent plenty of people from buying, but if you have the cash to spare, it’s hard to find a better foldable experience than the Galaxy Z Fold 5.

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OnePlus Open

The best foldable Android phone runner-up

The OnePlus Open is an extraordinary device that comes as a surprise. As the company’s first-ever foldable device, it is built with meticulous attention to detail, using lightweight materials like titanium to create a truly compact and user-friendly device. It is an excellent choice for those who value innovation, performance, and portability.

Let’s start with the phone’s cover and inner displays. The former is sized much better than something like the Galaxy Z Fold, which offers tall and narrow cover screens. Here, things feel less cramped, making the experience much more positive. The inner display is gorgeous, with colors that are bright and saturated. Meanwhile, text is always sharp, scrolling is smooth, thanks to its 120Hz refresh rate, and the anti-reflective display makes it a joy to use even outside.

The OnePlus Open comes with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, an Adreno 740 GPU, 16GB RAM, and 512GB storage. There’s also OnePlus’ custom OxygenOS 13.2 OS that sits on Android 13. The OnePlus Open will receive four major Android version upgrades plus five years of security updates. These promises don’t match what Google’s offering on its new Pixel 8 lineup, but they aren’t disastrous either.

Performance-wise, the OnePlus Open works very well. We didn’t detect any performance issues during our tests, even when multiple apps were open.

Open Canvas is one of our favorite OxygenOS features. It provides a new way to multitask and was designed from scratch. Its goal is to allow you to increase everyday productivity with multi-window efficiency on a larger display.

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Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5

The best flip phone Android phone

Want a foldable but think the Z Fold 5 isn’t compact enough? Then you should consider the Galaxy Z Flip 5 instead, which is also a huge improvement over its predecessor.

With the Z Flip 5, you get a 3.4-inch cover display, which is much better than the Z Flip 4’s 1.9-inch cover display. This larger window lets you see bigger clocks, widgets, and even run full apps on the cover screen. The display is shaped like a folder so it doesn’t interfere with the cameras, and while the 60Hz refresh rate could be better, it looks fine in almost every situation.

The inside display of the Galaxy Z Flip 5 is a 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED with 2640 x 1080 resolution and it has a 120Hz refresh rate. In other words, you get bright, vivid colors that pop, and sharp text with smooth scrolling animations. However, the crease is definitely visible.

The cameras are similar to the Flip 4, as you have a 12MP main shooter with f/1.8 aperture and OIS, plus a 12MP ultrawide camera with 123-degree field of view. But the Z Flip 5 has better color reproduction than before, and there is a clear lens coating to help prevent lens flare. The selfie camera also has a larger sensor.

Like the Z Fold 5 and S23 series, there is a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor in the Z Flip 5, giving you optimal performance and efficiency. It also has 8GB RAM and either 256GB or 512GB of storage options to choose from. It comes with Android 13 and Samsung’s One UI 5.1.1 out of the box. Battery life is about one full day with a 3,700mAh battery, and you get 25W fast charging, 15W wireless, and 4.5W reverse wireless.

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The best cheap foldable Android phone

The Motorola Razr (2023) has captured the attention of many because of its compact and sleek flip design. Its simple yet reliable design keeps the price low, making it a budget-friendly option for daily use.

The phone boasts three standout features: its camera system, fast battery charging, and dust and water resistance. The main module consists of two cameras: a 64-megapixel main camera with optical image stabilization (OIS) and laser autofocus, and a 13MP wide-angle camera with a 120-degree field of view. The wide-angle camera is also capable of taking macro shots.

The Razr’s main camera is surprisingly solid. Our testing revealed photos that are lively and colorful, with just the right amount of saturation and HDR. However, in some scenarios, the photos appear washed-out and artificial. There is also a lack of consistency in exposure between the main and wide-angle cameras. Nevertheless, we appreciated the dramatic tone of the wide-angle camera.

There are a few drawbacks to the Razr (2023) that users should be aware of. The cover screen does not display notifications and time all the time, which may be inconvenient for some. Additionally, the wireless charging feature is not top-of-the-line, and the phone’s processor may struggle when handling heavy loads.

Despite these minor issues, the Motorola Razr is still an outstanding purchase for anyone seeking an affordable folding phone or simply wanting to stand out from the crowd. It is one of the most cost-effective methods of experiencing the newest foldable smartphone technology, making it an ideal choice for those who want to stay ahead of the curve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which brands make the best Android phones?

Samsung is a strong player in the Android scene, but it’s far from the only brand around. While Samsung makes some excellent smartphones, there are plenty of other great phones from other brands that you can pick from. The Google Pixel range has matured into a powerful and very capable phone line, with particularly exceptional camera capabilities. OnePlus has been a consistently solid performer for a long time now, and even the newcomer Nothing has a lot to offer if you’re tempted by its phones.

There’s a lot to be said about sticking with brand names you recognize, of course, but don’t just trust that a specific brand will always make great phones. Every phone brand releases a stinker every now and again, so it’s important to read reviews of individual models before you buy, as a even a good phone’s particular strengths may not match what you want.

How do you choose the right Android phone for your needs?

It entirely depends on what you need from your phone. Price point, size, camera abilities, durability, battery life, and processing power are all common factors that play into many people’s choices. If you’re an avid gamer, or have a fast-paced job, then you need a phone with fast and snappy performance. Away from a charger a lot? Make sure your phone has solid battery life of at least over a day. Always snapping pictures? Make sure your phone has an excellent camera.

How do Android phones differ from iPhones?

Android phones use the Android operating system, while iPhones use Apple’s iOS — but that’s only the start of the differences. The two operating systems have grown closer together over the years, but Apple’s iOS is generally praised for having a clean interface, not much bloatware, a strong emphasis on privacy, and the ability to interact closely with other Apple hardware, like iPads and MacBooks. Android, on the other had, has many more customization options, can integrate with and other devices, more innovative design, and have many more affordable options for buyers.

How long should an Android phone last?

The days of two- or three-year smartphones are now behind us, thanks to some of the most prominent Android manufacturers. Samsung now offers seven years of operating system updates and security patches on its new phones, though it was beaten to the punch by Google, who also promises seven years of operating system updates. While there’s no guarantee your phone will last that long, it’s good to know that if you look after it and it does last, it will stay relevant for longer.

Which Android Phone has the best camera?

This is a tough question, as there’s no correct answer. A lot of Android phones have excellent cameras, but many excel in slightly different areas. If you value versatility and a feature-rich snapping environment, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus’s packed camera system will appeal to you. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling with options, then check out the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s snap-and-forget approach where the phone’s AI handles all the hard work. Maybe budget is important, in which case, the OnePlus 12R is worth looking at.

Which Android phone has the best battery life?

Battery lives have continued to improve, and the standard you should be aiming for with any smartphone is at least a day of solid use, and most of the phones on this list will hit that goal. Some will even stretch to two days — but keep in mind this will rely on your personal use. High-intensity games, constant or media streaming, videoconferencing, and other activities that work the processor will cause drain the battery faster, and if that’s your life, make sure you pick a long-lasting phone, or invest in a portable charger or charge throughout the day.


Views: 343

Special and useful HyperOS Features 2024, It has been over a decade now that ‘s MIUI first came into existence. So, the brand replacing it with what they are calling HyperOS is definitely a breath of fresh air. Thanks to Xiaomi, I was able to get my hands on the newly launched Xiaomi 14 Pro, running Android 14-based HyperOS.

I was introduced to a bunch of new features during my time with the device. So, I have handpicked what I feel are the best ones from the lot. So, if you are an MIUI user who is eagerly looking forward to getting the new OS experience, here are the best HyperOS features you should get ready to use on your Xiaomi phone.

In Short

 Xiaomi is replacing MIUI with a new skin that they are calling HyperOS.
 The new OS brings features like a variety of different lock screen customizations, an improved gallery, bloatware uninstallation, and more.
 Newly launched Xiaomi 14 lineup of devices are the first ones to arrive with HyperOS right out of the box.


1. Uninstall Bloatware

It is almost 2024 now and having bloatware on phones, especially flagships, is just something that brands need to do away with. Looks like Xiaomi is taking a big step towards that as now, you can easily uninstall bloatware, thanks to HyperOS.

From Mi Video to the Security app, Gallery, and even Games, most of the bothersome pre-installed applications can be uninstalled with HyperOS. Sometimes, you like the functionality of a native app while you don’t want to keep others on your device.

So, with this functionality, you get a lot more control over the apps on your device, which is always a good thing. Most importantly, you don’t have to go through the hassle of running ADB commands anymore.

Uninstalling the MI Security app bloatware on Xiaomi HyperOS

For example, the native Mi Music never made sense to me. Hence, I simply removed it and chose to install , which is my go-to music streaming service right now. This allowed me to not have a similar app take up space on my device that I’d never even use.

So, kudos to Xiaomi’s HyperOS for allowing bloatware uninstallation. However, note that you can’t uninstall apps like the Mi Browser and GetApps, which is a bummer. We hope Xiaomi will allow the uninstallation of these apps as well in the future.

Special and useful HyperOS Features 2024

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2. Lock Screen Customization

Think about it. If you come across a device with a not-so-appealing lock screen, would you even be driven to pick it up and use it? Now, that’s a if you want to reduce your screen on time. But, if that’s not the case, I’m sure you’d like to go all out and create a super attractive lock screen.

If you ask me, Xiaomi has done a commendable job with its lock screen customization on HyperOS. I know, it’s similar to what Apple brought in with the  16 update, but Xiaomi has implemented it quite well.

For starters, if you are feeling narcissistic enough, you can simply put your own picture as your lock screen and toggle on the Depth effect. This gave my lock screen a really stylish look, with the clock and date smoothly shying away behind my face.

Lock Screen Customizations on HyperOS

Then comes the numerous lock screen designs that I found myself aggressively scrolling through as the scroll animation here is just that good. Also, you can choose between Classic, Rhombus, and Magazine style of lock screens.

In addition, you can also change the lock screen text font and clock style to make it as personalized as possible. I played around with all of these settings a tad too much, and I can say this is one of the best HyperOS features you’ve got to use. It gets even better with the customized AOD that go along with it. See them in action in our YouTube video here:


Personally, I find myself visiting the Control Center the most on my phone in a day, whether it is to turn on the WiFi, location, Bluetooth, or just to quickly access my and ghost people. So, a cleaner control panel definitely makes a lot of sense, and HyperOS brings you exactly that.

I took out the Xiaomi 13 Pro that we luckily had at our Beebom office to do a quick comparison with the HyperOS-running Xiaomi 14 Pro.

For starters, HyperOS gets rid of all the icon names in the Control Center, making it look more like iOS than ever before. Still, it looks and feels better to use. However, since the icons don’t have their respective names attached to them, it took me a while to wrap my head around it. But, once I did, I started preferring it over the conventional Control Center.

HyperOS vs. MIUI 14 vs. iOS 17.2 Control Center Comparison

(From Left to Right) HyperOS vs MIUI 14 vs iOS 17.2 Control Center Comparison

Moreover, once you swipe down to open the Control Center, you no longer have to swipe sideways to access all the quick settings. Every icon you add here can be accessed on the same page as you scroll down, just like on iOS.

Nevertheless, the revamped Control Center is one of the stand out HyperOS features, indeed.

4. Enhanced Gallery App

Although there was nothing wrong with the traditional Xiaomi Gallery app, it was not exactly in its best possible form. HyperOS has changed that as well, for we now see a redesigned Gallery app for users to get a clear understanding of what it has to offer.

Previously, the Gallery app had only two panels at the top, namely Photos and Albums. Now, with the release of HyperOS, we get to see them being shifted to the bottom alongside a third new panel, namely Recommendations.

The Recommendations panel lists all the features that you previously got to see upon tapping on the three-dot vertical menu in the Gallery app on MIUI. What’s new is that there is a bonus ID feature, which I found to be very useful. I can’t begin to talk about the number of times I have had to look for good apps to instantly create ID cutouts and photos for me. That issue is completely solved with this new feature.

Showing the new Recommendations tab and ID feature in Gallery on HyperOS

Now, what if I told you that you could share your cutouts from a particular photo anywhere? That is what HyperOS brings to the table. Alongside the existing ability to change your photo’s background, using the Cutouts feature in your gallery, you can now Copy, Save, or Send them with one tap to anyone, on any platform you wish.

Gave me all sorts of ideas to turn my friends into memes, and I loved it. In addition, I also noticed that the cutouts feature is now much easier to access with a single tap instead of the slightly more complex way of finding it on MIUI 14.

Sending a Cutout on WhatsApp on HyperOS

5. Improved Privacy & Security

Xiaomi’s HyperOS brings a brand new Privacy & Security page to the Settings app. Here, you will get to see everything that you need to step up your security game. Something that I really liked was how all the app permissions are now wonderfully listed on this page. This made it very easy for me to do a quick check when needed.

When I started exploring this page further, I found a section called Shutdown Confirmation. In my opinion, this is one of the best HyperOS security features that you get to make use of. What it does is it basically prevents your phone from being switched off without using a PIN or pattern.

Privacy and Security page HyperOS

So, whether someone stole your phone or one of your friends is trying to fool around with your phone, they won’t be able to switch it off without entering a PIN code. Moreover, everything is listed clearly and all the features are self-explanatory, such that even first-time Xiaomi users won’t have a hard time figuring things out.

6. Lightweight & Hyper Fast

One of the best things about HyperOS is how lightweight it is. I was honestly surprised to see the OS take up just a mere 8.76GB of internal storage on the Xiaomi 14 Pro. This gives you a little more room to with on your device.

If you take a look at Xiaomi’s history, you can see how they have been focusing on making the OS as lightweight as possible. Even the last-gen MIUI 14 takes up somewhere around 13GB. But HyperOS pushes that even further, bringing the OS install size under 10GB.

It’s not just MIUI that HyperOS mops the floor with in terms of install size. Other popular operating systems like OneUI and OxygenOS take up significantly more storage space as well. Even iOS 17.2 takes up 11GB of storage space. I could feel the lightweightness of HyperOS as I was using it if that makes sense. Take a look at OS install sizes for HyperOS vs MIUI 14 vs iOS 17.2 vs Android 14 for better understanding:

Showing how much storage space different mobile Operating Systems take up

(From Left to Right) HyperOS vs Pixel UI vs OneUI 6 vs iOS 17.2

One of the reasons I disliked MIUI was because of how cluttered and sometimes stuttery everything felt. All of that goes away with this release, and the way Xiaomi has optimized HyperOS is beyond amazing. The animations too are stellar now.

When you install anything from GetApps, you see a super cool animation on your homescreen as well. Although this was also part of the Chinese MIUI ROM for quite some time now, it is good to see it make it to HyperOS as well.

RAM Management is like nothing we have seen on any MIUI device. In one instance, I had Call of Duty running in the background for almost an hour and when I re-entered the game, I was still in the lobby. Alongside that, other apps that I had open like YouTube and Instagram did not reload either.

The bottomline is that everything has this sense of satisfaction attached to it, and HyperOS makes you want to use your device a lot more often.

7. Dynamic Island-like Feature

Ever since Dynamic Island came into the picture with the Apple 14 Pro and Pro Max models, we have seen countless Android phone makers try to recreate the feature. We saw the Mini Capsule feature on the Realme C55, and recently debuted something similar on their phones with the release of OxygenOS 14, among others.

Showing the Dynamic Island-like feature on HyperOS

Now, Xiaomi too had to scratch their itch of doing something similar to iPhone’s Dynamic Island with HyperOS. The brand isn’t calling this feature anything right now, which works when you turn on the hotspot, put your phone on charging, turn on Battery Saver, or turn on Silent mode, among other things.

It’s just a nifty little aesthetic addition to the HyperOS, and honestly, I do dig it quite a bit. In terms of utility though, there’s not much that it brings to the table. /10 in coolness quotient though.

The more I used HyperOS, the more Xiaomi’s objectives became clearer. Minimalism is the first step and fluidity comes next. Everything felt a lot more fluid, responsive, and “smart” in general without anything feeling over the top.

Moreover, I certainly do hope to test out Xiaomi’s new interconnectivity with HyperOS as and when we get to use it in India. Also, looking forward to seeing which of these HyperOS features make it to the Global ROM. Also, Xiaomi is understandably focusing on the bigger picture and plans to load up its ecosystem products, like its electric cars, with HyperOS. There’s no doubt that moving past MIUI to unveil HyperOS is one heck of a move by Xiaomi.

However, I’d actually like to see Xiaomi finally come up with something completely new on the OS front instead of releasing features inspired by iOS. Let me know in the comments section what you feel about Xiaomi’s latest and greatest, HyperOS.


Is HyperOS better than MIUI?

Be it in terms of sheer functionality, fluidity, or seamlessness, HyperOS sure does mop the floor with MIUI in each of these aspects. It is also the most lightweight skin out there, taking up just 8.7GB of storage space.

Which phone will get HyperOS?

The first phones to get HyperOS are the Xiaomi 14 and 14 Pro models. In addition, Xiaomi has also released a list of HyperOS compatible devices, which includes quite a few POCO phones as well.

Is HyperOS based on Android?

The latest HyperOS skin, although based on Android, uses Linux and Xiaomi’s proprietary Vela system at its core. As for the recently launched Xiaomi 14 phones, they are running Android 14-based HyperOS right out of the box.

Does HyperOS have new features?

Yes, HyperOS brings a bunch of new features to the table, such as lock screen customization, bloatware uninstallation, and more. It also retains a lot of the features that have been available on the Chinese MIUI ROM but not the Global ROM. Some of these features include redesigned apps for better usability, individual icon resizing, AI Calling, etc.

Views: 329

The 10 best monitors for 2024, For those seeking a superior computer setup, a cutting-edge monitor is non-negotiable. Whether you’re entrenched in graphic design, a dedicated gamer, or a remote professional, the right display has the power to transform your computing experience. With a myriad of options available, ranging from various resolutions and panel types to refresh rates and specialized features, navigating the world of monitors can be overwhelming.

While the UltraSharp 32 4K is an excellent pick offering an extensive array of features and an expansive 4K display, it may not suit everyone’s needs. Read on to see which other monitors we recommend for gaming, home use, esports, and more.

dell ultrasharp 32 4k usb c hub monitor u3223qe review front angle view

Dell UltraSharp 32 4K

The best monitor you can buy


Dell’s UItraSharp 32 4K isn’t the cheapest monitor out there, but it’s the best. It offers a balance of beautiful image quality and features that few monitors can nail, and does so at a reasonable price.

We specifically reviewed the 32-inch model, which is more expensive than the 27-inch version (the U2723QE). Most people are fine with the 27-inch version, though the 4K resolution looks its best on a 32-inch panel. Regardless of the size, both monitors use an IPS Black panel, which provides wide color coverage and excellent color accuracy. It’s also significantly brighter than a standard IPS panel, offering up about twice the contrast you’d normally find.

Outside of image quality, Dell’s UltraSharp 4K displays feature an integrated USB-C hub that’s surprisingly useful. It sports up to 90 watts of power delivery, and it gives you a one-cable solution for connecting a laptop to the display. With the single USB-C cord, you can daisy-chain a second monitor, connect to the Ethernet port, and access both DisplayPort and HDMI connections. The monitor even comes with a KVM switch, allowing you to quickly swap your peripherals between devices.

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Alienware 32 QD-OLED


The Alienware 34 QD-OLED has finally met its match, and it’s the new Alienware 32 QD-OLED featuring the latest 4K panel from . The monitor offers a stellar HDR gaming experience, exceptional out-of-the-box color accuracy, and excellent suitability for console gaming. Its 4K resolution and rapid 240Hz refresh rate provide a cutting-edge gaming experience, making it a top choice for both PC and console enthusiasts. The three-year warranty adds value, ensuring peace of mind for users.

The design of the Alienware 32 QD-OLED mirrors that of its 34-inch predecessor, maintaining the two-tone black-and-white exterior. The new OLED panel enhances image quality, addressing color accuracy concerns seen in the Alienware 34 QD-OLED. Notably, the Alienware 32 QD-OLED is the first gaming monitor to support Dolby Vision, which should please console gamers. However, the lack of built-in speakers and the thicker design might be minor drawbacks for some users. The image quality, especially HDR performance, remains exceptional, showcasing deep blacks and vibrant colors. While not the brightest in SDR, the Alienware 32 excels in darker environments. With a fast refresh rate, 4K sharpness, and OLED technology, it delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.

In terms of connectivity, the Alienware 32 QD-OLED offers two HDMI 2.1 ports with VRR (variable refresh rate), as well as eARC. This last feature allows you to hook up your Dolby Atmos sound system or soundbar. You also get DisplayPort to get the full 120Hz 4K, as well as a variety of USB ports, including an upstream type B port, three USB-A 3.2 Gen 1 ports, and one USB-C for power delivery.

The 10 best monitors for 2024

Read Also : The best Android phones in 2024

hp envy 16 2023 vs dell xps 15 msi modern md271ul monitor new featured

MSI Modern MD271UL

The best cheap 4K monitor


In years past, 4K monitors were pricey luxuries, but that’s quickly changed. A perfect showcase of that is MSI’s Modern MD271UL, which is a 27-inch 4K display that you can find for around $250. There isn’t special here, but that’s what makes the Modern MD271UL so special. It’s a workhorse 4K monitor that comes in at a bargain bin price.

The 4K IPS panel is set with thin bezels, which is set against a stark silver frame. For connectivity, you get two HDMI 2.0b ports, a single DisplayPort 1.2a connection, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The MD271UL also includes a USB-C input with 65 watts of power delivery, which is a nice bonus on a monitor at this price.

But the MD271UL really earns its stripes in image quality. Based on our testing, the monitor is well-calibrated from the factory, arriving with excellent color accuracy and coverage. It also managed to exceed our typical brightness and contrast thresholds for IPS panels. On cheaper monitors, we typically expect brightness or color to suffer, but the MD271UL manages to miraculously do both.

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Alienware 27 QD-OLED

Best OLED monitor


The Alienware 27 QD-OLED stands out as a remarkable monitor, challenging the likes of LG’s UltraGear OLED 27 as one of the best 27-inch OLED options on the market. Priced at $900, it brings several improvements, including third-gen QD-OLED technology that significantly enhances color accuracy and brightness. With a 360Hz refresh rate, the monitor excels in providing an exceptionally smooth gaming experience, making it suitable for both competitive and cinematic titles. The minimalistic design, along with a hexagonal stand and efficient cable management, contribute to an overall premium aesthetic.

The monitor’s color accuracy, particularly in the standard picture profile, is exceptional, showcasing a Delta-E of 0.46. It even excels in HDR performance, with a peak brightness of 928 nits, perfect black levels, and infinite contrast, all of which enhance the overall image quality. Despite some concerns about bezel thickness and Smart HDR settings requiring tweaking, the Alienware 27 QD-OLED impresses with its striking design, robust port selection, and improved QD-OLED technology.

The monitor comes with a three-year warranty covering burn-in, setting it apart from competitors and solidifying its position as a market leader in the gaming monitor category. If you are looking for a traditional OLED monitor, the LG UltraGear OLED 27 is also highly recommended, especially at its reduced price of $750.

Product image of the Dell UltraSharp U4021QW 5K monitor on white background.

Dell UltraSharp U4021QW


The Dell UltraSharp U4021QW remains one of the most unique monitors on the market, even two years after launching. It’s a 5K2K monitor, according to Dell, which equals out to a resolution of 5,120 x 2,160. If you’re quick at math, you can spot that resolution comes out to a 21:9 aspect ratio.

At 40 inches with the 21:9 aspect ratio, the UltraSharp U4021QW doesn’t have many direct rivals. It’s a large screen, but it’s perfectly balanced by the resolution, offering a pixel density of 140 pixels per inch. In addition to being sharp, the display comes with excellent color coverage and accuracy.

It’s packed with a slew of features, too. Similar to the UltraSharp monitor we recommended above, the integrated USB-C hub delivers 90 watts of power, as well as opens up a host of addition connections like Ethernet, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a Thunderbolt 3 port.

The Samsung 49-inch Odyssey Neo G9 Curved Gaming Monitor on a white background.

Samsung Odyssey Neo G9

Best ultrawide monitor


The Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 is our pick for the best ultrawide monitor. Featuring a massive 49 inch screen, the monitor features mini-LED backlighting which translates to excellent brightness along with impressive local dimming which helps it display deep blacks. The Odyssey Neo G9 is suitable for most use cases. The sheer size and high-resolution of the screen ensures that you can multitask with ease. It is also great for content creation and media consumption as the panel is capable of reproducing vivid colors with high contrast and deep blacks.

It is primarily a gaming monitor, which means you get all the latest including a 240Hz refresh rate and native support for FreeSync variable refresh rate (VRR) technology and G-SYNC compatibility to effectively minimize screen tearing. You also get two HDMI 2.1 inputs to fully capitalize on the latest gaming consoles or graphics cards.

The Samsung M8 smart monitor in pink placed on a black desk.

Samsung M8 Smart Monitor


The Samsung M8 Smart Monitor, attempts to bridge the gap between TVs and monitors, offering a versatile solution. Boasting an attractive design with vibrant color options, the M8 resembles the M1 iMac in terms of aesthetics. Its height-adjustable stand and thin bezels contribute to a sleek look. The monitor supports Samsung’s TV operating system, Tizen, providing access to apps like Netflix, YouTube, and +. While it offers features like Samsung Gaming Hub and Samsung Workspace, the transition between monitor and TV modes is not seamless, making users choose one mode over the other.

With its 32-inch 4K VA panel, the M8 delivers good SDR image quality, but its HDR performance is limited. The monitor lacks VESA mounting options and offers minimal stand adjustments, which may limit flexibility. The bundled magnetic webcam offers good quality and offers features like face tracking and auto-framing. Gaming on the M8 is constrained by its 60Hz refresh rate and a limited port selection, with options like mini HDMI and USB-C. Overall, the Samsung M8 is suitable for those who need its unique combination of TV and monitor functionalities, but alternative options may better cater to specific preferences or use cases.

Apple Mac Studio and Studio Display.

Apple Studio Display

The best monitor for Mac


Apple’s Studio Display was a controversial monitor when it first launched, but there’s no denying that it’s a perfect pairing with any Mac. The 5K Retina display is stunning, offering up 218 pixels per inch on the 27-inch monitor. It also comes with wide color coverage and boasts up to 600 nits of peak brightness.

The display itself is stunning, but the integration with Macs is why the Studio Display topped our list of the best monitors for the Mac mini. The built-in camera and microphone array are tuned for calls, and the display even supports Siri commands. The camera also supports Apple’s Center Stage to automatically frame you.

For connectivity, you get a Thunderbolt 3 input that provides up to 96 watts of power delivery, along with three downstream USB-C ports. The monitor is built for Macs, but due to the Thunderbolt 3 connection, you can also connect an Pro or iPad Air.

The ASUS TUF Gaming VG249Q1A monitor on a white background.Asus

Asus TUF Gaming VG249Q1A

Best 1080p monitor


We could recommend a boring office monitor if you need the bare minimum. But the Asus TUF Gaming VG249Q1A is available at an equally competitive price, and on top of that, it offers certain features that can be useful for gamers. It’s a decent budget monitor featuring a 24-inch IPS panel with a 1080p resolution and up to a 165Hz refresh rate, plus support for both FreeSync support and G-Sync compatibility.

It isn’t the brightest monitor, nor does it offer superior color accuracy due to its limited sRGB coverage, but that’s a compromise you need to face with a budget monitor. The monitor comes with relatively good viewing angles and overall it is great for basic productivity and casual gaming.

The Asus ProArt PA32UCG on a black background.Asus

Best monitor for creative work


The Asus ProArt PA32UCG is a top-tier professional monitor that comes with a hefty $5,000 price tag, but its exceptional performance and comprehensive features justify the investment for professionals. With a 4K resolution (3840 x 2160) and 120Hz refresh rate, this 32-inch monitor is rated to support 100% of sRGB, 99.5% of AdobeRGB, and 98% of DCI-P3 color gamut.

Apart from offering great image quality, the monitor delivers excellent accuracy across various color modes and supports every gamut, grayscale, and gamma standard. Thanks to the inclusion of Dolby Vision support, it further enhances its versatility for professional use. The monitor also comes with essential accessories such as a light hood and color meter, enhancing its appeal for users who demand precise color representation.

With full-array mini-LED backlighting, there are 1152 dimming zones, and the monitor can achieve a peak HDR output of 1600 nits. Its extensive OSD controls allow for fine-tuning of gamma, color temperature, and gamut, ensuring optimal performance tailored to individual preferences. The PA32UCG’s exceptional capabilities make it worthwhile for professionals seeking uncompromising accuracy and even gamers craving immersive visual experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What brand monitor is the best?

No one monitor brand makes all the best monitors in the world — that’s why this list is populated by a number of different manufacturers. That said, there are some that you can rely on more than most to produce great screens. Dell is a longstanding favorite of ours with years of fantastic displays under its belt. It also tends to cater well to the professional crowd just as much as gamers, so you know there will be something you like in its lineup.

Other noteworthy brands worth considering include Acer, which tends to produce some of the world’s best gaming screens; Samsung, which offers some of the best ultrawide screens and large-size monitors we’ve ever seen; and LG, which has a good all-around catalog of displays.

What size computer monitor is the best?

This very much depends on the resolution you’re targeting and how much desk space you have. While bigger does tend to look better, giving you more screen space for work and larger images for games and movies, they can stretch entry-level resolutions like 1080p to the limits of their clarity. Big screens also require more room on your desk, so we’d caution buying a massive ultrawide like the Samsung Odyssey series if you’re working or playing on a small desk.

As a quick rule of thumb, 1080p looks great up to about 24 inches, while 1440p looks good up to and beyond 30 inches. We wouldn’t recommend a 4K screen any smaller than 27 inches as you aren’t going to see the real benefit of those extra pixels in what is a relatively small space by that resolution.

Are 4K monitors good for gaming?

They can be. 4K offers the pinnacle of gaming detail and, in atmospheric games, can give you a whole new level of immersion, especially on larger displays that can fully display that mass of those pixels in all their glory. These high-res displays really excel in games where frame rates are not as important as visual clarity. That said, we feel that high refresh rate monitors can deliver a better experience (especially in fast-paced games like shooters), and unless you have the deep pockets to splash out on a powerful graphics card or two as well, you aren’t going to get those frame rates at 4K. A 27-inch, 1440p display is still the sweet spot.

Also, keep in mind monitor performance is now often linked to framerate management technologies like FreeSync and G-Sync, so watch for these technologies and compatible graphics cards when making gaming monitor decisions. FreeSync is for AMD graphics cards, while G-Sync only works with Nvidia’s GPUs.

Which is better: LCD or LED?

The short answer is they’re both the same. The longer answer is that this is a failure of company marketing in properly conveying what its products are. Today most monitors that use LCD technology are backlit with LEDs, so typically if you’re buying a monitor it’s both an LCD and LED display. For more of an explanation on LCD and LED technologies, we have a whole guide dedicated to it.

That said, there are OLED displays to consider, although these panels haven’t made an impact on the desktop market yet. OLED screens combine color and light into a single panel, famed for their vibrant colors and contrast ratio. While that technology has been making waves in televisions for a few years now, they’re only just starting to make a tentative step into the world of desktop monitors, from Samsung’s QD-OLED tech to LG’s extra-bright G2 monitors.

What kind of monitor is best for your eyes?

If you suffer from eye strain, look for monitors that have built-in light filter software, especially filters that are specifically designed for easing eye problems. These filters are designed to block more blue light, which is the part of the spectrum that affects our eyes the most and is responsible for most eye strain problems. However, you can also download eye filter software apps for any type of monitor you get.

Why is refresh rate important on a monitor?

Refresh rate shows how many times per second the display can update an image with new visual information — the higher the refresh rate, the smoother transitions will look and the more information will be displayed. Refresh rates start at 60Hz but many monitors go higher, with refresh rates of 240Hz, 360Hz, and some even as high as 500Hz! This specification helps games and movies look better, and lowers input lag, making a high refresh rate popular for gaming machines and similar setups.

What makes a monitor ultrawide?

Ultrawide monitors use a 21:9 aspect ratio and have elongated displays to accommodate it. This not only allows users to play compatible games and movies in a larger aspect ratio, but the extra space also makes it easier to multitask or work with more complex software.

Do monitors have built-in speakers?

Many do, but not all. If you want internal speakers, always check to see if a monitor comes with them. Higher-wattage speakers will generally produce louder, clearer sound. Or you could pair a monitor with a set of external speakers.

Views: 13

The in 2024, Finding a bad is a rare occurrence these days. However, with so many options available, it can be daunting to choose the best one in 2024. In this article, we aim to help you find the Android phone you’re looking for.

When looking to buy a new Android phone, there are many factors to consider. Do you prefer a large screen? How important is camera performance to you? Are you someone who enjoys gaming on your phone? Or do you need long-lasting battery life? To assist you, we have compiled a list of Android phones that cater to everyone’s needs.

If you’re also open to non-Android devices, see our list of the best phones overall. Otherwise, keep reading for our picks of the best Android phones in 2024.

oneplus 12 review flowy emerald held in hand arch

OnePlus 12

The best Android phone overall


Formerly known as the “flagship killer” for offering killer specs at a lower price, OnePlus has since shifted its products up the price scale. But it hasn’t lost sight of what made its phones great to begin with, and as a result, the OnePlus 12 is a flagship smartphone that can take on much more expensive smartphones at their own game.

The OnePlus 12 is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the latest processor from Qualcomm, which is likely to find itself at the heart of most Android flagships in the coming year. It’s a monster of a chip, and it’s happily trounced any test we’ve put it through. Even the most demanding 3D games can barely faze it, and it’s backed up by some other impressive specs too. RAM starts at 12GB, the same that you’ll find in the S24 Ultra, and rises to 16GB. That’s more than a smartphone needs in 2024, and shows just how committed OnePlus is to making sure its phones are some of the most powerful around.

That drive is also evident in the display and design. The OnePlus 12 is a striking phone. It’s similar-looking to OnePlus’ previous phones, but its identity is so distinct from every other phone brand, and it just looks fabulous. The display is a huge 6.8-inch AMOLED display with a 1Hz to 120Hz dynamic refresh rate, 1440p resolution, and a crazily bright maximum brightness of 4,500 nits. Again, that peak brightness is way beyond anything you’ll ever need, but it really highlights OnePlus’ philosophy.

The camera setup has similar high numbers, with a 50-megapixel main camera, a 64MP periscope telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom, and a 48MP ultrawide camera. There’s also a 32MP selfie lens around the front. The actual performance doesn’t live up to the strong numbers though, and it’s not the camera king of this list for sure. However, it’s still a solid performer that consistently creates good looking images and videos.

The 5,400mAh battery is capable of going for two days on a single charge, and wired charging of 80 watts also means it won’t sit on the charger for long when it finally does run down. There’s also 45W wireless charging and 10W reverse wireless charging, that go far beyond what the competition is offering.

At a price of just $800, there’s no doubt the OnePlus 12 offers an enormous amount of bang for your buck, with performance that’s more than able to duke it out with the $1,300  — and come out on top. It’s the best Android phone you can buy in 2024.

google pixel 8 pro review colorful background close

Pixel 8 Pro

The best Android phone runner-up


We described the as the best Pixel we’ve ever used, and for good reason. This new smartphone boasts exciting features, such as improved cameras and photo-editing tools, Google’s latest Tensor chip, and more.

Let’s discuss the design of the Pixel 8 Pro. Despite closely resembling the Google Pixel 7 Pro, Google has made significant changes to the device. The rear glass features an impressive, smooth matte finish, and the phone’s rounded corners have also been increased, making it more comfortable to hold. Additionally, the dual camera cutouts found on the have been replaced with a single cutout that spans the length of the camera bar.

The display on the Pixel 8 Pro has also seen some nice upgrades. The 120Hz refresh rate has been tweaked so that it can scale down to 1Hz, not 10Hz, as needed. This means less energy gets used. The display is also much brighter, rising to 1,600 nits for HDR and 2,400 for peak brightness.

The primary camera on the Pixel 8 Pro has a resolution of 50 megapixels and an aperture of f/1.68, which makes it more light-sensitive. Additionally, it has a 2x optical zoom. The new ultrawide camera has a resolution of 48MP and an f/1.95 aperture, significantly improving its light sensitivity and macro mode. Also, the telephoto camera has a resolution of 48MP, an f/2.8 aperture, and a 5x optical zoom, resulting in improved light sensitivity. Furthermore, the front-facing camera has an f/2.2 aperture and autofocus support.

The Pixel 8 Pro has new camera software tools that are pretty impressive. One is Best Take, which is heavily advertised in Google’s latest television ads. This feature automatically stitches together multiple photographs so everyone in the shot appears smiling. Additionally, a Magic Editor feature allows you to erase and move objects from existing photos, even those not taken with the Pixel 8 Pro.

The Pixel 8 Pro has a new Tensor G3 chip, which has been well received. The previous versions didn’t perform well, so this one had much to prove. The Tensor G3 chip can handle various tasks such as gaming, live video streaming over a 5G connection, and capturing photos. The best part is that the Tensor G3 chip doesn’t overheat like its predecessors.

Simply put, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a standout Android phone that has earned its place as our best runner-up for many reasons. Not only does it boast a stunning design that is sure to impress, but it also features an improved camera system that delivers stunning photos and videos. With its large and vibrant display, lightning-fast processor, and long-lasting battery life, the Pixel 8 Pro is a true workhorse that can keep up with even the most demanding users. Whether you’re a professional photographer or someone who wants a reliable and powerful smartphone, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth considering.

The best Android phones in 2024

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Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus


With a massive display and all the power of its more expensive sibling, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus is a fantastic choice if you want a very capable device with more power than you can shake a stick at, an excellent camera, and two-day battery life.

It’s on this list because of its size, so we’ll start with that. The design is largely unchanged from last year, with the same minimalist back and sleek body — with one exception. The sides are now flat, mimicking similar changes over in iPhoneland. It’s a great change, and it makes this big phone much easier to handle. The display itself is a 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X with a 1Hz to 120Hz refresh rate and a peak brightness of 2,600 nits. It’s as bold and beautiful as Samsung’s screens always are, and you won’t regret spending time staring at it.

It’s powerful too; The core of this power is our old friend, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and it’s as powerful as it is in other phones. Backing this up is 12GB of RAM, and the combination of the two is enough to make most games quake in fear. The big addition this year is Galaxy AI, and while some features are good, (like the image editor), some of these AI features are a bit feeble, and not something you’re likely to use regularly. Use them a few times and enjoy the rest of an excellent phone.

The camera is great, and though it can struggle with movement, it’s going to produce results you’re happy with most of the time. The battery is a standout though, with two days of performance with moderate use, and it also comes with a very welcome boost to 45W fast charging.

Prices start at $1,000 for the S24 Plus, so it’s not the most reasonably priced of phones, but when you consider how close it is to the $1,300 Galaxy S24 Ultra, it’s a real bargain. With seven years of updates, this phone is sure to last you for a long time, so you can consider the price an investment.

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Samsung Galaxy S24

The best small Android phone


There’s one reason to pick up the Samsung Galaxy S24 — you love everything the S24 Ultra and S24 Plus are doing, but you want it in a much smaller package. Thankfully, you’re not sacrificing anything by picking up a smaller phone, as the Galaxy S24 is a worthy entry in Samsung’s latest range, and a very good phone to boot.

This year’s smallest S-range phone has all the new additions we loved in the Plus-sized model, including the flat edges that make handling the phone much easier and the utterly gorgeous display, now shrunk down to a relatively diminutive 6.2-inches. But the real magic here comes from the fact that the small size doesn’t mean a downgrade in power thanks to the same hyper-powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 nested within.

It’s not perfect, of course. While the camera is strong, lowlight shots aren’t as good those taken by its siblings or the competition, and fast charging is limited to just 25W. Thankfully, the battery is still impressive, which helps to compensate for that slight downside as it commonly gets more than one day on a single charge.

At $800, it’s well-priced, though it does go up against the phenomenal OnePlus 12 at the same price. Thankfully, it has its smaller stature to really press an advantage, meaning this is the phone to buy if you want a smaller smartphone that still packs a strong punch.

dont buy galaxy s24 ultra iphone 15 pro max do this instead oneplus 12r review 1


We’ve already highlighted how the OnePlus 12 isn’t really a flagship killer anymore since it’s actually a flagship now. But there’s another OnePlus smartphone on the prowl, and it really is a flagship killer. The OnePlus 12R is basically a 2023 flagship smartphone, but priced at $500, and that makes it an unmissable bargain.

The root of this lies, as ever with OnePlus, in the spec sheet. Last year’s flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 can be found inside the 12R — and it’s the very same processor you’ll find in the Samsung , OnePlus 11, and other flagship phones from last year. Combine that with a very respectable 8GB or 16GB of RAM, and the OnePlus 12R flies through tasks and games alike. Performance looks even faster thanks to the 1Hz to 120Hz refresh rate on the 6.78-inch AMOLED display, and the resolution is clean and crisp with 450 pixels per inch.

It’s not let down with a bad design either. The 12R evokes the same design spirit as the OnePlus 12 and the OnePlus 11 before it, and it looks great as a result. It even has an alert slider and an IR blaster, which are things you’d be hard-pressed to find on any phone these days.

The camera is technically a triple-lens setup, but it’s better that you only think of it as having the single 50MP main lens. The 8MP ultrawide lens is OK, but nothing special, and the 2MP macro lens is so awful it might as well not have been included. Thankfully, the 50MP main lens is good, even if it struggles with movement and sometimes returns slightly off colors.

The 5,500mAh battery is the biggest OnePlus has ever used, and it shows its size with some very strong battery life. Two days is more than possible with this phone, and moderate use may see it stretch to a third. It has the same 80W fast charging as its more expensive cousin, so you can give it a fast 10-minute charge and be sure of having hours of extra juice.

A phone this good shouldn’t cost $500, but it does. Admittedly, OnePlus’s phone don’t come with a lot of extra features, which makes a lot of this possible, but considering how easy it is to live without even the best special features out there, the OnePlus 12R is a real steal.

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Samsung Galaxy A54

The best midrange Android phone


No, we haven’t accidentally listed one of the Galaxy S23’s colorways, that’s actually the Galaxy A54. Samsung’s new midrange phone is a dead ringer for the 2023 flagship, and that’s a very good thing. In fact, the A54’s design differs from its more expensive cousin in just a few ways, and the most important is the range of bold colors. The Violet and Lime variants have a lot of character, and they’re well worth picking over the more standard black or white versions. The chassis is made from plastic instead of aluminum, but it’s covered in Gorilla Glass 5, so it still feels like a premium product.

The Galaxy A54 has a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10+ certification, and a 1080p resolution, which largely puts it on a level with the A53 5G’s excellent display. The A54’s display is brighter than its predecessor though, giving it an edge under strong lights and outdoors.

It’s powered by the Exynos 1380, a Samsung-made chip that does a good job of keeping everything running. It might start to show its age as this phone ages, though, especially if you’re a mobile gamer. While never slow, sometimes we did experience some slight lag in opening apps, especially the camera. The internal storage options of 128GB and 256GB are good, especially when there’s room for a microSD card as well.

The camera is a solid affair, especially since it’s ditched the A53’s useless depth sensor. There’s a 50MP main lens, combined with a 12MP wide-angle and 5MP macro lens, and it takes good pictures — with one, pretty jarring exception. The stills it produces are almost always enormously oversaturated, to the point where it can seem comically so. Samsung’s phones have long been known for turning up the saturation a little too much, but it’s the first time it’s done so way too far, and it’s a bit of a disappointment here.

Two-day battery life was starting to become the norm for Samsung’s phones, but that’s not the case here. You’ll get only a single day out of this battery, and while that’s acceptable, it’s a little disappointing if you’re used to much longer battery life.

The Samsung Galaxy A54 has some downsides, but ultimately, they’re on the more minor side when compared with what you get: A capable smartphone that looks great, has a day-long battery life, and scores well in pretty much every area. Even if it doesn’t excel, it doesn’t need to, and the $450 price means it’s a great choice for anyone looking for a mid-range phone.

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